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Chapter 9


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Anaplastic carcinoma of the thyroid is the most lethal solid cancer in humans. This cancer arises from follicular cells, and its aggressive behavior is a dramatic contrast to the outcome in differ- entiated cancer. Fortunately anaplastic cancer is not common and accounts for about 2% to 3%

of thyroid cancers in the US but the majority of deaths from thyroid cancer. Anaplastic cancer is becoming less prevalent in many countries (1).

A recent publication from Japan indicated that 1.6% of thyroid cancers were anaplastic (2). In the report from the National Cancer Data Base there were 893 anaplastic cancers (1.7%) out of a total of 53,856 registered thyroid cancers (3).

Although anaplastic cancer is becoming less frequent in modernized countries, in other countries the proportion of anaplastic cancers remains high and in one series reached 16%.

These findings are generally from countries where the intake of iodine is low (4). The patient with anaplastic thyroid cancer is more often a woman and usually 60 years or older. The cancer grows explosively and locally invasive disease as well as regional and distant metastases occur. The only hope for cure is early detection and total surgical excision but usually this is not possible and combined radiation and chemotherapy in addition to surgery may reduce the speed of demise. Several reviews are recommended (5–7).


Based on serial pathological sections, many cases of anaplastic cancer appear to arise from preexisting differentiated thyroid cancer most frequently papillary cancer. This relationship has been recognized for almost fifty years (8, 9).

In a review of the literature, Wiseman et al.

found this association in 23% to 90% of anaplastic cancers (10). The transformation from differentiated to anaplastic cancer can be shown histologically and by molecular tech- niques. (10–20) Some pathologists find the tran- sition from differentiated to anaplastic cancer in all patients and they believe that is due to more complete examination of the entire specimen.

(21, 22) The association of differentiated thyroid cancer with anaplastic cancer has in the opinion of some investigators indicated a better prog- nosis (23). This has been disputed by others (24). The difference almost certainly is depen- dant on the relative sizes of the differentiated versus anaplastic components. As described below incidental anaplastic cancer within a dif- ferentiated cancer has a significantly better outcome. Less commonly there is the associa- tion of anaplastic cancer with preexisting follic- ular cancer, including Hürthle cell cancer (25).

In a minority of cases the cancer erupts from a

Chapter 9

Anaplastic Carcinoma of the Thyroid



longstanding apparently benign goiter, although a dormant differentiated cancer usually cannot be excluded (26). That presentation is more likely to be the case in regions of iodine deficiency where multinodular goiter is common, and in these regions the prevalence of anaplastic cancer is higher. There is one report of anaplastic transformation of a follicular cancer in a patient who had a goiter resulting from Pendred’s syndrome (15). Aldinger et al.

described anaplastic cancer arising from papil- lary cancer or goiter in forty-nine of eighty-four patients (27).

Anaplastic transformation has been attrib- uted to prior external radiation for lymphoma, or


I radiation for differentiated cancer.

(28–32) In one report a 7-year-old patient received low dose external radiation to treat lymphoma and twenty-five years later devel- oped papillary cancer and one year later was found to have metastatic anaplastic thyroid cancer. However, this transformation can occur without radiation and the association is not absolute. Carcangiu et al. found no patients with anaplastic cancer who had received neck irradi- ation (33). In contrast Kapp et al. reported two cases, one after external radiation, the other after


I for treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer and they reviewed the world literature (32, 34, 35). They identified 115 cases of differ- entiated cancer that progressed to anaplastic cancer, 30% had prior radiation (mostly


I) and 70% had not. They concluded radiation was not a risk factor, but on reflection the numbers do not support that. It is clear that 30% of the pop- ulation at large has not received external radia- tion over the thyroid; therefore, that percentage is disproportionately high in these 115 patients.

Nine out of sixty-seven patients treated at the Massachusetts General Hospital had received


I supporting that as an etiological factor (36).

When radioactive iodine is prescribed in the treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer, the goal is to ablate all thyroid tissue, benign or malignant, and when that goal is achieved there should be no normal or differentiated cancer cells to dedifferentiate. When anaplastic cancer arises from differentiated cancer there has generally been residual cancer that could not be ablated, probably as a result of its inability to trap


I. One could hypothesize that the anaplastic cancer could represent a less well- differentiated clone, which subsequently loses

all differentiation. Therefore, the theoretical risk of


I has to be accepted, and clinicians should attempt to follow


I treated patients over the long term. Nevertheless the probability of an anaplastic cancer being the result of


I has been estimated at about 5% to 10%. Anaplastic cancer has also been diagnosed after


I treat- ment of thyrotoxicosis. One patient developed cancer 30 weeks after


I treatment (37). This is probably too short a latent period to ascribe cause and effect.

Molecular genetics indicates there is a “two hit” cause. In poorly differentiated cancers there is a high incidence of mutations in the cancer suppressor p53 gene. Between 50% and 90% of anaplastic cancers have mutations in this gene, compared with 0% to 9% of papillary cancers (38–43). Lam et al. in a metaanalysis found mutations in 52% of 265 anaplastic cancers (44).

One cancer has been shown to have N-ras muta- tion in a region of differentiated cancer of thyroid and to have mutations of both N-ras and p53 in the undifferentiated region (45). A dif- ferent report on anaplastic cancers occurring after treatment of more differentiated cancers including


I in some patients brought out a link with radiation treatment and development of mutated p53 and anaplastic cancer (46). A recent analysis of 16 anaplastic cancer showed that 50% had a missense mutation in the BRAF gene with a thymine Æ adenine missense muta- tion at nucleotide 1796 (47). An investigation looking at chromosomal abnormalities in anaplastic cancers found them to be more common when these cancers evolved from fol- licular than papillary cancer (48). Another investigation has tracked chromosomal changes from follicular cancer to poorly differentiated thyroid cancer to anaplastic cancer (49). In the first step, there was an increase in gains at 3q and 20q, and an increase of losses at 7q and Xp.

Then in the transformation from poorly differ- entiated to anaplastic cancer there were statisti- cally less DNA gains at 7p and 12q, and more losses at 7q and 13q. Knowledge of the genes related to these sequences could help define the stepwise genetic changes from normal to well differentiated to poorly differentiated to anaplastic cancer. In contrast Yoshida et al.

transferred a normal human chromosome 11

into anaplastic cancer cells growing in vitro

(50). The cells lost some of their anaplastic



Anaplastic cancers are more frequent in regions of iodine deficiency, which in turn causes endemic goiter and multinodular goiter.

The association with preexisting nodular goiter has been confirmed recently (51). In regions where iodine supplementation has been insti- tuted, there has been a statistically significant reduction in the number and proportion of anaplastic cancers (52). There is no direct evi- dence for a familial etiology of anaplastic cancer. Although a report from the Swedish Cancer Registry appeared to find such a rela- tionship, the authors attribute this to mis- classification of medullary cancers as anaplastic (53). A statistically significant relationship to preexisting diabetes has been reported but is difficult to explain (51).


The pathology is discussed in Chapter 3. These cancers are usually giant cell, or spindle cell type with each representing about half of the cases.

Squamous cell cancers are rare (54). Squamous cell cancers accounted for seventeen of 2,214 (0.7%) thyroid cancers in one series (55). Some authorities indicate squamous cell cancers are best classified with anaplastic cancer based on the similar very poor prognosis (54). They are discussed in this text in Chapter 6 but could have been included here as well. In anaplastic cancer the cells are large, bizarre, and are often multinucleated with hyperchromatic nuclei.

There is significant DNA aneuploidy (56). The same investigators found the prognosis was worse for cancers with the greatest aneuploidy.

Other authorities agree that aneuploidy is very common but did not appear to influence the outcome (57). Standard histologic staining

techniques with monoclonal antibodies against thyroglobulin, calcitonin, cytokeratin, lympho- cyte antigens, and immunoperoxidase stains usually make it possible to prove the origin of the cells with considerable accuracy (58–60).

Nevertheless, when the cells are extremely ded- ifferentiated they do not make thyroglobulin.

The cancer usually is invasive into adjacent tissues including muscle and trachea. There is also vascular invasion. The doubling time has been estimated at 1 week and I have seen patients in whom sites of disease could be seen to enlarge day by day. A rare form called pauci- cellular anaplastic cancer has extensive fibrosis and few follicular cells. It is thought to result from infarction of the primary lesion (61). Its prognosis might be slightly less gloomy.

In older reports there were some patients whose carcinomas were classified as small cell anaplastic small cancers. These patients sur- vived longer and in retrospect these cancers were either lymphomas or medullary cancers rather than anaplastic cancer (62).

Clinical Features

Most of the patients are older than 60 years and there is a about a twofold increase in women as shown in Table 9.1. The symptoms include a rapidly enlarging neck mass that occurs in almost 100% of patients (63). Breath- lessness, choking, hoarseness, and difficulty swallowing (the three D’s, dysphagia, dyspnea and dysphonia) are each found in about 30% to 50% of patients and many patients have more than one of these major symptoms (64). The frequency of symptoms and signs are shown in Table 9.2. The duration of symptoms is usually 2 weeks to 6 weeks. Extremely rapid growth of

Table 9.1. Patient characteristics for anaplastic thyroid cancer in publications with more than 20 patients.

Reference Number of patients Average age * median age Ratio women/men

Pierie et al. (36) 67 73 2/1

Heron et al. (64) 32 64* 1/1

Shvero et al. (60) 26 66 2.7/1

Aldinger et al. (27) 84 64 1.5/1

Carcangui et al. (33) 70 67 3.1/1

Junor et al. (124) 91 70* 2.4/1

McIver et al. (65) 134 67 1.5/1

Besic et al. (120) 79 65 2/1


the primary cancer is the predominant feature, however, lymph node metastases are present in 80% and distant metastases have occurred in about 50% at the time of presentation (65).

The local disease invades midline structures.

The diagnosis can be made with considerable accuracy from the bedside. The patient has a rock hard fixed thyroid mass that is usually more than 5 cm in diameter. There can be hoarseness and difficulty speaking and breath- ing. Stridor can be present. This cancer can cause obstruction of the superior vena cava.

About 20% to 30% of patients have neck pain.

The cancer can metastasize to any organ. The most frequent sites of distant metastases are the lungs and skeleton and less commonly to the brain and meninges (66–69). There are cases of metastases to very unusual sites includ- ing the heart, tonsil, and small bowel (70–73).

Metastases to the skin have been described (74).

These carcinomatous infiltrates cause an

“erysipelas” like reaction (75). Very rarely there is an associated neutrophilia or even leukemoid reaction in the blood (76, 77). Granulocyte colony stimulating factor has been produced by cancer cells in two patients with neutrophilia (78). Anaplastic thyroid cancer is a rare cause of pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO, or fever of unknown origin, FUO) (79). An 85-year-old patient with anaplastic cancer had both leuko- cytosis and low-grade fever (80). Hypercalcemia has been attributed to anaplastic thyroid cancer (81, 82).

When the cancer is explosive in growth the destructive disease can cause release of pre- formed thyroid hormones resulting in symp- toms and signs of thyrotoxicosis (83). This could be misdiagnosed as subacute thyroiditis and when there is doubt a fine needle aspiration (FNA) is recommended. The syndrome has been

called carcinomatous pseudothyroiditis. This is discussed further under diagnosis.

Occasionally the cancer is found in a surgi- cally removed nodule when there has been no clinical suspicion of anaplastic cancer.When the lesion is small and completely removed, a very fortunate circumstance, this is the only hope of long-term survival (84).


Because of the rapid onset of the disease and its terrible prognosis an early tissue diagnosis is important. This is achieved by immediate FNA (80). Scintigraphy, or ultrasound do not help in the diagnosis and can delay urgent care. Chest radiograph with views of the thoracic inlet help define encroachment on the trachea and whether there are pulmonary metastases. Com- puted tomography (CT) scans of the neck and thorax give information about the relationship of the cancer to the aerodigestive tract and the vascular bundles and should be ordered as an emergency. In this clinical situation, it is legiti- mate to use iodine contrast, since if the diagno- sis is anaplastic cancer there is unlikely to be a role for radioiodine, and if the lesion is not anaplastic there would be a delay of 4 weeks to 6 weeks after surgery for withdrawal of thyroid hormone. This would allow the iodine contrast to be excreted and then testing and treatment with radioiodine could be organized.

The differential diagnosis includes lym- phoma of the thyroid, De Quervain’s (subacute) thyroiditis, Reidel’s thyroiditis, and rapidly growing but differentiated thyroid cancers, including medullary and Hürthle cell cancers.

There is a report of Rosai-Dorfman disease, sinus histiocytosis with massive lym- Table 9.2. Percentage of symptoms and signs in patients with anaplastic thyroid cancer.

Reference Number Thyroid mass % Dyspnea % Dysphagia % Dysphonia % Pain %

Shvero et al. (59) 26 81* 31 15 16

Lo et al. (63) 28 96 29 46 36 25

Nel et al. (58) 82 87 50 33 43 40

Pierie et al. (36) 67 99 28 33 51 9

Heron et al. (64) 32 72 9 37 13 6

Junor et al. (124) 91 100 36 34 16

Simpson and Carruthers* 17 35 6 29 24

* Squamous cell cancer.


phadenopathy, in the thyroid that was originally diagnosed as anaplastic cancer (85). The FNA generally establishes the correct diagnosis.

Some clinicians recommend an open biopsy but when the therapeutic decision is to proceed with combined chemotherapy and radiation therapy the incision might not heal well and cause a delay in completing these treatments (86).

Most patients have normal thyroid function.

As stated above there are reports of patients presenting with thyrotoxicosis (83, 87–90).

The invasive cancer causes release of stored hormone in the same fashion as an inflamma- tory thyroiditis (malignant pseudothyroiditis).

There is a role for an


I uptake and or scan in a thyrotoxic patient with a hard mass in the thyroid to clarify the cause of excess circulating

hormones. In this situation there is almost no uptake of the tracer of radioiodine. A patient with pseudothyroiditis will rapidly become hypothyroid and serial thyroid function tests are recommended. Unfortunately, the rapid course of this lethal cancer does not leave sufficient time in most patients for this to occur (87).

Sometimes the extent of disease is not clear and the local features drive the management. It should be recognized that about 50% of patients have distant metastases. I have found


FDG- PET scan is helpful in selected patients to define the extent of disease (Figures 9.1 and 9.2). The technique is to inject 370–555 MBq


FDG (10–15 mCi) intravenously with the patient fasted and to make the images after one hour. A full description of PET is provided in Chapter 6.

Figure 9.1.


FDG whole body scan in an eldely woman who presented with a rapidly growing mass in the thyroid. The lesion was

hard and fixed on clinical examination. Fine needle aspiration demonstrated anaplatic cancer.The PET scan shows intense uptake in

the cancer. There is no evidence of distant metastases.


The uptake of


FDG is greatest in cancers with the poorest differentiation, therefore it would be expected that anaplastic cancer would be well visualized and that is the case. No large series has been reported, but there are publications of the potential of PET in this setting (91–95).

Positron emission tomography allows the local extent of disease to be determined and to stage the extent of spread. Intense uptake of


FDG implies that the cancer has a poor prognosis and is likely to be resistant to radiation (96, 97).

Starting in 1978 there are reports of


Ga showing uptake in the primary lesion but this is not recommended as a routine investigation unless PET scan is unavailable (98–101).


Tc- sestamibi (MIBI) and


Tc-tetrafosmin have been used for scintigraphic imaging but are inferior to PET.


It is difficult for one center to develop and report

on meaningful numbers of patients treated

using a controlled protocol because this cancer

is not common, the progression of disease is

very rapid, and the patients are elderly, usually

frail, and unable to tolerate severe therapeutic

regimes. Most of the reports about therapy are

from regional centers, or multi-institutional

trials. The options are surgery, external radia-

tion, and chemotherapy. These are discussed

separately but the modern emphasis is on a

combined approach whenever the condition of

the patient can tolerate that. Many of the pub-

lished reports include patients who have not all

been treated the same way, some have had

greater or lesser surgical procedures, some

Figure 9.2. (A) is a negative whole-body scan using radio-iodine. (B) shows anterior and posterior whole-body bone scans showing

subtle lesions in the ribs. (C) is


FDG PET scan showing widespread metastases. The patient had anaplastic transformation of papil-

lary cancer that had been treated with surgery and


I and external radiation.


have had higher doses of radiation, in others hyperfractionation has been delivered, some have received one chemotherapeutic agent, and others have received combinations of chemotherapy. This along with the very poor prognosis makes interpretation of the benefit of specific treatments even more difficult.

Irrespective of the treatments prescribed, the outcome is, by all criteria, disappointing. As a result there is no ideal multimodality protocol that is clearly superior and fits all.


There has to be cooperation of thyroidologist, pathologist, surgeon, radiation oncologist, and medical oncologist and a rapid referral to an institute that can provide a team approach is recommended (102, 103). Because of the dread- ful nature of the disease, the patient must be given adequate relief of suffering with strong analgesia and sedatives as required, and the family should receive every support available.

The individual treatments are discussed then integrated management.


When needle aspirate of a less sinister clinical lesion shows anaplasia and clinically and radio- logically, there is no evidence of invasion com- plete surgical excision should be advised (36, 84, 104, 105). This is the only hope of long-term survival (1). Aldinger et al. reported a mean sur- vival of 5.4 years in 3 patients in whom the disease was confined to the thyroid and surgi- cally removable, compared to 4.8 months in 81 patients with more advanced disease. The prog- nosis of these incidental anaplastic cancers should be analyzed separately from anaplastic cancers that present rapidly and invasively.

Since most patients die from invasion and obstruction of vital structures in the neck, the treatment should be designed to relieve and prevent these distressing symptoms, as well as to improve survival. In advanced cases, several reports confirm that the prognosis is improved by removal of the thyroid or debulking the cancer (36, 106, 107). Because of the local extent of the cancer, complications from the surgery, including recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis and hypoparathyroidism, are more common

than after operation for other thyroid cancers in adults (36). If the patient is in respiratory dis- tress tracheostomy is necessary but this can be technically difficult because of the extent and site of the malignancy. When the gland is clini- cally adherent to and invading into surrounding structures there is debate of role for surgery at that juncture. Thyroidectomy may be appropri- ate after combined chemotherapy and external radiation provided the cancer shrinks. However, some authorities argue in favor of surgery as the first treatment and indicate that approach pro- vides a better outcome. The survival was better in forty-four of sixty-seven (66%) patients who underwent operation and was best in twelve who had complete excision (36). The one-year survival was 92% after complete excision, 35%

after debulking, and 4% in those who were not treated by surgery. The facts that some patients were judged to be operative candidates and that some cancers could be removed totally indicate that some patients presented with a lesser degrees of cancer compared to those who were inoperable. In patients with invasive disease, radical surgery does not improve the outcome when compared to a less invasive procedure (108). With regard to the thyroid operation Clark recommends removal of the more normal lobe first to identify anatomic landmarks such as the trachea (109). He emphasizes that, since the surgery is palliative, every effort should be made to avoid complications.

External Radiation

Because of the poor outcome and the view of

some clinicians that surgery as the primary

treatment is ineffective, many oncologists have

recommended external radiation as the primary

treatment (110). There is now a consensus that

high dose external radiation should be pre-

scribed to all patients should they live long

enough. Some recommend this prior to opera-

tion and those who operate first support post-

operative radiation. There is evidence that

hyperfractionation improves the survival. The

radiation dose recommended is 40 Gy to 50 Gy

(4,000–5,000 rad) and various fractions such

as 2 Gy (200 rad) per day, or 1.6 Gy (160 rad)

twice daily or 1 Gy (100 rad) four times a day

have been prescribed. Many of the series have

small numbers of patients and the authors


compare current treatment protocols with his- toric ones. As an example Heron et al. compared nine patients treated between 1952 and 1980 and twenty-three patients treated between 1981 and 1999. The first group received once a day radiation to a median dose of 40 Gy (4,000 rad), whereas the latter group received 1.6 Gy (160 rad) twice daily to a median dose of 60 Gy (6,000 rad) and this was combined with chemotherapy (64). The two-year survival for the twice-daily regime was 52% but different combinations of therapies including surgery and a variety of chemotherapeutic drugs make it difficult to identify the best regime. Nilsson et al. compared six groups of patients treated from 1971 to 1972, up to 1994 to 1997 (1). The therapeutic regimes changed from once a day radiation at the start, to twice a day, and finally the individ- ual dose was increased to 1.6 Gy (160 rad) twice daily, to a total of 46 Gy (4,600 rad). This was part of a multimodality approach whose results are discussed below. Methods for delivering external radiation are described by Posner et al.


Complications from hyperfractionated radia- tion are to be expected and include dry mouth, tracheitis and esophagitis. Osteonecrosis of the mandible has occurred (64). Care must be taken to ensure the spinal cord does not receive an excessive dose. In one early report two patients died as a result of spinal cord necrosis (112).


Almost all reports about chemotherapy sup- port the use of doxorubicin, which was orig- inally shown to have benefit by Kim and Leeper (113, 114). There is some evidence that combi- nations of chemotherapeutic drugs have added value. In one trial combination of doxorubicin and cisplatinum resulted in three complete and three partial responses in eighteen patients, contrasted with one partial response to doxoru- bicin. Another report supported the combina- tion of bleomycin, Adriamycin, and cisplatinum (115). Most protocols use doxorubicin as a radiosensitizer as well as a chemotherapeutic agent. It is given in a dose of 10 mg/m


/week (some use 20 mg/week). In spite of early shrink- age of the lesion with chemotherapy, when this is used alone the cancer grows back relentlessly and causes death by local invasion. Occasionally,

chemotherapy causes sufficient reduction in size of the primary lesion to make it possible to consider surgical excision.

Ain et al. showed anaplastic cultured cells responded to Paclitaxel (116). Based on this information a multicenter trial using a 96 hour infusion of Paclitaxel (140 mg/m


) every 3 weeks was conducted on nineteen patients (117). One patient had a complete response and seven (47%) had partial responses. The median sur- vival in the responders was 32 weeks compared to 10 weeks in the non-responders. Recently other investigators have shown that low doses of Paclitaxel (Taxol) caused apoptosis of anaplas- tic cells grown in culture (118). In vitro some newer chemotherapeutic agents such as Gemcitabine have a beneficial effect in doses that could be achieved in patients. These plus novel approaches discussed below might give hope of an improved prognosis.

Multimodality Treatments

Multimodality treatment includes chemother- apy that should include doxorubicin plus simultaneous radiation, for example, 20 mg doxorubicin weekly plus twice daily external radiation of 1.6 Gy to a total of 46–60 Gy (4,600–6,000 rad). This can produce sufficient shrinkage of the cancer to allow thyroid debulk- ing. Kim and Leeper produced complete remis- sion in eight of nine patients treated with adriamycin 10 mg/meter


and hyperfraction- ated radiation 160 cGy twice daily to a total of 57.6 Gy (5,760 rad) (113). In the experience of other therapists the prognosis is terrible even after combined therapies. Aldinger et al.

reported success in four of fourteen with com-

bined surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, in

one of sixteen with surgery alone, in one of

seven with surgery and radiotherapy, and in

zero of seven with surgery and chemotherapy

(27). In a separate investigation thirteen

patients treated by surgery, external radiation,

and chemotherapy had a significantly better

outcome than twelve treated without operation

or eight who did not receive chemotherapy

(119). In this study, twenty-one patients who

had local invasion of the cancer were excluded

from the analysis and unfortunately many

patients present in that way. In a report from the

Mayo Clinic, multimodality treatment could not


be demonstrated to improve the outcome (65).

These investigators reemphasize the “grim”

prognosis and found that external radiation was somewhat beneficial in that the median survival was 5 months rather than 3 months. In contrast investigators in San Francisco found a “reason- able prognosis” in patients treated by operation and then radiation and chemotherapy (107).

Results in 79 patients treated in Ljubljana found a better outcome when radiation and chemotherapy were delivered first (neoadjuvant therapy) and then the cancer was removed by operation (120).

Brain metastases might be amenable to sur- gical excision when they are in a noncritical region of the brain. Otherwise, treatment by external radiation therapy or “gamma knife”

should be prescribed.

In summary almost all clinicians who take care of patients with anaplastic cancer of the thyroid advise multimodality therapy. When the cancer appears to be amenable to surgery that could be undertaken first and followed by external radiation and chemotherapy. When the lesion is massively invasive external radiation and chemotherapy can be started and if the cancer shrinks surgery can be planned at that time. Veness et al. sum up the situation “most patients with anaplastic thyroid cancer are incurable; however, a multimodality approach incorporating surgery and radiotherapy and chemotherapy, in selected individuals, might improve local control and extend survival”



Anaplastic cancers do not express NIS. There- fore in most patients there is no role for



However, when there is dedifferentiation in the center of a differentiated cancer it is advisable to ablate all functioning tissue with


I as described in Chapter 6. Reports of anaplastic cancers that show uptake of


I usually are explained by this relationship (122). Retinoic acid has been administered with the intention and hope of increasing


I uptake by poorly dif- ferentiated cancers (123). This is almost never successful for anaplastic cancer. The retinoic acid pretreatment needs several weeks by which time the patient could have died. See Chapter 6 for details in differentiated thyroid cancer.

Summary of Therapy

It appears that no matter how this cancer is treated, the outcome is extremely bad. There is some evidence that by combining surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy the survival is extended. Some favor operation first others rec- ommend the surgery should come after radia- tion and chemotherapy.


The prognosis for patients with anaplastic cancer of the thyroid is dismal. Since the patient usually has far advanced local disease and regional or distant metastases when first seen, the physician and patient have to accept the disease is incurable. Carcangiu et al. report that 82% of the patients they followed died within 1 year (33). The median survival in another series of 91 patients was 21 weeks (124). Kobayashi et al. prescribed surgery, hyperfractionated radiation therapy, and chemotherapy (104). In spite of the intensive treatment thirty-four of thirty-seven patients died within one year. Cast- erline et al. felt that survival for longer than 2 years was sufficient to warrant a case report, and they summarized the results of ten publications and showed that the two-year survival in 420 patients was 2.6% (125). I have one patient alive and well 17 years after the original diagnosis. He had a new thyroid mass, hoarseness, a surgeon removed the left lobe, and the lesion was 4 cm ¥ 3.4 cm ¥ 3 cm with some attachment to the trachea. A bone scan and CT of neck chest and abdomen showed no metastases. He had com- pletion of thyroidectomy at Stanford followed by external radiation. The relatively small size of the cancer and his age of 52 were favorable fea- tures. We did not publish this report.

When evaluating prognostic factors and the

effect of therapies, readers must separate data

from patients who have incidental anaplastic

cancer from the outcome in patients whose

disease is truly anaplastic cancer. In the former

situation, the pathologist identifies an undiffer-

entiated component within the excised tissue,

but it is confined and treated by operation. In

the other situation the disease is rapid in

growth, relentlessly invasive and locally and dis-

tantly metastatic. Few patients with non-

incidental anaplastic thyroid cancer survive 1


year and most are dead in 3 months to 6 months.

By staging systems almost all anaplastic cancers are Stage TIV, but they are not all equal. Bad prognostic factors include rapid onset, cancers greater than 7 cm in size, dyspnea, dysphagia, old age, and distant metastases (126, 127).

Unfortunately, patients with non-incidental anaplastic cancers have many of these unfavor- able prognostic factors. The prognosis is best when the cancer can be totally removed and patients who have their cancer debulked have a better outcome than those who do not. This is also a reflection on the size and extent of disease; smaller cancers are more likely to be operable.


It is gratifying that the incidence of anaplastic cancer is declining. Part of the reason appears to be earlier diagnosis and more effective therapy of papillary cancer. It is also apparent that anaplastic cancers that are small and excis- able have a better outcome. The correction of iodine deficiency by iodized salt is also a factor.

These facts point to the importance of obtain- ing an early tissue diagnosis of a new thyroid nodule, a dominant nodule in a multinodular goiter and a gland that starts to enlarge. Thy- roidectomy would be advised when there was any evidence of malignancy. With increasing knowledge in the molecular events that lead to cancer and to differences in characteristics of histologic varieties of thyroid cancer, it might be possible to identify genetic changes that are indicative of a more aggressive cancer and to treat these lesions early and vigorously.

The Future

There are a number of experimental approaches that could well translate into clinical use and these are presented below. Most of these are related to advances in molecular biology but some to new physical treatments. One patient was treated using percutaneous laser thermal ablation that was directed by ultrasound (128).

As discussed above Paclitaxel (Taxol) has been shown to be beneficial in anaplastic cells in vitro. Other investigators have cautioned the interpretation of the results and suggest there

might be a narrow therapeutic window (118).

A combination of maumycin and paclitaxel was superior to either one alone in cell cultures and in nude with implanted with cancer (109). One study in mice bearing grafted anaplastic cancers has shown benefit of interleukin-12 injections.

(129) A different experiment demonstrated that interleukin-12 (Il-12) gene product that was transfected using CMV into anaplastic thyroid cancer cells in culture caused failure of these cells to grow in mice (129). In another experi- ment an adenovirus was designed to grow in cells containing mutation of p53 (130). The virus designated ONYX-015 kills cells with this mutation. ONYX-015 has also been found to increase the anti-cancer effects doxorubicin and paclitaxel. This virus plus radiation had significant killing effect on anaplastic cells growing in culture. The combination was also successful in arresting growth of grafted cancers in mice (130). An alternative approach of killing cells with mutated p53 is the specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor, STI571 (imatinib mesylate, Gleevec) (131). This inhibited anaplas- tic cells growing in culture but had no effect on differentiated cells that contained wild p-53.

ST1571 also inhibited growth of anaplastic cancers in mice. Other investigators found no beneficial effect of Gleevec on anaplastic cancer cells in vitro (132). There have been concerns that these experiments do not mean that these treatments will necessarily be of clinical value (133, 134).



I is effective in differentiated thyroid cancer there are efforts to re-educate anaplastic cells to trap and retain


I. One set of experiments transfecting anaplastic cells with human thyroid peroxidase (hTPO) did not increase trapping of iodine (133). Gene transfer of NIS and hTPO genes could well provide an approach where


I would be trapped and organified. A novel approach was gene transfer of Thyroid Transcription Factor 1 introduced into cells by an adenovirus vector (135). This increased trapping and retention of radioiodine in vitro.

Transfer of suicide genes by retrovirus caused

death of anaplastic cells in vitro (136). Another

group of investigators found that NF-kappaB

which is a nuclear transcription factor that is

expressed after cellular stress, such as radiation

caused resistance to radiation. Inhibition of NF-

kappaB helped increase the response to radia-


tion in transplanted cells in nude mice (137).

Valproic acid has been demonstrated to increase mRNA of NIS in anaplastic cells in culture. It did not result in an increased ability of cultured cells to trap radioiodine (138). In contrast lovas- tatin, a cholesterol-lowering drug, not only increased apoptosis of anaplastic cells but also caused them to produce Tg indicating a degree of redifferentiation (139). There are many groups of investigators studying the cellular defects in anaplastic cancer and attempting to design means of reversing them. It is hoped that the sum of these efforts will result in a break- through in management.

Summary and Key Points

Anaplastic cancer accounts for about 2% of thyroid cancers in iodine replete regions. It is the most aggressive solid cancer and few patients survive 6 months from diagnosis. The patients are elderly and might have a preexist- ing differentiated cancer or nodular goiter. The cancer grows very rapidly and causes local pressure effects and there are usually nodal metastases and in 50% distant metastases.

Combination therapy with external radiation, systemic chemotherapy, and surgery produce a minimally better outcome.

• Anaplastic cancer of the thyroid is a lethal disease.

• It accounts for 1–3% of thyroid cancers.

• The patients are usually 60+ years and there is a 2:1 ratio of women to men.

• A high proportion of anaplastic cancers arises from differentiated thyroid cancer.

• A mutation in p53 gene is found in 80% to 90% of anaplastic cancers.

• Local metastases are present in 80% and distant metastases in about 50% at presen- tation.

• The average survival is 3 months to 6 months and long-term survivors are dis- tinctly uncommon.

• Death is usually from local invasive effects.

• Treatment should include surgery, hyperfractionated radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. The sequence will vary from center to center.

• Prevention by early detection and treat- ment of differentiated thyroid cancer is recommended.

• A novel therapeutic approach is eagerly awaited.


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