Index i
Tables of Figures v Table of Tables x Table of Acronyms xiTable of Symbols xiii
Introduction 1
1 - Primary actuators failures description 3
1.1 - M-346 Flight Control System description and integration 3
1.2 - Primary Control Surface Actuators functional description 5
1.2.1 - Aileron / Rudder Actuator 6
1.2.2 - Horizontal Tail Actuator 7
1.3 - Failure of Primary Control Surfaces Actuators 8
2 - Stability and Handling Criteria
2.1 - Longitudinal Stability 11 11
2.2 - Longitudinal Handling 13
2.3 - Lateral Stability 24
2.4 - Lateral Handling 25
2.4.1 - Short-period response 25 25
3 - Effects of primary control surface failures on the aircraft
3.1 - Introduction 29
3.1.1 - Aircraft axes and sign conventions 29
3.1.2 - Applicable Stability and Handling criteria 32
3.1.3 - Envelope of analysis 33
3.2 - Horizontal Tail failure 34
3.2.1 - Effects on aerodynamics derivatives 34
3.2.2 - Root locus: effect of the failure in term of Aerodynamic Derivatives 38 3.2.3 - Root locus: effect of the failure in term of the Control Laws 42 3.2.4 - Linear stability 45
3.2.5 - Surface and inceptor deflections 49
3.2.6 - Linear handling characteristics 53
3.3 - Aileron failure 61
3.3.1 - Effects on aerodynamics derivatives 61
3.3.2 - Surfaces deflections and inceptors 62
3.3.4 - Lateral Control Laws 66
3.3.5 - Linear handling 68
3.4 - Rudder failure 74
3.4.1 - Effects on aerodynamics derivatives 74
3.4.2 - Root locus: effect of the failure in term of Aerodynamic Derivatives 75 3.4.3 - Root locus: effect of the failure in term of the Control Laws 77
3.4.4 - Linear stability 78
3.4.5 - Surfaces deflections and inceptors 80
3.4.6 - Linear handling 80
3.5 - Conclusions of the analysis 82
4 - Control Law reconfiguration following a failure of the rudder
4.1 - Effect of the failure in term of Bare Aircraft LTI system 834.2 - Lateral controllability 84
4.3 - First method of reconfiguration 84
4.3.1 - Criterion correlated to the bare aircraft LTI system 85
4.3.2 - Criterion correlated to aerodynamic derivatives 92
4.4 - Second method of reconfiguration 114
4.5 - Final reconfiguration mechanism 116