Scientific Committee of the International Conference on the Sustainable Energy
and Environment Development (SEED’16)
Chair of the Scientific Committee:
Assist. Prof. Mariusz FILIPOWICZ (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland) Scientific Committee members:
Prof. Vincenzo BIANCO (DIME/TEC – Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy) Prof. Vyacheslav M. BYSTRITSKY (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia) Prof. Tadeusz CHMIELNIAK (Silesian University of Technology, Poland) Prof. Dorota CHWIEDUK (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland)
Prof. Ewa CUKROWSKA (Witwatersrand University Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa) Prof. Bartłomiej GŁOWACKI (MA University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Prof. Agata GODULA – JOPEK (Airbus Group, Germany)
Prof. Janusz GOŁAŚ (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland) Prof. Wacław GUDOWSKI (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden) Prof. Waldemar KAMRAT (Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland) Prof. Henryk KAPROŃ (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland) Prof. Anneliese KASPER-GIEBL (Technische Universitat Wien, Austria) Prof. Janusz KOTOWICZ (Silesian University of Technology, Poland)
Prof. Wojciech NOWAK (AGH University of Science and Technology, Centre of Energy, Poland) Prof. Jozef M. PACYNA (Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Norway)
Prof. Janusz SOWIŃSKI (Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland) Prof. Wojciech SUWAŁA (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland) Prof. Marek ŚCIĄŻKO (Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal, Poland) Prof. Gareth TAYLOR (Brunel University London, United Kingdom) Prof. Janusz TRAWCZYŃSKI (Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland)
Assist. Prof. Magdalena DUDEK (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland) Assist. Prof. Anna GORCZYCA (Univeristy of Agliculture in Krakow, Poland)
Assist. Prof. Anita LEWANDOWSKA (University of Gdansk, Poland)
Assist. Prof. Wojciech LIPINSKI (The Australian National University, Australia) Assist. Prof. Jarosław MARKOWSKI (Poznań University of Technology, Poland) Assist. Prof. Tadeusz OLKUSKI (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland) Assist. Prof. Paweł PURGAŁ (Kielce University of Technology, Poland)
Assist. Prof. Barbara TORA (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland) Ph.D. Elizabeth CASTILLO-MARTINEZ (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom) Ph.D. Andrius GARBARAS (Center for Psychical Sciences and Technology Lithuania) Ph.D. Magdalena KISTLER (Technische Universitat Wien, Austria)
Ph.D. Volker LENZ (Das Deutsche Biomasseforschungszentrum, Germany) Ph.D. Andreas ORTWEIN (Das Deutsche Biomasseforschungszentrum, Germany) Ph.D. Mariusz RUSZEL (Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland)
Partners of the International Conference on the Sustainable Energy
and Environment Development (SEED’16)
Conference was organized under the patronage of:
The Head of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Jarosław Gowin
Ministry of Energy Krzysztof Tchórzewski
Ministry of the Environment prof. Jan Szyszko
National Fund for Environmental Protection and
Water Management
Energy Regulatory Office The National Centre for
Research and Development Provincial Office in Krakow The Head of Małopolska Józef Pilch
Marshal of Małopolska Region Jacek Krupa
Municipality of Krakow – partnership
National Contact Point in Poland
AGH UST Rector Prof. Tadeusz Słomka
Conference was sponsored by:
EDF Polska Diamond Sponsor
CC Poland Plus Platinum Sponsor MetalERG. Platinum Sponsor RWE Polska Platinum Sponsor
Media Partners:
Radio Kraków Dziennik Polski Ciepłownictwo, Ogrzewnictwo, Wentylacja
Rynek Instalacyjny
Instal Energetyka Cieplna
i Zawodowa
Energia+ Energetyka Wodna
Radio17 CIRE.PL Wrota Małopolski
Magiczny Kraków OZE.PL
Organizers of the International Conference on the Sustainable Energy
and Environment Development (SEED’16)
Conference was organized by:
Foundation Institute
for Sustainable Energy