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In this connection we investigate the problem of the existence of non negative solutions defined for all positive times


Academic year: 2022

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We consider both degenerate and uniformly parabolic systems and equations, containing a forcing term (a “source”) depending on the solution itself (see (1), (5), (6) below). The source is such that the solution may become unbounded in a finite time, even if the initial data are bounded. In this connection we investigate the problem of the existence of non negative solutions defined for all positive times. Moreover, even the problem of the existence of local in time solutions is not trivial, owing to the effect of nonlinear sources of this kind. In fact (as a marked difference with the correspond- ing homogeneous problems), local solutions may exist only under certain restrictions on the local regularity of the initial data.

1. Introduction

In this paper we consider non negative solutions to certain para- bolic systems or equations, defined in a strip ST = IRN × (0, T ), 0 < T ≤ ∞, N ≥ 1.

1 Member of GNFM of Italian CNR. Work supported by MURST project “Equazioni di evoluzione e applicazioni fisico-matemati- che”.

Appeared in Manuscripta Mathematica, 77 (1992), pp.127–159.

Copyright c Springer-Verlag 1992.


Namely, we look first at the Cauchy problem in ST for the system

 ut − ∆ um= uavb , in ST ,

vt− ∆ vµ = uαvβ , in ST , (1) with m, µ ≥ 1, a, β > 1, b, α ≥ 0. The case of the single equation zt− ∆ zm = za , in ST , (2) m ≥ 1, a > 1, has been studied in a large number of papers (for a bibliography we refer to [2], [14]). Especially, the question of existence of local in time solutions under optimal assumptions on the initial datum, and the question of the existence of global solutions have been investigated. We mention e.g., [2], [4], [10], [19], [20] for the case m = 1, and [2], [11] for the case m > 1.

It has been shown in [2] that a solution to (2) with T < ∞ exists, provided



kz(·, 0)kLp(B1(x)) < ∞ , (3) where p ≥ 1 is such that p > N (a − m)/2; (3) is in some sense optimal: we refer to Section 2 below for further comments on this point.

Here we investigate first the minimal local regularity of the initial data uo(x) = u(x, 0), vo(x) = v(x, 0), x ∈ IRN, needed to guarantee existence of local solutions to (1). We find that, if uo and vo satisfy



kuokLp(B1(x))+ kvokLq(B1(x)) < ∞ , (4) p, q ≥ 1, a solution to the Cauchy problem for (1) exists, provided p, q are connected by an explicit relation involving also N and the parameters in (1) (see Theorem 2.1). In some cases, uo and vo can be allowed to be just σ finite Borel measures (such that an analogue of (4) holds). We also remark that (4) reduces to (3) in the case of the completely uncoupled system b = α = 0. Moreover we show that if p, q ≥ 1 violate the condition mentioned above, two functions uo ∈ Lp(IRN), vo ∈ Lq(IRN) can be given so that no solution to the Cauchy problem for (1) exists in any strip ST, provided some additional assumptions are fulfilled.


We also investigate the existence of solutions to (1) defined in IRN × (0, ∞). We give a condition for N , m, a, b, µ, α, β, discriminating between existence and non existence of global non negative non trivial solutions to (1). Again, this condition coincides with the known one ([10], [11]) in the case of the uncoupled system b = α = 0.

To the best of our knowledge, these results on system (1) are new in the literature (the reference [9], appeared after this paper was submitted for publication, is concerned with global solutions to the semilinear system (1) with m = µ = 1; our results in this case agree with those given there). Our approach allows us to con- sider both the degenerate case m > 1, or µ > 1, and the strictly parabolic case m = 1, or µ = 1, even if (1) is replaced by a system of more general form (see subsection 2.iv). Finally, we note that the proofs and the results given here can be immediately extended to systems with more than 2 equations and 2 unknowns.

Next we consider the case of the single equation

ut − ∆ um= t−σua , in ST , (5) m ≥ 1, a > 1, 1 > σ > −∞. Conditions in the spirit of the ones discussed above are found for the existence, or non existence, of local and global non negative solutions to the Cauchy problem for (5). We also consider solutions of (5) defined in ST for t > 0, with no reference to initial data, proving the existence, and studying the behaviour, of initial traces.

When σ = 0 our results about (5) coincide with those given in [2]. When m = 1, the conditions we find for the existence of global solutions to (5) coincide with those given in [18] (where domains different from IRN are also considered).

We remark that a strongly space-dependent right hand side in (5) could be considered, as in [2], but for the sake of brevity we restrict ourselves to the case above.

Finally, we investigate the existence of local and global solu- tions to the Cauchy problem in ST for

 ut− ∆ um = vb , in ST ,

vt − ∆ vµ= uα , in ST , (6)


with m, µ ≥ 1, b, α > 0, bα > 1. In particular we prove existence of global solutions under conditions that, in the case m = µ = 1, reduce to the sufficient and necessary conditions first given in [8]

(system (6) has been also considered in [14]; for the case of domains different from IRN, we mention [15], [12], [17]).

Our approach is based on a priori L-estimates valid for non negative subsolutions to (1) (or (5), (6)), in the spirit of [2] (see propositions 2.4, 2.5, 2.8); we give also estimates for the space gradients of the solutions up to time t = 0 (see subsection 2.iv).

In Section 2, we formulate exactly the problems, and state our main results; some extensions of the existence results to sys- tems and equations of more general structure are given in subsec- tion 2.iv. The proofs are collected in sections 3–6.

2. Statements of the problems and main results

2.i The system (1)

Let us consider the problem

ut− ∆ um = uavb , in ST , (7) vt− ∆ vµ = uαvβ , in ST , (8) u(x, 0) = uo(x) , v(x, 0) = vo(x) , x ∈ IRN , (9)

where (unless otherwise specified) we assume m, µ ≥ 1, a, β > 1, b, α ≥ 0, and ST = IRN × (0, T ), 0 < T < ∞, uo, vo ∈ L1loc(IRN).

Throughout this paper we stipulate the convention sε ≡ 1 for all s ≥ 0 if ε = 0.

Definition 2.1. A pair (u, v) of non negative functions u, v ∈ Lloc(ST) is a (weak) solution to (7)–(9) if for every bounded open set Ω ⊂ IRN with smooth boundary ∂Ω, ΩT = Ω × (0, T ),

u , v ∈ Cloc(0, T ; L1(Ω)) ; um, vµ ∈ L2loc(0, T ; Wloc1,2(Ω)) ; (10)


∀η ∈ W1,2(ΩT) , η compactly supported in ΩT , (11) Z

u(x, t)η(x, t) dx + Zt



{−uητ + Dum· Dη} dx dτ

≤ Zt



uavbη dx dτ ,

∀0 < t < T , and the obvious analogue for v ;

u(·, t) → uo(·), v(·, t) → vo(·) in L1(Ω), as t → 0. (12) Remark 2.1. If in (9) we substitute uo ∈ L1loc(IRN) with a σ finite Borel measure ν, we define a solution (u, v) to (7)–(9) as above, with the only difference that in (12) we require u(·, t) → ν as t → 0 in the sense of measures. In the following we say that a Borel measure λ is an initial trace for a measurable function u : ST −→ IR+, if u(·, tj) → λ as j → +∞, in the sense of measures, for some sequence {tj} & 0.

Definition 2.2. A local non negative subsolution [supersolution]

to (7)–(8) in ST is a pair (u, v) of non negative functions u, v ∈ Lloc(ST) satisfying (10)–(11), with the restriction η ≥ 0 [η ≤ 0].

A pair (u, v) is a local solution if it is both a subsolution and a supersolution.

Local solutions to (7)–(8) are continuous (see [6]).

Remark 2.2. (Notation) We write |A| for the Lebesgue measure of any measurable set A ⊂ IRN, and denote A(t) = A × {t} ⊂ RN +1; for f ∈ L1(A) and |A| < ∞ we set



f (x) dx = 1




f (x) dx ; χ

A(x) =

 1 , x ∈ A,

0 , x /∈ A ; (13) k·kp,A = k·kLp(A) ; Bd(x) = {y ∈ IRN | |x − y| < d}, (14)

for p ≥ 1, d > 0 and x ∈ IRN. We also denote by γ(c1, . . . , cn) a positive constant depending on the quantities c1, . . . , cn. We make use of the norms (introduced in [2])


|||f |||p ≡ sup


kf kp,B1(x) ; γ−1 sup


kf kp,Bd(x) ≤ |||f |||p ≤ γ sup


kf kp,Bd(x) (15) p ≥ 1, f ∈ Lploc(IRN); (15) holds for any d > 0, with γ = γ(N, d, p) > 1. We define w as the first eigenfunction of the prob- lem

∆ w = −λ1w , in Bρ ⊂ IRN, w = 0 , on ∂Bρ, (16) where Bρ = {|x| < ρ}, ρ > 0. We may assume w ≥ 0, kwk1,Bρ = 1. It is known by classical results that λ1 = γ(N )ρ−2, and that kwk∞,Bρ ≤ γ(N )ρ−N, w(x) ≥ γo(N )ρ−N for |x| < ρ/2. Finally, we denote Kp = N (m − 1) + 2p, Hq = N (µ − 1) + 2q for p, q ≥ 1, and K = K1 = N (m − 1) + 2, H = H1 = N (µ − 1) + 2.

We first prove existence of local in time solutions to (7)–(9) under sufficient conditions on uo, vo. The optimality of such con- ditions is discussed below.

Theorem 2.1. Let uo, vo ∈ L1loc(IRN), uo, vo ≥ 0, |||uo|||p < ∞,

|||vo|||q < ∞, with p, q ≥ 1 such that (for Kp = N (m − 1) + 2p, Hq = N (µ − 1) + 2q)


Kp(a − 1) + HN

qb < 1 , KN

pα + HN

q(β − 1) < 1 . (17) Then a solution to (7)–(9) exists in STo, where To > 0 is defined by



Kp(a−1)−HqN b o |||uo|||p

2 Kp(a−1) p |||vo|||q

2 Hqb q

+ T1−


Kpα−HqN (β−1) o |||uo|||p

2 Kpα p |||vo|||q

2 Hq(β−1) q

+ Tp



2 Kp(m−1)

p + Tq



2 Hq(µ−1)

q = γ−1 (18)

Moreover for 0 < t < To

|||u(·, t)|||p ≤ γ|||uo|||p, ku(·, t)k∞,IRN ≤ γtKpN |||uo|||p


pKp , (19)

|||v(·, t)|||q ≤ γ|||vo|||q, kv(·, t)k∞,IRN ≤ γtHqN |||vo|||q


qHq . (20) Here γ = γ(N, m, a, b, µ, α, β, p, q) > 1.


For estimates of the gradients Du and Dv we refer to subsection 2.iv.

Remark 2.3. If the choice p = 1 is admissible in (17) (for a suitable q), Theorem 2.1 still holds if uo is replaced by a σ finite Borel measure ν in IRN, satisfying

|||ν||| = sup


ν(B1(x)) < +∞ (21) (see Remark 2.1). Indeed, both uo and vo may be replaced by σ finite Borel measures satisfying (21), provided (17) holds for p = q = 1. This extension of Theorem 2.1 follows from the proof given in subsection 3.i, and by a suitable approximation of ν with smooth functions. We refer to subsection 2.iv for further extensions.

If b = α = 0, i.e., if the system is completely uncoupled, (17) reduces to the assumptions on local regularity of initial data known to be optimal (in the sense specified below) in the case of the single equation, see [4] for the case m = 1, and [2] for the case m > 1.

Indeed in [2] it is proved that any non negative solution to (2) with m ≥ 1, a > 1, has as initial trace a measure ν such that

|||ν||| ≤ γ(T, N, m, a) < +∞ ; (22) moreover, if a > m, the trace is unique and for all x ∈ IRN



dν ≤ γρa−m2 , 0 < ρ < γo(T, N, m, a) . (23)

It is easily seen that if N (a − 1)/Kp > 1, there exist functions uo ∈ Lp(IRN) not satisfying (23) (so that no solution to (2) may exist assuming uo as initial datum); assumption N (a − 1)/Kp < 1 is optimal in this sense. (We refer to [4] for more information on the case N (a − 1)/2p = 1, m = 1.)

For solutions (u, v) of the system at hand, in general neither (22) nor (23) may be expected. Assume for definiteness m > 1.

The existence of an initial trace ν of, say, u, satisfying sup


ρm−12 −N ν(Bρ(0)) < +∞ , (24) is an immediate consequence of the Harnack inequality




u(x, τ ) dx ≤ γ ( ρ2



+ t ρ2


|x|<ρinf u(x, t)

K2) , (25) 0 < 2τ < t < T , ρ > 0, that is in force because u is a continu- ous non negative supersolution of the homogeneous porous media equation

zt− ∆ zm= 0 , in ST (26)

(see [3], [1]). But assume b > 0, and vo ≡ 0. Then we may take v ≡ 0, and (7) reduces to (26) (for any a > 1), which is known to admit a non negative solution if the initial datum is any σ finite Borel measure ν satisfying (24) [5]. Thus, for a suitable choice of ν, both (22) and (23) are contradicted (as well as any other requirement on u(·, 0) stronger than (24)). Anyway, we are able to prove the following result in the direction of optimality of (17).

Proposition 2.1. Let ¯p, ¯q ≥ 1 be such that 1 < KN


p(a − 1) + HN


qb . (27)

Then there exist uo ∈ Lp¯(IRN), vo ∈ Lq¯(IRN), uo, vo ≥ 0 supported in B1(0) ⊂ IRN, such that no non negative solution to (7)–(9) may exist in ST for any T > 0, provided the additional requirements a > m and ¯q(m − 1) ≤ ¯p(µ − 1) are satisfied.

Remark 2.4. It follows from the proof of Proposition 2.1 that, if N b/Hq¯ > 1 (in the notation of Proposition 2.1), then there exist vo ∈ Lq¯(IRN), uo ∈ L(IRN) such that no non negative solution to (7)–(9) may exist (roughly speaking, a solution may exist only if uo vanishes where vo becomes unbounded; see Remark 4.1).

We should note that both (22) and (23) still hold for any initial trace ν of u, if, e.g., we know a priori v ≥ 1, so that u is a supersolution of (2) in ST.

The proof of Proposition 2.1 will be based on the following results:

Lemma 2.1. Let u ∈ Co(ST) be a non negative supersolution of (26) with m ≥ 1, and let u(·, t) → ν as t → 0 in the sense of measures, with



dν ≥ εoρ−ϑo , (28)


for some given xo ∈ IRN, εo, ρo > 0, ϑ ≤ N , and ϑ > −2/(m − 1) if m > 1. Then


u(x, to) ≥ γoε

2 2+ϑ(m−1)

o t

ϑ 2+ϑ(m−1)

o , (29)

where γoto = ε−(m−1)o ρ2+ϑ(m−1)o , γo = γo(N, m, ϑ), provided to <

T .

Proof. If m > 1 we only need take ρ = ρo, t = to in (25) and choose γo suitably small (after a translation in space). If m = 1, (29) follows directly from the Harnack inequality for non negative solutions to the heat equation in ST [21].

Proposition 2.2. Let u ∈ Co(IRN × (τo, T )), T > τo ≥ 0, be a non negative supersolution of

zt− ∆ zm = c t−σχΣza, in IRN × (τo, T ) , (30) where Σ = {(x, t) | λ|x − xo| < ts, τo< t < T }, and a > m ≥ 1, s, c > 0, σ, λ ≥ 0, xo ∈ IRN are given. Then for all τo < to < t/2 <

t < T , ρ = ρ(to) > 0 such that 2λρ < tso, we have for all σ ≥ 0 Z


u(x, to) dx ≤ γ max

t1−σa−1 , ρa−m2 ta−mσ 

. (31)

Moreover in the case σ = 1 we can replace the term t1−σa−1 in (31) with (ln(t/to))a−11 . Here γ = γ(N, m, a, c, σ).

Concerning the existence of global non negative solutions we prove

Theorem 2.2. Assume (denoting K = N (m − 1) + 2, H = N (µ − 1) + 2)


K(a − 1) + NHb > 1 , NKα + NH(β − 1) > 1 , (32) and let p, q ≥ 1 satisfy (17). Assume uo, vo ∈ L1(IRN), uo, vo ≥ 0,

|||uo|||p + |||vo|||q ≤ C < +∞. Then a constant γo > 0 exists such that if

kuok1,IRK2(a−1)N kvok1,IRH2bN + kuok1,IRK2αN kvok1,IRH2(β−1)N ≤ γo , (33)


problem (7)–(9) has a solution defined in S = IRN × (0, ∞).

Here γo = γo(N, m, a, b, µ, α, β, p, q, C).

Remark 2.5. Note that Theorem 2.2 guarantees existence of global solutions even if one between the initial data uo and vo is “large”, provided the other one is chosen accordingly “small” and b, α > 0.

See subsection 2.iv for extensions of Theorem 2.2.

Again, if b = α = 0, (32) gives the known threshold values of a and β discriminating between existence and non existence of non trivial global non negative solutions to the resulting pair of uncoupled equations (7)–(8) (see [10] for m = 1, [11] for m > 1). In the general case we prove, about non existence of global solutions, Proposition 2.3. Let


K(a − 1) + NHb < 1 , (34) and assume also a ≥ m ≥ µ. Let (u, v) be a non negative solution to (7)–(8) defined for all t > 0. Then u ≡ 0, or b > 0 and v ≡ 0.

Remark 2.6. If b = 0, Proposition 2.3 has been proved in [2]

(in this case the system is at least partially uncoupled, and the requirements a ≥ m ≥ µ are not necessary).

The main tool in proving theorems 2.1 and 2.2 is the following estimate, proved in [2], that we state in a form suitable to our purposes.

Proposition 2.4. ([2] Section 7) Let (u, v) be any non negative local subsolution to (7)–(8) in ST, and let u, v ∈ Co(ST), 0 < T <

∞. Then for every ball B = B(xo), ρ > 0, xo ∈ IRN, and for all 0 < t < T satisfying for all 0 < τ < t


um−1(·, τ )

∞,B+ ρ−2

vµ−1(·, τ ) ∞,B


ua−1(·, τ )vb(·, τ )

∞,B +

uα(·, τ )vβ−1(·, τ )

∞,B ≤ τ−1, (35) we have

kw(·, t)k∞,Bρ(xo) ≤ γtNr

 Zt




wp(x, t) dx dτ

2 r

, (36)


γ = γ(N, m, a, b, µ, α, β, p), for all p ≥ 1, and either w = u, r = Kp, or w = v, r = Hp.

Theorems 2.1 and 2.2 are proved in Section 3, propositions 2.1 and 2.2 in Section 4, and Proposition 2.3 in Section 5.

2.ii The equation (5)

The techniques used here to study system (7)–(9) yield some new results on non negative solutions to

ut− ∆ um = t−σua , in ST = IRN × (0, T ) , (37) u(x, 0) = uo(x) , x ∈ IRN, (38) where m ≥ 1, a > 1, 1 > σ > −∞, uo ∈ L1loc(IRN), uo ≥ 0.

Definitions 2.1–2.2 carry over trivially to the case of problem (37)–


Theorem 2.3. Let uo ∈ L1loc(IRN), uo ≥ 0, |||uo|||p < +∞, with p ≥ 1 such that

σ + KN

p(a − 1) < 1 , (39)

Kp = N (m − 1) + 2p. Then a non negative solution to (37)–(38) exists in STo, where To > 0 is defined by




2 Kp(m−1)

p + T1−σ−

N Kp(a−1) o |||uo|||p

2 Kp(a−1)

p = γ−1. (40) Moreover the estimates of u stated in (19) hold for 0 < t < To, with γ = γ(N, m, a, σ, p).

Initial data measures are admissible if one can take p = 1 in (39), in the spirit of Remark 2.3.

Theorem 2.4. Let u be a local non negative solution to (37) in ST, 0 < T < ∞ (with no reference to initial data). Then

|||u(·, t)|||1 ≤ γ(N, m, a, σ, T ) , 0 < t < T /2 ; (41) more explicitly, for a, m > 1, 0 < t < T /2,

|||u(·, t)|||1 ≤ γ

Tm−11 + T2(a−1)K (1−σ−NK(a−1)) , (42) where γ = γ(N, m, a, σ). It follows that u has an initial trace ν; ν is a σ finite Borel measure in IRN satisfying the estimate provided


by (41) or (42). If, moreover, 1 > σ ≥ 0, σ + NK(a − 1) > 1 and a > m ≥ 1, then for all x ∈ IRN,



dν ≤ γρa−m+σ(m−1)2(1−σ) , 0 < ρ < γo(N, m, a, σ, T ) . (43)

Proof. Estimate (41) is derived straightforwardly from Proposi- tion 2.2 if σ ≥ 0. If σ < 0, m = 1, we first employ the well known Harnack inequality for non negative supersolutions of the heat equation in ST [21] to find for all 0 < t < T /2,

|||u(·, t)|||1 ≤ γ(N, T )|||u(·, 3T /4)|||1 .

Then we apply Proposition 2.2, with σ = 0, in IRN × (34T, T ).

Estimate (42) can be proved by comparing u with the subso- lution to (37)

z(x, t) = A T

σ a−1


(To− t)a−11

1 − B|x − xo|2 Tσ

m−1 a−1


(To− t)m−aa−1

1 m−1


, (44) where T1 = To, (x, t) ∈ STo for σ ≥ 0, and T1 = T , (x, t) ∈ IRN × (T /2, To) for σ < 0. Here A, B > 0 depend on N , m, a, while xo ∈ IRN, To > 0 are arbitrarily chosen. We should remark that z is a modification of the subsolution to (2) introduced in [11].

Employing the subsolution z above, one can follow the argument given in [2] subsection 12.ii for the case of equation (2); we do not reproduce the details here. To prove (43), we note that (31) implies for all x ∈ IRN, ρ > 0, 0 < t < T ,



dν ≤ γ

t1−σa−1 + ρa−m2 ta−mσ  .

Minimizing the right hand side with respect to t we get (43).

Remark 2.7. A simple calculation shows that if σ +KNp(a − 1) > 1, there exist functions uo ∈ Lp(IRN) not satisfying (43), so that for this choice of the initial datum uo, (37)–(38) does not have any non negative solution. In this sense (39) is optimal.


Remark 2.8. If a > m, the uniqueness of the initial trace of u could be proved as in [2].

Next we state two results about existence and non existence of global solutions.

Theorem 2.5. Let

σ + NK(a − 1) > 1 , (45) and let uo ≥ 0, |||uo|||p ≤ C < ∞, for a p > 1 such that (39) holds. Then a constant γo > 0 exists such that if kuok1,IRN < γo, a solution to (37)–(38) exists in S = IRN × (0, ∞). Here γo = γo(N, m, a, σ, p, C).

Theorem 2.6. Let

σ + NK(a − 1) < 1 . (46) If u is a non negative solution to (37) defined for all t > 0, then u ≡ 0.

Proof of Theorem 2.6. In the case a > m ≥ 1 we refer to Section 5, where Proposition 2.3 is proved by means of arguments that extend to the present case. If m > 1, we only have to let T → +∞ in (42).

Remark 2.9. Let u be any non negative local solution to (37) in ST, with σ ≥ 1. Then Proposition 2.2 implies u(·, t) → 0 in L1loc(IRN) as t → 0, so that problem (37)–(38) has no meaning for σ ≥ 1.

In the case m = 1, conditions (45), (46) for the existence or non existence of non trivial global non negative solutions to (37)–(38) are due to Meier, see [18].

The proof of Theorem 2.3 [2.5] is in all similar to the proof of Theorem 2.1 [2.2], when we use the estimates of Proposition 2.5 below: see subsection 3.i [3.ii] for more details.

Proposition 2.5. Let u be any non negative local solution to (37) in ST, and let u ∈ Co(ST), 0 < T < ∞. Then for every ball B(xo), ρ > 0, xo ∈ IRN, and for all 0 < t < T satisfying for all 0 < τ < t


um−1(·, τ )

∞,B(xo)+ τ−σ

ua−1(·, τ )

∞,B(xo)≤ τ−1 ,


estimate (36) with w = u, r = Kp, holds for all p ≥ 1.

Proposition 2.5 is proved exactly like Proposition 2.4.

2.iii The system (6)

Let us look at the problem

ut − ∆ um= vb, in ST , (47) vt− ∆ vµ= uα, in ST , (48) u(x, 0) = uo(x) , v(x, 0) = vo(x) , x ∈ IRN, (49) uo, vo ∈ L1loc(IRN), uo, vo ≥ 0. Here we assume m, µ ≥ 1, b, α > 0, bα > 1. Definitions 2.1–2.2 carry over to problem (47)–(49), if we set formally a = β = 0.

System (47)–(49) with m = µ = 1 has been studied in [8], where a sufficient and necessary condition for the existence of global solutions has been found. More precisely, a solution defined in IRN × (0, ∞) to (47)–(49) with m = µ = 1 exists if and only if bα ≤ 1, or bα > 1 and

N (bα − 1)/2(1 + max(b, α)) > 1 (50) (see also [15] for a different proof in the special case b, α ≥ 1).

Here we prove the following results about local and global solv- ability of (47)–(49).

Proposition 2.6. Assume (without loss of generality) b ≥ α.

There exists a constant po = po(N, m, b, µ, α) ≥ 1 such that if uo, vo ∈ L1loc(IRN), uo, vo ≥ 0 and |||uo|||p, |||vo|||q < ∞ with p ≥ po, p/q = α+1b+1, a solution to (47)–(49) exists in STo, where 0 < To = To(N, m, b, µ, α, p, q, |||uo|||p, |||vo|||q) < ∞. Moreover for 0 < t < To we have

ku(·, t)k∞,IRN + v

b+1 α+1(·, t)

∞,IRN ≤ γW



tKpN + γW

2 Hq

b+1 α+1


tHqN α+1b+1 ,


|||u(·, t)|||pp + |||v(·, t)|||qq ≤ Wo, (52) where Kp = N (m − 1) + 2p, Hq = N (µ − 1) + 2q, γ = γ(N, m, b, µ, α, p, q) and Wo = |||uo|||pp+ |||vo|||qq.


Theorem 2.7. Let b ≥ α, and assume



b+1 > 1 , HN



α+1 > 1 , (53) K = N (m − 1) + 2, Ho = N (µ − 1) + 2α+1b+1. Assume also |||uo|||p+

|||vo|||q ≤ C < ∞, where uo, vo, p, q are chosen as in Proposition 2.6.

Then a constant γo > 0 exists such that if kuok1,IRN + kvokb+1

α+1,IRN ≤ γo, (54) problem (47)–(49) has a solution defined in IRN × (0, ∞).

Here γo = γo(N, m, b, µ, α, p, q, C).

Remark 2.10. The dependence of the constants po and To on the quantities specified in the statement of Proposition 2.6 can be made explicit; we refer to the proof in subsection 3.iii. Here we note that (53) reduces to (50) when m = µ = 1.

Some extensions of Proposition 2.6 and Theorem 2.7 are given in subsection 2.iv.

The following proposition gives information on the behaviour of solutions to (47)–(48) as |x| → ∞ or t → 0, as well as on the behaviour of admissible initial data.

Proposition 2.7. Let (u, v) be a non negative local solution to (47)–(48) in ST, 0 < T < ∞, and let b ≥ µ, α ≥ m, and b, α > 1.


|||u(·, t)|||1 , |||v(·, t)|||1 ≤ γ(N, m, b, µ, α, T ) , 0 < t < T /2 . The proofs of both Proposition 2.6 and Theorem 2.7 rely on the estimates provided by

Proposition 2.8. Let (u, v) be any non negative local subso- lution to (47)–(48) in ST, and let u, v ∈ Co(ST), 0 < T < ∞.

Then for every ball B = B(xo), ρ > 0, xo ∈ IRN, and for all 0 < t < T satisfying for all 0 < τ < t


um−1(·, τ )

∞,B+ ρ−2

vµ−1(·, τ ) ∞,B

+ u

bα−1 b+1 (·, τ )


+ v

bα−1 α+1 (·, τ )


≤ τ−1 , (55) we have for all p, q ≥ 1, p/q = α+1b+1, x ∈ Bρ(xo),


u(x, t) + vα+1b+1(x, t) ≤ γtKpN WKp2 (t) + γtHqN α+1b+1WHq2 α+1b+1(t) , (56) where Kp = N (m − 1) + 2p, Hq = N (µ − 1) + 2q, γ = γ(N, m, b, µ, α, p, q), and

W (t) = sup

0<τ <t


B(xo)(up(x, τ ) + vq(x, τ )) dx .

Proposition 2.6 is proved in subsection 3.iii, Theorem 2.7 in subsection 3.iv, Proposition 2.7 in subsection 4.iii, and Proposi- tion 2.8 in subsection 6.i.

2.iv Generalisations Consider the system

ut− div a(x, t, u, Dum) = f (x, t, u, v) , in ST , (57) vt− div b(x, t, v, Dvµ) = g(x, t, u, v) , in ST . (58) We assume for all p, q ∈ IRN, and a.e. ξ ≡ (x, t, z) ∈ ST × IR,

a(ξ, p) · p ≥ Λ−1|p|2 , |a(ξ, p)| ≤ Λ|p| , a(ξ, p) − a(ξ, q) · (p − q) ≥ 0 ,

for a given Λ > 1. We also require for all p ∈ IRN, a.e. (x, t) ∈ ST, z 7→ a(x, t, z, p) ∈ Co(IR)N

, (z, w) 7→ f (x, t, z, w) ∈ Co(IR2) . The functions b and g are assumed to fulfill similar requirements.

Moreover let

0 ≤ f (x, t, z, w) ≤ Λ|z|a|w|b , 0 ≤ g(x, t, z, w) ≤ Λ|z|α|w|β , a.e. (x, t, z, w) ∈ ST × IR2. Here m, µ ≥ 1, a, β > 1, α, b ≥ 0, unless otherwise specified.

Since the proofs of the local and global existence theorems are based on L-estimates (i.e., propositions 2.4, 2.5 and 2.8) that hold for non negative local subsolutions to (57)–(58) (see, e.g., the proof of Proposition 2.8 in Section 6 below), we have that theorems 2.1, 2.2 hold if (7)–(8) are replaced by (57)–(58), even in the case of initial data measures. (In this connection, note that definitions


2.1–2.2 immediately extend to the present case.) Similar extensions hold for theorems 2.3, 2.5, 2.7, and for Proposition 2.6.

We refer to remarks 3.1, 3.2 for more comments on the proofs of these results. Here we only note that the following gradient estimates are needed.

Proposition 2.9. ([2] Section 7) Let (u, v) be a local non nega- tive subsolution of (57)–(58) in ST. Let the assumptions of Propo- sition 2.4 be fulfilled. Then for all p, q ≥ 1, and for all t, ρ > 0 satisfying (35) we have





up−1|Dum| dx dτ

≤ γ ρ2 t



 sup

0<τ <t



up(x, τ ) dx


, (59)

where if m > 1 we take ϑm = 0; in the non degenerate case m = 1, ϑm is an arbitrary number in (0, 1/2). An obviously analogue estimate for |Dvµ| also holds. Here γ = γ(N, m, a, b, µ, α, β, p, ϑm).

Remark 2.11. Estimate (59) holds for local non negative subsolu- tions u of

ut − div a(x, t, u, Dum) = t−σua , σ < 1 , a > 1 , provided the assumptions of Proposition 2.5 are satisfied.

Proposition 2.10. Let (u, v) be a local non negative subsolution to (57)–(58) in ST, with a = β = 0, bα > 1. Let the assumptions of Proposition 2.8 be fulfilled. Then for p, q > po(N, m, b, µ, α) ≥ 1, p/q = α+1b+1, we have for all t, ρ > 0 satisfying (55)





up−1|Dum| dx dτ ≤ γ Ξ(t; (m, p, Kp, b), (µ, q, Hq, α)) , (60) Zt




vq−1|Dvµ| dx dτ ≤ γ Ξ(t; (µ, q, Hq, α), (m, p, Kp, b)) , (61)


where for ri, si > 0, i = 1, 2, 3, 4, and W (t) defined as in Propo- sition 2.8 we let

Ξ(t; (r1, r2, r3, r4), (s1, s2, s3, s4))

= tr2r3W1+r1−1r3 (t) + t12 1−r4+1s4+1s3N(r1−1)

W1+r1−1s3 r4+1s4+1(t) . It follows from the proof of Proposition 2.10, that is sketched in subsection 6.ii, that po must be chosen so that all the exponents in (60)–(61) are positive.

Remark 2.12. Note that the gradient estimates given here are actually valid for the solutions we find, due to inequalities (19)–

(20), (51)–(52).

Remark 2.13. The existence theorems hold for solutions of vari- able sign to (57)–(58), where we stipulate the convention up =

|u|p−1u, u ∈ IR, p > 0. Indeed all the sup and gradient estimates above continue to hold for such solutions, since they may be proved separately for the negative and positive part of any solution.

Remark 2.14. Let a, b in (57)–(58) take the special form a = A · Dum, b = B · Dvµ, where A and B are two (constant) N × N positive definite symmetric real matrices. Then all the results in this paper hold for non negative solutions to (57)–(58). Indeed, the proofs can be reproduced by changing the space variables in each equation separately.

3. Proofs of the existence results 3.i Proof of Theorem 2.1

Consider for n = 1, 2, 3, . . . the sequence of approximating prob- lems

(un)t− ∆ umn = min(n, uavb) , in Qn, (62) (vn)t− ∆ vµn = min(n, uαvβ) , in Qn, (63) un(x, t) = 0 , vn(x, t) = 0 , |x| = n , t > 0 , (64) un(x, 0) = uon(x) , vn(x, 0) = von(x) , |x| < n ; (65) here Qn = Bn× (0, ∞), Bn = {|x| < n} ⊂ IRN, and we define for uo as in Theorem 2.1


uon(x) = min(uo(x), n) , |x| < n , uon = 0 , |x| ≥ n ; von is defined similarly. A solution to (62)–(65) is a pair (un, vn) of non negative measurable functions un, vn: Qn −→ IR+ satisfy- ing (10)–(12) with Ω = Bn, and um, vµ ∈ L2loc(0, T ; Wo1,2(Bn)).

In order to show that a solution (un, vn) exists, we first approxi- mate (62)–(65) by uniformly parabolic problems with smooth data, which can be solved, e.g., by means of Galerkin’s method (see [16]

Chapter V). Then, existence of a solution to (62)–(65) follows from the compactness results of [6]. Moreover un, vn ∈ L(Qn), and un, vn are continuous in Bn× [ε, ∞), ∀ε > 0.

Existence of solutions to (7)–(9) follows from a priori L bounds on (un, vn) uniform on n, via a standard reasoning based on the quoted above compactness results ((12) can be proved as in [7]). In this subsection we derive such bounds; for the sake of no- tational simplicity we define un ≡ 0, vn≡ 0 in [IRN× (0, ∞)] \ Qn, and drop the subscript n in the following.

Let us define ˜t as the largest time such that

um−1(·, t)

∞,IRN +

vµ−1(·, t) ∞,IRN


ua−1(·, t)vb(·, t)

∞,IRN +

uα(·, t)vβ−1(·, t)

∞,IRN ≤ t−1, (66) for all 0 < t < ˜t. It follows from Proposition 2.4 and (15) that for 0 < t < ˜t, x ∈ IRN, p, q ≥ 1,

u(x, t) ≤ γtKpN ΦKp2 (t) , v(x, t) ≤ γtHqN ΨHq2 (t) , (67) where Kp = N (m − 1) + 2p, Hq = N (µ − 1) + 2q, and

Φ(t) = sup

0<τ <t



ku(·, τ )kpp,B1(x) , Ψ(t) = sup

0<τ <t sup


kv(·, τ )kqq,B1(x) .

Indeed Proposition 2.4 holds for solutions to problem (62)–(65);

similar remarks apply to propositions 2.5 and 2.8–2.10 (this follows from the proofs in [2] and in Section 6 below).

Let ζ ∈ Co(IRN) be a cutoff function in B2(x), ζ ≡ 1 in B1(x), |Dζ|, | ∆ ζ| ≤ γ(N ), x ∈ IRN fixed. We use up−1ζ2 as a testing function in (62), to get for 0 < t < ˜t,




up(y, t) dy ≤ γ Z


upody + γ Zt




um−1updy dτ

+ γ Zt




ua−1vbupdy dτ

≤ γ|||uo|||pp+ γΦ(t)



τKpN (m−1)ΦKp2 (m−1)(t) dτ

+ Zt


τKpN (a−1)−HqN bΦKp2 (a−1)(t)ΨHq2 b(t) dτ

≤ γ|||uo|||pp+ γΦ(t)L(t) , (68) where, denoting Φ = Φ(t), Ψ = Ψ(t),

L(t) ≡ t1−KpN (m−1)ΦKp2 (m−1)+ t1−KpN (a−1)−HqN bΦKp2 (a−1)ΨHq2 b ; here we use (17). Since x ∈ IRN in (68) can be chosen arbitrarily, we have in fact

Φ(t) ≤ γ|||uo|||pp+ γΦ(t)L(t) , 0 < t < ˜t . (69) A similar calculation gives

Ψ(t) ≤ γ|||vo|||qq+ γΨ(t)M (t) , 0 < t < ˜t , (70) M (t) ≡ t1−HqN (µ−1)ΨHq2 (µ−1)+ t1−KpNα−HqN (β−1)ΦKp2 αΨHq2 (β−1) (Φ = Φ(t), Ψ = Ψ(t)). Next we define t = sup{t > 0 | L(t) + M (t) ≤ δ}, for δ > 0 to be chosen.

Note that for t ≤ t, we have for all x ∈ IRN (denote u = u(x, t), v = v(x, t))

tum−1+ tvµ−1+ tua−1vb+ tuαvβ−1 ≤ γL(t) + γM (t) ≤ γδ , implying, if δ = δ(N, m, a, b, µ, α, β) is small enough, that t < ˜t.

Also, (69) and (70) yield, possibly by choosing δ even smaller, Φ(t) ≤ γ|||uo|||pp , Ψ(t) ≤ γ|||vo|||qq , 0 < t < t. (71)


Estimate (71), together with (67), gives the sought after L- estimates, up to time t. Finally, t is bounded below by the time To defined in (18): indeed this follows by using (71) in the definition of t.

Remark 3.1. The proof given in this subsection covers, with minor changes, the case of the more general system (57)–(58). We still let (un, vn) be a solution to a problem similar to (62)–(65), with the obvious modifications. The only new difficulty is that the second term on the right hand side of (68) is now replaced by an integral containing |Dumn| (indeed, a double integration by parts was only made possible in (68) by the special form of (7)). Using (59) to es- timate this integral, the rest of the proof is in practice unchanged.

We remark that the limiting process n → ∞ still yields a solu- tion, by standard arguments, in view of the structure assumptions stipulated on (57)–(58), and of the compactness results of [6].

3.ii Proof of Theorem 2.2

In this section, we still denote by (u, v) a solution to (62)–(65). If we prove a priori L-estimates for all t > 0, existence of global solutions will follow at once, reasoning as in the previous subsec- tion.

Note that in Proposition 2.4 we may let ρ → ∞ to prove that for all ˜t > 0, such that for 0 < t < ˜t

ua−1(·, t)vb(·, t)

∞,IRN +

uα(·, t)vβ−1(·, t)

∞,IRN ≤ t−1, (72) it holds for all s ≥ 1, 0 < t < ˜t (here γ = γ(N, m, a, b, µ, α, β, s)),

ku(·, t)k∞,IRN ≤ γtKsN sup


ku(·, ϑ)k

2s Ks

s,IRN , kv(·, t)k∞,IRN ≤ γtHsN sup


kv(·, ϑ)k

2s Hs

s,IRN .


It follows from Theorem 2.1 and its proof that estimates (19)–(20) hold for (u, v) in the strip STo, To> 0 given by (18).

Performing a standard procedure of integration by parts in (62), and using the estimates provided by Theorem 2.1, we find for 0 < t < To


ku(·, t)k1,IRN ≤ kuok1,IRN + γ Zt




ua−1vbu dx dτ

≤ kuok1,IRN + γU (t)t1−KpN (a−1)−HqN b|||uo|||p

2 Kp(a−1) p |||vo|||q

2 Hqb

q ,

(74) where we set

U (t) = sup


ku(·, ϑ)k1,IRN , V (t) = sup


kv(·, ϑ)k1,IRN .

Owing to (74) and to a similar estimate of v, and choosing if nec- essary a smaller time To, we get for 0 < t < To

ku(·, t)k1,IRN ≤ γ kuok1,IRN , kv(·, t)k1,IRN ≤ γ kvok1,IRN . (75) Let T be the largest time ˜t for which (72) holds. Of course T ≥ To > 0. The L-estimates will follow from (73) and (75), if we show that T = +∞ and that (75) holds for all t > 0. Assume T < +∞ and (75) holds for 0 < t < T . We have by virtue of (73), for all x ∈ IRN,

ua−1(x, T )vb(x, T ) ≤ γTNK(a−1)−NHbkuok1,IRK2(a−1)N kvok1,IRH2bN


T To



T To


To−1 = 14T−1 , provided γo in (33) is chosen suitably small (in particular γo de- pends on To); indeed T ≥ To and −NK(a − 1) − NHb < −1.

In the same way, if γoin (33) is small enough, uα(x, T )vβ−1(x, T ) ≤ 1/(4T ), x ∈ IRN, contradicting the definition of T . Thus, in order to prove T = +∞, it will suffice to show that (75) actually holds for all 0 < t < T .

For any To < t < T it follows from (73) ku(·, t)k1,IRN ≤ ku(·, To)k1,IRN

+ γ Zt


τNK(a−1)−NHbU (τ )1+K2(a−1)V (τ )H2bdτ . (76)


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