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Unigueness of the one-dimensional bounce problem as a generi c property


Academic year: 2021

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Unigueness of the one-dimensional bounce problem as a generi c property

~ Michele CARRIERO and Eduardo PASCALI (Istituto di Matematica, LECCE)*

Sunto. -

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e.6~teJ'!zGl cU Wl .6Otto.ù!.6.{.eme M,


cU .6 ecol'lda. cGltegoJÙGl

'{'l'l LI

([O, T]; JR), tGlte che peJt OgM <l.6.6egrtGltGl

lI1Gl dei JUnibatzo utU.cWnel'l.6.{.o


ha UMcilò..

d pJLobte-

Introduction.- In [1] we studi ed the problem of a material point moving on

a straight line subject to a strength f depending on time and to a perfectly elastic bouncing law.

This problem consists in the following:


f e L1

([O,T]; IR),

S < O b

e IR or s = O, b


O (permissible




for every ,e C

o (

[O,T ; IR );


for u


O one has


J [u(t)$(t) - f(t),(t)] dt - O o

for every t e}o,T[ ù+(t) and ù (t) exist; moreover u+(O), U (T) exist and



f(n) U (n)dn



t e

[O,TJ ;

u(O) - s, u+(O) - b (energy conservation law).

* This work was carried out in the framework of the activities of the

G.N.A.F.A. (C.N.R. - Italy).


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