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Gaetano Continillo


Academic year: 2021

Condividi "Gaetano Continillo"


Testo completo


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Gaetano Continillo

Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università del Sannio Piazza Roma, 82100, Benevento



Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

• Introduzione

• Sistemi dinamici

• Strumenti di analisi

“Brute force”: numerical simulation Parameter continuation

• Esempi

Sistemi di combustione: comportamento transitorio Sistemi di combustione: regimi dinamici




Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Introduzione Introduzione

Che cosa intendiamo per Dinamica della combustione?

Che cosa intendiamo per “Dinamica”?

Comportamenti che variano nel tempo.


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Secondo quest’idea, tutti i fenomeni transitori sono fenomeni dinamici.

Ma questo non esaurisce tutti i comportamenti dinamici. Inoltre, in alcuni casi, i transitori non si possono considerare fenomeni dinamici (p. es. quelle che chiamiamo trasformazioni quasi statiche).

Ad esempio, molti sistemi raggiungono e mantengono comportamenti periodici regolari per tempi indefiniti.

Tali comportamenti sono dinamici, seppure non transitori. Alcuni chiamano questo genere di comportamento dinamico stato stazionario dinamico o anche regime dinamico.




Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Molti dispositivi basati su sistemi di combustione sono progettati e realizzati per operare in regime stazionario costante.

Per verificare se un sistema può mantenere il regime stazionario costante, è necessario verificare la stabilità di tale stato stazionario.

Uno stato stazionario costante si chiama stabile se una piccola perturbazione dello stato perdura per un tempo relativamente breve, prima che il sistema riassuma lo stato stazionario costante.

La stabilità si può verificare sperimentalmente e, se è disponibile un modello matematico ragionevole del sistema, si può verificare anche teoricamente in maniera relativamente semplice, a meno del verificarsi di circostanze infrequenti.




Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

I modelli dei sistemi di combustione sono non-lineari.

Comunque l’analisi di stabilità lineare è genericamente sufficiente per caratterizzare uno stato stazionario costante.

Il fatto che la perturbazione deve essere piccola corrisponde al fatto matematico che, per perturbazioni grandi, l’approssimazione lineare usata per caratterizzare la stabilità dello stato del sistema non è più applicabile e perciò il risultato ottenuto, in termini di stabilità, non è più valido.




Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Sistemi che operano in regime costante a possono cominciare ad oscillare

Da Mancusi et al., Multistability and Hysteresis in an Industrial Ammonia Reactor, AIChE




Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Quando un sistema che opera in regime costante comincia ad oscillare, le ragioni possono essere due:

1. Il sistema ha subito una perturbazione non tanto piccola e si è messo a funzionare in un regime diverso, non costante. Tuttavia esso può essere ricondotto a funzionare nel regime precedente, costante, per mezzo di una opportuna perturbazione del suo stato.

2. Il sistema ha cambiato le proprie caratteristiche a causa del cambiamento di qualche suo parametro, ed il regime stazionario ha perduto la stabilità. Il sistema non può più essere ricondotto al regime precedente per mezzo di una perturbazione del suo stato.




Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

In combustione, entrambi i casi vengono chiamati instabilità di combustione. Eppure essi sono di natura molto diversa, come meglio si vedrà. In particolare:

Il caso 1 non ha nulla a che vedere con la stabilità in senso matematico. Ha a che vedere invece con la molteplicità degli stati stazionari comunemente osservata nei sistemi non lineari.

Il caso 2 corrisponde ad un cambiamento di stabilità di uno stato stazionario. Esso è un esempio di ciò che si chiama biforcazione.




Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Un ricercatore che usa metodi sperimentali potrebbe dire:

«OK, tutto quello che si vede è che il sistema era in regime stazionario e poi tutto ad un tratto ha preso ad oscillare. Come faccio a sapere quale dei tuoi due meccanismi ha causato il fatto? E poi in definitiva, quello che mi preme sapere è – qual è la ragione fisica che fa oscillare il sistema?»

Questa non è affatto una domanda oziosa. Noi parliamo di sistemi fisici e tutte le ragioni sono fisiche. Quale dei due meccanismi sia responsabile non dipende dal sistema fisico. Dipende da che cosa hai messo nel modello.

Più precisamente, dipende da quali variabili sono designate come variabili di stato e quali variabili sono designate come parametri.




Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Supponiamo ad esempio che, per una fiamma stazionaria atmosferica, una leggera variazione della pressione faccia partire una oscillazione della fiamma.

Caso 2)

La pressione è assunta costante nel nostro modello ed il modello non predice le oscillazioni, a meno che noi non variamo il valore (costante) della pressione. Abbiamo cambiato un parametro del nostro sistema ed è cambiata la stabilità del regime stazionario.

Caso 1)

La pressione è una delle variabili di stato nel nostro modello ed il nostro modello predice le oscillazioni: lo stato è stato perturbato ed il sistema si è spostato su un regime diverso.




Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Entrambi i modelli 1 e 2 sono adeguati a descrivere il nostro sistema fisico. Esiste anche il

Caso 3) La pressione è assunta costante nel nostro modello ed il modello non predice le oscillazioni, anche se si cambia il valore (costante) della pressione così come avviene nell’esperimento.

Molto probabilmente c’è bisogno dell’equazione di bilancio della quantità di moto per tener conto delle oscillazioni. Il modello è inadeguate a descrivere il fenomeno in questo particolare aspetto.




Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

A glance at history in combustion dynamics A glance at history in combustion dynamics

(source: Gray & Scott, in Oscillations and Travelling Waves in Chemical Systems, Field & Burger Eds., Wiley, 1985)




Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

A glance at history in combustion dynamics

A glance at history in combustion dynamics (cont’d)





Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

A glance at history in combustion dynamics

A glance at history in combustion dynamics (cont’d)





Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

A glance at history in combustion dynamics

A glance at history in combustion dynamics (cont’d)





Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione


Research in combustion dynamics

in combustion dynamics

: Conference

: Conference

The International Conference on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS) gathers every other year 300 people in the field. It has the historical merit of having brought together scientists from the two blocks during the Cold War, discussing topics that were also relevant to military applications. It is held alternately in North America and in the rest of the world.

Currently, ICDERS does not publish its proceedings: three journals (Shock Waves, Combustion Science and Technology and Combustion Theory and Modelling) are indicated to individual authors as possible target for archival publications.

Introduzione: risorse

Introduzione: risorse


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione


Introduction: Resources

: Resources Research

Research in combustion dynamics

in combustion dynamics

: Conference

: Conference

ICDERS is recognized by the Combustion Institute as a Specialist Meeting on the fluid dynamic aspects of combustion.

Dynamics of Explosions is concerned principally with the interrelationship between rate processes of energy deposition in compressible media and their flow fields, as it occurs typically in detonations.

Dynamics of Reactive Systems deals with non-steady coupling between the flow system and exothermic chemical reactions, as occurs typically in the course of combustion.


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione


Introduction: Resources

: Resources Mathematical research in combustion dynamics

Mathematical research in combustion dynamics: Book

: Book

Dynamical Issues in Combustion Theory, P. Fife, A.

Linan and F. Williams Eds., The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, Vol 35, Springer- Verlag, New York, 1991 makes a good sampling of recent mathematical research in combustion dynamics. The book is based on the proceedings of a workshop held in November 1989, treating:

•Stability and other properties of steady structures

•Long time dynamics of evolving solutions

•Properties of interfaces and shocks

•Spatio-temporal patterns


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione


Introduction: Resources

: Resources Mathematical research in combustion dynamics

Mathematical research in combustion dynamics: Journal

: Journal

Combustion Theory and Modelling, M. Matalon and M. Smooke Editors-in-Chief, formerly published by the Institute of Physics, Bristol, UK, now by Taylor&Francis, is the most recent and rapidly growing international forum where all active groups send their works.

Established in 1996, quarterly, has achieved a remarkable 1.4 I.F. that put it for a while on top of the major combustion-related journals in this respect.

Online: www.iop.org/journals/ctm


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Transient, steady state, stability, bifurcation: all these are concepts formalized in the theory of dynamical systems.

Traditional fields of application of the dynamical system theory are:

circuit theory, automation and control.

All major results were developed for deterministic models of dynamical systems with less than 10 state variables. The most complex regime (chaos) is observed for systems having as few as three state variables (Lorenz attractor).

But results are so general and so powerful as to make it very attractive to try and apply the approach to increasingly large (in terms of number of state variables) models of engineering systems, including distributed models of combustion phenomena.




Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

We assume that a system is completely defined by a chosen set of variables. The variables are ordered and constitute what is called the state vector of the system.

Variables may continuously change with time. When this occurs, we have a continuous-time system.

Alternatively, variables may change over successive ordered instances.

When this is the case, we have a discrete-time system.

Our idea of an evolutionary physical system is that of a continuous-time system. In fact, when we use numerical simulations or time sampled experimental observation, we really deal with discrete-time systems.

No problem, the two kinds of systems share most of the relevant properties.

Basic Concepts in Dynamical Systems Theory

Basic Concepts in Dynamical Systems Theory


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione


Autonomous dynamical systems dynamical systems

An autonomous, continuous-time dynamical system on order


is defined by the equation:


where , is the state at time


, and is called the vector field.

0 0


( ),

( x x t x


x   

dt dx

x  : / x ( t )  IR



f : IR


 IR


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Dynamical systems:

Dynamical systems: flux flux

To underline the dependence on the initial conditions, solutions to problem (1) are often represented as .

The family of curves obeys the following two relations:

and is named flux.

) ( x


t n n


: IR  IR

2 1


1 t t t


 

x x ) 




Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione


Non-autonomous dynamical systems dynamical systems

A non-autonomous, continuous-time dynamical system on order n is defined by the equation:


If there exists such that

then the system is called periodic with period .

0 0


( ),


( x t x t x


x   

 0

T f ( x , t )  f ( x , tT )  x , t



Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Relation between

Relation between autonomous and autonomous and non-autonomous non-autonomous systems systems

Any order-


non-autonomous, periodic system with period can always be recast into an autonomous order-


system, by augmenting it with a new state variable: . The new autonomous system is


Since is periodic with period , system (3) is periodic in with period .

T t / 2

: 

 


0 0


( ),

2 / ,

( x T x t x


x    

T t


T , ( ) 2 /


2  



   

f T



Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Relation between

Relation between autonomous and autonomous and non-autonomous non-autonomous systems systems

Solutions of system (3) in the cylindrical state space , where , are:


Here the function limits within .

With such transformation, the theory of autonomous systems is extended to non-autonomous.

 

 

 

 

 

 2 / mod 2 )

, ( )

( )


0 0

T t

t x t




mod   0, 2





0 , 2


: 



Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Useful properties of dynamical systems Useful properties of dynamical systems

Rather weak regularity conditions for and respectively, ensure that:

• Solutions exist for any .

• For any , if and only if . From this, and since , the trajectory of an autonomous system is uniquely specified by the initial conditions, and any two distinct trajectories cannot intersect.

• For any and , if and only if . Hence, given any initial time, the trajectory of a non-autonomous system is uniquely specified by the initial conditions.



(, t


) t



( x )  


( y ) xy

2 1


1 t t t


 

t t



( x , t


)  


( y , t


) xy


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Useful properties of dynamical systems Useful properties of dynamical systems

• The derivative of the trajectory with respect to the initial conditions exists and is nonsingular. It follows that, given any and ,

and are continuous functions of the initial state .

More precisely, for any , and , a number can be found such that

for any and for any such that .

t t



( x




( x


, t


) x




[ t


, t



 0

 






) 





) 



x t


x t


] , [ t




  x






 


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Dynamical systems:

Dynamical systems: orbits orbits

The set of points

is called orbit through .


( ) IR : x



    t




Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Dynamical system:

Dynamical system: time series time series

The diagram of each state variable as a function of time

is the so-called time series (time waveform) representation.


: )

( t




Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Dynamical systems:

Dynamical systems: phase portraits phase portraits

A phase portrait is a set of diagrams that constitute the projections of the orbits of the system on a conveniently defined plane spanned by any two state variables. Phase portraits are the most common qualitative representations of the behaviour of dynamical systems.


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Dynamical systems:

Dynamical systems: limit sets limit sets

We shall limit ourselves to bounded time-asymptotic behaviour. In order to characterize various possible behaviours, we give some definitions.

• is called a limit point for if, for any open set , repeatedly visits as .

• The set of all limit points of is called the limit set of .

y x Uy




U t  

) (x

L x x


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione


Attractive limit sets and limit sets and basins basins of of attraction attraction

• A limit set is called (locally) attractive if there exists an open neighbourhood

of such that for any .

• The set uniting all of the open neighbourhoods defined as above in relation with costitutes the basin of attraction of . is the set of all the initial conditions that lead to as .


L xU


L L ( x )  L





L t  


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Limit sets: linear vs. nonlinear systems Limit sets: linear vs. nonlinear systems

Linear dynamical system.

• A linear dynamical system which is asymptotically stable possesses a unique limit set. In this case we speak of THE steady state of the system.

• The basin of attraction is the entire state space.


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Limit sets: linear vs. nonlinear systems Limit sets: linear vs. nonlinear systems

Nonlinear dynamical system.

• Nonlinear dynamical systems may have more than one limit set, of which more than one may be attractive (multiplicity of steady states).

• Basins of attraction of the attractive limit sets are disjoint sets.


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Quality of nonlinear behaviour Quality of nonlinear behaviour

A nonlinear dynamical system may exhibit one or more of the following bounded asymptotic (as ) types of behaviour:

– State variables assume constant values – State variables evolve periodically with time

– State variables evolve aperiodically with time and trajectories lie on manifolds having integer finite dimension

– State variables evolve aperiodically with time and trajectories lie on sets belonging to objects having dimension not expressed by an integer number



Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Limit sets

Limit sets of of nonlinear systems nonlinear systems

• Corresponding to the four different types of observable asymptotic behaviour, limit sets of nonlinear systems are of four different types:

– Equilibrium points – Periodic solutions

– Quasi-periodic solutions – Strange attractors


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Equilibrium points Equilibrium points

An equilibrium point of an autonomous system is a constant solution of Problem (1), that is

The vector field vanished in an equilibrium point and, generically, the reverse is also true:

implies that is an equilibrium point.



t x



 




) 

0 )

( x

f x


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Equilibrium points Equilibrium points

Example: the dynamical model of the damped pendulum

is a second-order autonomous system with an infinite number equilibrium points in

) (x sin ay


y x


2 ,

1 ,

0 )

0 , (

) ,

( x ykk   



Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Pendulum – equilibrium points and basins of attraction

Equilibrium points

Equilibrium points


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Periodic P eriodic solutions solutions

is a periodic solution of an autonomous system if, for any , it is (5) for a minimum period . The point is not unique, since for all

points in the periodic solution Eq. (5) applies.

A periodic solution is said isolated if a neighbourhood exists which does not contain other periodic solutions. For an autonomous system an isolated periodic solution is called limit cycle.

) (


( x

* t T




 

 )

( x




 0

T x



Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Periodic solution: example Periodic solution: example

One possible example for a reactive system is:



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Periodic solution: example Periodic solution: example

A corresponding phase-portraits for a given pair of values of b1 and b2:


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Any planar (2 state variables) dynamical system possessing no equilibrium points and no unbounded solutions necessarily has a limit cycle.

This goes with the fact that, for such systems, trajectories lie on the plane:

since they cannot intersect, they must tend to a closed curve.


Poincaré - - Bendixson Bendixson theorem theorem


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Quasi-periodic solutions Quasi-periodic solutions

A simple example of quasi-periodic function is

where and are arbitrary periodic functions having incommensurate periods and , i.e. is an irrational number.

1 2

( ) ( ) ( ) x th th t














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For a dynamical system, quasi-periodicity may arise when an autonomous system having a limit cycle of period is forced with period


Since the “natural” period of the original autonomous system depends on the system parameters, the forced system may “negotiate” a convenient multiple of the forcing frequency, thus giving rise to a simple periodic solution.

The forced system may on the other hand maintain both frequencies, incommensurate, and oscillate in a quasi-periodic fashion.

Quasi-periodic solutions Quasi-periodic solutions






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A 2-periodic orbit develops on a 2-torus where each circle “hosts” one of the two base frequencies.

Quasi-periodic solutions: limit set Quasi-periodic solutions: limit set



1 1





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Periodic vs. quasi-periodic orbit. In fact, the latter densely fills the manifold.

Quasi-periodic solutions: limit set

Quasi-periodic solutions: limit set


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Chaotic orbits are bounded and non-periodic.

Example of autonomous system: the toroidal Rössler model

Chaos Chaos


x y z

y x

z ay ay bz

  

  


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Duffing’s non autonomous system


cos( )

x y

y x xy   t

   




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Combustion and chaos Combustion and chaos

Experimentalists, theoreticians and computer scientists from the University of Houston and the University of Texas at San Antonio have joined to study a unique physical system -- burner stabilized premixed flames.



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Combustion and chaos: experimental Combustion and chaos: experimental

Ordered Rotating Hopping

Ratcheting Intermittent Disordered


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Stabilit y of limit sets y of limit sets

Stability is a fundamental property of a limit set. We distinguish four types of stability:

(Neutrally) stable

(Asymptotically) stable Unstable



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Bifurcations Bifurcations

Suppose that a system, either autonomous or not, depends on a vector parameter


0 0

( , ), ( )

x   f xx tx

0 0

( , , ), ( )

x   f xt x tx

Any qualitative change in the long time behaviour due to changes in

Is called a bifurcation for the system. These include: changes in stability, disappearance or birth of new regimes.


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Bifurcations Bifurcations

Bifurcations are named according to the type of change to which they correspond. For example, a Hopf bifurcation occurs when a stable equilibrium point becomes unstable and a stable limit cycle appears.


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Bifurcations Bifurcations

Solution diagrams are the most common way to represent the results of bifurcation analysis. A convenient norm of the long time solution is reported versus the value of the bifurcation parameter. Multi-valued diagrams correspond to multiple steady states.


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Bifurcations Bifurcations

Bifurcation diagrams report loci of bifurcation points on a plane span by two bifurcation parameters. They are a useful instrument to represent the expected behaviour of a system as two operating parameters are changed.


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Bifurcation analysis: techniques analysis: techniques

Simulation (brute force) Simulation (brute force)

Continuation algorithms Continuation algorithms


Unstable regimes not detectable


Stability analysisanalysis

Construction of periodic Construction of periodic

and multiperiodic and multiperiodic

branches branches


Local bifurcationsbifurcations


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Infinite-dimensional systems Infinite-dimensional systems

The evolutionary equations for combustion system models are, in most cases, partial differential equations. Their solutions are of the type



is the vector of space coordinates. To recast the problem into a classic dynamical system, we assume that the solution can be approximated by

where the are known spatial structures. Then, the are computed from a conveniently generated o.d.e problem of the type , known as a Galërkin projection.

( , ) u u s t

   

1 N

i i


u x ts

 


  s

x t


 


( ), ( )


x   f x x tx


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Infinite-dimensional systems: inertial manifold Infinite-dimensional systems: inertial manifold

In general, there is no guarantee that the dynamics of the finite- dimensional system obtained is representative of the dynamics of the infinite-dimensional systems.

However, the long time behaviour of an infinite-dimensional system, under mild regularity conditions, is known to lie on a finite- dimensional manifold (the inertial manifold).


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Real vs. numerical dynamics Real vs. numerical dynamics

In many cases what you are really seeing are the dynamics of a numerical method – which hopefully reflects the long-time behaviour of the underlying system.

Unfortunately, a suitable theory of numerical methods on nonlinear problems is not yet fully developed. Two questions remain often unanswered:

1. If the numerical solution converges to a fixed point, will this be a stable equilibrium point of the underlying o.d.e.?

2. If solutions of the o.d.e. preserve some quantity (e.g. energy), is it possible/desirable for the numerical solution to preserve the discrete analogue?


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Examples: transient dynamics Examples: transient dynamics

Alone or together with experiments, numerical simulations can shed light on controlling mechanisms of physical and chemical dynamical phenomena.

Peculiar advantages of numerical models are:

the virtually unlimited degree of detail

the possibility of artificially add/eliminate parts to/from the model


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Examples: transient dynamics Examples: transient dynamics

With main reference to the second feature, here two examples of application are illustrated:

the investigation upon the role of wall friction on tulip flame propagation

the investigation on the mechanism of gas flame extinction in packed beds


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Examples: transient dynamics – Tulip flame Examples: transient dynamics – Tulip flame

Left: experimental, Ellis 1928

Right: numerical, Marra & Continillo, 1996

The mechanism of the generation of a “tulip” shape that is observed under certain conditions in laminar flames propagating in closed tubes is not completely understood.


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Examples: transient dynamics - Tulip flame Examples: transient dynamics - Tulip flame

Governing equations: full Navier-Stokes for reactive flows, low-Mach number formulation

Effect of changing the boundary conditions:

non-slip vs free-slip

Artificially changing the (physical) non-slip wall boundary condition to a nonphysical free-slip boundary condition the flame does not develop such a shape. This demonstrates that viscous effects do play a role in the tulip flame phenomenon, as opposed to what was earlier believed.


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Transient dynamics – Flame quenching in packed beds Transient dynamics – Flame quenching in packed beds

Flame deformation due to the tortuosity of flow patterns and

closer contact to the solid boundaries of the spheres

are two possible factors of flame extinction through packed beds.


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Transient dynamics – Flame quenching in packed beds Transient dynamics – Flame quenching in packed beds

Experimental configurations


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Transient dynamics – Flame quenching in packed beds Transient dynamics – Flame quenching in packed beds

Can we conclude that heat transfer to the solid is NOT the dominant mechanism?

Experimental result: Thermal properties of packed bed have negligible influence on quenching limits

Flame strain vs. wall heat transfer


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Transient dynamics – Flame quenching in packed beds Transient dynamics – Flame quenching in packed beds

1-D model vs. multi-D models

The 1-D model

• can incorporate (via correlations) heat transfer to the solid

• could incorporate (via correlations) flame strain effects

• cannot resolve flame structure in terms of flame deformation


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Transient dynamics – Flame quenching in packed beds Transient dynamics – Flame quenching in packed beds

2-D model equations


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Transient dynamics – Flame quenching in packed beds Transient dynamics – Flame quenching in packed beds

2D Numerical Model Analysis:

example of “physical” model simulation


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Transient dynamics – Flame quenching in packed beds

Transient dynamics – Flame quenching in packed beds


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Dynamic steady states: diffusion-reaction-convection Dynamic steady states: diffusion-reaction-convection

These examples relate to models of spontaneous ignition and combustion of a coal stockpile. The first examples are 1D and 2D models based on reaction-diffusion equations.

Numerical simulation is the main tool employed, but the 1D model was also studied via parameter continuation, and a period- doubling route to chaos was identified.

The last example is a reaction-diffusion-convection model of idealized half-cross section of a coal stockpile. Convection is modelled with Darcy’s law.


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Dynamic steady states: diffusion-reaction-convection Dynamic steady states: diffusion-reaction-convection

Oscillating reaction-diffusion systems: distributed-parameter models


1-dimensional system (100 state variables)

1-dimensional system: phase plot

2-dimensional system (882 state variables)


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Dynamic steady states: diffusion-reaction-convection Dynamic steady states: diffusion-reaction-convection

Oscillating reaction-diffusion-convection systems:

distributed-parameter model. Simulation

• Example of chaotic behaviour


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione






A Reversed Flow

A Reversed Flow CombustorCombustor: Discontinuous Periodically Forced Operation: Discontinuous Periodically Forced Operation


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione



, T

2 : temperatures at left and right ends of the reactor

300 400 500 600 700 800 900

dimensionless time

0 500 1000 1500 2000

T1 T2 [K]

Symmetric solution: Z

Symmetric solution: Z22 symmetry symmetry (RFR)(RFR)

A Reversed Flow

A Reversed Flow CombustorCombustor: Discontinuous Periodically Forced Operation: Discontinuous Periodically Forced Operation


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

A Reversed Flow

A Reversed Flow CombustorCombustor: Discontinuous Periodically Forced Operation: Discontinuous Periodically Forced Operation

500 600 700 800 900 1000

dimensionless time

0 500 1000 1500 2000

T1 T2 [K]

Asymmetric solution: Z

Asymmetric solution: Z22 symmetry symmetry (RFR)(RFR)



, T

2 : temperatures at left and right ends of the reactor


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

A Reversed Flow

A Reversed Flow CombustorCombustor: Discontinuous Periodically Forced Operation: Discontinuous Periodically Forced Operation

Solution diagram: catalytic combustor

P a rtico la re

Periodo d'inversione

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3

G ,O U T

-0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0


D ia g ra m m a d e lle so lu zio n i

Periodo d'inversione

200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

a b

c d

e f

 


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Resonant regime solutions

 



A Reversed Flow

A Reversed Flow CombustorCombustor: Discontinuous Periodically Forced Operation: Discontinuous Periodically Forced Operation


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

A Reversed Flow

A Reversed Flow CombustorCombustor: Discontinuous Periodically Forced Operation: Discontinuous Periodically Forced Operation

It is possible to reconstruct systematically the regime behavior of

discontinuous periodically-forced systems, by applying robust

continuation algorithms to an associated discrete-time system, properly constructed and implemented numerically starting from a Poincaré section.

The approach proposed permits to identify bifurcations and to

automatically trace solution branches stemming from pitchfork

bifurcations. This constitutes a

complete bifurcational study

otherwise unfeasible for the underlying discontinuous periodically-

forced non-autonomous system.


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

Future developments Future developments

Nonlinear analysis must be extended to larger models of combustion systems. New numerical tools, based on parallel computing architectures, are being developed.

On the other hand, the ability of a reduced model to reproduce the qualitative behavior of a combustion system constitutes a validation point, not lesser than the always sought quantitative agreement between model results and experiments. Nonlinear analysis is the formal way to identify qualitative changes of behavior (bifurcations) which are relevant to a valid description of a combustion system.


Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione Fenomeni dinamici nei processi di combustione

For contributing to the work:

Francesco Saverio Marra, Gianni Galiero,

Pier Luca Maffettone, Filippo Maria Denaro, Luigi Tecce, Vittorio Faraoni, Erasmo Mancusi, Lucia Russo.

For advice and guidance:

Carlo Meola, Colomba Di Blasi, Silvestro Crescitelli, Gennaro Russo, William A. Sirignano, Pier Giorgio Lignola, John Lee

For friendship and support:

All of my colleagues and staff of IRC/CNR, Naples Staff and colleagues at the Department of

Engineering, Università del Sannio, Benevento For starting all this and much more:

Leopoldo Massimilla


Acknowledgment s s


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