• Non ci sono risultati.

Role of the Congnitive Task in Decision Making Performance


Academic year: 2021

Condividi "Role of the Congnitive Task in Decision Making Performance"


Testo completo

(1)01. ‰Š‹ŒXŠXŽŒXŠ‘’rŽr“ŒX Ž”•UXr’X–Œr•rŠ’X—”Ur’‘X ˜Œ‰Š‰—”’Œ ™š›œžŸ2 ¡2¢œ£¤¥¦ §¨©ª«ª¬­§®¯°ª©±²­ª³´®µ¶®·µ°­³¸°¹¸ º78»¼5½œ¾¿œ¡7Àœ7Á¥œ2¥ÂÃÁÃ45675ÃÄŜ›8ÃÅÁ8Å4. 23456785. 9







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(64) 01. 23456738 5

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(67) 01. 23456789

(68) 789 27 3

(69)   8 88358 4398 53896

(70) 7 2  4873  2  8. 88

(71) 2 8 !"!#$%"&'(%&&)*'!'%"$+ !,-$'. /8 569538 3 788 782

(72) 068   73.

(73) 18

(74)  438 78 232

(75) 7 8 593288 7 7  8 . 3

(76)  7 2 8

(77) 2 589394

(78) 28.

(79) 64

(80) 7 4

(81)  898

(82) 7 98  .    39 6 

(83) 2

(84)  8 6 7

(85) 2 23456789 784. 32

(86) 7 8 438

(87) 2


(89)   . 98 7 8

(90) 8 735 2

(91)  4   8  898

(92) 7 48


(94) 2.. 5


(96)   782

(97) 068  8 88

(98) 88358 3 232

(99) 7 8

(100)  82  3

(101) 593288 5889.

(102)  6 89  7889 67 7898 

(103) 3 :7

(104)  9 : 4873 559359 78 39   76 7 3


(106)  98 . 7. 36 9 789 8; 7. 8827 3

(107) 3 78 4873  8 3

(108) 582 32 9806 9848

(109) 7 3 78 34

(110) .. 32

(111) 7 8 23458; 7 

(112) 3789 23

(113) 2857 7 7 23998 78  7 78 23

(114) 2857 3 4

(115) 289  82  3

(116). 69<86 =>>7. /8 8 7 7 58358  89

(117) 7894 3 06  7 3

(118) 789

(119)  985988

(120) 7 7 3

(121)  3 78 9. 8

(122)  3 3789 45397

(123) 7 32698 934 78 9  8   8

(124) 18. /88 985988

(125) 7 7 3

(126)   8. 88

(127) 2 9 2789 18

(128) 4

(129)    8582 

(130) 7894 3 284 7 2 7839.. 32

(131) 7 8 23458; 7 88

(132)  ?8;   7

(133)   89 7 3 985988

(134) 7 7 3

(135) 3


(137)   6 . 78488

(138)  3

(139) 3789 

(140) 45397

(141) 7 232

(142) 7 8  9 8 7 7 467 8 7 48


(144) 73 2236

(145) 7

(146). 392

(147) 1 7 3

(148) . /   9 8 2

(149)  8 8 789. 7 46 739 8827 39


(151)   739 8827 3

(152) 78. 82  3

(153)  858


(155) 2 3

(156) 78  3267 3 78 82  3

(157) 73 8 7 48

(158) 69<86 =>>7. @AA$"!#$%BC$''$'%&D%D$!'!%  739 2  988 928 3

(159) 82  3

(160) E4 4

(161) 2 593288

(162) 2  8 79 8 73 8;5


(164) 78 397. 5 8 78

(165) 394 7 3

(166)  8 89 7 8 59328 98 3

(167) E   39 23 28 F 39 F 43

(168) 3


(170) . /894 788G. 5398 9828

(171) 7 988 92 593 8 5 97 26 9 45397

(172) 28 73 8437 3


(174)  827 8. 593288

(175) 82  3

(176) E4 4

(177) 2.. 

(178) 394 7 3


(180) 78 82  3

(181) E4 4

(182) 2 558 9 . 59328 68

(183) 73 438 3 7

(184) 4

(185) 2H. 827 8 I 8;589 8

(186) 7 

(187)  8 89 7 8 J578

(188) 788K L388

(189) 78

(190) 87 . M =>>G N8

(191) . =>>K F7

(192) 3 2

(193)  O87 =>>= 6 

(194) 84

(195)  =>>G 37   3 7

(196) 4

(197) 2 8

(198) 2 89 45397

(199) 7.

(200) 82  3

(201) E4 4

(202) 2. P

(203) 6489 3 76 8 62287 7 7 827 8 593288 593 8 37. 6

(204) 897


(206) 2

(207)  437  7 3

(208) 3 78 8827 3

(209) 59328. Q 4  3 788K. 6 

(210) 84

(211) =>>G 62287 7 7

(212) 78 3589 7 3

(213) 3. 784 7  45397

(214) 7 78 06  7. 3 78 593288

(215) 394 7 3


(217)  7 45 27 3

(218) 78 8  39. 

(219) 78 898 76 6 8437 3

(220).  83

(221) 8  738 53 7 8


(223) 82 7 8 88

(224) 2 73 8;789

(225)  7 466. /88 88

(226) 2 2

(227). 8 32 78  7 78 3R827 7 7 593628 R67 28 39 8;589 8

(228) 7  593288 7 7 593628. 23

(229)  7 3


(231) 2 F7 7

(232)  F7 7 78ST  4  9 7 U R3

(233) 2 78T> 59 4

(234) 2 5695

(235) . U R3

(236) 2 788G


(238) 2399827  9 F2 971

(239)  398 78TG . J437 3

(240) 4  3 8 988

(241) 7. 73 78 82  3

(242) E4 4

(243) 2 67 4  3 827 78 82  3

(244) 367 3 78 59328 7  23

(245)  7 3

(246) 8

(247) 2. 2 8 22 8

(248) 7  8437 3

(249) .. V+$C!$'%A%!"!#$%'+$W& 

(250) 82  3

(251) E4 4

(252) 2 34

(253) .  928

(254) 6489 3 988 9289  8 593538 783987 2 . 23

(255) 79 67 3

(256)  H /839 3 9 7 3

(257)  27 3

(258) /NP X 8

(259)  789Y /839 3 5



(262) 2 8  39. PR18

(263)  78TS

(264)  P228578 782

(265) 332 438 /P5 Q   78T8. 537 7839 8 5988

(266) 7. 8068

(267) 7  78 98 7 3

(268)  5 2 6 E8827

(269)  3 78 98 7 3

(270)  5 8;789

(271)   9 8E8 8E 77 768E8  39 

(272) 78

(273) 7 3

(274) .. F889  9828

(275) 7 76 8 23

(276)  89 7 7  7 3

(277)  98 7 3

(278)  5 P 4 87. P 788=. Z 77 289R88 =>>> / 39

(279)  /3 788S [8

(280) 4 78 7889 =>>>. X39 8; 458 Q  

(281) . [8

(282) 4 78 =>>> 7878 3 78 689 22857 782

(283) 332

(284)  78

(285) 87 2 7 3

(286) ..

(287) 01. 234567559

(288) 4547577573337536474775354 74534777433643537575575!777 473573777477"557"46"57475743657365476 57435"5767#7537$75 !7355357677347745475$75435773357557 3"57347$6$74733$3635!7754357767 63674779%747&74!'57(2)*7734%4 477475367 9+4 ,-.4 /-037 ,103727553'2 //

(289) *345 '336657 , 4$7 , 4365#759%34'!473 /, 75357924"5* 65*24"3'%4 -- 3574&359035363 4527'77 -- 5$7474736635923668365&(67' 439 /749)67*73%3657'2#496 /3573536966 987347'47674 647674 "44759+774'27974 / 3 36574359+47$'*5 -- .97  :47$745777574767453"74367475357 #753743&733$36774773747535577737$75 5"57;43536773753677 <=>?@A=BCDEFGHG773449"677"373754735 3473677477 IFGCGH@>?@A=BCDEFGHGJ!75454734557$36365436 343574!7547767$34367;57753754754545 $36347757436$3436753574757753677!74353677 477455736357473677477365743637$754 67343735 KLMLNOPQRSTULPVWXLM !74577436#75$75477343547$7365$777377 57337436757436"37$475!37$75#75$7357347 76$3436753777734533557Y7534747543536$ 7536779YZ*+4335735745776)378779 --  !7777436#75$75477343565357477 375$7777[39473457775$34367; 5743&3533377567$76.45475"3335757\]GD>?@AA=?^GC @_C`GE?D?@AaH=b?Ac9)d:7$767.47d2375*2+63742362:9

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(291) 01. 234567859726

(292) 769

(293) 76 93

(294) 235

(295) 53

(296) 9 324

(297) 53 7

(298) 2 79726

(299) 76

(300) 959

(301) 234567859726

(302) 92

(303)  7

(304) 9 

(305) 264

(306) 5


(308) 5

(309) 3759

(310) 2567  !"#$%&'()&*(&"!"+,)(&-&,!('("(.'(*/0+()1(..&))-.&-23 456789:7;9<8 F7

(311) 234567859726. F3759

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(313) 565469 I7

(314) 565469 L679

(315) 56543. G295 G2

(316) 565469 I7

(317) 565469 L679

(318) 56543. G295. DBC7A9E H JK MM KN K OJ MJ KN. G 

(319) 7697S59726

(320) T 97266573

(321) 2

(322) 9 

(323) 3597265

(324) 3 

(325) 297265



(328) U 

(329) 566V

(330) 23

(331) 9 

(332) S65

(333) 5

(334) 2

(335) 9 

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(337) 559

(338) 32

(339) X 564

(340) Y6

(341) Z

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(344) 26 939



(347) 9 

(348) 59 23

(349) 5

(350) 6

(351) [9

(352) 534

(353) 76

(354) 9 

(355) 5759726

(356) 2

(357) 9 

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(359) 26

(360) 9 

(361) 259726

(362) 95349


(364) 9 

(365) 9\


(367) 9 323

(368) 7

(369) 92

(370) 3 69

(371) 9 

(372) 23

(373) 32764

(374) 92

(375) 5658

(376) 9 

(377) 5779

(378) 56

(379) S79

(380) 2

(381) 9 

(382) 76 9369 .](&"!^-._

(383) 6

(384) 26

(385) 5

(386) 37237

(387) [624

(388)  7

(389) 56


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(394) 56

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(397)  37

(398) 9 

(399)   22475

(400) 32.

(401) 5764

(402) 92

(403) 5

(404) 7S

(405)  5723

(406) 23

(407) 597 59726

(408) a9

(409) 56


(411) 629

(412) 9 59

(413) 29

(414) 9

(415) 2

(416)  5

(417) 5

(418) 769376 7

(419) S679726 \

(420) 9 

(421) 3597265

(422).  5

(423)  95975

(424) 76b6

(425) 536764

(426) 26 939

(427)  7

(428) 9 

(429) 297265

(430)  5

(431) 7

(432) 76b6


(434) 76775

(435)  535937 97

(436) 56

(437) 935

(438) 5923  cdefgfhijklmfinopqdgrfhiilfsd

(439) 5

(440) 2


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(444) w 9

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(450) UJzz{W

(451) 3 53 3

(452) 32

(453) 9 

(454) u53969

(455) 2

(456) F  224

(457) x25

(458) |225

(459) 56

(460) }23

(461) ~

(462) X24

(463) L673 79

(464) 2

(465) Z2626

(466) LY

(467) U 

(468) 66V

(469) 23

(470) 9 

(471) S65

(472) 23

(473) 2

(474) 9 

(475) 5W G 

(476) 55959726

(477) 2

(478) 9 

(479) T 97266573

(480) 5

(481) 269

(482) 26

(483) 5

(484) 9295

(485) 63

(486) 2

(487) J€N

(488) 7

(489) 56

(490). 6723


(492) 56543

(493) 2

(494) 9 

(495) 3575

(496) 2567

(497) 76

(498) 7

(499) 56

(500) 3759. 87A‚R9RB78EB98;>5ƒ5>;7;9<8B<„B5>RQA;R. x453764

(501) 9 

(502) 29  7

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(508) 7653

(509) 343. 726

(510) 76

(511)  7



(514) 5

(515) 669

(516) 5375

(517) U379375W

(518) 5

(519) 76 726

(520) 2

(521) 9 

(522) 92


(524) 56

(525) 5

(526) 37923

(527) U76669

(528) 5375 W

(529) 9 

(530) 23

(531) 76 726

(532) 2

(533) 246797

(534) 3 2656 w7

(535) 9 323

(536) 3 9

(537) 5

(538) 9295

(539) 2

(540) 23

(541) 343. 726

(542) 2

(543) 23

(544) 5

(545) 669

(546) 5375

(547) 9 324

(548)  7


(550) 9 9

(551) 9 

(552) 92

(553)  5

(554) 76b6

(555) 26

(556) 5923  658764

(557) 9 

(558) S3 9

(559) 343. 726

(560) T59726

(561)  3



(564) 5

(565) 37923

(566) 5375

(567) 2

(568) 9 

(569) 92

(570) 246797

(571)  5

(572) 56

(573) 5

(574) 5

(575) 3793726

(576) 9 


(578) 2

(579) 7 726


(581) 3578

(582) 9 59

(583) 9 

(584) 2

(585) 5T73

(586). 7467S56

(587) 32

(588) 9 

(589) 9 73

(590) 2

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(592) ˜

(593) KOMN


(595) ™NNJW

(596) w

(597) 629

(598) 9 59

(599) 9 

(600) 343. 726

(601) 2

(602) 5T73

(603). 7467S56

(604) 59

(605) 9 

(606) 76269

(607) 2

(608) 37923

(609) 2

(610) 297265

(611) 9

(612)  7

(613) 5


(615) 92

(616) 53759

(617) 9 59

(618) 9 


(620) 2

(621) 7 726

(622) 7

(623) 9376


(625) 9 

(626) 55356

(627) 2

(628) 297265

(629) 22669 .

(630) 01. 2345679 7






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10) Could you suggest companies / research organizations / government bodies that might be interested in using a decision support tool for decisions in manufacturing/using