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Mathematical Logic December 19, 2014 Results


Academic year: 2021

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Mathematical Logic December 19, 2014


1. Damatar M. 838582 mark-I 26 mark-II 22 final 25 2. Callegarin G. 851067 mark-I 23 mark-II INS 3. Ismail E. 848027 mark-I 30 mark-II INS

4. Caiazza G. 840009 mark-I 25 mark-II 24 final 25 5. Nikhil V. 855183 mark-I 18 mark-II INS

6. Vugarda A. 793782 mark-I 26 mark-II 21 Final 24 7. Phung N.K. 849312 mark-I 18 mark-II INS 8. Alemu L.T. 854883 mark-I 28 mark-II INS

9. Moro Davide 837188 mark-I 30 mark-II 30 Final 30 10. Fratton Marco 823206 mark-I 30L mark-II 30 final 30L 11. Carotti Alberto 838960 mark-I 30L mark-II 30L Final 30L 12. Eugenio Enrico 847564 mark-I 18 mark-II 22 final 21 13. Paolo Bustreo 852840 mark-I 26 mark-II 28 final 28 14. Orsini Gaia mark-I 29 mark-II 30L final 30

15. Olliaro Martina 834397 mark-I 29 mark-II 23 final 27 16. Abebe Seyum Assefa 854877 mark-I 18 mark-II INS 17. Salamone Johnny 832901 mark-I 25 mark-II 17 final 22 18. Prendin Roberta 819575 mark-I 30L mark-II 26 Final 29 19. Schiavon Giulia 826788 mark-I 21 mark-II INS



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