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20 De Novo and Acquired Resistanceto Antitumor Alkylating Agents


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From: Cancer Drug Discovery and Development: Cancer Drug Resistance Edited by: B. Teicher © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ


De Novo and Acquired Resistance to Antitumor Alkylating Agents

Lori A. Hazlehurst, P h D

and William S. Dalton, MD , P h D











































Delineating mechanisms that mediate de novo and acquired resistance to alkylating agents could potentially lead to novel targets for improving the efficacy of this impor- tant class of anticancer drugs. De novo resistance is likely to contribute to minimal residual disease and the subsequent emergence of a more permanent form of drug resistance referred to as acquired drug resistance. The tumor microenvironment repre- sents a rich source of both soluble factors and components of extracellular matrixes, both of which can favor cell survival following drug exposure. Experimental evidence suggests signals that originate from the tumor microenvironment are likely to contrib- ute to de novo resistance and thereby facilitate the emergence of acquired resistance.

DNA repair pathways, cell cycle checkpoints, drug metabolism, transporters, and alterations in the apoptotic machinery represent potential mechanisms of resistance to alkylating agents. The role of these pathways in conferring acquired and de novo resis- tance will be discussed in detail this chapter.

Key Words: Antitumor alkylating agents; de novo resistance; acquired resistance;

glutathione; glutathione S-transferase, Fanconi anemia/BRCA1 pathway.


The acquisition of drug resistance continues to limit the clinical success of alkylating agents and other chemotherapeutic drugs (1). Often, acquired drug resistance is mani- fested by multifactorial resistant mechanisms, and therefore is therapeutically difficult to reverse (2,3). Because of the complexity of acquired drug resistance, others and we have started to explore mechanisms contributing to de novo resistance. By definition, de



novo resistance is present before drug exposure and selection for drug resistance. Mecha- nisms associated with de novo drug resistance may contribute to the failure to eliminate minimal residual disease and facilitate the emergence of acquired drug resistance. We propose that targeting de novo resistance could enhance the efficacy of currently used drugs and reduce the probability of the emergence of acquired clinical drug resistance.

Obviously, enhancing initial drug efficacy will reduce tumor burden and potentially prevent minimal residual disease from progressing to drug resistant disease. Specifically, we have shown that cell adhesion of hematopoietic tumor cell lines, as well as primary patient specimens, via β1 integrins causes resistance to wide variety of cytotoxics includ- ing alkylating agents (3–7,8). We have referred to the phenomenon as cell adhesion- mediated drug resistance or CAM-DR. This chapter discusses several pathways, including CAM-DR, that may contribute to clinical de novo resistance.

In contrast to de novo resistance, acquired drug resistance occurs following drug selection. Acquired drug resistance has been modeled in tissue culture by chronic expo- sure to a cytotoxic agent, until a stable drug resistance phenotype is selected (9,10).

Several resistance models to alkylating agents have been developed, and mechanisms associated with these models are discussed in this chapter. These models have been crucial for identifying resistance pathways as well as understanding of the mechanisms of action of alkylating agents. However, it has become apparent that consideration of the tumor microenvironment will be instrumental to understand fully mechanisms of drug resistance. Experimental evidence supporting the concept that the tumor microenviron- ment could influence drug response, and emergence of drug resistance was first demon- strated by Teicher et al. (11). They showed that treatment of mice bearing EMT-6 tumors with crosslinking agents for 6 mo and the subsequent emergence of drug resistance resulted in a phenotype that was only operative in vivo. These studies emphasized the need to consider the tumor microenvironment as a factor for determining drug response, and contributing to minimal residual disease and the emergence of acquired drug resistance.


Alkylating agents are considered the first class of chemotherapeutic drugs developed

to treat cancer, and were derived from sulfur mustard gas, a compound initially developed

for warfare use (12). The lead alkylating compounds derived from sulfur mustards were

the nitrogen mustards. Alkylating agents are strong electrophiles and covalently bind

nucleophilic targets such as phosphate, amino, sulfhydryl, hydroxyl, carboxyl, and imi-

dazole groups. Thus, DNA, RNA, and proteins all represent potential targets for alkyla-

tion. However, the majority of evidence indicates that the primary target is DNA and

specifically, the formation of DNA interstrand crosslinks (ICLs) (13). Following the

formation of ICLs, the activation of DNA repair pathways and cell cycle checkpoints are

critical components in determining cellular fate (Fig. 1). In addition, downstream media-

tors of the apoptotic pathway can also increase the threshold of ICLs needed to activate

cell death. Using cell line models to study acquired drug resistance, several mechanisms

have been discovered. These mechanisms include reducing the amount of active drug

reaching the nucleus (transport and metabolism), enhanced DNA repair pathways,

antiapoptotic machinery, and altered cell cycle checkpoints that could all influence drug

response associated with alkylating agents. The following subheading will summarize

resistance mechanisms associated with acquired resistance to alkylating agents.


2.1. DNA Repair Associated With Acquired Resistance

Recent clinical evidence has shown that repair of ICLs is an important determinant of acquired clinical resistance to alkylating agents. For example, Spanswick et al. showed that myeloma cells derived from relapsed patients repaired 40 to 80% of ICLs by 40 h following ex vivo exposure to melphalan. In contrast, myeloma cells derived from pa- tients who had never been treated with melphalan showed no repair of melphalan induced crosslinks (14). Similarly, Torres-Garcia et al. reported in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) that previously untreated CLL specimens demonstrated minimal repair of melphalan-induced ICLs. In contrast, lymphocytes derived from resistant CLL patients showed complete repair of melphalan induced ICLs within 24 h (15). Together, these data indicate the importance of repair of interstrand crosslinks in mediating acquired clinical drug resistance, suggesting that further studies are warranted to identify targets associ- ated with repair of ICLs.

As shown in Fig. 2, several DNA repair pathways can contribute to the repair of ICLs

induced by alkylating agents. These pathways include nonhomologous end-joining

(NHEJ) and homologous recombination. Recent experimental evidence suggests that

homologous recombination and specifically, the Fanconi anemia pathway, may be a

critical determinant associated with resistance to alkylating agents (3,16,17). Hemato-

poietic cells derived from Fanconi anemia (FA) patients are characteristically exquisitely

hypersensitive to crosslinking agents such as melphalan and mitomycin C (18). In addi-

tion, FA cells in culture demonstrate an increased rate of spontaneous chromosomal

breakage, and patients are predisposed to cancer including an especially high incidence

of acute myelogenous leukemia, squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, esoph-

ageal, and gynecologic cancers (19). Together, the clinical data suggest that the FA

Fig. 1. Multiple mechanisms can confer resistance to alkylating agents. These mechanisms include (a) altered transport, (b) glutathione conjugation, (c) DNA repair, (d) cell cycle checkpoints, and (e) either increased levels of antiapoptotic BCL-2 family members or decreased levels of proapoptotic BCL-2 family members.


pathway is integral for maintaining genomic integrity. To date, eight members have been cloned and identified as critical components of the FA pathway. Six of the eight FA proteins form a nuclear multiprotein complex consisting of Fanconi anemia (FANC)A, FANCC, FANCG, FANCE, FANCF, and FANCL. The seventh member, FANCD1, was identified as breast cancer (BRCA)2 (20), and the eighth member, FANCD2, becomes activated by monoubiquination at lysine-561 following DNA damage (21). The nuclear multiprotein complex is required for the monoubiquination of FANCD2, and recently, Garcia-Higuera et al. provided several lines of evidence linking the FA and BRCA pathway (21). For example, exposure to DNA damaging agents is known to increase the levels of mono-ubiquinated FANCD2, and furthermore, the mono-ubiquinated form FANCD2 is localized within DNA damage foci containing BRCA1, BRCA2, and Rad51.

Moreover, BRCA1 was shown to coimmunoprecipitate with FANCD2. Finally, BRAC1


cells show reduced formation of foci containing FANCD2, suggesting that BRCA1 stabilized this complex, providing further evidence that BRCA1 and FANCD2 directly interact with each other (21).

Our laboratory showed recently that, using gene expression profiling, selection of 8226 human myleoma cells with melphalan resulted in increased expression levels of FANCF, Rad51c, and decreased levels of BRCA1-associated protein (3). BRCA1- associated protein would effectively sequester BRCA1 in the cytoplasm (22) and thus limit the amount of BRCA1 available to form drug-induced DNA damage repair foci.

Thus, we identified several changes in gene expression, which would directly affect the

FA/BRCA pathway in an acquired melphalan resistant cell line. We recently validated

the overexpression of these proteins, and we are currently using small interfering (si)RNA

Fig 2. Following the formation of ICLs induced by alkylating agents, cell cycle checkpoints and DNA repair pathways are activated. Coordinated activation of both cell cycle checkpoints and DNA repair pathways allows for time to repair damaged DNA. Both homologous recombination (HR) and nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) DNA repair pathways can be activated following the induction of ICLs, and both pathways play a role in determining sensitivity to alkylating agents.


strategies to determine the functional role of each of these changes in mediating resis- tance to melphalan. Recently, Taniguchi et al. proposed a model for ovarian cancer, where the initial progression of the disease correlates with silencing of FANCF associ- ated with methylation of the promoter followed by demethlyation and increased expres- sion and resistance to cis-platinum (23). Together, these data suggest that the FA pathway may be a determinant of both tumor progression and resistance to chemotherapy. This paradigm may apply to other diseases such as myeloma and chronic lymphocytic leuke- mia, diseases that initially respond well to alkylating agents but invariably develop resis- tance to further drug treatment. More studies are warranted to determine the pathways that regulate the expression and silencing of FANCF as potentially increased expression of FANCF could contribute to both de novo and acquired resistance to alkylating agents.

NHEJ is predominately mediated by DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK), and evidence suggests that this pathway is critical for the repair of DNA double-strand breaks initiated by ionizing radiation. DNA-PK is a serine/threonine kinase belonging to the phosphoinositide 3 kinase family. The Ku autoantigen, consisting of a Ku80/Ku86 dimer, is required for the recruitment of DNA-PK to a DNA double-strand break (reviewed in ref. 24). Mutations in DNA-PK result in hypersensitivity to both γ-radiation and crosslinking agent-mediated cell death (25). In addition, Ku80 knockouts show increased sensitivity to alkylating agents (26). Clinical relevance of the DNA-PK pathway was demonstrated by Muller et al., when they showed that resistance of CLL to chlorambucil (CLB) correlated with increased binding of Ku subunits to DNA and increased DNA-PK activity (27). In summary, experimental evidence indicates that both NHEJ and homolo- gous recombination can contribute to resistance associated with alkylating agents, sup- porting the underlying functional complexity of acquired drug resistance.

2.2. Alterations in Cell Cycle Checkpoints Associated With Acquired Resistance

It has become apparent that cell cycle checkpoints and DNA repair are integrally

linked biochemical processes. Following DNA damage and cell cycle arrest, it is cur-

rently unclear what combinations of signals lead to repair and survival vs the induction

of apoptosis and cell death. However, one of the first biological steps is recognition of

the aberrant DNA lesion. To date, the DNA damage sensors appear to be the phosphoino-

sitide 3 kinase family members DNA-PK, ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) kinase,

and ATM- and Rad3-related (ATR) kinase. These are serine/threonine kinases that are

known to phosphorylate cell cycle checkpoints including CHK1, CHK2, and p53

(24,28,29). Although these family members have similar consensus sequence for phos-

phorylation, they are not functionally redundant. For example, dominant-negative stud-

ies demonstrate that ATR, but not ATM, is critical for DNA damage caused by bulky

lesions such as cis-platinum and methyl methanesulfonate (30,31). In contrast, knocking

out ATM does not sensitize cells to these agents. In addition, recent evidence has linked

the DNA damage sensor ATR pathway to the Fanconia anemia pathway. Andreassen et

al. showed that silencing of ATR resulted in the attenuation of mitomycin C-induced

mono-ubiquination of FANCD2 (32). Moreover, Pichierri and Rosselli showed that ATR

directly phosphorylates FANCD2 (33). These investigators also showed that, using

siRNA, knocking out ATR resulted in an abrogation of crosslink-induced inhibition of

DNA synthesis. In contrast, siRNA directed at CHK1 only partially reversed inhibition

of DNA synthesis. In summary, their data showed in addition to CHK1, an ATR-dependent

Nijmegen breakage syndrome 1/FA pathway was required to get complete inhibition of

DNA synthesis following treatment with crosslinking agents. In contrast to what


Andressen observed, these investigators did not show that ATR-dependent phosphory- lation was required for efficient mono-ubquination of FANCD2, suggesting that at least in some cells, an alternative ATR-independent pathway regulates the formation of crosslink induced formation of FANCD2 foci.

It is also apparent that delaying cell cycle progression in at the G


/S boundary follow- ing DNA damage can favor cell survival. Evidence supporting this concept includes studies looking at drug sensitivity in cells deficient in cell cycle checkpoints. For example, Fan et al. showed that cells lacking the CDK2 inhibitor p21 demonstrated increased sensitivity to nitrogen mustards (34). Conversely, ectopic overexpression of either the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor p27


or p21 is associated with resistance to DNA damaging agents (35,36). It is well known that acquired drug resistant cell lines typically demonstrate reduced growth rates. Our laboratory recently identified several changes in gene expression in the acquired melphalan resistant cell line that would be indicative of longer transit time at G


. These changes included increased expression of p27


and p57


and decreased expression of cyclin D1 and CDC25A (3). The CDK inhibitors p27


and p57


are well-described inhibitors of CDK2, and CDK2 activity is required for exit through the G


/S interphase (37,38). In addition, CDC25A is a phos- phatase that is required for the activation of CDK2 and progression through the G


/S boundary. Moreover, Mailand et al. showed that overexpression of CDC25A resulted in enhanced DNA damage and decreased survival (39). Together, these data indicate that inhibitors of CDK2 may contribute to acquired drug resistance. However, further studies are warranted to determine the downstream resistance mechanisms associated with alter- ations in G


/S checkpoints.

2.3. Alterations in Apoptotic Machinery Associated With Acquired Resistance It is clear that DNA damaging drugs elicit an apoptotic response. However, it is currently unclear what culminations of signals following DNA damage are required to elicit the apoptotic response. Despite this uncertainty, experimental evidence does show that DNA damage causes depolarization of the mitochondria membrane potential and the subsequent activation of effector caspases. Thus, both pro- and antiapoptotic Bcl-2 fam- ily members are critical for defining the threshold of ICLs required to depolarize the mitochondria membrane potential and the subsequent activation of effector caspases (40,41). Bcl-2 family members can be broken down into those proteins that inhibit the depolarization of the mitochondria membrane potential (antiapoptotic) vs proteins that promote the depolarization of the mitochondria membrane potential (proapoptotic). The proapoptotic Bcl-2 family members can be further subdivided into BH3-only domain and multidomain proteins. The multidomain members are comprised of Bax, Bak, Bok, and Bcl-x


, whereas Bad, Bik, Bid, Hrk, Blk, Bim, Bmf, Noxa, Puma, and Bcl-g constitute the BH3 only group (42,43). Double-knockout studies of Bak- and Bax-depleted cells show resistance to a wide variety of cytotoxic insults. In addition, overexpression of BH3 only members does not result in apoptosis in Bax


, Bak


cells (44). Together, these results suggest that BH3-only members mechanistically work by either activating Bax or Bak, or by binding and interfering with antiapoptotic family members and displacing Bax/Bak Bcl-2 heterodimers.

Despite the experimental evidence showing that either ectopic expression of

antiapoptotic or reduction in proapoptotic molecules is sufficient to cause drug resis-

tance, it is currently unclear if alterations in the apoptotic machinery play an important


role in acquired drug resistance. For example, our laboratory showed that, using gene expression profiling, the melphalan-acquired drug-resistant cell line showed changes in the apoptotic machinery that was predictive for both cell survival and cell death (3). These apparent functionally opposing changes in gene expression of apoptotic mediators made it impossible to predict what net effect these changes would have on cell survival. This is similar to what Reinhold et al. showed with acquired resistance associated with topotecan selection (45). These investigators proposed a two-step model in which some proapoptotic genes may emerge that have dual roles with respect to cell cycle progres- sion, and thus allow for growth in the presence of drug exposure. Further studies are warranted to validate this two-step model associated with acquired drug resistance, and whether the molecular changes favoring growth at the expense of apoptosis observed in several acquired drug resistant cell lines can be exploited in a therapeutic setting.

2.4. Alterations in Glutathione Metabolism Associated With Acquired Resistance Alkylating agents are electrophiles, and thus, glutathione conjugation represents a plausible mechanism for detoxification of this class of drugs. Indeed, several investigators have shown that acquired drug-resistant cell lines contain elevated levels of glutathione (46–50). In addition depletion of glutathione levels with


-buthionine-[S,R]-sulfoximine is reported to increase the sensitivity of cells to melphalan in several cell line models (46,51,52). We showed recently that, using gene expression profiling, the catalytic sub- unit of glutamylcysteine synthase is increased in acquired melphalan resistance (3). The gene expression profiling correlated with our earlier finding showing that the acquired myeloma drug resistant cell line demonstrated increased glutathione levels, suggesting that this pathway maybe important for acquired drug resistance (46). Moreover, in- creased expression of glutamylcysteine synthase is consistent with our previous report showing that


-buthionine-[S,R]-sulfoximine partially reversed the resistance to melphalan in the acquired drug resistant cell line. In addition to de novo synthesis of enzymes, the conjugation reaction represents another mechanism for detoxification of alkylating agents. For example, Horton et al. showed that the ovarian carcinoma cell line A2780 selected for chlorambucil resistance demonstrated increased expression of glu- tathione S-transferase (GST)- μ, which correlated with a sixfold increase an efficiency of CBL conjugation (53). However, mixed results have been obtained with studies in which either glutamylcysteine synthase or GSTs have been ectopically expressed in cell lines with respect to conferring resistance to alkylating agents (54,55). Thus, overall, the role of glutathione in mediating clinical drug resistance remains controversial, and further studies are needed to define further the role of glutathione conjugation in mediating resistance to alkylating agents. In addition to glutathione detoxification, metallothionein 2 is reported to form covalent bonds with melphalan, and overexpression is reported to confer drug resistance and this pathway represents another potential detoxification mecha- nism contributing to drug resistance (56–58).

2.5. Acquired Resistance and Drug Transport

Overexpression of drug efflux pumps is a common mechanism associated with acquired

multidrug resistance. However, alkylating agents do not show crossresistance in cell

lines that overexpress MDR1 or BCRP and appear to be poor substrates for drug trans-

porters (2,10). Recently, multidrug resistance protein (MRP) has shown to be an efficient

pump for glutathione-conjugated compounds. Both glutathione-conjugated CLB and

melphalan have been shown to be substrates for MRP1 (59). Moreover, there is some


evidence that glutathione conjugated CLB is a good substrate for either MRP1 or MRP2 (60,61). Smitherman et al. showed that overexpression of GST A1-1 in cells that overexpress MRP2 increased the resistance associated with CLB treatment (61). Both Melphalan and CLB share structural similarities; however, surprisingly the synergy was only noted with CLB.

Reduced drug uptake is another potential mechanism of drug resistance. Some alkylating agents like melphalan contain a phenylalanine group and are reported to use the


-type amino acid transporter for cellular uptake (62). Indeed, we reported that the 8226- acquired drug resistant myeloma cell line showed a modest reduction in the


-type amino acid transporter (3). However, this modest reduction was not enough to detect differences between drug sensitive and resistant cell lines in the concentration of intracellular melphalan. In summary, acquired resistance to alkylating agents can be mediated by multiple genotypic changes making the reversal of acquired resistance a clinically diffi- cult challenge.


In contrast to acquired drug resistance, de novo resistance is not associated with drug selection. The tumor microenvironment is composed of both soluble factors and extra- cellular matrixes, which can potentially provide survival signals allowing for tumor progression. In fact, the tumor microenvironment represents the first selection pressure to which tumor cells are exposed, and thus, interaction with the tumor microenvironment creates an advantage for tumor cells to survive initial drug exposure. We showed recently that cellular adhesion of hematopoietic tumor cells via β1 integrins is sufficient to cause resistance to a multiple drugs, including alkylating agents. We referred to this phenom- enon as CAM-DR. Moreover, we validated the CAM-DR phenotype in primary patient specimens were we showed that adhesion of myeloma patient specimens to fibronectin (FN) was sufficient to confer resistance to melphalan (3). However, the tumor microen- vironment is also composed of cyctokines and growth factors, and indeed, we have shown via Transwell experiments that soluble factors produced by myeloma cell interactions with stroma cells is sufficient to cause resistance to alkylating agents (63). In summary, both soluble and matrixes that are localized in the tumor microenvironment are factors when defining determinants of de novo drug resistance.

3.1. Alterations in Cell Cycle Checkpoints Associated With De Novo Resistance Changes in cell cycle checkpoints may represent one pathway especially sensitive to regulation by the tumor microenvironment. For example, St. Croix et al. showed that resistance associated with tumor spheroid growth caused increased p27


levels and cell cycle arrest. Using antisense to p27


, they were able to reverse resistance associated with 4-hydroperoxycyclophosphamide (64). In addition, our laboratory has shown that adhesion 8226 myeloma cells to FN resulted in a G


/S arrest and increased p27



Moreover, knocking down p27


levels with antisense reversed the drug-resistant phe-

notype (5). Finally, transforming growth factor (TGF)- β has been shown to cause resis-

tance to alkylating agents in vivo. In this study, Teicher et al. showed that treatment of

animals with TGF- β-neutralizing antibodies increased the sensitivity of cyclophosphamid

(CTX) in EMT6/Parental and EMT6/CTX-resistant tumor-bearing mice (65). The role

of TGF- β in mediating resistance to crosslinking agents was further strengthened by

showing that EMT-6 cells ectopically expressing TGF- β were resistant to CTX in an in


vivo model (66). Although the downstream target has not been identified, TGF- β in some cell lines is known to cause cell cycle arrest and increased levels of p27


(67), and this may contribute to the observed TGF- β-mediated resistance to alkylating agents. In sum- mary, the tumor microenvironment consists of many signals including cytokines, growth factors, and adhesion molecules that can affect cell cycle and drug sensitivity, and these pathways may represent critical targets in mediating de novo resistance.

3.2. Alterations in Apoptotic Machinery Associated With De Novo Resistance We showed recently that the cell adhesion conferred resistance to melphalan-induced depolarization of mitochondria membrane potential, despite similar numbers of melphalan induced interstrand crosslinks (3). Our results suggested that cell adhesion to FN increases the tolerance for melphalan-induced ICLs. The mitochondrial membrane potential is largely regulated by Bcl-2 family members, and we asked whether changes in either the levels of pro- or anti-Bcl-2 family members contributed to the resistance phenotype. Microarray analysis revealed a modest 1.4-fold reduction in the proapoptotic BH3-only Bcl-2 family member Bim. We confirmed this finding at the protein level showing that adhesion of 8226 cells to FN resulted in a pronounced reduction in Bim protein levels (3). We hypothesize that the reduction in Bim levels is contributing to melphalan resistance, and we are currently validating this target with respects to confer- ring resistance to alkylating agents.

Ectopic overexpresion of antiapoptotic Bcl-2 family members such as Bcl-2 and Bcl- x


confers resistance to DNA damaging agents (68–70). Thus, activation of intracellular pathways such as signal transducer and activator of transcription 3, which induce Bcl-x


expression, could contribute to de novo drug resistance (71). Activation of signal trans- ducer and activator of transcription 3 can be activated by cytokines, and this represents one potential cytokine-mediated pathway that may contribute to drug resistance. In sum- mary, although the role of Bcl-2 family members is not clearly delineated in acquired resistance, change in expression of these molecules induced by signals originating from the tumor microenvironment may be a critical determinant of de novo resistance.

3.3. Cholesterol Metabolism and Drug Resistance

We reported recently that, using gene expression profiling to compare de novo and

acquired resistance to melphalan, one common convergence was change in expression

of genes that regulated cholesterol synthesis (3). Comparing isogenic myeloma cell lines

with de novo and acquired melphalan resistance, we noted increases in several metabolic

enzymes that would positively regulate cholesterol synthesis, including increased expression

of 3-hydroxy-3-methylgluatryl coenzyme A reductase (HMG-CoA). HMG-CoA is the

rate-liming step in cholesterol synthesis. Evidence supporting the importance of choles-

terol in mediating cell death induced by alkylating agents includes a report from Soma

et al., where these investigators showed that treatment of primary human glioma cells

treated with simvastatin an inhibitor of HMG-CoA and N,N ′-bis-(2-choroethyl)-N-

nitosourea demonstrated synergy with respects to cell death (72). We propose that changes

in cholesterol metabolism may play an important role in mediating de novo resistance,

and that this cholesterol functional genomic fingerprint is maintained in acquired drug

resistance. More studies are warranted to determine the clinical significance of choles-

terol in mediating de novo and acquired resistance to alkylating agents.



In summary, acquired resistance to alkylating agents results in a complex drug resis- tant phenotype and genotype. For example, our laboratory observed multiple changes in gene expression that could alter DNA repair, cell cycle, glutathione metabolism, and drug transport. Indeed, it would be difficult to reverse pharmacologically all of these mecha- nisms simultaneously. We are currently using siRNA technology to prioritize these iden- tified targets with respect to potency of reversing the drug resistance phenotype. However, we propose that targeting mechanisms that contribute to de novo resistance and minimal residual disease may be more fruitful. Specifically, evidence suggests that components of the tumor microenvironment may be sufficient to protect subpopulations of cells from drug treatment. It is our hypothesis that this transient protection afforded by the microen- vironment increases the probability that an acquired stable drug resistant phenotype will emerge. Thus, identification of signaling pathways that regulate expression or function of Bcl-2 family members, cell cycle checkpoints, and DNA repair complexes may represent important targets for inhibiting de novo drug resistance.


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