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ˆ Solution for Ex 1. At rst write the function TrapezioComposto 1


Academic year: 2021

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ˆ Solution for Ex 1. At rst write the function TrapezioComposto 1 function [I] = TrapezioComposto(f,a,b,x2,m)

2 % x2 are the quadrature nodes

3 % a,b,m used only for the equispaced case (eventually) 4 I=(f(x2(2:end))+f(x2(1:end1)))*(x2(2:end)...

5 x2(1:end1))'/2;

6 % Note that if we limit (as for the theory) 7 % to equispaced nodes, then the program 8 % simplifies

Then, on the script named Esercizio1 do the following 1 clear all; close all;

2 f=@(x) sqrt(1x.^2); toll=1.e3; maxit=1000;

3 err=1; N=3; a =0; b =1; % initialize 4 Itrue = quad(f,0,1);

5 while (err>toll) && (N<maxit) 6 x2=linspace(0,1,N);

7 I1=TrapezioComposto(f,a,b,x2,N1);

8 err=abs(ItrueI1);

9 N=N+1;

10 end

11 sprintf('Iter numb for equispaced = %d',N1) 12 N = 3; err=1; % initialize

13 while (err>toll) && (N<maxit)

14 x2=1/2cos([0:N1]*pi/(N1))/2; %ChebLob points 15 I1=TrapezioComposto(f,a,b,x2,N1);

16 err=abs(ItrueI1);

17 N=N+1;

18 end

19 sprintf('Iter numb for CL = %d',N1)



ˆ Solution for Ex 2. At rst write the function SimpsonComposto 1 function [x,w] = SimpsonComposto(N,a,b)

2 % it calculates nodes and weights of the Simpson rule 3 h=(ba)/(2*N); % step

4 x=a:h:b ; x=x' ; % equispaced nodes 5 w=zeros(2*N,1) ; % initialize

6 w(1)=h/3; % first weight 7 w(2*N+1)=h/3; % last weight 8 % even weights

9 ind_pari = 2:2:2*N ; 10 w(ind_pari)=4*h/3;

11 % odd weights

12 ind_disp = 3:2:2*N1;

13 w(ind_disp)=2*h/3;

Then, on the script named Esercizio2 do the following 1 clear all

2 close all

3 f=@ (x) 1./(1+x) ; 4 a=0; b=1;

5 sol=log(2) ; %true solution 6 N = 5;

7 [x,w]= SimpsonComposto(N,a,b) ; 8 S_CS=sum(w.*f(x));

9 disp('Error') 10 abs(S_CSsol)



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