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Mentally Ill Populations in Jails and Prisons: A Misuse of Resources


Academic year: 2021

Condividi "Mentally Ill Populations in Jails and Prisons: A Misuse of Resources"


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Mculally11/Papulatiaus in JaUs(md p,.iwns:AMisusea(HcsauI"CCs

INTRODUCTIQN Paul" G. Pan.cc. M.O" Nahama Broncc.Ph.n..and lIun!llr L,lIlcQui.tion,IIl.D"Gueot Editol"l

TheAmcrioonpri"""oyll!llm;.in\Cndcd ..a"'.thod<>finoa~ration sndp"niohm.n'.butbyvil'tu.<>fi~populstioni' ;"""rvinga.sn ina<!equateandi""ppropriate"'ethodlo""'lI'inmcnll'lilineso.Na·

tionsl.urvcya8llowt!ul'bct"'""n6and 15%ofslljailin"",,,,,"snd lOto 15%ofp,.;"""inmateo ha,·c o""e'" "",n",l ill"e,..(1),Men",Uy iII;nd;,·idual.""'sdmitte<1tojail,.tapprosirnslCly.igh'lim•• the rate .. ",hichth.yanosdrnittedUlpubli.po)'Ch;.trichospit.sI•• srnI the'" a,.. n...' m.... people w;thaev.reme"ttll ;11"""" in V.S.jail.

tbao ia .ttlte h""p;lI'1.(21. Apprmeim'lCly 70% oJ", ha"e a ro-oc.



""",,,lio" ofmi"ority gro"Pi, Fo,.,.an,p!c. in N.... V.,..kCityjail. it

;. . .li"'atedth"t~of""""""...ted.rehorn.I_(3).andupto 85% are Africsn Affiericsn sod Lo.liao(41

'Thi.natioMlt"",dhs'impliostiO".r.,..p,.;""" ..",;"....divcrsiM


andttlrgeted .."'i_afler;n...li.n.an<\prev.nlion.Toad<! ...

these <O/t,.m•• the Ameriean AsaociabonofCornmunity P.yehiatri.tII sod th. Americao Aaoocia';on of P.ychiatrio Admin;.'","'.. erga.

ni,edaronferenoeent;tledSu"",,,s{,,/Tm"'itiM:f"""',jn«J"""roUOII lo.h.Com",unjty{WMen,ollyIllPo,.."",.Thi.Octoberl999confc...

enoewa••pon..redbyN_VorkUnive ...iti••:hrenkrant.Schoolof Socisl WOTk I08tiluteAgaiast Violen"",th.NewVorkC;'yDepart.




admini.t"I0"', oIini<i.n...e'''..,h....,polioyn'.ko.-., andron.uo,.,..

to ...vi_beotpraeti"""."dre""archfocposilivech~toforelUlic

~:~ =~::~..,7.::::I,~~~;:~~;;"'The lh_ a<tido* in lhio ope- J.m.. Giliig.o provideo.o illumin.ting hi,to"".1 pe...pe<ti~

DI"...ingfrnrn hi""'holarlyworkand noh prnfe..ional e.perien«".

heprobe.'heirnplication.ofltOi"Sprison.andj.il••• thepnmary i...tiluli.nr.,men18lhe.lthoa... ,l\ee.plo""lheoooi.l."dpolitio.1 und<'l'inningo.flhi.phenomerlOlt."dprtl'·ideoooncrf"eremmmen_


Onemodelofch.ngei.Pro}ectLiokin MonroeCoonty.Ne",York.

des<nbedbyJ,S~nLamberti""drolleogu""iotheoe<:ondp"p<r I...mberti. et al, el.OOr.to lhe poumli.1od,'"o18~.r.ub8l.otioi fWldi"S.ndthoughlfullyintelll".ted""",""",.A!I'he.u'horop,..,._

enlp",lio\i".ryevalu'liond8taorthei,p;o"",,"oll"prograo',lhey poinllohow eoh.,,<e<! re.iden'i.1 ca,..,. iotelUli.e case rn"""ll"emenl,

~;;,dd::'ohi.'ri<"pertioe oan p""ent ,..,.idiviom by o'enl3liy ili of- Creating.ucce..fuloervireororthomentaliyili,.uhotan<eu.ing, ofl"ende,popul.lio» ""l.ui ... roliooo'olionbymanyoon.'ituenti... T.

m"'·e.rommunity'••y.lemofc""'lO ardlhi.lr""I •• broadba".,of oon.ume... prootiti.ne.... .--.rc"" nd polioy mok.,.. needto .h.reexperti".,'hrough.forrnoldernocr.'icproceao.lnlhi.oe<:lion·.

thin:! paper, Nohom. Brnner.ndroli""ll"l"'.d""";beo modelofron_

oe"'u" huild;ng and probl.moolving th"l m"keopoooibieO" infra ::,:u::eoe·:'~:;'ftheprovioionofpublicmentalhe.lthand.ub-

Th... threoeortid.. refledanhiotoric.ll"'..imi.mregan:!ingc.re for'bi.di8e"fronohioe<!popul.li.n.Th""retioalondpraetice-bMed approooheo"",p,.",ntedo•••ampl•• rnrmo",enlighlenedoervi_

l. u.w.11.. W"'_...., ' _;u,-......,'"'U'-,."'... ,...,

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