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Cell Death and Acute Lung Injury


Academic year: 2021

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T.R. Martin, N. Hagimoto, and G. Matute-Bello


Life and death are inextricably intertwined and homeostasis in adult organisms depends on death and renewal of tissues throughout the body. In normal cells, death occurs by two different processes, necrosis and apoptosis. Necrosis is an unregulated form of cell death that results in cell lysis and the escape of intra- cellular constituents into the surrounding environment. In contrast, apoptosis is a regulated form of cell death mediated by a series of cysteine proteases called

‘caspases’, that ultimately results in DNA cleavage [1]. Necrotic cell death is both inflammatory and toxic to surrounding cells, depending on what is released from the dying cells. In contrast, apoptosis is characterized by cellular involution and ingestion of the apoptotic cell by nearby leukocytes or other cells [2]. Apoptosis and necrosis overlap to some extent, as apoptotic cells can undergo secondary necrosis, so the dividing line is not always clear. Additional mechanisms of cell death have been described in neoplastic cells [3].

Cell death has important consequences in the lungs, particularly in the gas exchange parenchyma. The alveolar membrane is a simple structure, consisting at the minimum of a flattened Type I alveolar epithelial cell covering an intermedi- ate layer of connective tissue matrix, which in turn overlies a flattened capillary endothelial cell. The alveolar membrane spreads approximately 95% of the right ventricular output over a very large surface, permitting rapid oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide elimination. Injury to endothelial or epithelial cells poses a ma- jor problem, as airspaces flood with plasma, inactivating surfactant and causing alveolar collapse. The consequent ventilation-perfusion (V


/Q) imbalance causes life-threatening hypoxemia. The way in which cellular injuries lead to the death of the epithelium and endothelium is not well understood, but accumulating evidence suggests that apoptosis and necrosis are both important.

Epithelial Function in the Lungs

Epithelial and endothelial function are critical for normal lung function. The

pulmonary epithelium consists of the mucociliary epithelium in the nasopharynx

and tracheobronchial tree, and the specialized alveolar epithelium, which is the

largest surface area in the body that is in contact with the outside environment.


A great deal of progress has been made in clarifying the physiological role of alveolar epithelial cells in homeostasis [4]. The Type I alveolar epithelial barrier differs from the endothelial barrier, because it is nearly impermeable to water and its permeability is not regulated. By contrast, the capillary endothelium is more permeable, and endothelial cells undergo rapid and reversible changes in cell shape in response to thrombin and other pro-inflammatory stimuli, permitting plasma to move through intracellular gap junctions into the interstitium of the lungs. If interstitial pressures are moderate and the Type I alveolar epithelium is intact, the extracellular fluid is cleared via lymphatic channels along bronchovascular bundles to the hila of the lungs. Interstitial and lymphatic fluid accumulation can alter ventilation/perfusion relationships, with concomitant hypoxemia, but these changes are reversible if endothelial permeability reverses and the interstitial fluid is cleared from the lungs.

When fluid accumulates in the airspaces, as in hydrostatic pulmonary edema, alveolar water is absorbed across the Type I cell epithelium through specialized water channel proteins, named aquaporins, aquaporin V being the primary aqua- porin in the alveolar epithelium [5]. Paracellular water transport also occurs, and helps to explain why aquaporin V knockout mice do not have a prominent lung phenotype [6]. Type I epithelial cell injury leads to the destruction of this tight epithelial boundary layer, and interstitial fluid floods into alveolar spaces at low interstitial pressures. Type II pneumocytes secrete surfactant, which stabilizes alve- olar units at low lung volumes, and also contain specialized ion transport channels, which reabsorb sodium and chloride through catecholamine sensitive apical and basolateral transporters [7]. Separate protein transport systems also exist in the alveolar epithelium, but protein reabsorption is much slower than water and elec- trolyte reabsorption. Because the intact alveolar epithelium reabsorbs fluid more rapidly than protein, the protein concentration in intra-alveolar fluid rises with time, when alveolar fluid clearance is normal. Clinical studies in intubated patients with lung injury have shown that patients whose alveolar protein concentration rises over the first 6 hours after the onset of clinical acute lung injury (ALI) have a significantly better prognosis than patients whose protein concentration does not change, supporting the idea that intact alveolar epithelial function is a prognostic marker in patients with ALI [8, 9].

Alveolar Membrane Damage in Acute Lung Injury

Ultrastructural studies by Bachofen and Weibel showed that patients who died fol- lowing ALI had evidence of epithelial and endothelial injury in the lungs, although the epithelial injury appeared to be more severe, with many areas of exposed alve- olar basement membrane visible by electron microscopy [10]. Endothelial damage and areas of microvascular thrombosis also occur but are not as prominent [11].

Light microscopic studies of injured lungs commonly show fibrinous alveolar in-

filtrates, alveolar hemorrhage, and acute neutrophilic inflammation in the first


2–3 days after the onset of ALI. At later times, the pathology is characterized by mononuclear cell infiltrates, the proliferation of Type II pneumocytes, and intra- alveolar fibrosis.

Morphologic studies showing alveolar membrane damage are supported by functional studies showing that there is a major increase in alveolar protein concen- tration, with a loss of the normal sieving characteristics of the alveolar membrane, and an acute inflammatory profile in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid [12]. The BAL protein and cell concentrations are elevated at the onset of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), remain elevated for at least three days, and then fall with time in patients who remain mechanically ventilated [13–15].

The cause of the alveolar membrane injury is not clear, but necrosis and apopto- sis are both likely to be involved [16,17]. Necrosis can occur when alveolar epithelial cells are ruptured by shear and/or distending forces due to relative over ventilation of the injured lungs. When a standard tidal volume (e. g., 10 ml / kg) is introduced into injured lungs, which have heterogeneous areas of alveolar flooding and/or atelectasis, the open alveolar units receive much larger tidal volumes than antic- ipated, resulting in large local shear and distending forces [18–22]. These forces can rupture the alveolar walls; studies by Dreyfuss et al., showed ultrastructural evidence of alveolar epithelial rupture in an animal model of ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) [23] (reviewed in [22]). The NIH ARDSnet trial of low tidal volume in ARDS is consistent with the interpretation that lower distending and shear forces reduce injury to the alveolar epithelium [24]. While this ARDSnet trial was a major advance, the mortality in the treatment group in this and a subse- quent ARDSnet clinical trial ranged from 25-31%, providing clear evidence that new ideas and approaches are still needed to further reduce mortality [24, 25].

Apoptosis and Inflammation in ALI.

Evidence from BAL fluid studies of patients with ARDS shows that apoptotic path- ways are activated in the lungs, suggesting that apoptosis is an important deter- minant of the fate of the epithelium, in addition to stress failure and necrosis [26].

Apoptosis in lung cells can be initiated by at least two different routes, receptor-

mediated and mitochondrial pathways (Fig. 1) [reviewed in [27–29]]. A family

of ‘death’ receptors can be triggered by protein ligands either on the surface of

effector cells, or in the soluble phase of extracellular fluids [1, 28]. Fas (CD95) is

a membrane receptor protein that mediates apoptosis via activation of a series

of intracellular cysteine proteases (caspases), resulting in the cleavage of nuclear

DNA [1, 30]. Ligation of membrane Fas activates the death pathway by clustering

the intracellular tails of adjacent Fas molecules and recruiting molecules with the

Fas-associated death domain (FADD). This growing complex recruits molecules of

pro-caspase-8 from the cytoplasm, which dimerize and autoactivate to yield active

caspase-8. Caspase-8 activates caspase-3, which in turn activates distal caspases-6

and -7, leading to DNA fragmentation. The caspases can be grouped into three


Fig. 1. Simplified view of receptors and pathways mediating cellular apoptosis. From [17] with


groups: the initiator caspases, which include caspases-8 and -9; the effector cas-

pases, which include caspases-3, -6, and -7; and the inflammatory caspases. The

inflammatory caspases, of which caspase-1 is the prototype, activate interleukin

(IL)-1 β and IL-18. The caspase family of proteins was discovered as part of efforts

to understand how IL-1 β was activated in inflammatory cells. The caspases are

homologous to proteins in Caenorhabditis elegans that mediate cell death during

development. Caspases exist as pro-forms in the cytoplasm, which prevents acci-

dental activation. Once activated, caspases are regulated by specific inhibitor of

apoptosis (IAP) proteins. The Bcl family members are mitochondrial membrane


proteins that inhibit the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway [31]. The Fas-ligand (FasL) inhibitory proteins are proximal regulators of Fas activation [32].

FasL is a membrane protein on effector lymphocytes and other cells that accumulates in extracellular fluids when it is shed from cell membranes by activated metalloproteinases (soluble FasL, sFasL) [33, 34]. Monomeric sFasL is a relatively inefficient activator of membrane Fas, but multimeric forms of sFasL activate Fas and initiate intracellular signaling in vitro [35, 36]. Fine et al. reported that Fas is detectable on airway epithelial cells (Clara cells) and alveolar type II cells in rodents, and that activation of membrane Fas caused apoptosis of murine Type II cells in vivo [37, 38]. Other apoptosis pathways also exist, as Wang et al. have found that angiotensin peptides produced by fibroblasts from fibrotic human lungs (but not normal lungs) initiate apoptosis of alveolar epithelial cells via the angiotensin II receptor [39, 40]. Mice with deletion of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) develop less severe ALI in a sepsis model, whereas mice deficient in ACEII, which destroys ACEI, are relatively protected [41]. Mechanical stretch and major changes in oxygen concentration also induce apoptosis in lung epithelial cells and fibroblasts [42–46]. The effects of hyperoxia and hypoxia are mediated largely by the mitochondrial death pathway in epithelial and endothelial cells, with the release of mitochondrial cytochrome c and activation of caspase-9, which in turn activates the terminal caspases -3, -6, and -7 [45, 47–49]. Our own studies have indicated that sFasL is present in the BAL fluid of many patients with ARDS in a biologically active form which induces apoptosis of primary human lung epithelial cells in vitro (Fig. 2) [16]. Albertine, et al. confirmed and extended these findings by showing that sFasL is detectable in the pulmonary edema fluids of patients with ALI, and that membrane Fas appears to be upregulated on the alveolar epithelium of patients with ARDS who do not survive [50]. Soluble FasL also has been detected in the BAL fluid of patients with pulmonary fibrosis, as well as patients with chronic organizing pneumonia [51]. The intratracheal or endobronchial instillation of recombinant human sFasL causes lung injury and epithelial apoptosis in rabbits, and activation of membrane Fas in mouse lungs using a specific anti-Fas monoclonal antibody (JO-2) causes injury and epithelial apoptosis that is followed by fibrosis in the lungs [52–54].

We and others have found that activation of Fas pathways in the lungs is pro-inflammatory in vivo, consistent with experimental studies showing that Fas pathway intermediates like caspase-8 are linked to nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-

κ B) activation [55–57]. For example, instillation of human sFasL into rabbit lungs caused the production of IL-8 by alveolar macrophages [54], and activation of Fas in the lungs of mice caused histologic evidence of acute inflammation, with the production of macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-2 [53]. Park et al.

showed that human monocyte-derived macrophages do not undergo apoptosis when stimulated with sFasL, even though they express the membrane Fas receptor.

Instead, they become pro-inflammatory, releasing substantial quantities of IL-8

and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)- α [58] Normal alveolar macrophages have the


Fig. 2. Soluble Fas ligand (sFasL) in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid from patients before and

after the onset of lung injury, measured by ELISA. From [16] with permission

same characteristics, producing IL-8, a potent chemoattractant for neutrophils, when stimulated with sFasL in vivo [54].

Experimental Links between Pro-Apoptotic Pathways and Fibrosis

Several different observations provide clues about the links between apoptosis,

inflammation, and fibrosis. As cells become apoptotic, they become less adher-

ent to the underlying matrix in the alveolar wall. Apoptotic Type I and Type II

pneumocytes loosen, or ‘fall away’ (Greek, apoptosis), from the alveolar base-

ment membrane, thereby exposing underlying matrix components in the alveolar

wall. Because stimulation of Fas on monocyte/macrophages and human alveo-

lar macrophages is pro-inflammatory, the accumulation of sFasL in the alveolar

spaces is likely to create a pro-inflammatory phenotype in alveolar macrophages

and newly recruited monocyte/macrophages in the airspaces [58]. The pro-

inflammatory effects of Fas activation are evident in epithelial cells as well as

alveolar macrophages, providing several different routes by which Fas activation

can generate or amplify neutrophilic inflammation in the lungs [59]. Oxidants

produced by activated polymorphonuclear cells (PMN) in the airspaces directly

trigger mitochondrial death pathways, providing a means of amplifying apoptotic

cell death at sites of inflammation [60,61]. Metalloproteinases and their natural in-

hibitors are known to accumulate in the BAL fluid of patients with ARDS [62–64],

and activated alveolar macrophages release several different metalloproteinases

which can degrade the basement membrane and interstitial components of the


alveolar walls [65, 66]. The macrophage specific metalloproteinase, MMP-12, at- tacks elastin in alveolar walls [65]. Growth factors released by activated alveolar macrophages, such as transforming growth factor (TGF)- α and TGF- β , are also

detectable in BAL fluid from ARDS patients [67]. These cytokines stimulate fibrob- last proliferation and collagen production and have been linked with experimental lung injury [67–69].

Hagimoto et al. showed that repeatedly stimulating Fas by exposing mice to aerosols of the JO-2 mAb (which aggregates membrane Fas) every other day for 14 days resulted in increased lung hydroxyproline production and histological evidence of fibrosis [52]. Treatment of mice with intratracheal bleomycin causes Fas-dependent fibrosis, because fibrosis is markedly reduced in lpr mice, a naturally occurring strain in which membrane Fas is inactive [70]. The macrophage product, TGF- β enhances sFasL-dependent apoptosis of primary lung epithelial cells in vitro [71], and TGF- β is activated in bleomycin-induced fibrosis [72, 73].

Thus, accumulating evidence suggests that the Fas pathway triggers lung macrophage activation in vitro and in vivo, and that Fas activation in the lungs of mice causes delayed fibrosis. More information is needed about the specific mechanisms involved in this process so that specific steps in this pathway can be targeted in order to reduce or prevent some of the fibrotic consequences of ALI.

Endothelial Cell Apoptosis

Endothelial cell death in the lungs also is likely to be important in the patho- genesis of ALI, but little specific information is available about endothelial cell apoptosis in the lungs. Endothelial apoptosis has a role in the systemic circulation and has been implicated in atherosclerosis and vascular remodeling, and it may also be important in sepsis (reviewed in [74, 75]). Like alveolar epithelial cells, apoptotic endothelial cells loosen from attachments in vessel walls, exposing the thrombogenic surface of underlying matrix. Because apoptotic endothelial cells lose intracellular adherens junctions, the apoptotic death of only a small number of endothelial cells could have a significant effect on microvascular permeabil- ity. Apoptotic endothelial cells become adhesive for platelets and leukocytes and promote coagulation, consistent with the microvascular thrombotic lesions seen in the lungs of patients dying following ALI [13, 76, 77]. As with lung epithelial cells and other types of cells, ligation of membrane death receptors on endothelial cells by TNF- α and related peptides kills endothelial cells in vitro. Although some endothelial cells are relatively resistant to Fas ligation in vitro, ligation of Fas in vivo using either an agonistic anti-Fas mAb, or aggregated sFasL, caused diffuse endothelial apoptosis in mice, and the lesions were preventable by an inhibitor of caspase-8, confirming that the Fas-dependent death pathway was involved [78].

Activation of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) by bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS)

and TLR2 by bacterial lipoproteins causes endothelial apoptosis in vitro, linking

activation of innate immunity and endothelial cell death [79].


Endothelial cells are protected from apoptosis in vitro by growth and an- giogenic factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), fibroblast growth factor-2, hepatocyte growth factor, and others that activate the phospho- inositide 3-OH kinase (PI3-K)/AKT pathway, which leads to phosphorylation and inactivation of caspase-9 and other proapoptotic intermediates [75, 80]. Some types of endothelial cell have a constitutive anti-apoptotic pathway which pro- tects against LPS-induced apoptosis via activation of FLIP (FLICE-like inhibitory protein), which blocks NF- κ B activation [81, 82].

The role of endothelial cell apoptosis in sepsis is still being defined, because it has been difficult to detect apoptotic endothelial cells in vascular walls of patients dying with sepsis, or in mice following cecal ligation and puncture [83, 84]. Apop- totic endothelial cells may be difficult to detect in vivo because they detach from vessel walls and are cleared in the circulation. Apoptosis of capillary endothelial cells in the lung was detectable but infrequent in mice with pseudomonas pneu- monia [85]. Treatment of septic animals with caspase inhibitors improves survival and reduces lung injury, but it is not clear whether this effect involves protection from endothelial apoptosis, or lymphocyte apoptosis, or both [86,87]. Overexpres- sion of the anti-apoptotic protein, Bcl-2, protects mice from death following cecal ligation and puncture, possibly by reducing endothelial cell apoptosis [88]. The importance of endothelial cell apoptosis in the pulmonary circulation in patients with ALI and in animal models of lung injury needs to be defined, and there is no information linking endothelial cell apoptosis with the delayed consequences of lung injury.

Should Epithelial and Endothelial Apoptosis be Inhibited?

If apoptosis is part of normal tissue development and plays a role in repair and regeneration of injured tissues, then a major unanswered question is whether apoptotic pathways should be inhibited in ALI, and if so, for how long? The obser- vation that sFasL is present and biologically active in the lungs of patients at the onset of ALI suggests that sFasL has an important initial role in the injury [16].

Experimental evidence that Fas activation in the lungs is associated with delayed

fibrosis, and that injury from agents such as bleomycin is associated with apoptosis

and fibrosis suggests that inhibiting apoptosis pathways might limit fibrosis. How-

ever, these findings are limited to very specific experimental models, and questions

remain about the mechanistic importance of apoptosis in clinical settings that are

significant risk factors for ALI, such as mechanical ventilation, bacterial pneumo-

nias, sepsis, and trauma. Inhibition of apoptosis pathways improves survival in

several different murine models of sepsis [86, 87]. In the cecal ligation and punc-

ture model, ‘knock down’ of either membrane Fas or caspase-8 using systemic

administration of specific small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) in vivo improved sur-

vival, but whether this strategy would modify the long term effects of lung injury

in surviving animals is difficult to determine [89]. Rabbits treated with injurious


mechanical ventilation developed lung injury and renal dysfunction associated with apoptosis of renal tubular epithelium, suggesting that blockade of apoptosis pathways might limit secondary renal injury in the setting of VILI [90]. In order to support the rationale for anti-apoptotic treatments in ALI, more information is needed about the relative contributions of apoptosis and necrosis to acute and delayed outcomes in different experimental models. While methods exist to mea- sure apoptosis in tissues and individual cells in vivo, accurate methods to measure necrosis with the same level of detail are lacking. Because apoptosis is regulated, it makes sense to target key intermediates in apoptosis pathways, such as caspases.

Studies of the effects of inhibiting apoptosis pathways in vivo must include mea- surement of organ-specific physiological endpoints and evidence of apoptosis in tissues, in order to prove that observed changes in outcome are actually linked to changes in apoptosis in tissue and to relevant physiological functions.

Although experimental evidence suggests that inhibition of apoptosis in some clinical settings might be beneficial, the possible adverse effects of inhibiting cell death also need to be considered. Apoptosis pathways in the lungs may be critical in the repair phase after ALI, as Fas pathways are likely to be involved in clearing proliferating Type II pneumocytes, as well as fibroblasts that accumulate during the repair phase [91, 92]. Some evidence suggests that repair processes begin almost immediately after the onset of ALI, as the collagen precursor pro-collagen III is detectable in the lungs at the onset as well as during the course of ALI [93, 94].

Early inhibition of these repair processes could have adverse consequences, which must be evaluated carefully when apoptosis is inhibited in animal models of lung injury.


The concept that apoptosis pathways are involved in the onset and long-term consequences of lung injury is important, but significant questions remain. More information is needed about the factors that control the balance between tissue injury and tissue repair in the lungs. For example, we need to know more about what determines when the Fas pathway leads to tissue injury versus when Fas activation leads to the orderly removal of excess tissue at sites of tissue repair. Cell death pathways are complex and interlocking, and more information is needed about how different cellular activation pathways interact either to enhance or inhibit cell death in the lungs. Activation of innate immunity via TLR receptors modulates Fas pathway activity, and more information is needed about the mechanisms involved.

At inflammatory sites, it seems likely that receptor-mediated death pathways and

mitochondrial death pathways are activated almost simultaneously, and it is not

clear whether strategies to inhibit one of the death pathways will be successful

without simultaneously modulating all other death pathways. Importantly, it is not

clear how long apoptosis pathways should be inhibited. Nevertheless, new ideas

are needed to further reduce mortality in patients with ALI. Because apoptosis


pathways are a tightly regulated mode of cell death, targeting specific control points in these pathways offers new opportunities to reduce the initial severity of ALI and improve long-term outcomes.

Acknowledgement. Supported in part by the Medical Research Service of the Department of

Veterans Affairs, and by grants HL69852 and HL073996 from the National Institutes of Health.


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