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Academic year: 2021



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- ANSTER John And WARD Adolphus William (1962), Marlowe’s

Tragical History of Doctor Faustus and Goethe’s Faust, Printed in

Great Britain at the University Press, Oxford by Vivian Ridler, Printer to the University.

- BAKELELESS John Edwin, The Tragical History of Christopher

Marlowe, Volume 1, Harvard University Press, 1942.

- BECHERI Riccardo, I Sonetti di Shakespeare, Prato 2004, - BOWERS Fredson (1981), The Complete Works of Christopher

Marlowe, Cambridge University Press.

- BURTON Robert, The Anatomy of Melancholy, Edited by Nicholas K. KIESSLING, Thomas C. FAULKNER, Rhonda L. BLAIR, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1990.

- CHENEY Patrick, Marlovian Texts and Authorship, in The Cambridge Companion to Marlowe, ed. Cambridge UP, (2004).


- COLERIDGE Samuel T, The rime of the ancient mariner, con le

illustrazioni di Gustave Dorè, a cura di Ginevra Bompiani, Traduzione

di Mario Luzi, Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli (2000).

- COLLINS Peter Alexander (1981) The Complete Works, a new edition,

edited with an introduction and glossary di William SHAKESPEARE,

London & Glasgow.

- COOKSON Linda, with a personal essay by KOTT Jan, Doctor

Faustus, Cristopher Marlowe, Longman Study Texts, Printed in Hong


- COPERNICO Niccolò, prima edizione nel 1543, De revolutionibus

orbium coelestium, Norimberga, Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale


- CROSS Wilbur L., BROOKE Tucker (1917), The yale Shakespeare,

Shakespeare’s Sonnets, Edited by Edward BLISS REED.

- DAVID Richard (1951), (First Folio, published in 1623) Love’s

labour’s lost, The Arden Edition of the works of William Shakespeare.

- GRAFF Gerald (University of Illinois at Chicago), PHELAN James (Ohio State University), William Shakespeare, The Tempest, Boston-New York, (2000).

- GRANTELY Darryll and ROBERTS Peter, Christopher Marlowe and


- HENSLOWE Philip, Henslowes diary, edited with supplementary


introduction and notes, by R. A. Foakes and R. T. Rickert, Cambridge

[etc.]: Cambridge University Press, 1961.

- LEECH Clifford (1962), Doctor Faustus of Christopher Marlowe, Edited by John D. JUMP, The Revels Plays, Metuen & Co Ltd, London

- LOGAN Robert A., Shakespeare’s Marlowe : the influence of

Christopher Marlowe on Shakespeare’s artistry, Aldershot : Ashgate,


- MARTIN Peter, Edmond Malone, Shakespearean Scholar: A Literary

Biography (Cambridge Studies in Eighteenth-Century English Literature and Thought), Paperback, Cambridge University Press,

February 17, 2005.

- MASON VAUGHAN Virginia and VAUGHAN Tom Alden (1999),

The arden Shakespeare, The Tempest, by Thomas Nelson and Sons


- PRAZ Mario (1964), Antologia della Letteratura Inglese e Scelta di

Scrittori Americani, Casa editrice Giuseppe Principato.

- QUILLER-COUCH Arthur and DOVER WILSON John (1961),


- ROWSE A. L.; MAMOULIAN Rouben Collection (Library of Congress),

Christopher Marlowe: His Life and Works, Harper & Row, (1964).

- STARA Arrigo, L’avventura del personaggio, Firenze: Le Monnier università, 2004, pag.126.

- SWINBURNE Algeron Charles, The Age of Shakespeare Harper & Brothers Publishers, New York and London, MCMVIII.


- APPELBAUM Stanley, The Road Not Taken and Other Poems of

Robert Frost, Dover Thrift Editions April 19, 1993

- BASSI Simonetta, and CILIBERTO Michele. Immagini di Giordano

Bruno (1600-1725). Napoli: Procaccini, 1996.

- BESOLI Stefano, MANOTTA Marina, MARTINELLI Riccardo (2002), Discipline Filosofiche: Una scienza pura della coscienza:


- BLACKBURN William, Heavenly Words, Marlowe’s Faustus as a

Renaissance Magican, English Studies in Canada, 1978

- BORINGHIERI Paolo (1972), Sigmund Freud, Opere 1905-1908, Il motto

di spirito e altri scritti.

- BOAS Frederick S, The works of Thomas Kyd / Ed. from the original texts,

with introduction, notes, and facsimiles by Frederick S. Boas, Oxford At

The Clarendo Press, MDCCCCI, pag. CXIII.

- BRUNO Giordano, presentazione e cura di VASCONI Marcella (prima edizione 1583), La Cena de le Ceneri: L’uomo proiettato

nell’universo, Acquarelli Saggi, Finito di stampare nel mese di luglio

1995, presso Giunti Industrie Grafiche S.p.A. Prato.

- CALVIN John, Institutes of the Christian Religion (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1989), p. 44.

- Carroll D.A, The Player-Patron in "Greene's Groatsworth of Wit

(1592), Studies in Philology, New York, 1994.

- D’AGOSTINO Nemi; MELCHIORI Giorgio (1975); LOMBARDO Agostino, Teatro elisabettiano. Marlowe, Webster, Ford.

- D’AGOSTINO Nicola, con prefazione di Mario PRAZ (1950) Roma,

Letture di Pensiero e d’Arte: Christopher Marlowe. Edizioni di Storia


- DICK-READ Grantely and P. ROBERTS (1996), Christopher

Marlowe and English Renaissance Culture, Edited by Peter Roberts.


- DYCE Alexander (2008), The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, EasyRead Large Edition, London

- EVANS James, The History and Practice of Ancient Astronomy, Oxford University Press, 1998.

- FRAME DONALD M., The Complete works of Montaine, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, (1971)

- FINOCCHIARO Maurice A. (2007), GALILEI Galileo, The Essential

Galileo (Hackett Classics), Hackett Publishing.

- FRONGILLO John, Giving the Tragic Boot to the Comic Sock: The

Recoding of Christopher Marlowe’s Tamburlaine from Low to High Culture. Florida Tech University, US, Documento on-line.

- FREUD Sigmund (1905), Il Motto di Spirito e la sua Relazione con

l’Incoscio, Boringhieri Editore s.p.a., Torino, Corso Vittorio Emanuele

86, (1972).

- FREUD Sigmund (2008), Psicoanalisi dell'arte e della letteratura, Un

ricordo d’infanzia di Leonardo da Vinci, Il Mosè di Michelangelo, Il perturbante, Dostoëvskij e il parricidio e altri saggi, Grandi Tascabili


- FÜSSEL Stephan und KREUTZER Hans Joachim (2006), Historia von

D. Johann Fausten. Text des Druckes von 1587. Stuttgart: Reclam.

- GEREVINI Saul (2005), William Shakespeare, ovvero John Florio: un

fiorentino alla conquista del mondo, Pilgrim Edizioni, Milano.

- GIESKES Edward Professor, MELNIKOFF Kirk Professor, Writing

Robert Greene: Essays on England's First Notorious Professional Writer, Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2013, Bodmin, Cornwall.

- GREENE Robert, CHETTLE Henry, CARROLL Daniel Allen (1592), A

Groath's Worth of Wit bought with a Million Repentance, Center for

Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, State University of New York at Binghamton, 1994.

- GREG Wilson Walter, Henslowe Papers : being documents


to Henslowe’s Diary, London, A.H. Bullen, 1907

- HUMPHERY, Milford (1931), Marlowe and his circle, Oxford University Press, London.

- JACQUOT J., BISCOS D., KOWZAN T. (1978), Les voies de la

création théâtrale, Centre national de la recherche scientifique

(France), Paris: Éds. du C.N.R.S.

- KENDALL Roy (2003), Christopher Marlowe and Richard Baines:


- KERMAN Joseph (1962), The Elizabethan Madrigal: a Comparative

Study. The AMS.

- KREUTZER Füssel, Stephan, JOACHIM Hans (Herausgeber):

Historia von D. Johann Fausten. Text des Druckes von 1587. Stuttgart:

Reclam 2006

- LEVACK Brian P. (1992), Articles on Witchcraft, Magic and

Demonology, a Twelve Volume Anthology of Scholary Articles,

University of Texas.

- LEVIN Harry, The Question of Hamlet, New York, Viking, (1959).

- LIPPS Theodor (1990), Estetica e Critica delle Arti, Maria Rosaria De Rosa, Guida Editori.

- LIPPS Theodore (1926), Psychological studies, vol.II Psychology

classics, The Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore.

- LIPPS Theodore (1966), Empathy, Inner Imitation, and

Sense-Feelings, Holt, Rinehart & Wintston, New York, in: M. Rader (Ed.),


- LOGAN Robert A. (2007), Shakespeare’s Marlowe: the influence of

Christopher Marlowe on Shakespeare’s Artistry, Ashgate Edizioni.

- LOMBARDO Agostino (1996), l’Eroe Tragico Moderno: Faust,


- MAGUIRE E. Laurie, CHENEY Patrick, The Cambridge Companion

to Christopher Marlowe, Cambridge University Press, 2004.

- MAGUIRE E. Laurie (2004), Studying Shakespeare, A guide to the

plays. Malden and Oxford: Blackwell.

- MARANGONI Alessandro (2011) La filosofia della musica di

Fernando Liuzzi, Editore Lulu.com.

- MATTARELLA Franco Faust, ovvero il desiderio nell'uomo dal

Medioevo all'Età Contemporanea, Relazione del 2008, Documento


- McDONALD Russ, Reviewed Work: Rival Playwrights: Marlowe,

Jonson, Shakespeare by James Shapiro, Modern Philology, The

University of Chicago Press (May, 1994)

- MONTALE Eugenio, Ossi di seppia, a cura di P. Cataldi e F. d'Amely, Collana Oscar poesia del Novecento, Milano, Mondadori, 2003.

- MISSALE N. Il “Faust”di Marlowe, prima parte, documento on-line - MUNSON DEATS Sara (2010) Doctor Faustus: A Critical Guide,


- ORGEL Stephen (2007) “The Complete Poems and Translations di


- PELLEGRINI Giuliano (1961), John Florio e il Basilicon Doron di

James VI: un esempio inedito di versione elisabettiana, Università

degli Studi di Pisa, Feltrinelli Editore.

- PIRANDELLO Luigi (2007), Il berretto a sonagli, BUR Biblioteca Univ. Rizzoli (collana Pillole BUR), Milano.

- RAGNISCO Pietro, La Critica della ragione pura di Kant, Pag. 100 - RIDLEY M.R. The Rape of Lucrece,in The New Temple Shakespeare,

London: J.M. Dent and Sons LDT; New York: E.P. Dutton and Co.INC.

- SPENCER Hazelton, The Tragicall History of Christopher Marlowe by

John Bakeless, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1943.

- SPIES John (1587), Storia del dottor Faust, ben noto mago e

negromante, Garzanti Editore, Milano.

- STOPPARD Tom, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are deadJumpers

Travesties, A Casebook Edited By T. Bareham, Printed in Hong Kong,


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