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Prove that the series ∑ γ∈Λ\{0} 1 |γ|k converges for k &gt


Academic year: 2021

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Univerit¨at Basel Herbsemester 2012

Master course A. Surroca - L. Paladino

Some topics on modular functions, elliptic functions and transcendence theory

Sheet of exercises n.6

6.1. Let Λ∈ L. Prove that the series




converges for k > 2. (Hint: use Exercise 3.7).

6.2. Let k ∈ Z, k > 1. For Λ ∈ L, define

Fk(Λ) := ∑


1 γk.

Prove that Fk is a lattice function of weight k.

6.3. Prove that for k ≥ 4,

dim(Mk) = dim(Sk) + 1.

(Hint: consider the linear form φ : Mk → C, defined by φ(f) :=

f (∞)).

6.4. Prove that for k ≥ 0, dim(Mk) =

{ [12k] if k≡ 1 (mod12) [12k] + 1 if k̸≡ 1 (mod12).


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