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Indice delle sigle e delle concordanze delle iscrizioni in ordine alfabetico


Academic year: 2021

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Sigla / concordanza Riferimento alla

sigla principale Provenienza

Ordine di trattazione A-20-188 Nashshān 100* A-20-750 Nashshān 47* A-20-865 indefinita 244* A-20-866 indefinita 245* A-50-1028 indefinita 242* A-20-1029 Haram 168* al-Ḥarāshif 2 Kamna 193* al-Ḥarāshif 3 Nashshān 11*

al-Jawf 04.1 as-Sawdā’ 89 A Nashshān 14*

al-Jawf 04.2 as-Sawdā’ 89 B Nashshān 15*

al-Jawf 04.3 as-Sawdā’ 92 Nashshān 16*

al-Jawf 04.5 A+B Kamna 191*

al-Jawf 04.6 Kamna 192* al-Jawf 04.8 Nashshān 45* al-Jawf 04.11 Nashshān 48* al-Jawf 04.30 Ma‘īn 135* al-Jawf 04.32 Ma‘īn 130* al-Jawf 04.33 Ma‘īn 131* al-Jawf 04.34 Nashshān 46* al-Jawf 04.35 Nashshān 35* al-Jawf 04.37 Nashshān 52* al-Jawf 04.39 Nashshān 37* al-Jawf 04.40 Nashshān 92* al-Jawf 04.41 Nashshān 38* al-Jawf 04.43 Nashshān 93*

al-Jawf 04.47 as-Sawdā’ 90 Nashshān 26*

al-Kāfir 3 Haram 149*

al-Kāfir 4 Haram 189*

al-Kāfir 5 Haram 190*

al-Kāfir 7 Haram 187*


AO 31930 Nashshān 29* Arbach 2006 Nashshān 28 as-Sawdā’ 1 Nashshān 98* as-Sawdā’ 2 Nashshān 99* as-Sawdā’ 3 Nashshān 13* as-Sawdā’ 4 Nashshān 96* as-Sawdā’ 5 Nashshān 12 as-Sawdā’ 6 Nashshān 21* as-Sawdā’ 16 Nashshān 20* as-Sawdā’ 17 Nashshān 30* as-Sawdā’ 18 Nashshān 95 as-Sawdā’ 41 A Nashshān 71* as-Sawdā’ 41 B Nashshān 72* as-Sawdā’ 41 C Nashshān 73* as-Sawdā’ 42 Nashshān 82* as-Sawdā’ 43 Nashshān 76* as-Sawdā’ 44 Nashshān 77* as-Sawdā’ 59 Nashshān 101* as-Sawdā’ 60 Nashshān 102* as-Sawdā’ 88 Nashshān 36* as-Sawdā’ 89 A Nashshān 14* as-Sawdā’ 89 B Nashshān 15* as-Sawdā’ 90 Nashshān 26* as-Sawdā’ 91 Nashshān 27* as-Sawdā’ 92 Nashshān 16* as-Sawdā’ 93 Nashshān 17* as-Sawdā’ 94 Nashshān 24* as-Sawdā’ 95 A Nashshān 7* as-Sawdā’ 95 B Nashshān 8* as-Sawdā’ 95 C Nashshān 9* as-Sawdā’ 96 Nashshān 39* as-Sawdā’ TA 1A 2a Nashshān 53* as-Sawdā’ TA 1A 2b Nashshān 54* as-Sawdā’ TA 1A 3a Nashshān 55* as-Sawdā’ TA 1A 3b Nashshān 56*


as-Sawdā’ TA 1A 4a Nashshān 57 as-Sawdā’ TA 1A 4b Nashshān 58 as-Sawdā’ TA 1A 5a Nashshān 59 as-Sawdā’ TA 1A 5b Nashshān 60 as-Sawdā’ TA 1A 7 Nashshān 5* as-Sawdā’ TA 1A 8 Nashshān 61* as-Sawdā’ TA 1B 1b Nashshān 62* as-Sawdā’ TA 1B 2a Nashshān 63* as-Sawdā’ TA 1B 2b Nashshān 64* as-Sawdā’ TA 1B 3a Nashshān 65* as-Sawdā’ TA 1B 3b Nashshān 66* as-Sawdā’ TA 1B 4a Nashshān 67* as-Sawdā’ TA 1B 4b Nashshān 68* as-Sawdā’ TA 1B 5a Nashshān 69* as-Sawdā’ TA 1B 5b Nashshān 70* as-Sawdā’ TA 2B Nashshān 6* Barcelona 2009 n. 1 Haram 180

CIAS T 21/s4/28.31 n. 1 Haram 45 Haram 184*

CIAS T 21/s4/28.31 n. 2 Haram 44 Haram 183*

CIH 377 Kamna 196

CIH 428 as-Sawdā’ 5 Nashshān 12

CIH 455 as-Sawdā’ 3 Nashshān 13*

CIH 507 Haram 21 Haram 162

CIH 507 Haram 22 Haram 163

CIH 508 Haram 23 Haram 188

CIH 509 Haram 24 Haram 169

CIH 510 Haram 16 Haram 158

CIH 511 Haram 17 Haram 159

CIH 512 Haram 5 Haram 151

CIH 513 Haram 7 Haram 155

CIH 514 Haram 6 Haram 154

CIH 515 Haram 19 Haram 160

CIH 516 Haram 15 Haram 152

CIH 795 Haram 41 Haram 182*


DhM 387 indefinita 241* Fa 14 Shaqab 19 Ma‘īn 134* FB-Haram 1 Haram 175* FB-Haram 2 Haram 174* Gajda 2001 Ma‘īn 121* Garbini-Francaviglia 1 Nashshān 75* Garbini-Francaviglia 2 Nashshān 74* Garbini-Francaviglia 3 Nashshān 10* Gl 295 Ma‘īn 78 Ma‘īn 139* Gl 311 Ma‘īn 33 Ma‘īn 106 Gl 325 Haram 50 Haram 179* Gl 336 Haram 41 Haram 182* Gl 337 Haram 44 Haram 183* Gl 338 Haram 45 Haram 184* Gl 339 Haram 46 Haram 185* Gl 1060 Haram 48 Haram 186* Gl 1092 Shaqab 19 Ma‘īn 134* Gl 1235 Shaqab 19 Ma‘īn 134* Gl 1457 as-Sawdā’ 18 Nashshān 95 GOAM 317 Nashshān 51*

Hal 144 Haram 5 Haram 151

Hal 145 Haram 6 Haram 154

Hal 146 Haram 7 Haram 155

Hal 148 Haram 9 Haram 156

Hal 150 Haram 11 Haram 157

Hal 151 Haram 12 Haram 150

Hal 153 Haram 14 Haram 151

Hal 154 Haram 15 Haram 152

Hal 155 Haram 16 Haram 158

Hal 156 Haram 17 Haram 159

Hal 158 Haram 19 Haram 160

Hal 159 Haram 20 Haram 161

Hal 160 Haram 21 Haram 162

Hal 161 Haram 22 Haram 163


Hal 163 Haram 24 Haram 169

Hal 164 Haram 3 Haram 147*

Hal 165 Haram 4 Haram 148

Hal 189 Ma‘īn 33 Ma‘īn 106

Hal 202 Ma‘īn 39 Ma‘īn 103

Hal 209 Ma‘īn 43 Ma‘īn 108

Hal 269 Kamna 2 Kamna 216*

Hal 270 Kamna 3 Kamna 217*

Hal 272 Kamna 8 Kamna 203*

Hal 273 Kamna 13 Kamna 223

Hal 274 Kamna 14 B Kamna 226

Hal 275 Kamna 1 Kamna 215*

Hal 278 Kamna 17 Kamna 194

Hal 327 CIH 377 Kamna 196

Hal 329 + 330 (?) CIH 377 Kamna 196

Hal 372 as-Sawdā’ 3 Nashshān 13*

Hal 379 as-Sawdā’ 5 Nashshān 12

Hal 380+Hal 382 as-Sawdā’ 5 Nashshān 12

Hal 381 Kamna 23 Kamna 220

Hal 389 Kamna 19 Kamna 229

Hal 396 as-Sawdā’ 17 Nashshān 30*

Hal 417 as-Sawdā’ 18 Nashshān 95

Hal 419 Kamna 20 Kamna 205

Hal 484 Shaqab 19 Ma‘īn 134*

Hal 614 MAFRAY aṣ-Ṣanaf 1 Kamna 197*

Haram 1 Haram 181* Haram 2 Haram 177* Haram 3 Haram 147* Haram 4 Haram 148 Haram 5 Haram 151 Haram 6 Haram 154 Haram 7 Haram 155 Haram 9 Haram 156 Haram 11 Haram 157 Haram 12 Haram 150


Haram 14 Haram 151 Haram 15 Haram 152 Haram 16 Haram 158 Haram 17 Haram 159 Haram 19 Haram 160 Haram 20 Haram 161 Haram 21 Haram 162 Haram 22 Haram 163 Haram 23 Haram 188 Haram 24 Haram 169 Haram 41 Haram 182* Haram 44 Haram 183* Haram 45 Haram 184* Haram 46 Haram 186* Haram 48 Haram 186* Haram 50 Haram 179* Haram 52 Haram 170* Haram 54 Haram 171* Haram 57 Haram 164*

Höfner 65 (Ra 65) Haram 54 Haram 171*

Höfner 103 M 407 Haram 178* Höfner 147 M 461 Ma‘īn 137* Höfner 151+139 M 459 Ma‘īn 136* Inabba’ 1 Inabba’ 238* Inabba’ 2 Inabba’ 240* Inabba’ 3 Inabba’ 239* Inabba’ 4 Inabba’ 236* Ja 412 as-Sawdā’ 16 Nashshān 20* Kamna 1 Kamna 215* Kamna 2 Kamna 216* Kamna 3 Kamna 217* Kamna 5 Kamna 214* Kamna 6 Kamna 228* Kamna 7 Kamna 195* Kamna 8 Kamna 203*


Kamna 9 Kamna 206*

Kamna 10 Kamna 204*

Kamna 13 Kamna 223

Kamna 14 A Kamna 224*

Kamna 14 A bis Kamna 225

Kamna 14 B Kamna 226 Kamna 14 C Kamna 227 Kamna 17 Kamna 194 Kamna 18 Kamna 218* Kamna 19 Kamna 229 Kamna 20 Kamna 205 Kamna 21 Kamna 219* Kamna 22 Kamna 222* Kamna 23 Kamna 220 Kamna 24 Kamna 228 Kamna 25 Kamna 229 Kamna 26 Kamna 207* Kamna 27 Kamna 230 M 5 Haram 41 Haram 182* M 10 Haram 9 Haram 156 M 11 Haram 11 Haram 157 M 12 Haram 12 Haram 150 M 13 Haram 14 Haram 151 M 14 Haram 20 Haram 161

M 15 Haram 3 = Haram 4 Haram 147* e 148

M 28 Ma‘īn 33 Ma‘īn 106 M 38 Ma‘īn 39 Ma‘īn 103 M 44 Ma‘īn 43 Ma‘īn 108 M 93 Kamna 2 Kamna 216* M 94 Kamna 3 Kamna 217* M 96 Kamna 8 Kamna 203* M 97 a Kamna 13 Kamna 223 M 97 b Kamna 14 A Kamna 224* M 97 c Kamna 14 B Kamna 226 M 97 d Kamna 14 C Kamna 227


M 98 Kamna 1 Kamna 215* M 101 Kamna 17 Kamna 194 M 120 Kamna 19 Kamna 229 M 125 as-Sawdā’ 18 Nashshān 95 M 127 as-Sawdā’ 17 Nashshān 30* M 146 Kamna 20 Kamna 205 M 202 Shaqab 19 Ma‘īn 134*

M 284 MAFRAY aṣ-Ṣanaf 1 Kamna 197*

M 285 Kamna 21 Kamna 219* M 292 Haram 50 Haram 179* M 298 Ma‘īn 78 Ma‘īn 139* M 307 Haram 44 Haram 183* M 308 Haram 45 Haram 184* M 309 Haram 46 Haram 186* M 373 Ma‘īn 138 M 379 Kamna 22 Kamna 222* M 382 as-Sawdā’ 16 Nashshān 20* M 383 Ma‘īn 141* M 407 Haram 178* M 453 Kamna 18 Kamna 218* M 459 Ma‘īn 136* M 461 Ma‘īn 137* Ma‘īn 18 Ma‘īn 105* Ma‘īn 29 Ma‘īn 140 Ma‘īn 33 Ma‘īn 106 Ma‘īn 39 Ma‘īn 103 Ma‘īn 43 Ma‘īn 108 Ma‘īn 78 Ma‘īn 139* Ma‘īn 99 Ma‘īn 120* Ma‘īn 101 Ma‘īn 123* Ma‘īn 102 Ma‘īn 109* Ma‘īn 103 Ma‘īn 110* Ma‘īn 104 Ma‘īn 111* Ma‘īn 105 Ma‘īn 112* Ma‘īn 106 Ma‘īn 113*


Ma‘īn 107 Ma‘īn 114* Ma‘īn 108 Ma‘īn 115* Ma‘īn 109 Ma‘īn 116* Ma‘īn 110 Ma‘īn 117* Ma‘īn 111 Ma‘īn 118* Ma‘īn 112 Ma‘īn 107* Ma‘īn 113 Ma‘īn 119*

MAFRAY aṣ-Ṣanaf 1 Kamna 197*

Moussaïeff 22 Nashshān 19* MṢM 3626 Kamna 198* MṢM 3634 Kamna 233* MṢM 3645 Kamna 208* MṢM 3647 Kamna 235* MṢM 3650 Kamna 231* MṢM 3828 Kamna 211* MṢM 4349 Kamna 212* MṢM 4350 Kamna 210* MṢM 4515 Kamna 234* MṢM 4520 Kamna 232* MṢM 4466 indefinita 263* MṢM 4467 indefinita 264*

RES 2740 Haram 9 Haram 156

RES 2742 Haram 11 Haram 157

RES 2743 Haram 12 Haram 150

RES 2745 Haram 14 Haram 151

RES 2749 Haram 20 Haram 161

RES 2751 A Haram 3 Haram 147*

RES 2751 B Haram 4 Haram 148

RES 2772 Ma‘īn 33 Ma‘īn 106

RES 2784 Ma‘īn 39 Ma‘īn 103

RES 2790 Ma‘īn 43 Ma‘īn 108

RES 2841 Kamna 2 Kamna 216*

RES 2842 Kamna 3 Kamna 217*

RES 2844 Kamna 8 Kamna 203*


RES 2846 A Kamna 14 A Kamna 224*

RES 2846 B Kamna 14 B Kamna 226

RES 2846 C Kamna 14 C Kamna 227

RES 2849bis Kamna 17 Kamna 194

RES 2852 CIH 377 Kamna 196

RES 2847 Kamna 1 Kamna 215*

RES 2884 B as-Sawdā’ 3 Nashshān 13*

RES 2891 Kamna 23 Kamna 220

RES 2897 Kamna 19 Kamna 229

RES 2901 as-Sawdā’ 18 Nashshān 95

RES 2903 as-Sawdā’ 17 Nashshān 30*

RES 2924 Kamna 20 Kamna 205

RES 2980 Shaqab 19 Ma‘īn 134*

RES 3086 MAFRAY aṣ-Ṣanaf 1 Kamna 197*

RES 3252 Kamna 21 Kamna 219*

RES 3303 Haram 50 Haram 179*

RES 3314 Ma‘īn 78 Ma‘īn 139*

RES 3328 Haram 44 Haram 183*

RES 3330 Haram 45 Haram 184*

RES 3331 Haram 46 Haram 186*

RES 3471 Haram 48 Haram 185*

RES 3890 M 373 Ma‘īn 138

RES 3894 A (e B) as-Sawdā’ 4 Nashshān 96*

RES 4639 Kamna 22 Kamna 222*

RES 4641 as-Sawdā’ 6 Nashshān 21*

RES 4731 as-Sawdā’ 16 Nashshān 20*

RES 4834 M 383 Ma‘īn 141*

RES 4926 Haram 52 Haram 170*

Ry 202 as-Sawdā’ 16 Nashshān 20* Ry 210 Haram 52 Haram 170* Ry 553 Kamna 18 Kamna 218* Sana MM 3630 Kamna 202* Schm/Samsara 3 Ma‘īn 124* Shaqab 1 Ma‘īn 127* Shaqab 2 Ma‘īn 128*


Shaqab 3 Ma‘īn 142* Shaqab 6 Ma‘īn 122* Shaqab 7 Ma‘īn 129* Shaqab 9 Ma‘īn 143* Shaqab 10 Ma‘īn 144* Shaqab 11 Ma‘īn 145* Shaqab 12 Ma‘īn 146* Shaqab 19 Ma‘īn 134* SW-BA 9 YM 16631 Nashshān 50* SW-BA 12 Nashshān 91* SW-BA 14 YM 16620+16621 Nashshān 49* SW-BA/I/1 Nashshān 1* SW-BA/I/2 Nashshān 2* SW-BA/I/3 Nashshān 3* SW-BA/I/4 Nashshān 4* SW-BA/I/5 Nashshān 83 SW-BA/I/6 Nashshān 84* SW-BA/I/7 Nashshān 85* SW-BA/I/8 Nashshān 33* SW-BA/I/9 Nashshān 86* SW-BA/I/10 Nashshān 87 SW-BA/I/11 Nashshān 31* SW-BA/I/12 Nashshān 88 SW-BA/I/13 Nashshān 32* SW-BA/I/14 Nashshān 34* SW-BA/I/15 Nashshān 89 SW-BA/I/16 Nashshān 78* SW-BA/I/17 Nashshān 79 SW-BA/I/18 Nashshān 80 SW-BA/I/19 Nashshān 90* SW-BA/I/20 YM 28489 Nashshān 22*

SW-BA/I/21 a as-Sawdā’ 43 Nashshān 76*

SW-BA/I/21 b as-Sawdā’ 44 Nashshān 77*

SW-BA/I/22 as-Sawdā’ 4 Nashshān 96*


YM 491 indefinita 255* YM 621 indefinita 250* YM 1120 indefinita 256* YM 2009 Ma‘īn 104* YM 8871 Kamna 201* YM 10598 Inabba’ 237* YM 10886 Kamna 213* YM 11191 Nashshān 44* YM 11231 Haram 172* YM 16243 Nashshān 81* YM 16620+16621 Nashshān 49* YM 16631 Nashshān 50* YM 19608 Nashshān 97* YM 22222 Nashshān 40* YM 22223 Nashshān 41* YM 22225 Nashshān 42* YM 23208 Kamna 209* YM 23249 Kamna 221* YM 23250 Nashshān 94* YM 24905 Ma‘īn 132* YM 24942+YM 24943 Ma‘īn 125* YM 26106 Ma‘īn 133* YM 26542 Nashshān 43* YM 26630 indefinita 251* YM 26560 indefinita 260* YM 28033 indefinita 243* YM 28168 Nashshān 18* YM 28378 indefinita 254* YM 28489 Nashshān 22* YM 28823 Haram 167* YM 28975 Haram 165* YM 28976 Haram 166* YM 29217 indefinita 259* YM 29827 Nashshān 25* YM 29938 Haram 173*


YM 29998 indefinita 257* YM 30000 indefinita 262* YM 30010 indefinita 247* YM 30017 indefinita 248* YM 30031 indefinita 249* YM 30038 indefinita 246* YM 30040 indefinita 258* YM 30045 indefinita 261* YM 30047 indefinita 252* YM 30054 indefinita 253* YM 30135 Ma‘īn 126*



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