• Non ci sono risultati.

Thus, pn= Fn−1and qn = Fn, where Fn is the nth Fibonacci number defined by the recurrence F0= 0, F1= 1, and Fn+1= Fn+ Fn−1for n &gt


Academic year: 2021

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Testo completo


Problem 11716

(American Mathematical Monthly, Vol.120, June-July 2013) Proposed by Oliver Knill (USA).

Let α = (√

5 − 1)/2. Let pn and qnbe the numerator and denominator of the nth continued fraction convergent to α. Thus, pn= Fn−1and qn = Fn, where Fn is the nth Fibonacci number defined by the recurrence F0= 0, F1= 1, and Fn+1= Fn+ Fn−1for n > 1. Show that

√ 5

 α −pn






qn2k+25k , where Ck denotes the kth Catalan number, given by Ck= k+11 2kk.

Solution proposed by Roberto Tauraso, Dipartimento di Matematica, Universit`a di Roma “Tor Vergata”, via della Ricerca Scientifica, 00133 Roma, Italy.

Since the generating function for the Catalan numbers is

f (z) :=



Ckzk =1 −√ 1 − 4z

2z for |z| < 1/4, it follows that




q2k+2n 5k = (−1)n+1

qn2 f (−1)n+1 q2n5

=5qn−p25q2n+ 20(−1)n 2qn

because |(−1)n+1/(qn25)| ≤ 1/5. Hence, we have to verify that

√ 5


5 − 1)qn− 2pn

= 5qn−p

25qn2+ 20(−1)n, that is

qn+ 2pn=p

5qn2+ 4(−1)n.

Now by letting pn = Fn−1 and qn = Fn, the above equation is equivalent to Fn−12 − Fn2+ Fn−1Fn= Fn−1Fn− Fn−2Fn+1= (−1)n,

which is a well known identity. 


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