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Academic year: 2021

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“Those who look for the laws of Nature as a support for their new works collaborate with the Creator.”

Antonio Gaudi

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www.aecportic.co.uk – LSG for architecture.

www.agc-glass.eu – AGC Glass Europe.

www.assovetro.it - Associazione nazionale degli industriali del vetro.

www.buildingscience.com - Building Science Corporation.

www.buildingsmart.com – building SMART, International home of open BIM.

www.coopsette.it/teleya - The Official Website of Teleya (Geco System).

www.cstb.fr - CSTB, Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment.

www.cwct.co.uk – Centre for Window an Cladding Technology.

www.eckersleyocallaghan.com - The Official Website of Eckersley O'Callaghan, Structural and Façade Engineers.

www.energy.gov – U.S. Department of Energy.

www.FacadeEngineeringSociety.org - SFE, Society of Façade Engineering.

www.focchi.it - Focchi S.p.a.

www.glass.org - National Glass Association.

www.glassforeurope.com – Building, Automotive, Solar-energy glass.

www.glassisgreen.com – A Saint-Gobain Glass Initiative.

www.glassonweb.com – Glass on Web.

www.laminatedglassnews.com - DuPont on line magazine for LSG.

www.mfacade.com – Meinhardt, Façade, Building Access and Facade Consultants.

www.neutelings-riedijk.com - The Official Website of Neutelings Riedijk Architects.

www.permasteelisagroup.com - Permasteelisa Group.

www.pilkington.com - Pilkington.

www.saint-gobain.com – Saint Gobain.



www.sgt.org - Society of Glass Technology.

www.spevetro.it - Stazione sperimentale del vetro.

www.wbdg.org/resources/windows - The Whole Building Design Guide a program of the National Institute of Building Sciences.

www.wernersobek.de – The Official Website of Werner Sobek, Engineering & Design.

www2.dupont.com – The Official Website of DuPont.


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