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Nuovi target: sono sempre clinicamente utili?


Academic year: 2022

Condividi "Nuovi target: sono sempre clinicamente utili?"


Testo completo


Nuovi target: sono sempre clinicamente utili?

Filippo Montemurro

Direzione Day Hospital Oncologico Multidisciplinare Istituto di Candiolo, FPO-IRCCS

Roma 25/05/2019



Relationship Company/Organization

Advisory Role, Speaker’s Bureau, Travel Grants Roche Speaker’s Bureau, Compensation for editorial initiatives Novartis

Speaker’s Bureau Pfizer

Advisory role Lilly

Speaker’s Bureau, Compensation for editorial initiatives Astra Zeneca


Molecular screening program to select molecular-based recommended therapies for metastatic cancer patients: analysis from the ProfiLER trial

Trédan et al, Ann Oncol pub 2019

HER2-amplified breast cancers, KIT/PDGFRA-driven cancers, ALK/ROS1/EGFR activating lung cancers or BRAF-mutated

melanoma, were included if they have already been treated with a specific MTA


Study flow

Trédan et al, Ann Oncol pub 2019


Activity Results

Initial number 275; potential target identified 138, treatment started 39, PR in 6 pts

ORR; 17%

ORR; 2%



Molecular profiling of cancer patients enables personalized combination therapy: the I-PREDICT study; group 3 (previously treated met. cancers)

Sicklick et al, Nature Med epub 2019 PLUS




• Profiling of ctDNA by FoundationACT (62 genes)

MTB indications and:

• patient preference

• attention to comorbidities

• consideration of drug toxicities,

insurance payor coverage of off-label agent(s) investigational agent clinical trial availability

236-405 genes, mainly 315

Started February 2015


Study flow

Median time from study consent to initiation 0.9 months

Median time from molecular results to initiation 2 months

Sicklick et al, Nature Med epub 2019


Molecular alterations

Matching score>50

Sicklick et al, Nature Med epub 2019




Sicklick et al, Nature Med epub 2019


Treatments received by patients with high matching scores

Sicklick et al, Nature Med epub 2019


Genomic and transcriptomic profiling expands precision cancer medicine: the WINTHER trial

Rodon et al. Nature Medicine, epub 2019

236 genes


Transcriptomic analysis Agilent Technologies Tumor and normal tissue

Comparative toxicogenomics database 2013-2015


Patient flow

Rodon et al. Nature Medicine, epub 2019

Colon cancer; 32%

Head and neck; 21%

Lung cancer; 20%

66 pts received only 1 drug, 44 ≥1 drug


Tumor response

Rodon et al. Nature Medicine, epub 2019 Study is negative

for the primary end-point


Survival outcomes


Rodon et al. Nature Medicine, epub 2019


Case Reports from WINTHER; exceptional responders

Rodon et al. Nature Medicine, epub 2019

Lung Cancer T790M Afatinib and Cetuximab

Colorectal cancer, MSI Pembrolizumab

Well differentiated

Neuroendocrine Carcinoma, AKT2 and AKT3 overexpression Everolimus


Pathways exploited clinically


I nuovi marcatori; sono sempre clinicamente utili?

Al netto di tutti i potenziali caveat interpretativi,

l’approccio appare globalmente poco efficace e rimane investigational (?)


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