• Non ci sono risultati.

Misura della risposta all’impulso Misura della risposta all’impulso


Academic year: 2022

Condividi "Misura della risposta all’impulso Misura della risposta all’impulso"


Testo completo


Misura della risposta all’impulso

Misura della risposta all’impulso


Schema di misura della risposta all’impulso


Schema del processo di misura

• Si desidera misurare la risposta impulsiva lineare h(t). Essa puo’ essere ricavata dalla conoscenza del segnale di test x(t) e del segnale

Not-linear, time variant

system K[x(t)]

Noise n(t)

input x(t)


output y(t) linear system

w(t)h(t) distorted signal



Tempo di Riverberazione dalla Risposta Impulsiva

• Integrale inverso di Schroeder.

• E’ possibile

ricostruire sia la curva di

“carico” sia la curva di


integrando in avanti o

all’indietro la risposta



 


g t d t



' '

 

g t d t


' '

 

g t d t

t 2


' '


La Risposta Impulsiva


I metodi tradizionali (veri impulsi)

I metodi tradizionali (veri impulsi)


Metodi tradizionali



• Il diametro influenza la risposta alle basse frequenze


Esempio di risposta impulsiva (pistola)


Il “clappatore”


Il “clappatore”


Il “clappatore”


Il “clappatore”


Il metodo MLS Il metodo MLS

(Maximum Lenght Sequence)

(Maximum Lenght Sequence)


The first MLS apparatus - MLSSA


More recently - the CLIO system


Il metodo MLS

• x(t) è un segnale periodico binario,

ottenuto mediante uno

“shift-register”, configurato per la

massima lunghezza del periodo di ripetizione

1 2

L  N

N stages

XOR k stages



Deconvoluzione MLS

• Il segnale misurato y(i) è cross-correlato con il segnale di test x(i) mediante una trasformata veloce di Hadamard. Se il sistema in prova è lineare e tempo-invariante, il risultato è la risposta impulsiva h(i)

y 1 M


h 1  ~

 

 In cui M è la matrice di Hadamard trasposta, ottenuta permutando la sequenza MLS originaria m(i)

 

i j 2 mod L1

m )

j ,i (

M ~    


Esempio di misura MLS

Portable PC with 4- channels sound board Original Room

SoundField Microphone

B-format 4- channels signal


Measurement of B-format Impulse Responses

MLS excitation signal


Esempio di misura MLS


Example of a MLS impulse response


Il metodo ESS (exponential sine sweep)

Il metodo ESS (exponential sine sweep)


Edirol FA-101 Firewire sound


10 in / 10 out 24 bit, 192 kHz ASIO and WDM

Today’s Hardware: PC and audio interface


Hardware: loudspeaker & microphone

Dodechaedron loudspeaker




Aurora Plugins Generate MLS

Deconvolve MLS Generate Sweep Deconvolve Sweep Convolution

Kirkeby Inverse Filter Speech Transm. Index

The first ESS system - AURORA

• Aurora was the first measurement system based on standard sound cards


Il metodo Log Sine Sweep

• x(t) è un segnale sinusoidale a frequenza

variabile, con variazione esponenziale della frequenza nel tempo.

 

 

 

 


 


 

 

 

  

 

 

1 e

ln sin T

) t (

x 1

ln 2

T t





Il metodo Log Sine Sweep

• La metodica di deconvoluzione della risposta all’impulso è semplice:

supponiamo di realizzare un filtro inverso z(t) tale che:

) ideale impulso

( ) t ( )

t ( z )

t (

x   

• Se ora applichiamo tale filtro inverso al risultato della misura y(t), che altro non è che la convoluzione di x(t) con la risposta all’impulso dell’ambiente, h(t),


) t ( h )

t ( )

t ( h )

t ( x )

t ( z )

t (

y      


Test Signal – x(t)

Stop Stop


Measured signal - y(t)

Stop Stop


Inverse Filter – z(t)

Stop Stop


Deconvoluzione del Log Sine Sweep

• Viene usata la tecnica del “time reversal mirror”, cioè la convoluzione del segnale misurato con lo stesso

segnale di test, temporalmente invertito. Se il

contenuto spettrale del segnale non è piatto, occorre

una opportuna ri-equalizzazione del risultato.


Deconvoluzione = rotazione del sonogramma



2 2


order order


Risultato della deconvoluzione

5° 3°


IR Selection

• After the sequence of impulse responses has been

obtained, it is possible to select and insulate just

one of them:


Example of an ESS impulse response


Esperimento di comparazione

Test comparativo fra diverse tecniche di misurazione Organizzato dalla AES Italian Section

(Bergamo’s Workshop 1999, 27/28 aprile 1999)

Sperimentatore Sistema di misura - Metodo Altoparlante Microfono Angelo Farina Aurora (synchronous measurement

on PC+Layla) – MLS

Dodechaedron (Look Line D1)

Soundfield MKV + binaural (Ambassador) Angelo Farina Aurora (synchronous measurement

on PC+Layla) – log sweep

Dodechaedron (Look Line D1)

Soundfield MKV + binaural (Ambassador) Angelo Farina MLSSA board – MLS Dodechaedron

(Look Line D1)

Soundfield channel W A. Ricciardi MLSSA board – MLS Directional,


Stage Accompany omnidirectional

Walter Conti Techron TEF 20 – MLS & TDS Directional, custom-made

B&K Omnidirectional Nicola Prodi Aurora (asynchronous playback &

record through a Tascam DA38 recorder) – log sweep

Dodechaedron (Look Line D- 300)

Soundfield ST250 +

binaural (Neumann KU-




Ambassador pre-amp Soundfield pre-amp

Soundfield Microphone Ambassador Dummy Head




Informazioni estraibili dalla Risposta Impulsiva


Alcuni Descrittori Acustici


I parametri acustici (ISO 3382)

 Tempo di Riverberazione Iniziale (EDT):

estrapolato da 0 a -10 dB

 Tempo di riverberazione T 10 : estrapolato da -5 a -15 dB

 Tempo di riverberazione T 20 : estrapolato da -5 a -25 dB

 Tempo di riverberazione T 30 :

estrapolato da -5 a -35 dB


I parametri acustici (ISO 3382)

 

 

 

 

 

 ms 80

2 ms 80

0 2


dτ τ


dτ τ

p lg

10 C

 Indice di chiarezza C 80 (musica sinfonica):

 Indice di chiarezza C 50 (parlato):

Valore ottimale = +/- 1 dB

 

 

 

 

 

 ms 50

2 ms 50

0 2 50

dτ τ


dτ τ

p lg




I parametri acustici (ISO 3382)

 Tempo baricentrico T S :

 

  

2 0

2 s

d p


 

 

100 d


d p


0 2 ms 50

0 2

 Indice di definizione D: 


I parametri acustici (ISO 3382)

• Strenght: G  SPL  L w  31 dB

 

   

    

d t h

d h

d t h

h t

s 2 d 2

s d


SPL a 10 m


I parametri acustici (ISO 3382)

   

  

80 ms

2 ms

80 ms 5


Y h d



 

  


ms W ms

ms Y

d h

d h

LF 80


2 80



 Lateral Fraction:


Spatial analysis by directive impulse responses

• The initial approach was to use directive microphones for gathering some information about the spatial properties of the sound field “as perceived by the listener”

• Two apparently different approaches emerged: binaural dummy heads and pressure- velocity microphones:

Binaural Binaural microphone (left) microphone (left)

and and



microphone (right)

microphone (right)


IACC “objective” spatial parameter

• It was attempted to “quantify” the “spatiality” of a room by means of

“objective” parameters, based on 2-channels impulse responses measured with directive microphones

• The most famous “spatial” parameter is IACC (Inter Aural Cross Correlation), based on binaural IR measurements


Right Right

80 ms 80 ms

p pLL(())

p pRR(())

 

   

     

d t p


ms 80



     


Lateral Fraction (LF) spatial parameter

• Another “spatial” parameter is the Lateral Fraction LF

• This is defined from a 2-channels impulse response, the first channel is a standard omni microphone, the second channel is a “figure-of-eight”


Figure Figure

of 8of 8 OmniOmni

  

ms 80

ms 5



h LF




Are binaural measurents reproducible?

• Experiment performed in anechoic room - same loudspeaker, same

source and receiver positions, 5 binaural dummy heads


Are IACC measurents reproducible?

• Diffuse field - huge difference among the 4 dummy heads

IACCe - random incidence

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

IACCe B&K4100

Cortex Head Neumann


Are LF measurents reproducible?

Experiment performed in the Auditorium of Parma - same

loudspeaker, same source and receiver positions, 4 pressure-

velocity microphones


Are LF measurents reproducible?

• At 25 m distance, the scatter is really big

Comparison LF - measure 2 - 25m distance

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1


Schoeps Neumann Soundfield B&K


Il plug-in Aurora Acoustical Parameters


The STI Method

The STI method is based on the MTF concept: a carrier signal (one-octave-band-filtered noise) is amplitude

modulated at a given modulation frequency with 100%

modulation depth. At the receiver, the modulation depth

E ne rg y E nv el op e

Acoustic system

1/F 1/F

time time


The STI Method – MTF matrix

The STI method is based on the MTF concept: a carrier signal (one-octave-band-filtered noise) is amplitude

modulated at a given modulation frequency with 100%

Octave-band STI value, computed by the average of MTF values

Overall weight STI (male)


MTF from Impulse Response

• It is possible to derive the MTF values from a single impulse response measurement:

   

  

2 0


exp 2

) (

d h

d F

j h

F m

f f

To compute each value of m(F) from the impulse response h(t), an octave-band filter is first applied to the impulse response, in order to select the carrier’s frequency band f.

Then m(F) is obtained with the formula


Background noise

• If the background noise is superposed to the impulse response, the previous method already takes care of it, and the MTF values are measured correctly

• However, in some cases, it is advisable to perform a noise-free measurement of the IR, and then insert the effect of the noise with the following expression:

 

 

 

10 10

1 ) 1 (

' )

( F m F L






Post processing of impulse responses

• A special plugin has been

developed for the computation

of STI according to IEC-EN



Transducers: mouth simulator

• The mouth simulator was built inside a wooden

dummy head, employing low-cost parts. Its

compliance with the ITU recommendation was

confirmed by means of


Directivity measurements

• In both cases, the anechoic directivity measurements were performed employing a

rotating table, directly

synchronized with the sound board employed for measuring the impulse response. The

Aurora software generates the

required pulses on the right

channel, which cause the

rotating board to advance.


Directivity of the mouth simulator

 The amplitude varies

smoothly, and respects the directivity mandated by

ITU recommendation.

 Nevertheless, the sound is

heavily coloured, as shown

by the horizontal stripes in

the lower plot.


125 Hz

-35 -25 -15 -5

5+0° +15°























Directivity of the mouth simulator

250 Hz

-35 -25 -15 -5

5+0° +15°





















-30° -15° 500 Hz

-35 -25 -15 -5

5+0° +15°






















-15° 1000 Hz

-35 -25 -15 -5

5+0° +15°






















2000 Hz

-35 -25 -15 -5

5+0° +15°














-30°-15° 4000 Hz

-35 -25 -15 -5

5+0° +15°














-30°-15° 8000 Hz

-45 -35 -25 -15 -5

5+0° +15°














-30°-15° 16000 Hz

-65-55 -45 -35 -25 -15 -5

5+0° +15°
















Directivity of a real human (I. Bork, PTB)

125 Hz

-35 -25 -15 -5 5 0

10 20 30

40 50

60 70

80 90 100 110 120 130 140 160150 170 180 200190 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290

300 310

320 330340 350

250 Hz

-35 -25 -15 -5 5 0

10 20 30

40 50

60 70

80 90 100 110 120 130 140 160150 170 180 200190 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290

300 310

320 330340 350

500 Hz

-35 -25 -15 -5 5 0

10 20 30

40 50

60 70

80 90 100 110 120 130 140 160150 170 180 200190 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290

300 310

320 330340 350

1000 Hz

-35 -25 -15 -5 5 0

10 20 30

40 50

60 70

80 90 100 110 250

260 270 280 290

300 310

320 330340 350

2000 Hz

-35 -25 -15 -5 5 0

10 20 30

40 50

60 70

80 90 100 110 250

260 270 280 290

300 310

320 330340 350

4000 Hz

-35 -25 -15 -5 5 0

10 20 30

40 50

60 70

80 90 100 110 250

260 270 280 290

300 310

320 330340 350


Equalization of the mouth simulator

• The spectrum of the emitted test signal

should correspond to the prescriptions of ITU T- P50 Recommendation.

• The overall SPL should

be 67 dB(A) at 1m, on

axis, for STI standard



Equalization of the mouth simulator

• The MLS signal is

prefiltered, so that the frequency response,

measured at 1m in front of the mouth, complies with the IEC spectrum.

• The filtering is performed by means of the grahic

equalizer incorporated in


3D Impulse Response (Gerzon, 1975)

Portable PC with 4- channels sound board Original Room

Sound Source

SoundField Microphone

B-format 4-channels signal (WXYZ) Measurement of B-format

Impulse Responses

MLS or sweep excitation signal

Convolution of dry signals with the B-format Impulse

Responses Sound Source

Mono Mic.

B-format Imp. Resp.

of the original room

B-format 4-channels signal (WXYZ) Convolver

Ambisonics decoder

Speaker array in the


3D extension of the pressure-velocity measurements

• The Soundfield microphone allows for simultaneous measurements of

the omnidirectional pressure and of the three cartesian components of

particle velocity (figure-of-8 patterns)


Directivity of transducers

Soundfield ST-250 microphone

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6







180 210

240 270

300 330

125 Hz

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6







180 210

240 270

300 330

250 Hz

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6







180 210

240 270

300 330

500 Hz

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6







180 210

240 270

300 330

1000 Hz

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6





120 240

270 300


2000 Hz

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6





120 240

270 300


4000 Hz

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6





120 240

270 300


8000 Hz

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6





120 240

270 300


16000 Hz


A-format microphone arrays

• Today several alternatives to Soundfield microphones do exists. All of them are

providing “raw” signals from the 4 capsules, and the conversion from these signals

(A-format) to the standard Ambisonic signals (B-format) is performed digitally by

means of software running on the computer


The Waves project (2003)

• The original idea of Michael Gerzon was finally put in practice in 2003, thanks to the Israeli-based company WAVES

• More than 50 theatres all around the world were measured, capturing 3D IRs (4-channels B-format with a Soundfield microphone)

• The measurments did also include binaural impulse responses, and a circular-array of microphone positions

• More details on WWW.ACOUSTICS.NET


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