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Long Bones


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Each limb consists of four segments, including a root or zonoskeleton; a proximal segment or stylopodi- um, consisting of a single bone (humerus, femur); a medial segment or zeugopodium, consisting of two bones (radius and ulna; tibia and fibula); and a distal part or autopodium, corresponding to hand and foot.

The complex processes involved in the formation of these segments and pertinent genetic hints have been reviewed in Chapter 6.

Development of the bones in the limbs takes place for the most part by virtue of endochondral bone formation, that is, transformation of the primitive mesenchyma into an intermediate cartilage model, which subsequently ossifies. First, a network of immature, woven-fibered trabeculae (the primary spongiosa) is produced. Later, the primary spongiosa is replaced by secondary bone, which is either trabec- ular or cortical, depending on the location (Frost 1983). Ossification starts at approximately the mid- point of the cartilaginous model (primary ossifica- tion center) and proceeds toward both ends of the bone until a plate of cellular activity is created at the interface between the diaphysis and the epiphysis.

This growth plate, or physis, allows for longitudinal growth of the bone until its final length is achieved.

The primary ossification centers for the femur make their appearance around the 7th week of gestation, while those for the humerus, radius, ulna, tibia, and fibula appear around the 8th week of gestation. As endochondral ossification proceeds, the mesenchy- mal cells surrounding the cartilaginous model un- dergo transformation into osteoblasts (intramem- branous bone formation) and lay down bone in the subperiosteal zone, which is destined to form the cortex of the developing bone. By ossification of the secondary centers within the epiphyses at the ends of the bone, the epiphyseal cartilage is converted to bone, except for a thin peripheral layer, which per- sists as articular cartilage of the intervening joint.

The tubular bones with secondary ossification cen- ters at both ends are termed, by convention, ‘long’

bones, while those with a center at only one end are termed ‘short’ bones. The secondary ossification cen-

ters for the head of the humerus, distal femur, and proximal tibia make their appearance around the 36th week of gestation, while those for the femoral head and capitulum of humerus do not appear until the 2nd to the 6th month after birth. The distal epi- physis of radius usually appears around 12 months, and the greater trochanter of femur and proximal epiphysis of fibula at about 3 years of age. Ossifica- tion of the long bones extends a long way into child- hood and early adolescence, with the patella develop- ing at about 4 years, the capitulum of the radius at 5 years, the medial epicondyle of the humerus at 6 years, the distal epiphysis of the ulna at 7 years, the olecranon of the ulna at 10 years, and the lateral epi- condyle of the humerus and tubercle of the tibia at 11 years (Garn et al. 1967). With further growth, the physeal plate becomes progressively narrowed and finally disappears, allowing fusion between the epi- physis and the diaphysis.

At any stage of development, even when growth is

complete, the normal bone is an active, dynamic tis-

sue in which the process of bone formation is bal-

anced by that of bone resorption. This balance is ac-

complished by the integrated activity of specialized

bone cells, i.e., osteoblasts and osteoclasts, which are

enrolled into the process of growth, fracture healing,

modeling, and remodeling of the living human

skeleton (Resnick et al. 1995). Modeling is the dy-

namic process by which major adjustments in the

size and shape of the bones are produced. The

process of modeling, which depends heavily upon

the mechanical forces applied to the skeleton,

is most prominent in the immature skeleton until

adolescence, and results in a net increase in the

amount of bone tissue, especially in the sub-

periosteal location. Remarkable examples of bone

modeling in the tubular bones include: (a) drifting

of the midshaft, accomplished by endosteal bone

resorption and periosteal bone formation; and (b)

flaring of the metaphyses, accomplished by re-

sorption along the periosteal surface and apposi-

tion in the endosteal surface. In this way the wide

metaphysis is substituted by a narrow diaphysis

Alessandro Castriota-Scanderbeg, M.D.


as the bone grows in length. Remodeling is the dy- namic process that modifies bone quality, causing the structurally inferior woven-fibered bone of the infant to give way to the more compact lamellar bone of the adult (Resnick et al. 1995). In addition, remodeling replaces aged or injured bone tissue with new bone, a process requiring a tight balance between resorption and formation of the cortical and trabecular bone.


Frost HM. The skeletal intermediary organization. Metab Bone Dis Relat Res 1983; 4: 281–90

Garn SM, Rohmann CG, Silverman FN. Radiographic stan- dards for postnatal ossification and tooth calcification. Med Radiogr Photogr 1967; 43: 45–66

Resnick D, Manolagas SC, Niwayama G, Fallon MD. Histogene- sis, anatomy, and physiology of bone. In: Resnick D (ed.) Diagnosis of bone and joint disorders.W. B. Saunders Com- pany, Philadelphia, 1995 (3rd ed.), pp. 609–51

Abnormalities of the Shape and Contour of the Long Bones

The delicate balance of bone resorption and bone formation, as outlined above, can be altered by a number of factors, including congenital and acquired diseases and drugs, notably diphosphonates (Miller and Jee 1979). As stated earlier, the modeling process produces major changes in the shape and size of the bones (Silverman 1990). Defective modeling of the tubular bones can result in either increased or reduced tubulation. Overtubulation, a condition of diminished periosteal deposition, gives rise to long, slim bones, whereas undertubulation is associated with bone shortening and either diaphyseal or meta- physeal expansion. Pathologic conditions involving undertubulation include most skeletal dysplasias characterized by increased bone density, e.g., osteo- petrosis and both craniometaphyseal and craniodia- physeal dysplasias. In addition to modeling defects, many other factors can lead to major changes in the shape and contour of the long bones: defective endo- chondral bone formation within the physis (e.g., achondroplasia, especially the homozygous form), bone marrow infiltration and expansion (e.g., ane- mias and storage diseases), muscle inactivity and dis- use (e.g., neuromuscular disorders), inherent bone weakening (e.g., osteomalacia), and several others. In most cases, the final shape of the bone is the result of a complex interaction between different and some- times unrelated factors.

Some important alterations in the shape and con- tour of the tubular bones are emphasized in this chapter, and the principal mechanisms of their de- velopment are discussed. The coexistence of different

‘shapes’ in a single bone (e.g., the long bones in os- teopetrosis are bowed and widened, in addition to being dense) precludes firm categorization of indi- vidual disorders in one section or another, a circum- stance that is reflected in the large overlap within and across sections in the chapter.


Miller SC, Jee WS. The effect of dichloromethylene diphospho- nate, a pyrophosphate analog, on bone and bone cell struc- ture in the growing rat. Anat Rec 1979; 193: 439–62 Silverman FN. The bones: normal and variants. In: Silverman

FN, Kuhn JP (eds.) Caffey’s pediatric X-ray diagnosis. Year Book Medical Publisher, Inc., Chicago, 1990, pp. 1465–527

Broad Tubular Bones

䉴 [Expanded tubular bones]

Several mechanisms can account for broadening of the tubular bones, including defective modeling, cor- tical hyperostosis, bone marrow hyperplasia or infil- tration, and new bone deposition in the periosteum and adjacent soft tissues. As a consequence, broad tubular bones are seen in a wide variety of disorders, both congenital and acquired, including several skeletal dysplasias, metabolic disorders, and hemato- logical diseases. Depending on the underlying etiolo- gy, broadening of the long bones is focal or general- ized, symmetrical or asymmetrical. This section of- fers an overview of the conditions characterized by defective modeling and bone marrow infiltration/

hyperplasia. The subject of cortical hyperostosis is addressed in the section of this chapter headed “Cor- tical Thickening.”

Failure of normal modeling of a tubular bone (un- dertubulation) can cause either diaphyseal or meta- physeal expansion, or both. Diaphyseal expansion is typically seen in patients with diaphyseal dysplasia (Camurati-Engelmann disease, OMIM 131300; Fig.

5.1), in which the tubular bones manifest enlarged

and sclerotic diaphyses, cortical thickening, and nar-

rowing of the medullary cavity (Crisp and Brenton

1982; Neveh et al. 1984). Undermodeled tubular

bones with expanded diaphyses and thin cortices are

seen in craniodiaphyseal dysplasia (OMIM 122860,

218300), a disorder with severe sclerosis and hyper-


ostosis of the facial and skull bones (leontiasis ossea). A severe modeling defect resulting in club- shaped metaphyseal expansion with cortical thin- ning, which is most prominent in the distal fe- murs, occurs in craniometaphyseal dysplasia (OMIM 123000, 218400). Metaphyseal widening does not be- come apparent until childhood, while in infancy the disease manifests with diaphyseal sclerosis and nor- mal metaphyses, thereby simulating diaphyseal dys- plasia (McAlister and Herman 1995). Extensive scle- rosis of the skull base and facial bones, with oblitera- tion of the paranasal cavities, is characteristic of this condition but is less prominent than in craniodia- physeal dysplasia. In frontometaphyseal dysplasia (OMIM 305620), changes in the long bones, including metaphyseal widening and thin cortices, are similar to, but milder than, those of craniometaphyseal dys- plasia. The differential diagnosis is based on the appearance of the facial bones (unaffected in fron- tometaphyseal dysplasia and diffusely sclerotic in craniometaphyseal dysplasia) and pelvis (marked flaring of iliac wings in frontometaphyseal dysplasia and normal appearance in craniometaphyseal dys- plasia). In metaphyseal dysplasia (Pyle disease,

OMIM 265900) the extreme expansion of the meta- physis, extending well into the diaphysis, leads to the characteristic Erlenmeyer flask deformity in the femur and tibia. Pyle disease resembles craniometa- physeal dysplasia in most respects. Distinctive fea- tures in Pyle disease include milder sclerosis of the skull bones, with no symptoms of cranial nerve com- pression, and a more severe tubulation defect about the metaphyses. Furthermore, the inheritance pat- tern is autosomal recessive in Pyle disease, and auto- somal dominant in craniometaphyseal dysplasia. In the autosomal recessive hereditary hyperphosphata- sia (juvenile Paget disease, OMIM 239000) the tubu- lar bones are markedly widened and bowed, with thick or thin cortices and subsequent narrowing or widening of the medullary cavity, which can hardly ever be distinguished from the cortex. In oculo-den- to-osseous dysplasia (OMIM 257850) failure of nor- mal tubulation results in mild to moderate widening of the tubular bones, involving either the metaphysis or the entire shaft. In osteopetrosis, precocious type (OMIM 259700) the homogeneously dense long bones display undermodeled, club-shaped metaphy- ses. Osteopetrosis, delayed type (OMIM 166600) is also characterized by varying degrees of impaired bone modeling.

Enlargement of the tubular bones as a result of bone marrow infiltration is usually associated with cortical erosion and thinning. In lipid storage dis- eases, including Gaucher’s disease (OMIM 230800) and Niemann-Pick disease (OMIM 257250), widening of the medullary cavity with cortical diminution is secondary to marrow infiltration by lipid-containing cells (Matsubara et al. 1982). In both diseases model- ing deformities also occur, especially at the distal ends of the femoral shafts, resulting in the Erlen- meyer flask deformity (Resnick 1995; Lachman et al.

1973). In mucopolysaccharidosis I-H (Hurler disease, OMIM 252800), the changes in the long tubular bones, which are most prominent at the upper extremities, include diaphyseal and metaphyseal ex- pansion, cortical thinning, and delayed epiphyseal ossification. In mucopolysaccharidosis VI (Maroteaux- Lamy syndrome, OMIM 253200) the tubular bones are relatively short and show irregular diaphyseal widening and submetaphyseal overconstriction. A few patients with childhood lymphoproliferative dis- orders, including leukemia, lymphoma, and masto- cytosis, manifest bony enlargement. More typical manifestations in these disorders are bone destruc- tion with periostitis and osteosclerosis, either focal or diffuse. Conditions involving severe and long- standing anemia, such as thalassemia major, may

Fig. 5.1. Diaphyseal dysplasia (Camurati-Engelmann disease)

in a 36-year-old woman. Note fusiform thickening of the cor-

tex in the diaphyseal portion of the femur (site of intramem-

branous ossification). Cortical thickening is due to periosteal

and endosteal bone apposition. The external contour of the

bone is regular. The medullary cavity is narrowed. (From Van-

hoenacker et al. 2000)


result in alteration of the long bone contour, with metaphyseal and epiphyseal widening, cortical thin- ning, and a coarse, trabeculated appearance. These alterations, which are due to reactive bone marrow hyperplasia, are now prevented in developed coun- tries by maintaining appropriate levels of serum hemoglobin with transfusions.

Two major mechanisms are believed to cause broadening of the long bones in neurofibromatosis type 1 (OMIM 162220): (a) a modeling defect, result- ing in metaphyseal expansion; and (b) periosteal overgrowth secondary to subperiosteal hemorrhage and/or soft tissue infiltration by neurofibromas, which are subsequently incorporated into the cortex.

In hemophilia (OMIM 306700), extensive subpe- riosteal bleeding may eventually calcify over time (Swischuk and John 1995, p. 198). New bone deposi- tion at or around the periosteum can manifest as overall ballooning of the parent bone. In Caffey disease (OMIM 114000) bone deposition occurs within the soft tissues surrounding the periosteum.

Subsequent fusion of the new bone tissue with the cortex gives rise to broadening of the involved tubu- lar bone.

Radiographic Synopsis

AP, lateral, and oblique projections. The corticodia- physeal ratio, measured at the mid-shaft of the tibia on AP projection, is increased in conditions with cor- tical thickening and decreased in conditions with medullary expansion and cortical thinning. The ratio is calculated by summing the widths of both cortices and dividing the result by the entire width of the dia- physis. The normal corticodiaphyseal ratio in chil- dren over 18 months of age and adults is 0.48±0.09 (Bernard and Laval-Jeantet 1962).

1. Diaphyseal expansion; thick cortices; narrow medullary cavity (diaphyseal dysplasia)

2. Diaphyseal expansion; thin cortices (craniodia- physeal dysplasia)

3. Metaphyseal expansion; thin cortices; club- shaped distal femurs (Pyle disease; craniometa- physeal dysplasia; frontometaphyseal dysplasia) 4. Widening of the medullary cavity; cortical

diminution (storage diseases; lymphoproliferative disorders; severe anemia)

5. Metaphyseal expansion; periosteal thickening (neurofibromatosis type 1)

6. Periosteal thickening (hemophilia; Caffey disease)


• Achondrogenesis type 1

• Achondrogenesis type 2

• Anemia, severe

• Bleeding (hemophilia, trauma, battered child syndrome, neurogenic fracture)

• Chromosome 8 trisomy syndrome

• Cleidocranial dysplasia

• Craniodiaphyseal dysplasia

• Craniometaphyseal dysplasia

• Craniometadiaphyseal dysplasia, wormian bone type

• Diaphyseal dysplasia (Camurati-Engelmann)

• Diaphyseal dysplasia – anemia

• Diaphyseal dysplasia – proximal myopathy

• Dysosteosclerosis

• Dyssegmental dysplasia

• Endosteal hyperostosis (van Buchem, Worth)

• Exostoses, multiple heritable

• Fibrogenesis imperfecta ossium

• Fibrous dysplasia

• Gaucher disease

• GM1 gangliosidosis

• Hyperphosphatasia, hereditary

• Hypochondrogenesis

• Infantile multisystem inflammatory disease

• Kyphomelic dysplasia

• Mastocytosis

• McCune-Albright syndrome

• Mesomelic dysplasia (Langer)

• Metaphyseal dysplasia (Pyle disease)

• Mucolipidoses

• Mucopolysaccharidoses

• Neu-Laxova syndrome

• Neurofibromatosis

• Niemann-Pick disease

• Oculo-dento-osseous dysplasia

• Opsismodysplasia

• Osteogenesis imperfecta, type II

• Osteopetrosis

• Oto-palato-digital syndrome, type I

• Pachydermoperiostosis

• Pleonosteosis

• Schwarz-Lelek syndrome

• Scurvy

• Singleton-Merten syndrome

• Thanatophoric dysplasia

• Weissenbacher-Zweymuller syndrome



Bernard J, Laval-Jeantet M. Le rapport cortico-diaphysaire tib- ial pendant la croissance. Arch Fr Pediatr 1962; 19: 805–17 Crisp AJ, Brenton DP. Engelmann’s disease of bone. A systemic

disorder? Ann Rheum Dis 1982; 41: 183–8

Lachman R, Crocker A, Schulman J, Strand R. Radiological findings in Niemann-Pick disease. Radiology 1973; 108:


Matsubara T, Yoshiya S, Maeda M, Shiba R, Hirohata K. Histo- logic and histochemical investigation of Gaucher cells. Clin Orthop 1982; 166: 233–42

McAlister WH, Herman TE. Osteochondrodysplasias, dysos- toses, chromosomal aberrations, mucopolysaccharidoses, and mucolipidoses. In: Resnick D (ed.) Diagnosis of bone and joint disorders. W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1995 (3rd ed.), pp. 4163–244

Naveh Y, Kaftori JK,Alon U, Ben-David J, Berant M. Progressive diaphyseal dysplasia: genetics and clinical and radiologic manifestations. Pediatrics 1984; 74: 399–405

Resnick D. Lipidoses, histiocytoses, and hyperlipoproteine- mias. In: Resnick D (ed.) Diagnosis of bone and joint disor- ders. W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1995 (3rd ed.), pp. 2190–246

Swischuk LE, John SD. Differential diagnosis in pediatric radi- ology. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 1995

Vanhoenacker FM, De Beuckeleer LH,Van Hul W, Balemans W, Tan GJ, Hill SC, De Schepper AM. Sclerosing bone dys- plasias: genetic and radioclinical features. Eur Radiol 2000;

10: 1423–33

Slender Tubular Bones

䉴 [Slim, elongated bones]

Activity is essential to the normal growth and devel- opment of bones. Inactivity from any cause, includ- ing neuromuscular disorders and prolonged immobi- lization or disuse, produces osseous, articular, and soft tissue changes. Osteoporosis, growth distur- bances and deformities, fractures, soft tissue atrophy or – less frequently – hypertrophy, heterotopic ossifi- cation, cartilage atrophy, and synovitis are examples of pathophysiologic responses to the altered equilib- rium between muscle activity and normal growth and integrity of the adjacent bones. The occurrence of one or another of the changes mentioned is relat- ed to the nature of the underlying disorder and to the patient’s age. Osteoporosis accompanying prolonged immobilization, disuse, or paralysis can be focal or generalized, depending on the causative factor. Al- though its pathogenesis is uncertain, a vascular mechanism, with intraosseous venous stasis and stimulation of osteoclastic activity, is likely (van Ouwenaller et al. 1989). Changes in calcium home- ostasis include hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, hyper-

phosphoremia, and reduced levels of plasma 1,25-di- hydroxyvitamin D, a pattern indicating suppression of the parathyroid-1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D axis (Stewart et al. 1982). Thinning of the long bones may result from active bone resorption either at the level of one of the three cortical envelopes (subperiosteal, intracortical, and endosteal) or at the trabecular lev- el. If the causative mechanism has been exerting its effect since infancy, underdevelopment of the entire affected skeletal area can occur. In these cases, the long bones are gracile, with thin cortices and diaphy- seal constriction. In addition to slender and hy- poplastic long bones, patients with poliomyelitis sometimes experience premature closure of the growth plates and epiphyses about the ankle and knee, with a ‘ball-in-socket’ epiphyseal appearance and pes cavus deformity (Richardson et al. 1984).

Long-standing muscle hypotonia and flaccidity give rise in the immature skeleton to slim bones, coxa val- ga deformity, increased height of the vertebral bod- ies, and narrowing of the intervertebral disks (Hsu 1982). Children with cerebral palsy and muscle spasticity can manifest flexion contracture of the hips, hip dislocation, equinus deformity of the ankle, scoliosis, lordosis, and pelvic obliquity (Mayfield et al. 1981). Children with Erb-Duchenne paraly- sis (damage to the 5th and 6th cervical roots) or Klumpke’s paralysis (damage to the 7th and 8th cer- vical roots) who do not recover over time may dis- play hypoplasia of the involved arm, slender bones, and a variety of shoulder deformities, including hy- poplasia and elevation of the scapula, shallow gle- noid fossa, and tilted coracoid process (Pollock and Reed 1989).

Thin, gracile bones occur in osteogenesis imperfec- ta type I (OMIM 166200) and type IV (OMIM 166220) and in the rare lethal skeletal dysplasia with gracile bones (OMIM 602361), a short-limbed dwarfing con- dition with markedly thin diaphyses, diaphyseal frac- tures, thin ribs and clavicles, facial anomalies, and positional abnormalities of hands and feet (Maro- teaux et al. 1988).

Several connective tissue disorders feature slender limbs. In these cases, muscular atrophy and weakness act in concert with the inherent bone defect in deter- mining bone gracility and slenderness. Marfan syn- drome (OMIM 154700) is an autosomal dominant disorder of the connective tissue primarily involving the eyes, the skeleton, and the cardiovascular system.

Affected patients are typically tall, with long slim limbs, thin subcutaneous fat, and muscle hypotonia.

Arachnodactyly with hyperextensibility is typical

(Magid et al. 1990). Radiographic changes of Marfan


syndrome are similar to those occurring in other con- ditions with ‘marfanoid’ skeletal abnormalities. For example, homocystinuria (OMIM 236200), an autoso- mal recessive disorder with an inborn defect of me- thionine metabolism and excessive plasma levels of homocysteine, shows long slim limbs (dolichoste- nomelia), arachnodactyly, and a constellation of vas- cular, brain, ocular and skeletal derangements, in- cluding vascular narrowing or dilatation, atheroma- tous lesions, ocular lens subluxation, cutaneous malar flush, microcephaly, dural calcifications, enlarged paranasal sinuses, widening of the diploic space of the skull, prognathism, scoliosis, compression frac- tures of the spine with ‘codfish’ vertebrae, sternal de- formities, large metaphyses and epiphyses, and liga- mentous laxity (Brenton 1977). The presence of osteo- porosis, mental retardation, and vascular complica- tions allows differential diagnosis from Marfan syn- drome (Smith 1967). Slender tubular bones are also seen in congenital contractural arachnodactyly (Beals syndrome, OMIM 121050), another inherited disor- der of the connective tissue manifesting with joint contractures (knees, elbows, hips), arachnodactyly,

progressive kyphoscoliosis, and abnormally shaped,

‘crumpled’ ears (Beals and Hecht 1971; Hecht and Beals 1972; Epstein et al. 1968; McKusick 1975) (Fig. 5.2). Beals syndrome differs from Marfan syn- drome in the absence of ocular abnormalities, while cardiovascular abnormalities such as mitral valve prolapse are occasionally found. Patients with Stickler syndrome (arthro-ophthalmopathy, OMIM 108300), a connective tissue disorder with an autosomal domi- nant mode of inheritance, also have a marfanoid habitus, with distinct orofacial changes, including cleft palate and micrognathia (Opitz et al. 1972).

Other disorders with slim long bones are those involving an appearance suggestive of advanced age, including Cockayne syndrome, progeria, and Werner syndrome. Patients with Cockayne syndrome (OMIM 216400) show profound postnatal growth deficiency, early-onset (1st year of life) senile-type changes, mental retardation, central and peripheral nervous system abnormalities, ocular abnormalities, photosensitive skin, a characteristic facies, and slim long limbs (Riggs and Seiberg 1972). Cockayne syn- drome is similar in various features to progeria (OMIM 176670), a probably autosomal dominant disorder with a precocious senile appearance that is striking in degree, thin calvarium with open fontanels, alopecia, thin skin, atrophy of subcuta- neous fat, deficient growth beginning during the first months of life, early-onset atherosclerosis, osteo- porosis, facial hypoplasia, receding chin, beaked nose, and slender tubular bones and ribs (DeBusk 1972; Gillar et al. 1991). Mental development is nor- mal, and acro-osteolysis of distal phalanges and clav- icles are features peculiar to progeria (Reichel et al.

1971). In Werner syndrome (OMIM 277700), an auto- somal recessive disorder (gene WNR mapped to 8p12 is similar to DNA helices), senile-type changes are usually not apparent until early adult life. This syn- drome features absence of the pubertal growth spurt, short stature, skin atrophy with thick fibrous subcu- taneous tissue, gray sparse hair, premature loss of teeth, cataract, slim extremities, small hands and feet, narrow face with beaked nose, atherosclerosis, het- erotopic calcifications, osteoporosis, and an elevated risk of malignancy (Fleischmajer and Nedwich 1973;

Adoue 1997). Thin, gracile tubular bones and ribs are characteristic radiographic manifestations of Haller- mann-Streiff syndrome (OMIM 234100), a sporadic disorder with proportionately small stature, cranio- facial abnormalities (brachycephaly with frontal bossing, malar and mandibular hypoplasia, small pointed nose, narrow palate, dental defects, skin atro- phy, thin sparse hair), ocular abnormalities (mi-

Fig. 5.2. Congenital contractural arachnodactyly in a 13-year-

old girl. Note slim, elongated long bones in the shank


crophthalmia, cataract, strabismus), and skeletal ab- normalities (slender bones, wormian bones, de- creased number of sternal ossification centers) (Stone 1975; Cohen 1991; Scheuerle 1999). The auto- somal recessive 3 M syndrome (OMIM 273750) is characterized by proportionate dwarfism, face with frontal bossing, flattened malar region, short nose with upturned nares, long philtrum, prominent mouth with thick lips, and slender tubular bones and ribs (Feldmann et al. 1989). Slim, stick-like tubular bones are also found in the Pena-Shokeir phenotype (fetal akinesia/hypokinesia sequence, OMIM 208150), a lethal disorder characterized by multiple joint ankylosis, facial anomalies, and pulmonary hypopla- sia (Hall 1986). The designation arthrogryposis is currently applied to the clinical picture of multiple, nonprogressive joint contractures of prenatal onset.

A number of underlying disorders manifest with multiple congenital contractures. Both active and passive motion are limited, the bones are gracile, and the soft tissues are hypotrophic. Equinovarus of

the foot, ulnar deviation of the hand, coalition in the carpus and tarsus, dislocation of hip and patella, fibular hypoplasia, and scoliosis are common fea- tures (Poznanski and La Rowe 1970). In the rare auto- somal recessive Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome (OMIM 248800) the principal features include cerebellar atax- ia, congenital cataracts, mental and physical retarda- tion, myopathy and skeletal anomalies, including kyphoscoliosis, clubfoot, gracile bones, cubitus val- gus, short metatarsals and metacarpals, coxa valga, and microcephaly (Brogdon et al. 1996) (Fig. 5.3a,b).

Radiographic Synopsis

1. Thin, vertically oriented femoral neck (coxa val- ga); underdeveloped, slender tubular bones; os- teoporosis; fractures; soft tissue atrophy; soft tis- sue and bone infections; heterotopic ossification;

cartilage atrophy (neuromuscular disorders, im- mobilization)

2. Thin, gracile bones; multiple fractures (osteogene- sis imperfecta, ‘lethal skeletal dysplasia with gracile bones’)

3. Dolichostenomelia; arachnodactyly (Marfan syn- drome, homocystinuria, congenital contractural arachnodactyly)

4. Slender tubular bones; bulky metaphyses and epi- physes; curved fibulas (Cockayne syndrome) 5. Slim tubular bones (progeria, Werner syndrome,

Hallermann-Streiff syndrome, 3M syndrome, Mari- nesco-Sjögren syndrome)

6. Gracile bones with slim tubular bones; multiple joint contractures (Pena-Shokeir phenotype, arthro- gryposis)


• Arthrogryposis

• Caudal dysplasia sequence

• Cockayne syndrome

• Congenital contractural arachnodactyly (Beals syndrome)

• Hallermann-Streiff syndrome

• Homocystinuria

• Hypopituitarism

• Intrauterine dwarfism, peculiar facies and thin bones with multiple fractures

• Lethal skeletal dysplasia with gracile bones

• 3M syndrome

• Marfan syndrome

• Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome

• Marshall-Smith syndrome

• Muscular dystrophies

• Neurofibromatosis

• Neuromuscular disorders

Fig. 5.3 a, b. Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome. Note slenderness of the long bones in the a lower and b upper extremities. Cubi- tus valgus, and short metacarpals are also apparent in b. (From Brogdon et al. 1996)

a b


• Osteogenesis imperfecta types I, IV

• Pena-Shokeir phenotype

• Progeria

• Pterygium syndrome (lethal multiple pterygium)

• Winchester syndrome


Adoue DP. Images in clinical medicine. Werner’s syndrome.

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Bowed Tubular Bones

䉴 [Curved bones]

Bowing of the long bones can be focal or generalized, depending on whether the causative mechanism acts locally (trauma, infection) or diffusely (skeletal dysplasias, metabolic disorders, malformation syn- dromes). Although traumas in children mostly cause plastic bending fractures, injuries to the epiphysis occasionally lead to more permanent focal bowing by interfering with the normal bone growth.

Long bones whose structure is inherently weak for any reason are prone to bending changes, especially when exposed to the effects of postural influences and weight-bearing. One typical such situation is offered by rickets and osteomalacia, two terms de- scribing gross histopathologic and radiologic abnor- malities that are common to more than 50 diseases varying in cause and clinical presentation (Pitt 1981).

The term ‘rickets’ means a breakdown in the orderly development and mineralization of the growth plate, with deficient mineralization of the zone of provi- sional calcification. ‘Osteomalacia’ means inadequate or delayed calcium hydroxyapatite deposition on bone matrix, with a relative excess of osteoid accu- mulation in mature cortical and spongy bone (Mankin 1974). Therefore, before fusion of the growth plates rickets and osteomalacia can coexist.

Their coexistence facilitates the radiographic diag-

nosis, which is difficult in the presence of osteomala-

cia alone. Children with rickets show characteristic

changes at the growth plates, notably at the costo-

chondral junctions of the middle ribs, the distal ends

of the femur, radius, and ulna, the proximal end of


the humerus, and both ends of the tibia. Features in- clude growth plate widening, decreased density, and irregularities in the zone of provisional calcification, metaphyseal cupping and fraying, increased epi- metaphyseal distance, and bone rarefaction, which is most prominent in the metaphyses (Fig. 5.4a–c).Var- ious bone deformities can develop, depending on the child’s age at disease onset and the duration of dis- ease. In early infancy, changes in the skull are strik- ing, with occipital flattening (caused by supine pos- tural influences) and prominent frontal and parietal bones (caused by accumulation of osteoid). During infancy and early childhood, characteristic bowing deformities of the long bones in the arms and legs become apparent, which are secondary to abnormal postures assumed by the child and/or to displace- ment of the growth centers by unequal musculo- tendinous pulls. With the effects of weight-bearing, bowing deformities in the lower legs tend to worsen, and progressive scoliosis may develop. As mentioned above, when rachitic changes are lacking the radi- ographic recognition of osteomalacia can be ex-

tremely difficult. In fact, osteopenia, a cardinal fea- ture of osteomalacia, is not specific. Cortical hyper- ostosis resulting from (partial) mineralization of ex- cessive subperiosteal osteoid deposition can be diagnostically misleading. Difficulties in diagnosis can also arise from the superimposition of hyper- parathyroidism and osteitis fibrosa cystica, a compli- cation of long-standing low serum calcium levels (Renton 1998). More specific signs of osteomalacia are so-called Looser’s zones, or milkman’s pseudo- fractures. They are seen as focal areas of radiolucen- cy reflecting unmineralized osteoid, which are ori- ented at right angles to the cortex and incompletely span the diameter of the bone (Sabean 1966; Meema and Meema 1975). Their bilateral and symmetrical distribution, and their occurrence at specific sites (ribs, pubis, inner borders of scapula and femur, pos- terior margin of ulna) are characteristic, and allow radiographic differentiation from other disorders with similar findings, such as Paget disease and fi- brous dysplasia. Many rachitic and osteomalacic syn- dromes are caused by vitamin D deficiency (dietary

Fig. 5.4 a–c. Rickets. a In a 2-month-old boy dur- ing the early phase of treatment the distal ends of the radius and ulna are irregularly mineralized, frayed, and cupped. Both bones are undermineral- ized, with a coarse trabecular pattern. The provi- sional zones of calcification are partially recalci- fied and appear as a transverse line of increased density located well beyond the ends of the shafts.

b, c. In a 13-month- old girl 1 month after the be- ginning of treatment the metaphyses are cupped, with a marginal band of increased density due to recalcification of the provisional zone. Note bowing deformity of the ulna (arrows), tibias and fibulas

a b



deficiency, gastrointestinal malabsorption, prematu- rity, liver disease, anticonvulsive therapy, renal os- teodystrophy, parathyroid disorders) or by primary renal tubular loss of phosphate (X-linked hypophos- phatemia, disorders of renal tubular dysfunction subsumed under ‘Fanconi syndromes,’ neoplasms, ingestion of such drugs as ipofosfamide) (Pitt 1991).

However, other rachitic and osteomalacic syndromes, such as axial osteomalacia, hypophosphatasia, and metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, are known, in which no detectable vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus metabolism abnormality can be found (Pitt 1995).

X-Linked hypophosphatemia (OMIM 307800), the most common form of renal tubular rickets and osteomalacia, is inherited as an X-linked dominant trait commonly resulting from a de novo mutation

Fig. 5.5. X-linked hypophosphatemia in a 77-year-old woman.

Pronounced femoral bowing is associated with an active mid- diaphyseal lateral Looser zone (arrow) and proliferative changes along the linea aspera (arrowheads). (Reprinted, with permission, from Hardy et al. 1989)

Fig. 5.6 a–c. Hypophosphatasia, congenital lethal form. a Fe- male fetus of unspecified gestational age. Extensive ossifica- tion defects involving both ends of the femur associated with marked bowing give a ‘chromosome-like’ appearance. b Male fetus at 39 weeks of gestational age. The femur is short, with

splayed metaphyses and central lucent ossification defects ex- tending only slightly into the diaphyses. c Male fetus of un- specified gestational age. Almost normally modeled femoral diaphysis with marked metaphyseal flaring and irregularities.

(From Shohat et al. 1991)

a b c


(Filisetti et al. 1999). The basic metabolic defect is hypophosphatemia secondary to phosphate loss at the renal tubuli, with normal serum calcium levels.

The clinical and radiographic features vary with pa- tient age. In children, rickets-like changes at the growth plates are typical. Affected individuals are short, short-limbed and bowlegged. In adults, bone reinforcement lines, Looser zones, endosteal hyper- ostosis, osteoarthritis, multiple ossifications around ligament attachments (enthesopathy) and joints, and bowing deformity of the long bones in the lower ex- tremities are common (Hardy et al. 1989) (Fig. 5.5).

Hypophosphatasia is a rare disorder of defective skeletal mineralization characterized by deficiency of tissue and serum alkaline phosphatase and by exces- sive blood levels and urinary excretion of phospho- ethanolamine, inorganic pyrophosphate, and pyri- doxal-5-phosphate. Based on the age of the patient at

manifestation and the predominant clinical findings, the disorder is best classified into four forms: perina- tal, infantile, childhood, and adult. The congenital lethal form (OMIM 241500) of hypophosphatasia, a perinatally lethal condition with autosomal recessive inheritance, displays severely impaired or absent bone ossification, which is most prominent in the skull and at the ends of the long bones. The radi- ographic spectrum of abnormalities is not uniform in all patients. The appearance of the femurs, for in- stance, may be dominated by bowing deformities reminiscent of campomelic dysplasia or by metaphy- seal ossification defects (Shohat et al. 1991) (Fig.

5.6a–c). Hypophosphatasia tarda can begin within the first 6 months of life (infantile form, OMIM 241500), in early childhood (childhood form, OMIM 241510), or in adulthood (adult form, OMIM 146300).

Radiologic manifestations of the infantile and child-

Fig. 5.7. Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, Schmid type in a 3- year-old boy. Note bowed femurs, widened and irregular meta- physes, coxa vara, and relatively large capital femoral epiphy- ses. The pelvis is normal

Fig. 5.8. Campomelic dysplasia in a newborn who died short- ly after birth. Note thin and bowed femora with anterolateral angulation, short and anteriorly curved tibias, and hypoplastic fibulas. The tibial cortical profile is thickened on the medial side (concavity of the curve) and thinned on the lateral side.

The pelvis is hypoplastic, with unossified pubic bones.

(Reprinted, with permission, from Mastroiacovo et al 1990)


hood forms include rachitic changes, delayed ossifi- cation of the calvarium and skull base, large meta- physeal ossification defects in the long bones and ribs and, frequently, angulation of the long bones.

The association of bowing deformities and rickets- like changes in the limbs in hypophosphatasia per- mits its differentiation from osteogenesis imperfecta, with which it can sometimes be confused. The infan- tile form is lethal in about 50% of cases. Both infan- tile and childhood forms have an autosomal reces- sive mode of inheritance. The adult form, which has autosomal dominant inheritance, features varying degrees of long bone bowing, pseudofractures, osteo- porosis, craniostenosis (nonuniform, as in child- hood), premature loss of teeth, ectopic calcifications of the vertebral ligaments and disks, articular chon- drocalcinosis, and nephrocalcinosis (Fallon et al.

1984). Instances of prenatal hypophosphatasia, with severe manifestations in utero followed by a benign

postnatal course and spontaneous improvement of long bone angulation, have been reported (Pauli et al.

1999). Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, Schmid type (OMIM 156500), a condition with autosomal domi- nant inheritance, is the most common form of meta- physeal dysplasia, presenting in the second year of

Fig. 5.9. Antley-Bixler syndrome. Postmortem radiograph of a male neonate. Note marked bowing of both femurs, bilateral humeroradial synostosis, and inverse U shape of the distal scapula. (From Mortier et al. 1997)

Fig. 5.10 a, b. Kyphomelic dysplasia in a female infant a at birth and b at 1 year of age. Note short, laterally bowed long bones, notably the femurs. The metaphyses are wide and irreg- ular. Note significant attenuation of the bowing deformities at 1 year. (From Cisarik et al. 1999)




life with short stature, bowed legs, and waddling gait (Lachman et al. 1988). Radiologic features are similar to those seen in X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets, but calcium, phosphorus, and alkaline phosphatase levels are in the normal ranges. As in rickets, the growth plates, especially those in the more rapidly growing areas, are widened, with fine projections ex- tending from the metaphyses. Cupping, fraying, and splaying of the metaphyses, most prominent in the lower extremities and in the lower femurs, are com- mon features. Oversized proximal femoral epiphyses

(before the age of 10 years), short femoral neck, coxa vara, and genu varum are also characteristic findings in this condition (Fig. 5.7). It differs from rickets in that the metaphyses are well mineralized and both radiolucent areas within the cortex (Looser’s zones) and signs of osteitis fibrosa cystica are lacking. The disease has a benign course, and even though bowing deformities persist into adulthood, they do not cause joint derangements or osteoarthritis. Radiologic dif- ferentiation from metaphyseal dysplasia, McKusick type (OMIM 250250) is based on the greater involve- ment of the metaphyses at the knees and less promi- nent coxa vara and bowed legs in the latter condition.

Limb bowing, most pronounced in the lower ex- tremities, typically occurs in campomelic dysplasia (OMIM 114290), an autosomal dominant disorder due to mutation of the SHOX9 gene on chromosome 17q24.3-q25.1. Distinct features include thin and curved femurs with anterolateral angulation, short and anteriorly angulated tibias, and hypoplastic fibu- las (Fig. 5.8). Bowing also affects the upper extremi- ties, albeit to a lesser extent. Other findings that help differentiate campomelic dysplasia from other disor- ders associated with curved limbs include small scapulas (not seen, for instance, in kyphomelic dys-

Fig. 5.11 a, b. Dyssegmental dysplasia, Silverman-Handmaker type in a stillborn infant (same case as in Fig. 3.27 a, b). a Note extremely short and broad long tubular bones, with marked metaphyseal expansion. The femurs are bowed posteriorly, whereas tibias and fibulas are bowed laterally.Also note the ex- tensive segmentation defects of lumbar and sacral vertebrae;

short, round and densely calcified iliac bones; broad pubis and ischia; and clubfeet. b Similar changes are visible in the long bones of the upper extremities. Note acute angulation of the radius. (From Fasanelli et al. 1985)



Fig. 5.12. Dyssegmental dysplasia, Rolland-Desbuquois type.

Newborn male. Note short tubular bones with metaphyseal

widening, and lateral bowing of tibias and fibulas. (From

Langer et al. 1976)


plasia), hypoplasia of cervical vertebrae and verte- bral pedicles in the thoracic spine, large head, small facies, small hands, and slender clavicles and ribs (Hall and Spranger 1980). Although the mechanism responsible for bowing of long bones in campomelic dysplasia remains unknown, defects in the composi- tion of glycosaminoglycans at the stage of the carti- laginous model, which are sometimes followed by fracture of the bone collar in the earlier stage of ossi- fication, have been suggested (Nogami et al. 1986;

Pazzaglia and Beluffi 1987). Antley-Bixler syndrome (OMIM 207410) is similar to classic campomelic dys- plasia in several clinical and radiologic points, in- cluding campomelia of the femurs, scapular hypopla- sia, joint contractures, urogenital abnormalities, car-

diac and central nervous system abnormalities, and sex reversal (Mortier et al. 1997). However, distinct features in Antley-Bixler syndrome include radio- humeral synostosis (100%), arachnodactyly (70%), brachycephaly with frontal bossing (100%), cran- iosynostosis (70%), depressed nasal bridge (100%), choanal stenosis/atresia (80%), and dysplastic ears (100%) (Rumball et al. 1999; Lee et al. 2001) (Fig. 5.9).

Another classic condition with bent bones is kypho- melic dysplasia (OMIM 211350), which has an auto- somal recessive inheritance. Major clinical and radi- ologic manifestations include disproportionately short stature apparent at birth, rhizomesomelic limb shortening, lateral bowing of the long bones, espe- cially the femurs, sometimes with dimples over the

Fig. 5.13 a–c. Weismann-Netter-Stuhl syndrome in a 5-year-old girl. a Bilateral medial bowing of the tibias and fibulas. Note cortical thickening in the mid-shaft of both bones, and irregular bone trabeculation. b Bilateral diaphyseal bowing of the femurs with external convexity and thicken- ing of the medial cortex. c Marked anterior bow- ing of the femur, with striking thickening of its posterior cortex and irregular bony trabeculae in the mid-shaft. (From Tieder et al. 1995)

a b



Fig. 5.15 a, b. Melnick-Nee- dles syndrome in a 4-year-old girl. a Note the highly charac- teristic angulation of the proximal portion of the radial shaft. The cortical contour of the humerus is irregular.

b Note the characteristic S-shaped bowing deformity of both tibias and fibulas. (From Eggli et al. 1992)

Fig. 5.14 a, b. Pachydysostosis in a boy. a At 1 month old the boy has bowing of the fibula with dorsal convexity and en- largement. b When the same boy is 9 years of age significant

remodeling has occurred. Persistence of bowing is minimal, and there is mild enlargement in the distal portion of the fibu- la. (Reprinted, with permission, from Maroteaux et al. 1991)

a b

a b


apex of the angulation, flared irregular metaphyses, a short narrow chest, mildly dysmorphic facial fea- tures, improvement of bone changes with advancing age, and normal psychomotor development (Pallotta et al. 1999). Bowing of the long bones differs from campomelic dysplasia in that the curved bones in kyphomelic dysplasia are short and broad, with flared irregular metaphyses (Hall and Spranger 1979) (Fig. 5.10a,b). Bowing of the long tubular bones is also a manifestation of dyssegmental dysplasia, Silverman- Handmaker (OMIM 224410) and Rolland-Des- buquois (OMIM 224400) types. In addition to being bowed, the long tubular bones are short and broad, with marked metaphyseal flaring. The clinical and radiographic picture is more severe in the early lethal Silverman-Handmaker type (Fig. 5.11a,b) than in the Rolland-Desbuquois type (Fig. 5.12), a condition that resembles Kniest dysplasia and allows survival be- yond the newborn period (Langer et al. 1976). The autosomal dominant Weismann-Netter-Stuhl sy drome (OMIM 112350) is characterized by bilateral bowing of the tibias and fibulas, and possibly of other tubular bones (Francis et al. 1991). Tibial cur- vature is typically anterior and medial, and is associ-

ated with thickening of the posterior tibial cortex.

Similar findings are also frequent in the femurs (Fig. 5.13a–c). The fibula is curved and may be, en- larged, and thickened in a way that causes it to resem- ble the corresponding tibia (‘tibialization’ of the fibu- la). Additional features include short stature, delayed ambulation, mild mental retardation, horizontaliza- tion of the sacrum, brachydactyly, and coxa vara. Sim- ilar manifestations, but confined to the fibula, occur in pachydysostosis (Maroteaux et al. 1991) (Fig. 5.14a,b).

Spontaneous regression of the defect over a period of years is the rule. Anterolateral bending deformity of the tibias, often associated with marked cortical thickening, is characteristic of neurofibromatosis type 1 (OMIM 162220). The radiographic aspects may not be discernible from those of the Weismann-Netter- Stuhl syndrome, but usually the fibulas are gracile and hypoplastic in neurofibromatosis, and wide and thick in Weismann-Netter-Stuhl syndrome. Bowlegs in patients with osteogenesis imperfecta (OMIM 166200, 166210, 166220, 259420) may be related to os- teomalacia or represent a sequel to multiple telescop- ic fractures that have developed pre- or postnatally.

Limb bowing is most striking in type IIB/III osteo-

Fi g. 5 . 1 6 a , b. Mandibulo- acral dysplasia in a 7-year-old girl. The bilateral notch of the humeral shaft resulting in a bowing deformity of both humeri is very peculiar. The long bones are slender. (From Hoeffel et al. 2000)

a b


genesis imperfecta (OMIM 259420) (Beighton et al.

1983). Bowing of long bones also occurs in para- stremmatic dwarfism (OMIM 168400), a very rare, probably autosomal dominant disorder, with severe dwarfism, short neck, kyphoscoliosis, contractures of major joints, and progressive skeletal deformities (twisted dwarfism). Characteristic features in this disorder include the ‘lacy’ appearance of the iliac crests, the ‘flocky’ or ‘woolly’ appearance of the meta- physes, and a coarse trabeculated pattern with areas of dense stippling of metaphyses, epiphyses, and apophyses (Langer et al. 1970). The early lethal con- dition termed boomerang dysplasia (OMIM 112310) features short, bowed, boomerang-shaped long bones in the legs, a characteristic facies, bilateral radial and fibular aplasia, iliac hypoplasia, generalized ossifica- tion delay, and absent pubic bones (Kozlowski et al.

1985; Winship et al. 1990). In Melnick-Needles syn- drome (OMIM 309350), the tibias show a characteris- tic S-shaped bowing deformity. Bowing of other long bones, notably the radius and ulna, is common. In particular, an acute curve of the proximal end of the radius is typical (Eggli et al. 1992; Memis et al. 1992) (Fig. 5.15a,b). Diaphyseal overconstriction with bend- ing of the bone at the site and reminiscent of the changes in Melnick-Needles syndrome has been de- scribed in patients with mandibuloacral dysplasia (Fig. 5.16a,b). A wide overlap of phenotypic mani- festations, including bowing of the femurs, among oto-palato-digital syndrome type II (OMIM 304120), boomerang dysplasia, atelosteogenesis type I (OMIM 108720) and type III (OMIM 108721), and the lethal male phenotype of Melnick-Needles syndrome (OMIM 309350) has been reported in sibs (Nishimu- ra et al. 1997). Madelung deformity (OMIM 304990), a defect consisting primarily in dorsolateral bowing of the radius, is discussed in a separate section.

Radiographic Synopsis

1. Osteoporosis, decreased number of trabeculae,

‘coarse’ trabecular pattern; radiolucent areas in the cortex; widened metaphyses; deossification and unsharpness of epiphyseal centers; bowing of long bones (osteomalacia, rickets)

2. Areas of increased bone density; osteosclerotic foci around the cartilaginous end-plates in the spine; periarticular and vascular calcification (osteomalacia, especially accompanying renal osteodystrophy)

3. Growth plate changes (often mild); bowing of long bones, especially in the extremities; mild osteope- nia (X-linked hypophosphatemia, children). Coars- ened trabecular pattern; Looser’s zones; pseudo-

fractures; elevated bone density; ‘paradoxical’ cal- cification and ossification of ligaments, tendons at their osseous insertion, annulus fibrosus, joint capsules, and ligamentum flavum, with narrowing of the spinal canal; osteoarthritis (X-linked hypo- phosphatemia, adults)

4. Femoral bowing; diffuse metaphyseal flaring; ir- regularity and widening of the growth plate, most pronounced at knees; enlarged capital femoral epiphyses; severe coxa vara; anterior cupping, splaying and sclerosis of the ribs; marked lumbar lordosis (metaphyseal dysplasia, Schmid type) 5. Anterolateral angulation of femurs; anterior angu-

lation and shortening of tibias; hypoplastic fibu- las; mild shortening and bowing of forearms (campomelic dysplasia)

6. Short, broad, and bowed femurs with irregular, flared metaphyses; shortening and bowing of other tubular bones, especially the humeri (kypho- melic dysplasia)

7. Lacy appearance of the iliac crests; ‘flocky’ or

‘woolly’ metaphyseal appearance; severe epiphy- seal deformation (parastremmatic dwarfism) Associations

• Achondroplasia

• Antley-Bixler syndrome

• Blount disease

• Boomerang dysplasia

• Campomelic dysplasia

• Diastrophic dysplasia

• Dyssegmental dysplasia

• Ellis-van Creveld syndrome

• Faulty intrauterine fetal positioning

• Fuhrmann syndrome

• Hyperparathyroidism

• Hyperphosphatasia

• Hypochondroplasia

• Hypophosphatasia

• Infection

• Kyphomelic dysplasia

• Larsen syndrome

• Madelung deformity

• Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia (Schmid type)

• Metaphyseal dysplasia (Pyle disease)

• Mucolipidoses

• Mucopolysaccharidoses

• Neurofibromatosis

• Osteodysplasty (Melnick-Needles syndrome)

• Osteogenesis imperfecta

• Osteomalacia

• Oto-palato-digital syndrome, type II

• Parastremmatic dwarfism


• Pseudoachondroplasia

• Rickets

• Rothmund-Thomson syndrome

• Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia

• Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia

• Trauma

• Weissmann-Netter-Stuhl syndrome

• X-Linked hypophosphatemia


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Cortical Thickening

䉴 [Increase in thickness and density of the cortex, hyperostosis]

This section deals with a heterogeneous group of un- related disorders, either congenital or acquired, focal or widespread, whose pathological and radiographic stigmata are those of cortical hyperostosis. Condi- tions involving generalized bone sclerosis, such as osteopetrosis, dysosteosclerosis, pyknodysostosis and osteosclerosis, are addressed in Chapter 9.

Thickening of bone cortex may be secondary to over- production or diminished resorption of cortical bone. Overproduction may be related to periosteal bone formation, endosteal bone formation, or both.

The term periostitis defines the pathologic situation characterized by infiltration of the periosteum by inflammatory cells, elevation and/or violation of the periosteal membrane, and new bone deposition in the periosteum or the soft tissues adjacent to it (Spjut and Dorfman 1981). Subsequent merging of the new- ly formed periosteal bone with the cortex leads to cortical hyperostosis. Compared with that in adults, the periosteal membrane in infants and children is thicker, more highly vascularized, metabolically more active, and more loosely attached to the under- lying cortex. This may well explain two characteris- tics of the periosteal membrane of the immature skeleton: the increased susceptibility (a) to being lift- ed from the parent bone and (b) to being stimulated to form osseous tissue. The following discussion will focus first on situations of cortical hyperostosis asso- ciated with periostitis and next on situations of ‘pri- mary’ cortical hyperostosis without periostitis.

The list of diseases associated with periostitis is very long indeed and includes infections (osteo- myelitis, syphilis, tuberculosis), tumors (leukemia, lymphoma, metastases, primary bone tumors, eosinophilic granuloma), metabolic disorders (cop- per deficiency, hyperphosphatasia, hyperparathy- roidism, hyperthyroidism, rickets, scurvy, hypervita- minosis A), skin disorders (ichthyosis congenita, ur- ticaria pigmentosa, pyoderma, burns, frostbite, chronic cellulitis), trauma, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, sickle cell anemia, prostaglandin-induced periostitis (Fig. 5.17), dactylitis, venous insufficiency, and several bone disorders (pachydermoperiostosis, secondary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, idiopathic cortical hyperostosis, fibrous dysplasia, Paget dis- ease, recurrent symmetrical periostitis) (Reeder and Felson 1993; Kozlowski and Beighton 1995). How- ever, diffuse periosteal new bone deposition can be

seen in normal infants, especially prematures, per- haps in response to exuberant bone growth. The periosteal reaction accompanying osteomyelitis is often multi-layered like ‘onion peeling,’ a pattern similar to that encountered in certain malignant neo- plasms (Fig. 5.18a,b), including Ewing’s sarcoma (OMIM 133450). When the periosteal reaction asso- ciated with osteomyelitis involves only a single layer of thick bone, the changes are reminiscent of eosino- philic granuloma or traumatic periostitis (Resnick and Niwayama 1995b). A thick periosteal reaction is seen in the presence of eosinophilic granuloma once the lesion originally located within the medullary cavity encroaches on the cortex and erodes its en- dosteal surface. In childhood leukemia and lym- phoma, periosteal bone formation is secondary to in- vasion of the cortex via the haversian canals by the proliferating marrow cells. These cells then reach a subperiosteal location, causing elevation of the pe- riosteal membrane and bone formation. The pe- riosteal new bone deposition of the healing phase of a fracture results in single or multiple bony shells, which subsequently merge with the parent bone. In the battered child syndrome, multiple fractures with periosteal reactions at different stages of evolution are a clue to the diagnosis.A special case of periosteal new bone deposition is that occurring in the lower extremities in patients with chronic venous in- sufficiency, possibly as a response to local hypoxia (Dannels and Nashel 1983). The term dactylitis refers to a pathologic process of varying etiology (sickle

Fig. 5.17. Prostaglandin-induced periostitis in a 45-day-old

child. This baby with severe tetralogy of Fallot was given

prostaglandin E


a specific relaxant of ductal smooth muscle,

intravenously to maintain the patency of the ductus arteriosus

and allow adequate pulmonary blood flow before the neces-

sary surgical intervention. Periostitis developed in the first few

days after treatment. Note periosteal thickening along the ex-

ternal diaphyseal surface of both femurs


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