• Non ci sono risultati.


Riferimenti Normativi

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A.1 – Articoli selezionati nella Systematic Literature Review246

ISSN/Keywords Journal/Papers


0090-0036 American Journal of Public Health

Information Asymmetry

Moja L., Kwag K.H., Lytras T., Bertizzolo L., Brandt L., Pecoraro V., Ruggiero F., Mangia M., Iorio A., Kunnamo I., Bonovas S. (2014). Effectiveness of computerized decision support systems linked to electronic health records: a systematic review and meta-analysis. American journal of public health, 104(12), e12-e22.

Cognitive Distance

Billie Giles-Corti, Donovan R.J. (2003). Relative Influences of Individual, Social Environmental, and Physical Environmental Correlates of Walking. American Journal of Public Health, 93(9), 1583-1589.

Hugh H.T. (2003). The Impact of Community Design and Land-Use Choices on Public Health- A Scientific Research Agenda. American Journal of Public Health, 93(9), 1500-1508.

Everett Jones S., Brener N.D., McManus T. (2003). Prevalence of school policies, programs, and facilities that promote a healthy physical school environment. American Journal of Public Health, 93(9), 1570-1575.

Kaplan S., Kaplan R. (2014). Health, Supportive Environments, and the Reasonable Person Model. American Journal of Public Health, 104(12), 12-22.

0167-6296 Journal of Health Economics

Information Asymmetry

Attema A.E., Brouwer W., L’Haridon O., Pinto-Prades J.L. (2014). Estimating sign-dependent societal preferences for quality of life. Journal of Health Economics.

Basu A. (2015). Welfare implications of learning through solicitation versus diversification in health care. Journal of Health Economics, 42, 165-173. Beitia A. (2003). Hospital quality choice and market structure in a regulated duopoly. Journal of Health Economics, 22(6), 1011-1036.

Belot M., James J. (2011). Healthy school meals and educational outcomes. Journal of Health Economics, 30(3), 489-504.

Buchmueller T.C., Fiebig D.G., Jones G., Savage E. (2013). Preference heterogeneity and selection in private health insurance: the case of Australia. Journal of health economics, 32(5), 757-767.

Capacci S., Mazzocchi M. (2011). Five-a-day, a price to pay: An evaluation of the UK program impact accounting for market forces. Journal of Health Economics, 30(1), 87-98.

Chou S.Y. (2002). Asymmetric information, ownership and quality of care: an empirical analysis of nursing homes. Journal of Health Economics, 21(2), 293- 311.

Courbage C., Eeckhoudt L. (2012). On insuring and caring for parents’ long- term care needs. Journal of Health Economics, 31(6), 842-850.

246 La presente appendice riporta esclusivamente i lavori ritenuti coerenti con la finalità d’indagine al


Cutler D., Lincoln B., Zeckhauser R. (2010). Selection stories: Understanding movement across health plans. Journal of health economics, 29(6), 821-838. David G., Neuman M.D. (2011). Physician division of labor and patient selection for outpatient procedures. Journal of Health Economics, 30(2), 381-391. De Fraja G. (2000). Contracts for health care and asymmetric information. Journal of Health Economics, 19(5), 663-677.

Duarte F. (2012). Price elasticity of expenditure across health care services. Journal of Health Economics, 31(6), 824-841.

Échevin D., Fortin B. (2014). Physician payment mechanisms, hospital length of stay and risk of readmission: Evidence from a natural experiment. Journal of Health Economics 36, 112-124.

Eisenberg, D., Golberstein, E., & Whitlock, J. L. (2014). Peer effects on risky behaviors: New evidence from college roommate assignments. Journal of health economics, 33, 126-138.

Fenn P., Rickman N., McGuire A. (1994). Contracts and supply assurance in the UK health care market. Journal of Health Economics, 13(2), 125-144.

Forder J. (1997). Contracts and purchaser-provider relationships in community care. Journal of Health Economics, 16(5), 517-542.

Fortin B, Yazbeck M. (2015). Peer effects, fast food consumption and adolescent weight gain. Journal of Health Economics, 42, 125-138.

Frank R.G., Glazer J., McGuire T.G. (2000). Measuring adverse selection in managed health care. Journal of Health Economics, 19(6), 829-854.

Jones P.R., Cullis J.G. (1996). Decision making in quasi-markets: A pedagogic analysis. Journal of Health Economics, 15(2), 187-208.

Kann I.C., Biørn E., Lurås H. (2010). Competition in general practice: prescriptions to the elderly in a list patient system. Journal of health economics, 29(5), 751-764.

Kjellsson G., Clarke P., Gerdtham U. G. (2014). Forgetting to remember or remembering to forget: A study of the recall period length in health care survey questions. Journal of health economics, 35, 34-46.

Kuhn M., Nuscheler R. (2011). Optimal public provision of nursing homes and the role of information. Journal of Health Economics, 30(4), 795-810.

McCarthy T.R. (1985). The competitive nature of the primary-care physician services market. Journal of Health Economics, 4(2), 93-117.

McCombs J. S. (1984). Physician treatment decisions in a multiple treatment model: The effect of physician supply. Journal of Health Economics, 3(2), 155- 171.

McGuire T.G., Newhouse J.P., Normand S.L., Shi J., Zuvekas S. (2014). Assessing incentives for service-level selection in private health insurance exchanges. Journal of health economics, 35, 47-63.

Mooney G., Ryan M. (1993). Agency in health care: Getting beyond first principles. Journal of Health Economics, 12(2), 125-135.

Sapelli C., Vial B. (2003). Self-selection and moral hazard in Chilean health insurance. Journal of Health Economics, 22(3), 459-476.

Schut F.T., Hassink W.H.J. (2002). Managed competition and consumer price sensitivity in social health insurance. Journal of Health Economics, 21(6), 1009- 1029.

Sharma R., Stano M., Haas M. (2004). Adjusting to changes in health: implications for cost-effectiveness analysis. Journal of health economics, 23(2), 335-351.

Shigeoka H., Fushimi K. (2014). Supplier-induced demand for newborn treatment: Evidence from Japan. Journal of Health Economics, 35, 162-178. Spenkuch J.L. (2012). Moral hazard and selection among the poor: Evidence from a randomized experiment. Journal of Health Economics, 31(1), 72-85.

Approccio relazionale e co-creazione di valore in sanità: il caso dell’Assistenza Domiciliare Integrata


Van de Poel E., Van Doorslaer E., O’Donnell O. (2012). Measurement of inequity in health care with heterogeneous response of use to need. Journal of health economics, 31(4), 676-689.

van Zon A., Muysken J. (2001). Health and endogenous growth. Journal of Health Economics, 20(2), 169-185.

Vick S., Scott A. (1998). Agency in health care. Examining patients’ preferences for attributes of the doctor–patient relationship. Journal of Health Economics, 17(5), 587-605.

Wagstaff A., Culyer A.J. (2012). Four decades of health economics through a bibliometric lens. Journal of Health Economics, 31(2), 406-439.

Werner R.M., Norton E.C., Konetzka R.T., Polsky D. (2012). Do consumers respond to publicly reported quality information? Evidence from nursing homes. Journal of health economics, 31(1), 50-61.

Knowledge & Asymmetry

Basu A. (2011). Economics of individualization in comparative effectiveness research and a basis for a patient-centered health care. Journal of Health Economics, 30(3), 549-559.

Basu, A. (2015). Welfare implications of learning through solicitation versus diversification in health care. Journal of Health Economics, 42, 165-173. Courbage C., Rey B. (2012). Priority setting in health care and higher order degree change in risk. Journal of Health Economics, 31(3), 484-489.

Dardanoni V., Wagstaff A. (1990). Uncertainty and the demand for medical care. Journal of Health Economics, 9(1), 23-38.

de Frutos M.A., Ornaghi C., Siotis G. (2013). Competition in the pharmaceutical industry: How do quality differences shape advertising strategies? Journal of health economics, 32(1), 268-285.

Frank R.G., Glazer J., McGuire T.G. (2000). Measuring adverse selection in managed health care. Journal of Health Economics, 19(6), 829-854.

Lee C. (1995). Optimal medical treatment under asymmetric information. Journal of Health Economics, 14(4), 419-441.

Mooney G., Ryan M. (1993). Agency in health care: Getting beyond first principles. Journal of Health Economics, 12(2), 125-135.

Spenkuch J.L. (2012). Moral hazard and selection among the poor: Evidence from a randomized experiment. Journal of Health Economics, 31(1), 72-85. Vick S., Scott A. (1998). Agency in health care. Examining patients’ preferences for attributes of the doctor–patient relationship. Journal of Health Economics 17(5), 587-605.

Cognitive Distance

Bedard K., Kuhn P. (2015). Micro-marketing healthier choices: Effects of personalized ordering suggestions on restaurant purchases. Journal of Health Economics, 39, 106-122.

Benítez-Silva H., Ni H. (2008). Health status and health dynamics in an empirical model of expected longevity. Journal of Health Economics, 27(3), 564-584.

Bowblis J.R., McHone H.S. (2013). An instrumental variables approach to post- acute care nursing home quality: Is there a dime’s worth of evidence that continuing care retirement communities provide higher quality? Journal of Health Economics, 32(5), 980-996.

Busschbach J.J., McDonnell J., Essink-Bot M.L., van Hout B.A. (1999). Estimating parametric relationships between health description and health valuation with an application to the EuroQol EQ-5D. Journal of health economics, 18(5), 551-571.

Cawley J. (2015). An economy of scales: A selective review of obesity’s economic causes, consequences, and solutions. Journal of health economics, 43, 244-268.

Eibich P. (2015). Understanding the effect of retirement on health: Mechanisms and heterogeneity. Journal of Health Economics, 43, 1-12.


Greve J., Nielsen L.H. (2013). Useful beautiful minds—An analysis of the relationship between schizophrenia and employment. Journal of Health Economics, 32(6), 1066-1076.

Hockenberry J.M., Helmchen L.A. (2014). The nature of surgeon human capital depreciation. Journal of Health Economics, 37, 70-80.

Torrance G.W. (1986). Measurement of health state utilities for economic appraisal: A review. Journal of Health Economics, 5(1), 1-30.

1057-9230 Health Economics

Information Asymmetry

Coast J. (2001). Citizens, their agents and health care rationing: an exploratory study using qualitative methods. Health Economics, 10(2), 159-174.

Cowell A.J. (2006). The relationship between education and health behavior: some empirical evidence. Health Economics, 15(2), 125-146.

France G., Taroni F., Donatini A. (2005). The Italian health-care system. Health economics, 14(S1), S187-S202.

Goddard M., Mannion R. (1998). From competition to co-operation: new economic relationships in the National Health Service. Health Economics, 7(2), 105-119.

Goldberg I., Roosen J., Nayga R.M. (2009). Parental response to health risk information: experimental results on willingness-to-pay for safer infant milk formula. Health economics, 18(5), 503-518.

Greene W. (2004). Distinguishing between heterogeneity and inefficiency: stochastic frontier analysis of the World Health Organization’s panel data on national health care systems. Health Economics 13(10), 959-980.

Dijk C.E., Berg B., Verheij R.A., Spreeuwenberg P., Groenewegen P.P., Bakker D.H. (2013). Moral Hazard And Supplier-Induced Demand: Empirical Evidence In General Practice. Health economics, 22(3), 340-352.

Wang J.Y., Probst J.C., Stoskopf C.H., Sanders J.M., McTigue J. F. (2011). Information asymmetry and performance tilting in hospitals: a national empirical study. Health economics, 20(12), 1487-1506.

Xie B., Dilts D.M., Shor, M. (2006). The physician-patient relationship: the impact of patient-obtained medical information. Health economics, 15(8), 813- 834.

1386-9620 Health Care Management Science

Information Asymmetry

Balasubramanian H., Biehl S., Dai L., Muriel A. (2014). Dynamic allocation of same-day requests in multi-physician primary care practices in the presence of prescheduled appointments. Health care management science, 17(1), 31-48. Bessho S.I., Ohkusa Y. (2006). When do people visit a doctor? Health Care Management Science, 9(1), 5-18.

Currim I.S., Gurbaxani V., LaBelle J., Lim J. (2006). Perceptual structure of the desired functionality of internet-based health information systems. Health care management science, 9(2), 151-170.

Maniadakis N., Hollingsworth B., Thanassoulis E. (1999). The impact of the internal market on hospital efficiency, productivity and service quality. Health Care Management Science, 2(2), 75-85.

Gaal P., Stefka N., Nagy J. (2006). Cost accounting methodologies in price setting of acute inpatient services in Hungary. Health care management science, 9(3), 243-250.

J Gönül F.F., Carter F., Wind J. (2000). What kind of patients and physicians value direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs. Health Care Management Science, 3(3), 215-226.

Sørensen R.J., Grytten J. (2000). Contract design for primary care physicians: Physician location and practice behaviour in small communities. Health Care Management Science, 3(2), 151-157.

Wickramasinghe N., Silvers J.B. (2003). IS/IT the prescription to enable medical group practices attain their goals. Health Care Management Science, 6(2), 75- 86.