• Non ci sono risultati.


6.1 Saggi esplorativi

La caratterizzazione stratigrafica locale è stata ottenuta tramite l’esecuzione di pozzetti esplorati-vi effettuati per mezzo di un escavatore meccanico e tramite indagini penetrometriche leggere, la cui ubicazione è riportata nella carta geologica allegata nelle pagine precedenti. Sono stati, inol-tre, realizzati n° 4 sondaggi elettrici verticali a bassa profondità.

Nei paragrafi di seguito esposti si riportano i risultati delle indagini eseguite dalla Geointec di Madrid.

6.1 Saggi esplorativi

Tramite l’impiego di un scavatore meccanico sono stati realizzati dodici pozzetti esplorativi spinti sino a raggiungere una profondità non superiore a 3,5 metri dal piano di campagna.

I pozzetti, denominati da TP01, TP02 a TP12, hanno mostrato la presenza, al di sotto del terre-no vegetale (avente uterre-no spessore compreso tra 0,4 e 1,0 metri), di depositi alluvionali prevalen-temente limosi oppure di depositi argillosi afferenti alla formazione del Flysch Numidico.

Il terreno vegetale, definito anche Top Soil (TS), risulta composto da argille sabbiose contenenti ghiaie e frustoli vegetali, di colore marrone scuro.

I deposti alluvionali (Q1) sono costituiti da argille e limi di colore marrone e/o verdognolo, con-tenenti sottili livelli sabbiosi discontinui e noduli biancastri di natura carbonatica; in alcuni saggi eseguiti si presentano composti da sabbie giallo-biancastre alternate ad argille. Localmente a va-rie quote si riscontrano clasti a spigoli sub arrotondati aventi dimensioni centimetriche e rara-mente decimetriche.

Il Flysch Numidico si presenta composto da argille debolmente sabbiose alterate di colore mar-rone con tracce di ossidazione rossastre e venature grigio verdastre (T26-c). In zone ristrette il Flysch N. si presenta secondo la facies arenitica composta da arenarie degradate ed alterate di colore giallastro, da debolmente a ben cementate.

In particolare:

- i pozzetti TP01, TP02 e TP03, eseguiti nella porzione settentrionale dell’impianto, han-no individuato una coltre superficiale composta dal terrehan-no vegetale avente uhan-no spessore compreso tra 0,4 e 1,0 m. Al di sotto sono presenti esclusivamente le argille e limi del Flysch Numidico. Queste in superficie si presentano generalmente di colore marrone per alterazione, mentre in profondità a partire da una quota compresa tra 2,1 e 3,1 metri, assumo un colore grigio scuro aumentando la loro consistenza;

- i restanti saggi hanno individuato i depositi alluvionali presenti al di sotto di una coltre di terreno vegetale avente uno spessore compreso tra 0,4 e 0,8 metri. Lo spessore delle alluvioni varia da 2,1m sino ad oltre i quattro metri (la profondità di indagine mas-sima raggiunta durante lo scavo dei pozzetti);




- soltanto i pozzetti TP8 e TP10 hanno riscontrato ad una profondità compresa tra 2.1 m e 2.8 m la presenza del substrato composto dalle argille del Flysch Numidic Per la stratigrafia puntuale, si rimanda alle colonne stratigrafiche presenti all’interno delle schede esposte nelle pagine successive.

Nell’immagine sotto rappresentata si mostra la posizione delle indagini eseguite dal laboratorio Geointec. I saggi sono indicati con la sigla TP.

3 m

TOPSOIL. Dark brown slightly sandy clay and some gravel. It has trace of roots.


Orange brown slightly sandy clay with white speckled carbonate, pretty sand and some gravels and coubles.


Brown clay with orange and greenish gray veining, with traces of sand. Occasional oxidized joints are observed.


Dark gray clay with traces of sand. Occasional joints with friction grooves are observed.

1.0 (MI PVC)

Depth Key Unit Description Sample or Test

3,2 m No m Backhoe EPO

Depth Phreatic Level Excavation Method Rig Type Model Supervisor Comments

TP-PD-VT-1 Fulgatore, Sicilia, Italia


Project Number Location UTM Coordinates Start Date Final Date Project Leader Trial Pit


Soil Rock Soil & Rock

Very Soft Very thinly lam.

Thinly bedded Medium bedded

Thickly bedded Very thickly bedded Headquarters Madrid

Segundo Mata 1, planta 2, Oficina 11 CP. 20224 - Pozuelo de Alarcón Telf.: (+34) 91 715 44 85 info@geointec.com -GEOINTEC SpA Chile

Av. Tajamar 481, Oficina 1403, Las Condes

C.P. 7550099 - Santiago de Chile. Telf.: (+562) 2 4053662 chile@geointec.com

Very unstable Unstable

Stable Very Stable

3,2 m

TOPSOIL. Dark brown slightly sandy clay and some gravel. It has trace of roots.


Orange brown slightly sandy clay with white speckled carbonate, pretty sand and some gravels and coubles.


Brown clay with orange and greenish gray veining, with traces of sand. Occasional oxidized joints with friction grooves are observed.


Bluish gray clay with orange veining. Occasional joints with friction grooves are observed.


Depth Key Unit Description Sample or Test

3,3 m No m Backhoe EPO

Depth Phreatic Level Excavation Method Rig Type Model Supervisor Comments

TP-PD-2 Fulgatore, Sicilia, Italia


Project Number Location UTM Coordinates Start Date Final Date Project Leader Trial Pit


Soil Rock Soil & Rock

Very Soft Very thinly lam.

Thinly bedded Medium bedded

Thickly bedded Very thickly bedded Headquarters Madrid

Segundo Mata 1, planta 2, Oficina 11 CP. 20224 - Pozuelo de Alarcón Telf.: (+34) 91 715 44 85 info@geointec.com -GEOINTEC SpA Chile

Av. Tajamar 481, Oficina 1403, Las Condes

C.P. 7550099 - Santiago de Chile. Telf.: (+562) 2 4053662 chile@geointec.com

Very unstable Unstable

Stable Very Stable

3,2 m

TOPSOIL. Dark brown slightly sandy clay and some gravel. It has trace of roots.


Brown clay with orange and greenish gray veining, with traces of sand. Occasional oxidized joints with friction grooves are observed.


Bluish gray clay with orange veining. Occasional joints with friction grooves are observed.


Depth Key Unit Description Sample or Test

3,4 m No m Backhoe EPO

Depth Phreatic Level Excavation Method Rig Type Model Supervisor Comments

TP-PD-3 Fulgatore, Sicilia, Italia


Project Number Location UTM Coordinates Start Date Final Date Project Leader Trial Pit


Soil Rock Soil & Rock

Very Soft Very thinly lam.

Thinly bedded Medium bedded

Thickly bedded Very thickly bedded Headquarters Madrid

Segundo Mata 1, planta 2, Oficina 11 CP. 20224 - Pozuelo de Alarcón Telf.: (+34) 91 715 44 85 info@geointec.com -GEOINTEC SpA Chile

Av. Tajamar 481, Oficina 1403, Las Condes

C.P. 7550099 - Santiago de Chile. Telf.: (+562) 2 4053662 chile@geointec.com

Very unstable Unstable

Stable Very Stable

3 m

TOPSOIL. Dark brown slightly sandy clay and some gravel. It has trace of roots.

QUATERNARY (Q1). Light greenish brown clay with white mottled carbonate and some sand.

QUATERNARY (Q1). Light greenish brown clay.

QUATERNARY (Q1). Light greenish brown clay with sand traces.

Depth Key Unit Description Sample or Test

3,2 m No m Backhoe EPO

Depth Phreatic Level Excavation Method Rig Type Model Supervisor Comments

TP-PD-VT-4 Fulgatore, Sicilia, Italia


Project Number Location UTM Coordinates Start Date Final Date Project Leader Trial Pit


Soil Rock Soil & Rock

Very Soft Very thinly lam.

Thinly bedded Medium bedded

Thickly bedded Very thickly bedded Headquarters Madrid

Segundo Mata 1, planta 2, Oficina 11 CP. 20224 - Pozuelo de Alarcón Telf.: (+34) 91 715 44 85 info@geointec.com -GEOINTEC SpA Chile

Av. Tajamar 481, Oficina 1403, Las Condes

C.P. 7550099 - Santiago de Chile. Telf.: (+562) 2 4053662 chile@geointec.com

Very unstable Unstable

Stable Very Stable

3 m

TOPSOIL. Dark brown slightly sandy clay and some gravel. It has trace of roots.

QUATERNARY (Q1). Brown clay with sand traces.

QUATERNARY (Q1). Brown clay with some sand and gravel and occasional bowls up to 15cm in diameter. The songs are sub-rounded.

Depth Key Unit Description Sample or Test

3,2 m No m Backhoe EPO

Depth Phreatic Level Excavation Method Rig Type Model Supervisor Comments

TP-PD-5 Fulgatore, Sicilia, Italia


Project Number Location UTM Coordinates Start Date Final Date Project Leader Trial Pit


Soil Rock Soil & Rock

Very Soft Very thinly lam.

Thinly bedded Medium bedded

Thickly bedded Very thickly bedded Headquarters Madrid

Segundo Mata 1, planta 2, Oficina 11 CP. 20224 - Pozuelo de Alarcón Telf.: (+34) 91 715 44 85 info@geointec.com -GEOINTEC SpA Chile

Av. Tajamar 481, Oficina 1403, Las Condes

C.P. 7550099 - Santiago de Chile. Telf.: (+562) 2 4053662 chile@geointec.com

Very unstable Unstable

Stable Very Stable

3 m

TOPSOIL. Dark brown slightly sandy clay and some gravel. It has trace of roots.

CUATERNARY (Q1). Orange brown sand with traces of clay.

CUATERNARY (Q1). Light greenish brown clay with white speckled carbonate and traces of sand.


Greenish brown clay with traces of sand. Occasional joints are observed with oxidized joints and sand veins very lightly cemented.


Depth Key Unit Description Sample or Test

3,2 m No m Backhoe EPO

Depth Phreatic Level Excavation Method Rig Type Model Supervisor Comments

TP-PD-6 Fulgatore, Sicilia, Italia


Project Number Location UTM Coordinates Start Date Final Date Project Leader Trial Pit


Soil Rock Soil & Rock

Very Soft Very thinly lam.

Thinly bedded Medium bedded

Thickly bedded Very thickly bedded Headquarters Madrid

Segundo Mata 1, planta 2, Oficina 11 CP. 20224 - Pozuelo de Alarcón Telf.: (+34) 91 715 44 85 info@geointec.com -GEOINTEC SpA Chile

Av. Tajamar 481, Oficina 1403, Las Condes

C.P. 7550099 - Santiago de Chile. Telf.: (+562) 2 4053662 chile@geointec.com

Very unstable Unstable

Stable Very Stable

3 m

TOPSOIL. Dark brown slightly sandy clay and some gravel. It has trace of roots.

CUATERNARY (Q1). Brown clay with some sands.

CUATERNARY (Q1). Orange brown sandy clays, with some gravel and traces of coubbles up to 20cm in diameter. The coubles are sub-rounded.

Saco (0.4 a

Depth Key Unit Description Sample or Test

3,2 m No m Backhoe EPO

Depth Phreatic Level Excavation Method Rig Type Model Supervisor Comments

TP-PD-7 Fulgatore, Sicilia, Italia


Project Number Location UTM Coordinates Start Date Final Date Project Leader Trial Pit


Soil Rock Soil & Rock

Very Soft Very thinly lam.

Thinly bedded Medium bedded

Thickly bedded Very thickly bedded Headquarters Madrid

Segundo Mata 1, planta 2, Oficina 11 CP. 20224 - Pozuelo de Alarcón Telf.: (+34) 91 715 44 85 info@geointec.com -GEOINTEC SpA Chile

Av. Tajamar 481, Oficina 1403, Las Condes

C.P. 7550099 - Santiago de Chile. Telf.: (+562) 2 4053662 chile@geointec.com

Very unstable Unstable

Stable Very Stable

3 m

TOPSOIL. Dark brown slightly sandy clay and some gravel. It has trace of roots.

CUATERNARY (Q1). Light greenish brown clay with white speckled carbonate and traces of sand.

CUATERNARY (Q1). Orange slightly sandy brown clay with frequent carbonate white mottling and some coubbles.

1.5 MI (PVC) y

Depth Key Unit Description Sample or Test

3,1 m No m Backhoe EPO

Depth Phreatic Level Excavation Method Rig Type Model Supervisor Comments

TP-PD-8 Fulgatore, Sicilia, Italia


Project Number Location UTM Coordinates Start Date Final Date Project Leader Trial Pit


Soil Rock Soil & Rock

Very Soft Very thinly lam.

Thinly bedded Medium bedded

Thickly bedded Very thickly bedded Headquarters Madrid

Segundo Mata 1, planta 2, Oficina 11 CP. 20224 - Pozuelo de Alarcón Telf.: (+34) 91 715 44 85 info@geointec.com -GEOINTEC SpA Chile

Av. Tajamar 481, Oficina 1403, Las Condes

C.P. 7550099 - Santiago de Chile. Telf.: (+562) 2 4053662 chile@geointec.com

Very unstable Unstable

Stable Very Stable

3 m

TOPSOIL. Dark brown slightly sandy clay and some gravel. It has trace of roots.

CUATERNARY (Q1). Dark brown clay with mottled gray and orange and some sand.

Traces of carbonaceous remains of roots are observed.

CUATERNARY (Q1). Orange slightly sandy brown clay with frequent carbonate white mottling and some coubbles.


Depth Key Unit Description Sample or Test

3,1 m No m Backhoe EPO

Depth Phreatic Level Excavation Method Rig Type Model Supervisor Comments

TP-PD-9 Fulgatore, Sicilia, Italia


Project Number Location UTM Coordinates Start Date Final Date Project Leader Trial Pit


Soil Rock Soil & Rock

Very Soft Very thinly lam.

Thinly bedded Medium bedded

Thickly bedded Very thickly bedded Headquarters Madrid

Segundo Mata 1, planta 2, Oficina 11 CP. 20224 - Pozuelo de Alarcón Telf.: (+34) 91 715 44 85 info@geointec.com -GEOINTEC SpA Chile

Av. Tajamar 481, Oficina 1403, Las Condes

C.P. 7550099 - Santiago de Chile. Telf.: (+562) 2 4053662 chile@geointec.com

Very unstable Unstable

Stable Very Stable

3 m

TOPSOIL. Dark brown slightly sandy clay and some gravel. It has trace of roots.

CUATERNARY (Q1). Orange slightly sandy brown clay with frequent carbonate white mottling and some coubbles.


Greenish brown clay with traces of sand. Occasional joints are observed with oxidized joints and sand veins very lightly cemented.


Depth Key Unit Description Sample or Test

3,1 m No m Backhoe EPO

Depth Phreatic Level Excavation Method Rig Type Model Supervisor Comments

TP-PD-VT-10 Fulgatore, Sicilia, Italia


Project Number Location UTM Coordinates Start Date Final Date Project Leader Trial Pit


Soil Rock Soil & Rock

Very Soft Very thinly lam.

Thinly bedded Medium bedded

Thickly bedded Very thickly bedded Headquarters Madrid

Segundo Mata 1, planta 2, Oficina 11 CP. 20224 - Pozuelo de Alarcón Telf.: (+34) 91 715 44 85 info@geointec.com -GEOINTEC SpA Chile

Av. Tajamar 481, Oficina 1403, Las Condes

C.P. 7550099 - Santiago de Chile. Telf.: (+562) 2 4053662 chile@geointec.com

Very unstable Unstable

Stable Very Stable

3 m

TOPSOIL. Dark brown slightly sandy clay and some gravel. It has trace of roots.

CUATERNARY (Q1). Orange slightly sandy brown clay with frequent carbonate white mottling and some coubbles.


Depth Key Unit Description Sample or Test

3,2 m No m Backhoe EPO

Depth Phreatic Level Excavation Method Rig Type Model Supervisor Comments

TP-PD-11 Fulgatore, Sicilia, Italia


Project Number Location UTM Coordinates Start Date Final Date Project Leader Trial Pit


Soil Rock Soil & Rock

Very Soft Very thinly lam.

Thinly bedded Medium bedded

Thickly bedded Very thickly bedded Headquarters Madrid

Segundo Mata 1, planta 2, Oficina 11 CP. 20224 - Pozuelo de Alarcón Telf.: (+34) 91 715 44 85 info@geointec.com -GEOINTEC SpA Chile

Av. Tajamar 481, Oficina 1403, Las Condes

C.P. 7550099 - Santiago de Chile. Telf.: (+562) 2 4053662 chile@geointec.com

Very unstable Unstable

Stable Very Stable

2,8 m

TOPSOIL. Dark brown slightly sandy clay and some gravel. It has trace of roots.

CUATERNARY (Q1). Light greenish brown clay with white speckled carbonate and traces of sand.

CUATERNARY (Q1). Orange slightly sandy brown clay with frequent carbonate white mottling and some coubbles.


Greenish brown clay with


Depth Key Unit Description Sample or Test

3 m No m Backhoe EPO

Depth Phreatic Level Excavation Method Rig Type Model Supervisor Comments

TP-PD-12 Fulgatore, Sicilia, Italia


Project Number Location UTM Coordinates Start Date Final Date Project Leader Trial Pit


Soil Rock Soil & Rock

Very Soft Very thinly lam.

Thinly bedded Medium bedded

Thickly bedded Very thickly bedded Headquarters Madrid

Segundo Mata 1, planta 2, Oficina 11 CP. 20224 - Pozuelo de Alarcón Telf.: (+34) 91 715 44 85 info@geointec.com -GEOINTEC SpA Chile

Av. Tajamar 481, Oficina 1403, Las Condes

C.P. 7550099 - Santiago de Chile. Telf.: (+562) 2 4053662 chile@geointec.com

Very unstable Unstable

Stable Very Stable




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