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Epigenetic mechanisms in the normal brain development and in a neuropathological condition: the Rett syndrome


Academic year: 2021

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The regulation of gene expression occurs at different levels, from DNA to protein, and through various mechanisms. Chromatin remodelling is involved in the definition of transcriptional active and inactive regions of the chromosomes. Posttranslational modifications of histone tails in the chromatin mechanisms can cause the chromatin remodelling. Abnormal regulation of gene expression by epigenetic modifications often causes neurological and behavioural deficits in human diseases and in their mouse models, suggesting a relevant function for chromatin remodelling in the proper function of the central nervous system. This thesis investigated the epigenetic mechanisms correlated to normal brain functional states, such as during development of visual plasticity. In addition, we studied the Rett syndrome, a human disorders caused by alterations of epigenetic mechanisms.

In the first part of discussion we will focus on the results obtained about the regulation of experience-dependent, chromatin remodelling occurring in the visual cortex during the critical period and in adult mice. The second part of discussion will deal with the results obtained in MeCP2 mutants modelling RTT.


Chapter 8: Visual system: different regulation of signaling

pathways during the development

In the visual cortex, visual experience is crucial during the critical period of development. At molecular level, signalling cascades regulate visual plasticity in the young and in the adult cortex.

Our results showed that visual experience differently activates intracellular signaling pathways that control gene expression in the visual cortex of juvenile and adult mice.

Visual stimulation during the Critical Period causes ERK-Dependent Histone Acetylation and Phosphorylation

Previous data (Cancedda et al. 2003; Putignano et al., 2007) demonstrated that ERK, MSK, and CREB -mediated gene expression were strongly activated by visual experience during the critical period. We found that visual experience during the critical period activates ERK-dependent posttranslational modifications of histones associated with chromatin rearrangement and CREB-mediated gene expression.

Acetylation and phosphorylation of histones are mechanisms that control chromatin structure. Several studies have demonstrated that regulation of gene expression through posttranslational modifications of histones is also present in neurons. For instance, epigenetic directly modulates the expression of the molecular components of the circadian clock. Namely, the acetylation of histones H3 and H4 is correlated to promoters of genes responsible for molecular clock mechanism, regulating differentially the expression of genes during a circadian rhyme. The infusion of trichostatin A (an inhibitor of deacetylase) into the suprachiasmatic nucleus increases the expression of the mouse clock genes period 1 (Per1) and Per2 (Naruse et al., 2004).

Histone acetylation also controls transcription of genes required for consolidation of long-term memory and LTP(Levenson et al., 2004). Indeed, acetylation of histone H3, but not H4, is significantly increased in contextual fear conditioning tests. Several studies have shown that acetylation of histones is important for the consolidation of term memories and that disruption of the activity of HATs interferes with long-term memory formation. Indeed, transgenic mice with impaired CBP (CREB-binding


protein) function that has endogenous HAT, show significant deficits in various forms of long-term memory (Alarcón et al., 2004).

Plasticity-induced epigenetic changes are also observed in mammalian models of synaptic plasticity. Several forms of LTP require the activation of NMDA receptors and activation of the MEK–ERK/MAPK signalling cascade. For example it has been shown in the hippocampus that activation of NMDA receptors induce an increase in the acetylation of histone H3.

Our data indicate that experience-dependent regulation of chromatin structure can be an important mechanism of regulation of gene expression in the developing visual cortex as well. Our result show that during the critical period, visual stimulation causes an activation of phosphoacetylation of H3 and acetylation of H4 histones. In addition, the phosphoryation of H3 is ERK dependent. Previous data demonstrated that ERK kinase was strongly activated by visual experience during the critical period (Cancedda et al. 2003; Putignano et al., 2007). The action of ERK on H3 phosphorylation can be mediated by various kinases, including MSK. MSK kinase is required for CREB and H3 phosphorylation in neuronal cells in response to various stimuli, such as neurotrophins and cocaine (Arthur et al., 2004; Brami-Cherrier et al., 2005). Many studies on cell lines have proven MSK ability to phosphorylate CREB and H3. MSK is activated by visual stimulation and its activation is prevented by ERK inhibitors in visual cortices of juvenile mice (Putignano et al. 2007). Putignano et al. (Putignano et al. 2007) also observed that cells positive for activated ERK were positive for activated MSK. Our results in visual cortices of juvenile mice, showed that cells positive for activated MSK were also positive for phosphorylated H3. These data indicate that an ERK-MSK-H3 pathway is activated by visual experience in the developing visual cortex and that these biochemical events occur in the same cell.

Our results show that visual experience caused an increase of acetylation H3 and H4 histones in juvenile mice. Which one could be the possible mediators of the effects of visual stimulation on H3 acetylation? Although additional studies are required to unravel the molecular cascade linking ERK to histone acetylation, it is possible that the latter is due to the activity-dependent recruitment to chromatin of transcriptional coactivators such as CBP, endowed with acetyltransferase activity. ERK can phosphorylate CBP in vitro (Janknecht and Nordheim, 1996); however, a direct action of ERK on CBP seems dispensable for NMDA-induced CBP phosphorylation (Impey et al., 2002). Thus, ERK could be required for histone acetylation, because of its role in


regulating the formation of a CREB-CBP transcriptional complex that recruits CBP to chromatin and allows histone acetylation by CBP. The requirement of ERK for visually stimulated histone acetylation does not exclude other kinases from contributing to this signaling pathway by interacting with ERK-regulated mechanisms. For instance, CBP phosphorylation by CaMKIV is crucial for activity-dependent gene transcription in cortical cultures (Impey et al., 2002). PKA also plays an important role in synaptic plasticity of the visual cortex and regulates CREB-mediated gene expression (Beaver et al., 2001; Cancedda et al., 2003). Previous studies show that inhibition of PKA substantially reduces visually stimulated activation of ERK, suggesting that at least part of the effects of PKA on visual cortical plasticity could be mediated by ERK (Cancedda et al., 2003). Earlier experiments showed that visual experience in juvenile mice induces phosphorylation of the transcription factor CREB and causes CREB-mediated gene expression (Cancedda et al., 2003). We analyzed the expression of miRNA132 and BDNF, two endogenous transcripts that are important in synaptic plasticity and that are regulated by CREB. Our results indicate that visual experience causes an increase of these transcripts in juvenile mice suggesting that the visual induction of transcription previously observed using the CRE-lacZ mice could be present also on endogenous CREB promoters.

Regulation of Visually Stimulated Gene Transcription in adult mice

Defective visual experience during the critical period of postnatal development causes dramatic alterations in the functional organization of the visual cortex, resulting in poor vision of the affected eye (amblyopia). This observation indicates that visual experience is important in the mechanisms of development of cortical circuits. Although experience dependent plasticity is present in the adult visual cortex (Karmarkar et Dan, 2006), the manipulations of visual inputs, such as monocular deprivation, do not cause effects in adult animals and might be mediated by different mechanisms (Sawtellet al., 2003). At the end of the critical period, a reduction of synaptic plasticity occurs. Adult animals do not achieve normal vision after periods of deprivation initiated during the critical period (Prusky et al., 2000; Pizzorusso et al., 2006). Several mechanisms, such as the modifications of extracellular matrix composition and maturation of intracortical myelination, which could inhibit structural plasticity (Pizzorusso et al., 2002; McGee et


al., 2005), and maturation of inhibitory circuitry (Huang et al., 1999; Hensch, 2005) are thought to make the excitatory-inhibitory balance less favourable to plasticity.

Our results show that visual experience differently activates intracellular signaling pathways in the visual cortex of juvenile and adult mice. In addition, we show that developmental down regulation of visually stimulated gene transcription taking place in adult mice might regulate the developmental reduction of plasticity occurring in the adult visual cortex.

Downregulation of experience-dependent posttranslational modifications of CREB, H3, and H4, but not MSK, in Adult Mice

We observed a substantial reduction of the effects of visual stimulation on CREB phosphorylation, on histone phsphoacetylation and on CRE-mediated gene expression in adult animals. Also, Pham et al. (Pham et al. 1999) showed that CREB-mediated gene expression is induced in the visual cortex following monocular deprivation and declines in adulthood. As opposed to CREB, our data indicate that the effects of visual stimulation on ERK and MSK were similar in juvenile and adult mice. Therefore the closure of the critical period is associated with a decrease in the ability of visual experience to drive changes in histone phosphorylation and acetylation that control gene transcription.

It has been shown in the hippocampus that regulation of transcription through histone posttranslational modifications is involved in regulating the production of transcripts necessary for consolidation of long-term changes of synaptic efficacy (Alarcon et al., 2004; Korzus et al., 2004; Levenson et al., 2004; Wood et al., 2006). Therefore it is conceivable that the reduced activation of experience-dependent signalling leading to synaptic plasticity in coincidence with critical period closure could be a factor contributing to the developmental reduction of plasticity in the visual cortex. Putignano et al. showed that increasing histone acetylation in adult animals by trichostatin A, an inhibitor of deacetylase, promoted experience-dependent plasticity of the adult visual cortex. Electrophysiological evidence demonstrated that the trichostatin treatment promoted ocular dominance plasticity in the adult mouse.

Different mechanisms have been proposed to be at the basis of critical period onset and offset, including changes in brain circuitry and molecular modifications of extracellular factors like CSPGs and Nogo (McGee, et al., 2005). Our data indicate that


developmental plasticity in the visual cortex is controlled at different levels also comprising those factors regulating experience-dependent gene transcription.


Chapter 9: Prevention of synaptic alterations and improvement

of behavioural deficits of MeCP2 null mice by early

environmental stimulation

Histone acetylation is regulated by acetyltransferases and deacetylases recruited to chromatin by interaction with DNA proteins. Recent progress in the field of chromatin remodelling and transcriptional regulation has dramatically changed our understanding of the ways in which genes are regulated. Epigenetic modifications are important in neurological disorders such as Rubinstein–Taybi syndrome (RTS) and RTT. For example, RTS is caused by mutations of the CREB-binding protein CBP, endowed with histone acetyltransferase activity. In this disease, an abnormal regulation of epigenetic mechanisms can causes severe deficits, evident in the long-term memory.

Mutations of MeCP2, a protein that interacts with methylated DNA and histone deacetylases, cause the majority of RTT cases. In mice, mutations of MeCP2 cause a range of effects reminiscent of the symptoms observed in patients, including motor impairments, cognitive and emotional abnormalities (Chen et al., 2001; Guy et al., 2001; Shahbazian et al., 2002; Pelka et al., 2006). We used electron microscopy, electrophysiological, biochemical and behavioural techniques to investigate whether early EE of MeCP2 null mice rescue molecular, synaptic, motor, emotional and cognitive abnormalities, and whether it is effective in increasing cortical BDNF levels. We found that early EE promotes synaptic plasticity and enhances synapse formation in the cerebral cortex of MeCP2y/- mice. Increased synaptic density was observed also in

the cerebellar cortex. Morphological improvement was associated to increased cortical BDNF levels. Behaviourally, EE strongly enhanced motor coordination and motor learning in MeCP2y/- mice. These results show that MeCP2 is not strictly required for synaptic plasticity and suggest that preservation of morphological and functional synaptic plasticity is a key mechanism underlying the beneficial effects of EE on MeCP2 mutants.

Synaptic effects of EE in MeCP2 mutants

Although the cellular mechanisms that translate alterations in MeCP2 function into RTT symptoms are still obscure, a series of observations from several laboratories lead to the


hypothesis that RTT is a disorder of synaptic development (Zoghbi; 2003). Anatomically, the brains of RTT patients and MeCP2 null mice appear without gross morphological abnormalities. However, both animal models and human RTT patients exhibit a reduction in brain size, accompanied by neurons that are abnormally small and densely packed, with markedly shortened and simplified dendritic arbors. Several neurochemical studies also evidenced that glutamate mediated neurotransmission is disrupted in RTT. In MeCP2 null mice, hippocampal neurons display a strong reduction in synaptic response to glutamate. These studies indicate the occurrence of alterations in synaptic function and morphology in neurons of MeCP2 mutants (Collins et al., 2004; Kishi and Macklis, 2004; Dani et al., 2005; Asaka et al., 2006; Nelson et al., 2006). In addition, it has been found that at as early as 2 weeks of age, pyramidal neurons recorded in S1 slices from MeCP2 mutant mice are less active. The discovery of a precocious synaptic alteration in MeCP2 mutants suggests that the regulation of the initial formation of synaptic contacts could be a primary function of MeCP2.

Our analysis of excitatory synapses in the somatosensory and cerebellar cortex of MeCP2y/- mice aged P52 showed a reduction of synapse number that does not reach statistical significance. Chao et al., (Chao et al., 2007) suggested that in vivo changes in synapse numbers in the hippocampus observed during postnatal development are due to homeostatic compensatory change occurring in response to the early perturbation of synapse number. It is possible that, similarly to the hippocampus, an initial synaptic deficit exists in the somatosensory and cerebellar cortex of MeCP2y/- mice, but it undergoes late homeostatic compensation (Chao et al., 2007). Another intriguing possibility is that structural alterations selective for a specific neuronal population are masked in our EM analyses by data from other neuronal populations that remain unaffected.

Synaptic plasticity is also impaired in MeCP2 null mice and LTP is reduced in cortical slices (Asaka et al., 2006) while cortical and hippocampal slices obtained from the Mecp2308/Ymice (with a truncated form of MeCP2) show a reduction of LTP (Moretti et al., 2006). Our data demonstrate the presence of a deficit of LTP in MeCP2y/- mice that could be rescued by EE. The improvement in functional plasticity by EE was accompanied by the activation of mechanisms of structural plasticity, resulting in a strong increase of synaptic density in the cerebral and cerebellar cortex of EE MeCP2 y/-mice. These data suggest that MeCP2 plays a regulatory role in synaptic plasticity but it is not essential for experience-dependent regulation of synaptic strength.


The actions of EE can be mediated by several molecular mechanisms, including augmentation of BDNF expression (van Praag et al., 2000). Several studies (Chang et al. 2006) have shown a reduction of BDNF levels in extracts of brain from knockout MeCP2 compared to the wild-type. In addition, it has been demonstrated that over-expression of BDNF in MeCP2 knockout mouse, improves locomotor functions and extends lifespan of MeCP2 mutants mice. We confirmed previous data (Chang et al. 2006)) showing that MeCP2y/- mice have reduced cortical and cerebellar BDNF levels with respect to WT, but we found that EE could significantly raise BDNF levels in the cortex of MeCP2y/- mice. On the contrary, EE did not cause an increase of BDNF levels in the cerebellum of both wild-type and MeCP2y/- mice. This is in agreement with the results by Kondo et al. (Kondo et al., 2008) indicating an increase of BDNF levels by postweaning EE in the hippocampus, but not in the cortex and cerebellum of female MeCP2 mutants. Thus, it is conceivable that the heightened neuronal activity induced by EE can be transduced at nuclear level into increased BDNF protein in brain of MeCP2y/- mice, however, further studies are necessary to understand why different brain areas display different responses to EE.

At a molecular level, we investigated whether deficits of regulation of protein synthesis occur in MeCP2y/- mice. We analyzed the phosphorylation of S6 kinase involved in the translation of several mRNAs, presumably by mediating the multiple phosphorylation of 40S ribosomal protein S6, thus providing an increased protein synthesis capacity. We detected a striking reduction of phosphorylation of S6 at Ser235/236 in the cortex and cerebellum of MeCP2y/- mice. Although the mechanisms ultimately linking the MeCP2 mutation to the mouse phenotype are still obscure, these results open a new possibility of interpretation. In addition, these data prompt further studies analyzing whether agents potentiating the mTOR pathway could rescue at least part of the phenotype of MeCP2 mutants.

Effects of EE in MeCP2+/- mice

Although MeCP2 y/- mice are widely employed to assess the extreme effects of MeCP2 mutation, female MeCP2 +/- mice more closely recapitulate the characteristics of RTT individuals. Female Mecp2+/- mice (carrying one copy of normal allele) have behavioural abnormalities similar to those of the male MeCP2 mutants, but with a later


age of onset. In female Mecp2 +/- mice, progressive motor impairments develop slowly during adulthood, making it possible to test more complex behaviours with minimal interference from motor impairments. Using young female MeCP2+/- mice, we

investigated the effects of EE on alteration of cognitive performance and anxiety, two clinical symptoms of RTT. Previous work found that MeCP2+/-mice show an alteration in learning and memory in the object recognition test (Stearns et al., 2007) while MeCP2308/y mice, that have residual MeCP2 function, are impaired in the Morris water maze when tested with a mild learning protocol (Moretti et al., 2006). Increased anxiety-related behaviour has been observed in female MeCP2+/- mice (Stearns et al., 2007; Jugloff et al., 2008) and in MeCP2308/y (McGill et al., 2006). In addition, MeCP2 mutants showed altered expression of genes involved in stress responses (Nuber et al., 2005; McGill et al., 2006). Our findings show that MeCP2+/- female mice are impaired in the Morris water maze and display increased anxiety-related behaviour in the open field. Importantly, EE could completely prevent the behavioural alterations of MeCP2 +/-mice, suggesting that environmental stimulation could have positive effects also on those pathological aspects of RTT involving learning and memory, and emotional behaviour.

Our study indicates that early environmental stimulation improves several phenotypic features of female MeCP2+/- and male MeCP2y/- mutants. A previous study (Kondo et al. 2008) showed that postweaning EE ameliorates motor coordination in heterozygous females but not in males. In addition, the authors detected an increase of BDNF level in the hippocampus, but not in the cortex and cerebellum of the female mice. Male mice showed no effects of postweaning EE on cerebellar BDNF.

A possible reason for the efficacy of our EE protocol on MeCP2y/- mice could be the

early beginning of EE (P10). Synaptic defects are already present in MeCP2y/- mice at

two weeks of age (Chao et al., 2007) and motor symptoms can be observed as early as three-four weeks. Thus, early environmental stimulation could be particularly effective in balancing the initial pathogenetic mechanisms occurring during early postnatal development

Recently, it has been demonstrated that the introduction of a copy of the MECP2 transgene into MeCP2 null mice, so that MeCP2 protein levels become normal, rescues neurological abnormalities of these nulls. Actually, Guy et al. (Guy et al., 2007) and Giacometti et al. (Giacometti et al.2007) observed disease reversibility in mouse models of RTT. Intriguingly, the beneficial action of our EE protocol seems to have different


properties other than the effects of genetic reactivation of MeCP2 expression in MeCP2y/- mice. Indeed, MeCP2 reactivation is effective even at relatively late stages of disease progression and results in increased lifespan (Guy et al., 2007). EE has maximal effects if begun early and it is minimally effective on animal survival suggesting that its action is not due to activation of molecular mechanisms mimicking MeCP2 action. Possibly, EE involves potentiation of compensatory neuronal capabilities implicating increased BDNF expression. Extrapolating our results to humans it is reasonable to postulate that early rehabilitative intervention after early diagnosis would achieve the best results in RTT patients.



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