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Mosquito-borne infections in Europe: Assessment of public health risks via temperature-driven mathematical models


Academic year: 2021

Condividi "Mosquito-borne infections in Europe: Assessment of public health risks via temperature-driven mathematical models"


Testo completo

(1). 234566789:;6<=>=6?= @>=63;ABCDBEF?3BGHI. !"#$%&'%()$%*+(,$&- +%$*./&0.+%1%&. . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 234567481 . . . 961


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(5) 8 7. . .

(6)  . 0123456861456923 4 5

(7)  458414934


(9) 563

(10) .  56884 62!"49#$%6&649664

(11) 658 3'8 6

(12) 2 6(52156

(13) 3368 !)6

(14) 3411 5864

(15) 5  14 6284 64908 4524$*!56+ 85&6

(16) 6 2

(17) 149 ,496284)256


(19) 69434- 8 5864)25 .68  4

(20) 6

(21) /8568

(22) 8492  4

(23) 6

(24)   45 5  

(25) 96&6)6863 8686 65186 8569284 6$,64)216!25686

(26) 5 56) 819! 0244

(27) 6368&694

(28) 46) 49632 58645)25

(29) 6.686 &62541

(30) 98 36

(31) / 5864

(32)  024 4. 648692 #49"22

(33) 148 5826

(34)  56+4 22 !562125864 69842218 3 )2 25

(35) 864963 1

(36) 2.615 3

(37) 54864

(38)  06584149 53682 4$15 &02426 52 2 34

(39) 2

(40) &6684114

(41) 3 5 3452  8.683219!252

(42)  4 416  4

(43) 2&421142548866

(44) 98 362 4915

(45) 49 &6254168 41966 5

(46) 26) 8

(47) 8 33 568

(48) 26 569982& 86&4 $2411! 148&64996491611 )6.68 5864

(49) 4.6 88692& 14!%63 8452 6 12  0 & 49 84221

(50) 2 6!2

(51) 256 5634- 8869 52 

(52) 4 26.69)2556258 9 52  466 52.6 .4 26

(53) 2 6567

(54) $ ,4563452 4149 3 5452 413 961

(55)  4 14423 85458 165 4


(57) 2

(58) 5 12 6415


(60) 563

(61) 4996 2

(62) 2 3468

(63) !411 )2&566

(64) 523452   565241584

(65) 32


(67) 2 82


(69) 5 34

(70)  4956

(71) 5566 52.66


(73)   86.652.62568.652 

(74) 968484&6 563 684586

(75) 6482

(76) $* 52

(77)  86

(78) 65452 !)6)211

(79)  ) 4

(80) 64368  84 52 414. 12 452 

(81)  3 961

(82) 5 3

(83) 825 5 86 26 52 

(84) 4 52& 8563 684586 4&6

(85)  .68523649968926865

(86) 6482

(87)   563 684586 4&6$ 9 6

(88) 523456584

(89) 32


(91) 2 82


(93)  58 2 4192

(94) 64

(95) 6

(96) 2: 8568*541!)696.61 69434563452 41 3 96186 86

(97) 652&569432

(98)  696

(99) 41 2 5

(100) . 1452 

(101) 58 & 556) 16 96.61 36541  16;6&&

(102) !148.46!  46!634164915

(103) <$963 961)4

(104) 255695 3

(105) 825  4 586 94548 35632 2 412526

(106) 256 8 .2 6

(107)  9865 49611 4 8


(109) 563

(110) 825 

(111) 64


(113)   "491$=6 94

(114) 2&22 4582

(115)   2&4 5864

(116) 23

(117) 5

(118) 256

(119) 24 4

(120) 6)4

(121)  23 85698 369632 4864

(122) 65)66566&22& 

(123) 336849 5 3295: .6368!)254 4.684&6 5864 8 4212565)66"$>491>!96 692& 56

(124) 256$1 )6882

(125) )4

(126) . 8692 569 896&6!)2544.684&6 8 4212565)66"$>49$(>2486

(127) 582 569)29 ) 23 85452 ;65)663295?14932956 56368<$96

(128) 682


(130) ) 19664 69 565241 82

(131) 6

(132) 2563 684586

(133) !9 12& 8

(134) 6482

(135) 6.2

(136) 2 2&4596&866

(137) 94212 864

(138) 6!85683 86!56 5236

(139) 4 56648)686 5864

(140)  19 8) 1941

(141) 2 864

(142) 6

(143) 2&22 451!)25148&6

(144) 2565

(145) 6 22 .482452 

(146) $=614568

(147) 6956

(148) 4366

(149) 523456

(150)  3

(151) 825 494 65  8 .29645236182

(152)  4


(154) 6


(156) 365982&56024 49632

(157) 2!2&12&52&4 

(158) 2

(159) 56511 )82

(160)  45 5  

(161)  3

(162) 825 5 86584

(163) 32


(165) 2 2: 8568*541;4

(166) 1 &4

(167) 56.6 5 8 3 656 6 696

(168) 41 2 5

(169)  86342

(170) 4556 88651364

(171) 86916.61

(172) <$*4

(173) 6 48456

(174) 59!)6563 .69 8 356 4


(176) 6


(178) 365 584

(179) 32


(181) 2  8 4212526

(182) 5 6

(183) 52345656 565241

(184) 226  2&44996&6 5864

(185) $=641

(186) 6.4145695642125  86.652.64. 8 4 6

(187) 5 869 6584

(188) 32


(190) 2 82


(192) 49 5864

(193) 226

(194) 49)644126925


(196) 5566 52.66


(198) $=6 95458 526148.2 292&  12  45 4

(199) 2

(200)  412325 55682

(201)  45 5  

(202) 584

(203) 32


(205) 2 4956

(206) 226  565241 6 29632

(207) $*9641148.2 2962568.652 


(209)  196523692

(210)  4)45  .68563 5 ?1$ @ 52341152369148.2 292& 4869 61 411584

(211) 325569 4

(212) 6

(213)   2&4>5> 84

(214) 2&164. 12 452 ;96&6A(5><49 5 ">51>2586453652

(215) 86 64569 85236

(216)  58 & 556

(217) 64

(218) ;96&6A51><$*148&6832 2 412526

(219) ;B1! 242545

(220) <!56

(221) 5  3 866

(222) 2.6148.2 292& .6856) 16844864 .68 36

(223)  56524164156625

(224) 86145695    01232


(226) 584 5. . .

(227)  . 0123456861456923 4 5

(228)  458414934


(230) 563

(231) . 86652 4

(232) 6

(233)  92

(234) 64

(235) 6

(236) 6

(237) 525649 52  3 861 412692568652 

(238) !"3411#36923

(239) 2695 $

(240) $2523

(241) %25 494 6$2111261464

(242) 2526

(243) 5&6625414 6! ' 16365  82456 2526

(244) 28 5261482 2924 522526

(245) 8568869 6

(246) 584

(247) 32


(249) 2 82


(251) 5 $2592

(252) 8 852 456

(253) 5

(254)  2568652 ! "2321484. 8 4 6

(255) $6864. 12695 441628641&523644 541 5864436156() 24 586422 !*

(256) 265 3 1 2 41 4 5869454 116 5692()(8 3+

(257) 256

(258)  41 4)3&584

(259) 6 58 356,42  4

(260) 5- 8

(261) 256

(262) .5 884121494864

(263) 49563 6845869454 8 3()$66

(264) 5234569563

(265) %25 . 1452 96

(266) 2526

(267) !/6  16956

(268) 66

(269) 523456

(270) $259454 341492 4 586

(271) 5 6

(272) 523456563

(273) %25 252845649 3 56956 8 42125  586449 5864

(274) 26 89268655236 56648256862 !/629652269565236 1261 258 9 52  562960 4

(275) 6-28

(276) 5$66 1622 8462(34&+1646481112 36 8462(+34&511.!/66

(277) 5234569426882

(278)  1486 5864

(279) 2 4

(280) 541498841

(281) 256

(282) 54 284

(283) 256

(284) 96

(285) 2565626 5 8494 62

(286) 36844864

(287) 494

(288) 222 45 8 42125  

(289) 682499252 41584

(290) 32


(292) 2  5 329&6 6368-14568 28369 

(293) 68452 

(294) .!/641

(295)  %45226956 8 4212554526 5691 99 452 

(296) 3254666 886998256 5864495 5416415496  32 896 856 58642,42 !4

(297) 69 56

(298) 436 3

(299) %25 494 66

(300) 523456

(301) 2,42 $6641456956 8 42125 611 $668 5864

(302)  584

(303) 3255696!41 2 5

(304) 2 4

(305) 6 23 85452  42960 4

(306) 68 34864

(307)  56$ 819$25 4 526584

(308) 32


(310) 2 !/6 95455682

(311)  584

(312) 32


(314) 2 2

(315) 6684111 $4912325695 

(316) 8492  4

(317) 6

(318) !7 $668 8

(319) 36 4

(320) 541498841

(321) 256

(322) 56862

(323) 4 612216 565241 81486 5864

(324)  6

(325) 6 2411223 85452  8

(326) 98256

(327) 6 941 11! 86

(328) 64. 12 452 

(329) 61 2945656926865$4

(330) 2$2 9454&98263 9612 4 582565  96 2

(331) 2 3422 12 64152 89685 4 6568 $258645

(332)  3

(333) %25 & 8626 52 

(334)  495 4


(336) 6


(338) 56 56524123 4 5  123456 46 56

(339) 66

(340) 523456

(341) !8660584 52  41416 2 83452 8 3945449563 684586 8 96 52 

(342) 2

(343)  8252 41 8 86 48696


(345) 49 5234186

(346) 8 6 4


(348) 6



(351) 84(-h.! B 65546541!-().Ci<<;?FGc;>;@@AH>NA;?E>EdG?AH@@;@@d;>FAE<A=EMFG>;AIH=cG?GNG>LA<E=AW=;c;>FGE>AE<A?PGJM>LM>QHAH>NA N;>LM;AG>AF;dW;=HF;AM=SH>A@;FFG>L@AG>AiM=EW;f]j,k"66188 l2

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(356) 84((-.! 342 436541!-().C`=H>@dG@@GE>ANQ>HdG?@AE<AFP;AE>LEG>LA?PGJM>LM>QHAEMFS=;HJAG>AO;>F=HIAUFHIQ[A<=EdA?EH@FHIAH=;H@A FEAFP;Ad;F=EWEIGFH>A?GFQAE<A:Ed;rA@Mdd;=Astuv!wg8

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(358) 4-.26)))5)!. y.   01232


(360) 584 5. y. . .



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