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Higher Hamming weights for locally recoverable codes on algebraic curves


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Edoardo Ballico1, Chiara Marcolla

Department of Mathematics, University of Trento, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history:

Received18May2015 Receivedinrevisedform30 November2015

Accepted11March2016 Availableonline25March2016 CommunicatedbyChaopingXing





AlgebraicgeometricLRCcodes HigherHammingweights Norm-TraceLRCcodes

We study locally recoverable codes on algebraiccurves. In thefirstpart ofthemanuscript,weprovideaboundon the generalizedHamming weight of these codes. In the second part,we propose a new familyof algebraic geometricLRC codes, which are LRC codes from the Norm-Trace curve. Finally,usingsomepropertiesofHermitiancodes,weimprove theboundsonthedistanceproposedinBargetal.(2015)[1]


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1. Introduction

Thev-thgeneralizedHammingweightdv(C) of alinearcodeC istheminimum

sup-portsizeof v-dimensionalsubcodes ofC.Thesequenced1(C),. . . ,dk(C) ofgeneralized

HammingweightswasintroducedbyWei[37]tocharacterizetheperformanceofalinear codeonthewire-tapchanneloftypeII.Later,theGHWsoflinearcodeshavebeenused

* Correspondingauthor.

E-mail addresses:ballico@science.unitn.it(E. Ballico),chiara.marcolla@unito.it(C. Marcolla).


ThefirstauthorispartiallysupportedbyMIURandGNSAGAofINdAM (Italy).



inmanyotherapplicationsregardingthecommunications,asforboundingthecovering radius of linearcodes [15],innetwork coding [26], inthecontext of listdecoding [7,9], andfinallyforsecuresecretsharing[18].Moreover,in[2]theauthorsshowinwhichway an arbitrarylinearcodegivesrise toasecretsharingscheme, in[16,17]theconnection betweenthetrellisorstatecomplexityofacodeanditsGHWsisfoundandin[4]the au-thorprovestheequivalencetothedimension/lengthprofileofacodeanditsgeneralized Hammingweight.Forthesereasons,theGHWs(andtheirextended version, therelative

generalizedHammingweights[21,19])playacentralroleincodingtheory.Inparticular, generalizedandrelativegeneralizedHammingweightsarestudiedforReed–Mullercodes

[10,23]andforcodesconstructedbyusinganalgebraiccurve[6]asGoppacodes[24,38], Hermitian codes[12,25]andCastlecodes[27].

In this paper, we provide a bound on the generalized Hamming weight of locally recoverablecodesonthealgebraic curvesproposedin[1].Moreover,weintroduceanew family of algebraic geometric LRC codes and improve the bounds on the distance for someHermitianLRCcodes.

Locally recoverable codes were introduced in [8] and they have been significantly studiedbecauseof theirapplications indistributedand cloudstoragesystems[3,13,32, 34,35]. Werecall thatacodeC ∈ (Fq)n haslocality r ifeverysymbol of acodewordc

canberecovered fromasubsetofr othersymbolsof c.

Inother words,weconsider afinitefieldK =Fq, whereq isapowerofaprime,and

an[n,k] codeC over thefieldK,where k = logq(|C|).Foreachi∈ {1,. . . ,n} andeach

a∈ K setC(i,a)={c∈ C | ci= a}.ForeachI⊆ {1,. . . ,n} andeachS⊆ C letSI be

therestrictionofS to thecoordinatesinI.

Definition 1. LetC be an[n,k] code overthe fieldK, where k = logq(|C|). Then C is

said to have all-symbol locality r if for each a ∈ Fq and each i ∈ {1,. . . ,n} there is

Ii ⊂ {1,. . . ,n}\ {i} with|Ii| r, suchthatforCIi(i,a)∩ CIi(i,a)=∅ forall a= a.

Weusethenotation(n,k,r) torefertotheparametersof thiscode.

Notethatifwereceiveacodewordc correctexceptforanerasureati,wecanrecover thecodewordbylookingatitscoordinatesinIi.Forthisreason,Iiiscalledarecovering

set for thesymbol ci.

Let C be an (n,k,r) code, then the distance of this code has to verify the bound proved in[28,8] thatisd n− k − k/r + 2.Thecodes thatachievethis boundwith equality arecalled optimal LRCcodes [32,34,35].Note thatwhenr = k,we obtainthe Singletonbound, thereforeoptimalLRCcodeswithr = k are MDScodes.

Layout ofthepaper Thispaperisdividedasfollows.InSection2werecallthenotions ofalgebraicgeometriccodesandthedefinitionofalgebraicgeometriclocallyrecoverable codes introducedin [1].In Section3we provide abound on thegeneralized Hamming weights ofthelattercodes.InSection4weproposeanewfamilyofalgebraicgeometric LRC codes,whichare LRCcodes from the Norm-Tracecurve. Finally, inSection5we


improvetheboundsonthedistanceproposedin[1]forsomeHermitianLRCcodes,using somepropertiesoftheHermitiancodes.

2. Preliminarynotions

2.1. Algebraicgeometriccodes

Let K = Fq be a finite field, where q is a power of a prime. Let X be a smooth

projective absolutely irreducible nonsingular curve over K. We denote by K(X ) the

rational functions field on X . Let D be a divisor on the curve X . We recall that the

Riemann–Rochspace associatedtoD isavectorspaceL(D) overK definedas

L(D) = {f ∈ K(X ) | (f) + D  0} ∪ {0},

wherewedenote by(f ) thedivisoroff .

AssumethatP1,. . . ,Pn arerational points onX and D isadivisor such thatD =

P1+ . . . + Pn.LetG besomeother divisorsuchthatsupp(D)∩ supp(G)=∅.Then we

candefine thealgebraicgeometriccodeasfollows:

Definition 2.The algebraic geometric code (or AGcode) C(D,G) associated with the divisorsD andG isdefinedas

C(D, G) ={(f(P1), . . . , f (Pn))| f ∈ L(G)} ⊂ Kn.

ThedualC⊥(D,G) ofC(D,G) isanalgebraicgeometriccode.

In other words an algebraic geometric code is the image of the evaluation map Im(evD)= C(D,G),wheretheevaluationmap evD:L(G)→ Kn isgivenby

evD(f ) = (f (P1), . . . , f (Pn))∈ Kn.

NotethatifD = P1+ . . . + Pn andwedenotebyP = {P1,. . . ,Pn} wecanalsoindicate

evD asevP.

2.2. Algebraicgeometriclocallyrecoverable codes

Inthissectionweconsidertheconstructionofalgebraicgeometriclocallyrecoverable codesof[1].

LetX andY besmoothprojectiveabsolutelyirreduciblecurvesoverK.Letg :X → Y

be arational separable map of curvesof degree r + 1.Since g is separable,then there existsafunctionx∈ K(X ) suchthatK(X )= K(Y)(x) andthatx satisfiestheequation

xr+1+ brxr+ . . . + b0= 0,wherebi∈ K(Y).Thefunctionx canbeconsideredasamap


We consider asubsetS ={P1,. . . ,Ps}⊂ Y(K) of Fq-rational pointsof Y, adivisor

Q∞ suchthatsupp(Q∞)∩ supp(S)=∅ andapositivedivisorD = tQ∞.Wedenote by

A = g−1(S) ={P

ij, where i = 0, . . . , r, j = 1, . . . , s} ⊂ X (K),

where g(Pij) = Pi for all i, j and assume that bi are functions in L(niQ∞) for some

naturalnumbersni withi= 1,. . . ,r.

Let{f1,. . . ,fm} beabasisoftheRiemann–RochspaceL(D).BytheRiemann–Roch

Theorem wehavethatm deg(D)+ 1− gY, wheregY isthegenusofY.

From now on, we assume that m = deg(D)+ 1− gY, where deg(D) = t, and we consider theK-subspaceV ofK(X ) ofdimensionrm generatedby

B = {fjxi, i = 0, . . . , r− 1, j = 1, . . . , m}.

WeconsidertheevaluationmapevA: V → K(r+1)s.Thenwehavethefollowingtheorem. Theorem 1. The linear space C(D,g) = SpanK(r+1)s evA(B) is an (n,k,r) algebraic

geometric LRCcodewithparameters n = (r + 1)s

k = rm r(t + 1 − gY)

d n − t(r + 1) − (r − 1)h.

Proof. SeeTheorem 3.1of[1]. 2

The AGLRCcodes have anadditionalproperty. Theyare LRCcodes (n,k,r) with

(r + 1)|n andr|k.Theset{1,. . . ,n} canbedividedinton/(r + 1) disjoint subsetsUj

for1 j  s withthesamecardinalityr +1.Foreachi thesetIi⊆ {1,. . . ,n}\{i} isthe

complementofi intheelementofthepartitionUjcontainingj,i.e.foralli,j∈ {1,. . . ,n}

eitherIi= Ij orIi∩ Ij=∅.

Moreover, theyhave also the following nice property. Fix w ∈ (K)n and denote by

wUj ={wι,foranyι∈ Uj}.SupposewereceiveallthesymbolsinUj.Thereisasimple

linearparitytestonther + 1 symbolsofUj suchthatifthisparitycheckfailsweknow

that at least oneof thesymbols inUj is wrong. If we are guaranteed (or we assume)

thatatmostoneofthesymbolsinUj iswrongandtheparitycheckisOK,thenallthe

symbols inUj are correct. Moreover we canrecover an erased symbol , withι ∈ Uj

using apolynomialinterpolationthroughthepointsoftherecoveringsetwUj.

3. GeneralizedHammingweightsofAGLRCcodes

Let K beafieldand letX beasmoothandgeometrically connectedcurve ofgenus

g  2 defined over the field K. We also assume X (K) = ∅. We recall the following definitions:


Definition 3. (See [29,30].) The K-gonality γK(X ) of X over afield K is the smallest

possibledegreeofadominantrationalmapX → PK1.ForanyfieldextensionL ofK,we definealsotheL-gonality γL(X ) ofX asthegonalityofthebaseextensionXL=X ×KL.

ItisaninvariantofthefunctionfieldL(X ) ofXL.

Moreover,foreachintegeri> 0,thei-thgonality γi,L(X ) ofX istheminimaldegree

z such thatthere is R∈ Picz(X )(L) with h0(R)  i+ 1.The sequence γ

i,K(X ) is the

usualgonality sequence [20]. Moreover,theintegerγ1,K(X )= γK(X ) istheK-gonality

ofX .

LetK =Fq afinitefieldwithq elements.LetC⊂ Kn bealinear[n,k] codeoverK.

Werecallthatthesupport ofC isdefinedas follows

supp(C) ={i | ci= 0 for some c ∈ C}.

Sosupp(C) is thenumberof nonzerocolumns inagenerator matrixforC. Moreover, for any 1 v  k, the v-th generalized Hamming weight of C [14, §7.10], [36, §1.1] is definedby

dv(C) = min{supp(D) | D is a linear subcode of C with dim(D) = v}.

Inotherwords, foranyinteger1 v  k,dv(C) isthev-thminimumsupportweights,

i.e. the minimal integer t such that there are an [n,v] subcode D of C and a sub-set S⊂ {1, . . . , n} such that (S) = t and each codeword of D has zero coordinates outside S. Thesequence d1(C),. . . ,dk(C) of generalizedHammingweights (alsocalled

weighthierarchy ofC)isstrictlyincreasing(seeTheorem 7.10.1of[14]).Notethatd1(C) istheminimumdistanceofthecodeC.

LetusconsiderX andY smoothprojectiveabsolutely irreduciblecurvesoverK and

letg :X → Y be arational separablemap ofcurvesof degreer + 1. Moreoverwetake

r, t,Q, f1,. . . ,fm and A = g−1(S) defined as Section2.2. So we can construct an

(n,k,r) algebraic geometric LRC code C as in Theorem 1. For this code we have the following:

Theorem 2. Let C be an (n,k,r) algebraic geometric LRC code as in Theorem 1. For every integerv 2 wehave that

dv(C) n − t(r + 1) − (r − 1)h + γv−1,K(X ).

Proof. Takeav-dimensionallinearsubspaceD ofC andcall

E⊆ {Pij | i = 0, . . . r, j = 1, . . . , s},

thesetofcommonzerosofallelementsofD. Sincen− dv(C)= (E),wehavetoprove


zeros of u.Note thatFu is contained inthe set {Pij | i= 0,. . . r,j = 1,. . . ,s} by the

definition of the code C. We have Fu ⊇ E. By the definition of the integers t,  and

h := deg(x),we have (Fu)  t(r + 1)+ (r− 1)h. The divisorsFu− E,u ∈ D \ {0}

form afamilyoflinearlyequivalentnon-negative divisors,eachofthem definedoverK.

Since dim(D) = v,the definition of γv−1,K(X ) gives (Fu)− (E)  γv−1,K(X ). This

inequalityforasingleu∈ D \ {0} provesthetheorem. 2 SeeRemark 1foranapplicationof Theorem 2.

4. LRCcodesfromNorm-Tracecurve

InthissectionweproposeanewfamilyofAlgebraicGeometricLRCcodes,thatis,a LRC codes from theNorm-Trace curve. Moreover, wecompute theFqu-gonalityof the

Norm-Trace curve.

Let K =Fqu be afinite field,where q isa powerof aprime.Weconsider the norm


Fq andthetrace Tr


Fq , twofunctionsfromFqu toFq definedas

NFqu Fq (x) = x 1+q+···+qu−1 and TrFqu Fq (x) = x + x q+· · · + xqu−1.

TheNorm-Tracecurve χ isthecurvedefinedoverK bythefollowingaffineequation NFqu Fq (x) = Tr Fqu Fq (y), thatis, x(qu−1)/(q−1)= yqu−1+ yqu−2+ . . . + y where x, y∈ K. (1) TheNorm-Tracecurveχ hasexactlyn= q2u−1K-rationalaffinepoints(seeAppendixA of[5]),thatwedenoteby={P1,. . . ,Pn}.Thegenusofχ isg =12(qu−1−1)(q

u−1 q−1 −1).

Note thatifweconsider u= 2, weobtaintheHermitian curve.

Starting from theNorm-Tracecurve, wehavetwo differentways toconstruct Norm-Trace LRCcodes.

Projection on x Wehave to construct a qu-ary (n,k,r) LRC codes.We consider the

naturalprojectiong(x,y)= x.Thenthedegreeofg isqu−1 = r + 1 andthedegreeofy

is h= 1+ q +· · · + qu−1.

To construct the codes we consider S = Fqu and D = tQ for some t  1. Then,

using aconstruction of Theorem 1 we find theparameters for these Norm-Trace LRC codes.

Proposition 1.Afamily of Norm-TraceLRCcodeshas thefollowingparameters: n = q2u−1, k = mr = (t + 1)(qu−1− 1)



d n − tqu−1− (qu−1− 1)(1 + q + · · · + qu−1).

Projection on y We have to construct a qu-ary (n,k,r) LRC codes.We consider the

othernaturalprojectiong(x,y)= y.Thendeg(g)= 1+ q +· · · + qu−1= r + 1.Inthis casewetakeS =Fqu\M,where

M ={a ∈ Fqu | aq u−1

+ aqu−2+ . . . + a = 0},

so r = q +· · · + qu−1 and h = deg(x) = qu−1. Then, using Theorem 1 we have the


Proposition2.A familyof Norm-TraceLRCcodeshas thefollowingparameters: n = q2u−1− qu−1, k = mr = (t + 1)(q +· · · + qu−1)


d n − tqu−1− (q + · · · + qu−1)− qu−1(qu−1+· · · + q − 1). FortheNorm-Tracecurveχ weareableto findtheK-gonality ofχ.

Lemma 1. Let χ be a Norm-Trace curve defined over Fqu, where u  2. We have

γ1,Fqu(χ)= qu−1.

Proof. The linear projection onto the x axis has degree qu−1 and it is defined over Fq and hence over Fqu. Thus γ1,Fqu(χ)  qu−1. Denote by z = γ1,Fqu(χ) and assume

thatz  qu−1− 1. Bythe definition of K-gonality, there is anon-constant morphism

w : χ→ P1 with deg(w)= z and definedoverF

qu. Since w(χ(Fqu))⊆ P1(Fqu),we get

(χ(Fqu)) z(qu+ 1) (qu−1− 1)(qu+ 1),thatisacontradiction. 2

Remark 1. ByLemma 1, we can apply Theorem 2 to the Norm-Trace curve. In fact, wecanconsider thegonalitysequence overK of χ toget alowerbound onthe second generalizedHammingweightofthetwofamiliesofNorm-TraceLRCcodes:

• Lett 1 andletC bea(q2u−1,(t+ 1)(qu−1− 1),qu−1− 1) Norm-TraceLRCcode. Thenwe have

d2(C) q2u−1+ qu−1− tqu−1− (qu−1− 1)(1 + q + · · · + qu−1).

• Let t  1 and let C be aNorm-Trace LRC code with parameters (q2u−1− qu−1, (t+ 1)(q +· · · + qu−1), q +· · · + qu−1).Thenwehave


5. HermitianLRCcodes

InthissectionweimprovetheboundonthedistanceofHermitianLRCcodesproposed in [1] using some properties of Hermitian codes which are a special case of algebraic geometric codes.

5.1. Hermitiancodes

Let us consider K = Fq2 afinite fieldwith q2 elements. The Hermitian curve H is

definedoverK bytheaffineequation

xq+1= yq+ y where x, y∈ K. (2) This curvehasgenusg = q(q2−1) andhasq3+ 1 pointsofdegreeone,namelyapoleQ

and n= q3 rationalaffinepoints,denotedbyPH={P1,. . . ,Pn}[31].

Definition 4.Let m∈ N suchthat0 m q3+ q2− q − 2. Thenthe Hermitiancode

C(m,q) isthecodeC(D,mQ) where

D = 



is the sum of all places of degree one (except Q, that is a point at infinity) of the Hermitian functionfieldK(H).

ByLemma 6.4.4.of [33]wehavethat

Bm,q={xiyj | qi + (q + 1)j  m, 0  i  q2− 1, 0  j  q − 1},

forms abasisofL(mQ).Forthisreason,theHermitiancodeC(m,q) couldbe seenas SpanF

q2 evPH(Bm,q) .Moreover,thedualofC(m,q) denotedbyC(m⊥,q)= C

(m,q) is

againanHermitiancodeanditiswellknown(Proposition 8.3.2of[33])thatthedegree

m of thedivisorhasthefollowingrelationwith respecttom:

m= n + 2g− 2 − m. (3) The Hermitian codes can be divided in four phases [11], any of them having specific explicit formulas linking their dimension and their distance [22]. In particular we are interestedinthefirstandthelastphaseofHermitiancodes,whichare:

I Phase: 0 m q2− 2. Then we have m

= aq + b where0 b a  q − 1 and


d = a + 1 if a > b

d = a + 2 if a = b. (4)

IV Phase: n− 1  m n + 2g − 2. Inthiscasem= n+ 2g− 2− aq − b wherea,b

areintegerssuchthat0 b a q − 2 andthedistanceis

d = n− aq − b. (5)

5.2. Bound ondistanceof HermitianLRCcodes

LetK =Fq2 be afinite field,whereq is apowerofaprime.LetX = H bethe

Her-mitiancurvewithaffineequationas in(2).Werecallthatthiscurvehasq3F


affinepointsplusoneat infinity,thatwedenotedbyQ.

Weconsider two of the three constructionsof Hermitian LRCcodes proposedin[1]

and we improve the bound on distance of Hermitian LRC codes using properties of Hermitiancodes.Inparticular, ifwefind anHermitiancodeC(m,q)= CHer suchthat

CLRC ⊂ CHer,thenwehavedLRC  dHer.

Projection on x ByProposition 4 of [1],we havea familyof (n,k,r) Hermitian LRC codes with r = q− 1, length n = q3, dimension k = (t− 1)(q − 1) and distance d 

n−tq−(q−2)(q+1).Moreover,forthesecodes,S = K,D = tQforsome1 t q2−1 andthebasisforthevectorspaceV is

B = {xjyi| j = 0, . . . , t, i = 0, . . . , q − 2}. (6)

UsingtheHermitiancodes,weimprovetheboundonthedistanceforanyintegert,such thatq2− q + 1 t q2− 1.

To find an Hermitian code C(m,q) = CHer such that CLRC ⊂ CHer, we have to

computethe set Bm,q,that is,we have to findm. After that, to computethe distance

ofC(m,q) weuse(4)and(5). Weconsider thefirstHermitian phase:0 m q2− 2, thatis, q2− q + 1 t q2− 1.

Forthisphasem= aq +b,where0 b a q−1 andthedistanceoftheHermitian code is either d = a+ 1 if a > b or d = a+ 2 if a = b. By (6), m must be equalto

m= qt+ (q + 1)(q− 2) andby(3) wehavethatm= n+ 2g− 2− m= q(q2− t).So

b= 0 anda= q2− t andthedistanceoftheHermitiancodeisd

Her = a+ 1= q2− t+ 1,

sincea> b.Thisimpliesthat

dLRC  q2− t + 1, for any t  q2− q + 1. (7)

Notethat(7)improvestheboundonthedistanceproposedinProposition 4of[1]since

q2− t + 1 > q3− tq − (q − 2)(q + 1) ⇐⇒ t(q − 1) > q(q − 1)2+ 1 ⇐⇒ t > q2− q. Wejustprovedthefollowing:


Proposition 3.Letq2− q + 1 t q2− 1.Itispossibletoconstructafamily of(n,k,r) Hermitian LRCcodes{Ct}q2−q+1tq2−1 withthefollowingparameters:

n = q3, k = (t− 1)(q − 1), r = q − 1 and d  q2− t + 1.

Two recoveringsets In[1]theauthors proposeanHermitiancodewithtworecovering sets ofsizer1= q− 1 andr2= q,denotedbyLRC(2). Theyconsider

L = Span{xiyj, i = 0, . . . , q− 2, j = 0, . . . , q − 1}

and a linear code C obtained by evaluating the functions in L at the points of B = g−1(Fq2\M),where g(x,y)= x and M = {a ∈ Fq | aq+ a = 0}. So|B| = q3− q. By

Proposition 4.3of[1],theLRC(2)codehaslengthn= (q2− 1)q,dimensionk = (q− 1)q and distance

d (q + 1)(q2− 3q + 3) = q3− 2q2+ 3. (8) As before, we improve thebound on thedistance using Hermitian codes thatcontains the LRC(2) code.To dothis wehave to findm. ByL, we havethatm= q(q− 1)+ (q + 1)(q− 2) soweareinthefourthphaseofHermitiancodes becausem= n+ 2g− 2− m= q3− q2+ q.Inthiscased

Her = m⊥− 2g + 2= q3+ 2q + 2.Since |B|= q3− q,

we havethat

dLRC  dHer− q = q3+ q + 2. (9)

Note thatthisbound improvesbound(8).Wejustprovedthefollowingproposition: Proposition 4. LetC be a linear code obtained by evaluating the functions in L at the points ofB.ThenC hasthefollowingparameters:

n = (q2− 1)q, k = (q − 1)q, r1= q− 1, r2= q and d q3+ q + 2. Acknowledgment

Theauthors wouldlike tothanktheanonymousrefereesfortheircomments. References

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