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“An innovative approach for the synthesis of TiO2-based drug delivery systems”


Academic year: 2021

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Abstract submission Form


Author: Giuseppina CERRATO Address


Dept. of Chemistry & NIS Centre of Excellence – University of Torino - ITALY


ne: +39 011 6707534

FAX: +39 011 6707855

E-mail: [email protected] Which type of presentation do you prefer?

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Poster Presentation



Please return this form together with your Abstract (prepared using the following PAPER FORMATTING INSTRUCTIONS – only 1 PAGE) as attach of a mail to:





Elena Ghedini


, Valentina Nichele


, Michela Signoretto


*, G. Cerrato


a) Department of Molecular Science and Nanosystems, University Cà Foscari, Consortium INSTM-RU of Venice Calle Larga Santa Marta, 2137, 30123 Venice, Fax: (+) 39-041-2348517 b) Department of Chemistry IFM – NIS Centre of Excellence, University of Turin and Consortium INSTM – RU of Turin, via P. Giuria , I–10125 Turin, Italy; email:

[email protected]


Increasing attention has been recently devoted to titanium-based drug delivery systems (DDS). Titanium is well known for its biomedical applications since the 1970s in the field of orthopedic implants. The promotion of controlled drug delivery properties to the well known features of titanium-based materials could expand their potential applications in the biomedical field, and this represents a very attractive research outcome. Many studies can be found in literature about the preparation of nanostructured titanium-based DDS. The research is focused, in particular, on either the use of titania nanotubes or on sol-gel derived matrices to sustain the release of antibiotic, anti-inflammatory or anti-tumoral drugs. In a recent work [1] we have investigated the ability of a series of commercial TiO2 matrices to control the release of ibuprofen. We have

observed a close correlation between the pores dimension of the matrix and the release rate of the embedded drug: it is then possible to design a drug delivery device as a function of the final application (i.e. dimension of the drug, therapeutic action duration, etc). In order to achieve this goal, in the present work we have studied a series of TiO2 matrices prepared by using a

surfactants-template method. With the aim to control the textural features of the carriers and, in particular, pores size organization and surface area, we have investigated the effect of some parameters (surfactant type, pH, calcination temperature, drug amount) on the final properties of the materials, in order to single out the optimal synthetic conditions and their influence on the drug delivery performance. The drug (ibuprofen sodium salt) was introduced on the matrices by incipient wetness impregnation, an effective and reliable method for the preparation of porous oxide/drug composites, as previously reported. The physico-chemical nature of the carriers has been investigated by means of N2 physisorption measurements, (HR)TEM and FT-IR analyses;

the drug delivery was evaluated in vitro in four different physiological solutions (simulating the gastro-intestinal tract) in order to analyze the behaviour of the TiO2-based systems if formulated

as oral DDS. The study demonstrated the actual potential of TiO2 as a carrier for the development

of drug delivery systems. In particular, we have optimized a synthetic approach that allows an effective modulation of both the morphological and structural properties (porous organization) of the matrix and the drug release. We have observed that the features of the carrier should be properly designed taking into account the final amount of drug and the administration form. Details and relevant literature are reported in ref [2].

Figure 1. Drug delivery profile from a typical TiO2/ibu sample


[1] M. Signoretto, E. Ghedini, V. Nichele, F. Pinna, V. Crocellà, G. Cerrato, Effect of textural properties on the drug

delivery behaviour of nanoporous TiO2 matrices, Microp. Mesop. Mater., 139 (2011) 189–196.

[2] E. Ghedini, V. Nichele, M. Signoretto, G. Cerrato, Structure-Directing Agent for the Synthesis of TiO2-Based


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