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Eigenvalues and eigenvectors


Academic year: 2021

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Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

Let A ∈ Rn×n. If 0 6= v ∈ Cn and λ ∈ C satisfy Av = λv

then λ is called eigenvalue, and v is called eigenvector.

Given a matrix, we want to approximate its eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Some applications:

Structural engineering (natural frequency, heartquakes ) Electromagnetics (resonance cavity)

Google’s Pagerank algorithm ...


Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

Let A ∈ Rn×n. If 0 6= v ∈ Cn and λ ∈ C satisfy Av = λv

then λ is called eigenvalue, and v is called eigenvector.

Given a matrix, we want to approximate its eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

Some applications:

Structural engineering (natural frequency, heartquakes ) Electromagnetics (resonance cavity)

Google’s Pagerank algorithm ...


The characteristic polynomial

The eigenvalues of a matrix are the roots of the characteristic polynomial

p(λ) := det (λI − A) = 0

However, computing the roots of a polynomial is a very ill-conditioned problem! We cannot use this approach to compute the eigenvalues.


Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

Algorithms that compute the eigenvalues/eigenvectors of a matrix are divided into two categories:

1 Methods that compute all the eigenvalues/eigenvectors at once.

2 Methods that compute only a few (possibly one) eigenvalues/eigenvectors.

The methods are also different whether the matrix is symmetric or not. In this lesson we will discuss methods of type 2 for symmetric matrices.


Eigenvalues/eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix (refresh)


All the eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix are real. Moreover, there exists a basis of eigenvectors u1, . . . , un, i.e.

Aui = λiui

that are orthonormal, i.e.

(ui, uj) = δij

We assume that the eigenvalues are numbered in decreasing order (in absolute value), i.e.

1| ≥ |λ2| ≥ . . . ≥ |λn|


Eigenvalues/eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix (refresh)


All the eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix are real. Moreover, there exists a basis of eigenvectors u1, . . . , un, i.e.

Aui = λiui

that are orthonormal, i.e.

(ui, uj) = δij

We assume that the eigenvalues are numbered in decreasing order (in absolute value), i.e.

1| ≥ |λ2| ≥ . . . ≥ |λn|


The power method

We want to approximate the eigenvalue of A that is largest in abs. value.

v0 = some vector with kv0k = 1.

for k = 1, 2, . . .

w = Avk−1 apply A

vk = w / kw k normalize

µk = (vk)TAvk Reyleigh quotient



Assume |λ1| > |λ2| and (v0, u1) 6= 0. Then

k→+∞lim µk = λ1


k→+∞lim min {kvk − u1k , kvk+ u1k} = 0


The power method

We want to approximate the eigenvalue of A that is largest in abs. value.

v0 = some vector with kv0k = 1.

for k = 1, 2, . . .

w = Avk−1 apply A

vk = w / kw k normalize

µk = (vk)TAvk Reyleigh quotient

end Theorem

Assume |λ1| > |λ2| and (v0, u1) 6= 0. Then

k→+∞lim µk = λ1


k→+∞lim min {kvk − u1k , kvk+ u1k} = 0



We expand v0on the eigenvector basis:

v0= a1u1+ a2u2+ . . . + anun

Note that a1= (v0, u1) 6= 0.

vkis a scalar multiple of Akv0, and since it has unit norm vk= Akv0/ Akv0

Akv0 = a1Aku1+ a2Aku2+ . . . + anAkun

= a1λk1u1+ a2λk2u2+ . . . + anλknun

= λk1 a1u1+ a2




u2+ . . . + an






Since λ1> λ2, for k  1, λ2 λ1


≈ 0, . . . , λn λ1


≈ 0. Thus,

Akv0≈ a1λk1u1 =⇒ vk a1λk1u1

|a1λk1|ku1k = a1λk1

|a1λk1|u1= sign




vkTAvk≈ λ1 and min {kvk− u1k , kvk+ u1k} ≈ 0


Some observations

The fact

min {kvk− u1k , kvk+ u1k} ≈ 0 for k  1 means that vk is either a good approximation of u1 or a good

approximation of −u1 In either case, vk is a good approximation of an eigenvector.

Note that, if λ1 is negative, then at each iteration vk “jumps” from u1 to −u1 and back, since

vk ≈ sign a1λk1

u1 = −sign


u1≈ vk+1


Some observations

The fact

min {kvk− u1k , kvk+ u1k} ≈ 0 for k  1 means that vk is either a good approximation of u1 or a good

approximation of −u1 In either case, vk is a good approximation of an eigenvector.

Note that, if λ1 is negative, then at each iteration vk “jumps” from u1 to −u1 and back, since

vk ≈ sign a1λk1

u1 = −sign


u1 ≈ vk+1


Some observations

In the proof we observed that for k  1 vk ≈ sign



More precisely,

min {kvk− u1k , kvk + u1k} =

vk− sign a1λk1

u1 = O

λ2 λ1


Moreover, it can be shown that

k− λ1| =

vkTAvk − u1Au1

= O




In particular, if |λ2|  |λ1| the convergence will be fast. On the other hand, if λ2 ≈ λ1 the convergence will be slow.


Some observations

In the proof we observed that for k  1 vk ≈ sign



More precisely,

min {kvk− u1k , kvk + u1k} =

vk− sign a1λk1

u1 = O

λ2 λ1


Moreover, it can be shown that

k− λ1| =

vkTAvk − u1Au1 = O




In particular, if |λ2|  |λ1| the convergence will be fast. On the other hand, if λ2 ≈ λ1 the convergence will be slow.


Some observations

In the proof we observed that for k  1 vk ≈ sign



More precisely,

min {kvk− u1k , kvk + u1k} =

vk− sign a1λk1

u1 = O

λ2 λ1


Moreover, it can be shown that

k− λ1| =

vkTAvk − u1Au1 = O




In particular, if |λ2|  |λ1| the convergence will be fast. On the other hand, if λ2 ≈ λ1 the convergence will be slow.


Stopping criterion

A simple stopping criterion for the power method is based on the residual:

Stop when kAvk − µkvkk ≤ tol


Inverse power method

Let µ ∈ R a user-specified parameter, we want to approximate the closest eigenvalue of A to µ, i.e.

λJ = argmin


|µ − λi|

v0 = some vector with kv0k = 1.

for k = 1, 2, . . .

w =(A − µI )−1vk−1 (equivalently, solve (A − µI ) w = vk−1) vk = w / kw k

µk = (vk)TAvk end



Assume |µ − λJ| < |µ − λi| ∀ i = 1, . . . , n and (v0, uJ) 6= 0. Then

k→+∞lim µk = λJ and

k→+∞lim min {kvk − uJk , kvk+ uJk} = 0


The proof is analogous to the previous case, observing that the largest (in absolute value) eigenvalue of (A − µI )−1 is λ 1

J−µ, and the relative eigenvector is uJ.

Note that if µ = 0, the method approximates the eigenvalue of A that is smallest in absolute value.



Assume |µ − λJ| < |µ − λi| ∀ i = 1, . . . , n and (v0, uJ) 6= 0. Then

k→+∞lim µk = λJ and

k→+∞lim min {kvk − uJk , kvk+ uJk} = 0


The proof is analogous to the previous case, observing that the largest (in absolute value) eigenvalue of (A − µI )−1 is λ 1

J−µ, and the relative eigenvector is uJ.

Note that if µ = 0, the method approximates the eigenvalue of A that is smallest in absolute value.



Assume |µ − λJ| < |µ − λi| ∀ i = 1, . . . , n and (v0, uJ) 6= 0. Then

k→+∞lim µk = λJ and

k→+∞lim min {kvk − uJk , kvk+ uJk} = 0


The proof is analogous to the previous case, observing that the largest (in absolute value) eigenvalue of (A − µI )−1 is λ 1

J−µ, and the relative eigenvector is uJ.

Note that if µ = 0, the method approximates the eigenvalue of A that is smallest in absolute value.


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