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the central nervous system (CNS). For practical purposes, the causes of acute encephalopathy are quite different in the neonate compared with those in infants and older chil- dren. In the pre-term neonate, germinal matrix haemor- rhage and periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) due to hy- poxic–ischaemic injury (HII) are causative in the majority of cases. In the term neonate, causes are more widespread, and in addition to hypoxic–ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE), also include stroke, infection, structural abnormali- ties and inborn errors of metabolism. In infants and older

7.1.1 Introduction

Children presenting with acute encephalopathy constitute the majority of emergencies requiring neurological imag- ing. The term encephalopathy implies a disorder of con- sciousness and may be applied to a continuum of worsen- ing states of arousal from being fully alert and responsive to deep coma [1]. The causes of acute encephalopathy are numerous (Table 1), and may arise either within or outside

Pediatric Neurological Emergencies

J.W.J. McCann, E. Phelan


7.1.1 Introduction . . . .583

7.1.2 Clinical Findings . . . .584

7.1.3 Hypoxic–Ischaemic Encephalopathy . . . .584

7.1.4 The Preterm Infant . . . .585

7.1.5 The Term Infant . . . .587

7.1.6 Congenital Infection . . . .588

7.1.7 Acquired Infection . . . .589

7.1.8 Non-accidental Injury . . . .590

7.1.9 Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis . . . .592

7.1.10 Hypertensive Encephalopathy . . . .593

7.1.11 Cerebral Sinovenous Thrombosis and Venous Infarction . . . .594

7.1.12 Arterial Infarction . . . .595

7.1.13 Metabolic Disorders . . . .595

7.1.14 Drugs: Asparaginase, Methotrexate and Cyclosporin . . . .596

7.1.15 Epilepsy: Structural Abnormalities . . . .596

7.1.16 Endocrine-Related Encephalopathy . . . .597

7.1.17 Conclusion . . . .597

References . . . .597

Contents Table 1. Causes of acute encephalopathy in children

Trauma Accidental Non-accidental Hypoxic–ischaemic injury

Cardio-respiratory arrest SIDS, near SIDS Near drowning Smoke inhalation Intracranial infection

Meningitis Encephalitis

Para-infectious (acute disseminated encephalomyelitis) Vascular

Hypertensive encephalopathy Venous sinus thrombosis Embolism


Hyperhomocysteinaemia Migraine

Fluid and electrolyte imbalance Seizure disorders

Complications of malignancy Poisoning

Endocrine dysfunction Hypoglycaemia Diabetes mellitus Diabetes insipidus Hepatic failure Reye’s syndrome

Inherited metabolic disorders Lactic acidosis

Urea cycle disorders Iatrogenic

Overhydration–water intoxication Drug related


children HIE can also occur. Other potential causes of acute encephalopathy in this age group include infection, non-accidental injury (NAI), acute disseminated en- cephalomyelitis (ADEM), vascular causes such as stroke and hypertensive encephalopathy, as well as metabolic ab- normalities, fluid and electrolyte imbalance and en- cephalopathy secondary to toxins. Epidemiologically, acci- dental and non-accidental head injuries are probably the major causes of acute encephalopathy in the paediatric group [1], but non-traumatic coma resulting from hypox- ic–ischaemic injury and infection remain important caus- es, and contribute significantly to mortality and chronic morbidity. In a large population-based study, infection was the commonest cause of non-traumatic coma in 38% of cases with intoxication, epilepsy and complications of con- genital abnormalities comprising 8–10% of cases each [2].

Conditions in which imaging has a major role in diagno- sis and outcome are discussed. Cerebral neoplasm, acute hy- drocephalus and accidental trauma are not discussed in any detail, as these represent acute neurosurgical emergencies.

7.1.2 Clinical Findings

Encephalopathy implies disturbed neurological function.

Symptoms are varied, often non-specific and present diag- nostic difficulties, particularly in the early stages in the neonate. Symptoms include poor feeding, vomiting, irri- tability, difficulty initiating and maintaining respiration, seizures and coma. Signs can also be non-specific and in- clude abnormal tone, depressed reflexes, pyrexia and those related to raised intracranial pressure, such as a bulging fontanelle, scalp vein distension, false localising signs and hypertension. In the older child, CNS specific presentations are much more common, especially in those over 5 years of age [2], although non-specific findings with anorexia, nau- sea, vomiting, lethargy and seizures often occur. Use of the Glasgow coma scale or the modified James scale can give an assessment of the depth of coma, and can be serially mea- sured to monitor the child’s clinical status [3].

A careful history often provides clues to the underlying pathology. Acute deterioration is associated with trauma, cerebrovascular accidents, metabolic disturbance and in- gestion of toxins. Sub-acute deterioration over days or weeks is suggestive of infection, chronic intoxication, or slowly developing raised intracranial pressure. Focal neu- rological abnormalities prior to the onset of coma suggests a cerebrovascular accident or encephalitis. The past med- ical history and family history may provide useful informa- tion, such as a history of seizures or sickle cell disease. A history of previous stillbirths or sibling infant death might suggest an inherited metabolic abnormality.

A general physical examination may provide signs of sys- temic disease, infection or trauma. The size and weight of the child might indicate failure to thrive, suggesting a long-

standing metabolic disease. Pyrexia may be present due to central causes but is much more likely due to infection. Hy- pertension may be as a result of raised intracranial pressure, or neurological signs may be secondary to hypertensive en- cephalopathy. Skin examination may reveal petechial haem- orrhages associated with meningococcaemia, or may reveal lesions of a specific neurocutaneous syndrome. Examina- tion of the head is important, especially in infants and young children, where bulging fontanelles and increased head cir- cumference suggest hydrocephalus and raised intracranial pressure. Fundoscopy can demonstrate papilloedema but may also reveal retinal haemorrhages, which are associated with NAI. Signs of meningeal irritation must be sought, but these are often absent in the very young infant or in the crit- ically ill child, even in the presence of subarachnoid haemor- rhage or meningitis.

Intracranial hypertension almost invariably presents in acute encephalopathy, and early recognition and treatment is important. It is thought to cause brain damage by at least two mechanisms. Firstly, reduced cerebral perfusion causes cerebral ischaemia, which preferentially affects the arterial watershed zones. Secondly, differences in pressure between intracranial compartments can result in different hernia- tion syndromes. Brain herniation causes direct mechanical damage and also ischaemia and haemorrhage secondary to vascular distortion [3]. As already described, the early signs and symptoms can be quite subtle, but signs become more obvious as intracranial pressure rises, but signs can be mimicked or masked by drugs, toxins and metabolic ab- normalities, as well as in the post-ictal state. The role of emergent neuroimaging is to detect potentially reversible causes of encephalopathy, and also to detect complications.

With these aims in mind, trans-cranial ultrasound is the initial imaging method of choice in neonates in part due to its portability and availability. Computerised tomography (CT) is more useful in older children. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has well-defined roles in specific conditions [4, 5]. The conditions in which neuroimaging plays a pivotal role will be discussed further.

7.1.3 Hypoxic–Ischaemic Encephalopathy

The HII can occur at any age secondary to any number of aetiologies including cardiac arrest, intracranial infection and NAI (Table 1). In the neonatal period the patterns of injury to the brain caused by HII depend on the severity and duration of hypoxia and the gestational age of the patient at the time of injury. While intra-uterine first- or second-trimester HII will result in hydranencephaly or neuronal migration disorders and can usually be readily distinguished from perinatal HII [6, 7], the greatest diffi- culty is the differentiation between brain injuries which occur late during gestation and those which occur in the immediate perinatal period. This is made difficult because


Periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) is another manifesta- tion of HII in the preterm neonate, and often occurs simul- taneously with IVH. As a solitary manifestation of HII, this occurs almost exclusively in the preterm neonate. It is, at least in part, contributed to by the immaturity of the vascu- lar supply to the deep white matter. Each of the three major cerebral arteries has both cortical and basal branches. Cor- tical branches are divided into two main types: long pene- trators which terminate in the deep periventricular white matter, and short penetrators which extend only as far as the subcortical white matter [7]. At 24–28 weeks of gesta- tion, there is a relative paucity of short penetrators and the long penetrators are spiral in configuration, and have very few side branches and intraparenchymal anastomoses.

there are no reliable factors which detect intra-uterine as- phyxia. Similarly, in both preterm and term infants, clinical signs of cerebral insult in the postnatal period are very subtle [8]. While acute and profound hypoxia can cause acute encephalopathy with its associated significant mor- bidity and mortality, chronic or intermittent hypoxia can also have an adverse impact on development, behaviour and cognitive function in children with congenital heart disease and sleep disorders, with adverse effects seen at even mild levels of oxygen desaturation [9].

The focus of research in this field has concentrated on understanding the cellular mechanisms of brain injury and the definition of a therapeutic window, between the acute insult and cell death, in which specific neuroprotective therapeutic measures might prevent delayed injury [10].

The imaging signs of HIE in the term and preterm infant vary significantly and are discussed separately.

7.1.4 The Preterm Infant

The most common HI lesion in the immature nervous sys- tem is subependymal haemorrhage, the majority of these being clinically insignificant. Haemorrhage occurs through damaged walls in delicate cerebral vessels secondary to hypoxia, hypercapnia and increased venous pressure.

Ultrasound remains the mainstay of primary imaging and is sensitive to the detection of subependymal and - intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH), which is seen in 30–35% of infants born at <32 weeks gestation or with a birth weight of <1500 g. The optimal time for ultrasound detection of IVH is between days 4 and 7 after birth, with 95% of haemorrhages detectable by day 5 [11]. The IVH is classified into four grades [12]:

1. Grade-1 haemorrhage (Fig. 1) can be unilateral or bilat- eral and is confined to the subependymal germinal matrix in the caudo-thalamic groove in the floor of the lateral ventricle.

2. Grade-2 haemorrhage indicates extension within the ventricles but without ventricular dilatation.

3. Grade-3 haemorrhage shows ventricular dilatation in addition to subependymal and intraventricular haem- orrhage.

4. Grade-4 haemorrhage (Fig. 2) indicates extension into the cerebral parenchyma. The association of IVH with long-term neurological deficit is well known. The sever- ity of IVH correlates with neurological outcome with major handicap seen in approximately 10% of grade-1 and grade-2 IVH, whereas those with grade-3 and grade-4 IVH have higher morbidity and mortality at 36 and 76%, respectively [13]. The presence of blood with- in the fourth ventricle has been shown to be a good pre- dictor of subsequent hydrocephalus [14], as has the presence of blood in the subarachnoid space anterior to the temporal lobe on sagittal imaging [15].

Fig. 1. Grade-I haemorrhage of the germinal matrix, seen as echogenic material expanding the caudothalamic groove on a sagittal ultrasound image

Fig. 2. Coronal ultrasound image demonstrates grade-IV haemor- rhage within the left lateral ventricle extending into the adjacent brain parenchyma


From 32 weeks of gestation, the number of short penetra- tors increases substantially and the long penetrators in- crease in calibre, lose their spiral character and develop a greater number of side branches. Together, these changes provide a greater blood supply for the increasing metabol- ic requirements of the subcortical and deep white matter.

Eventually, rich anastomotic channels develop between the long and short penetrators. Vulnerability of the highly metabolically active, developing oligodendrocytes in this region, to excitatory amino acids produced in response to ischaemia, is also thought to predispose the deep white matter to PVL [16]. The combination of inherent oligoden- drocyte vulnerability, immature vascularisation of the white matter and the inability of the stressed preterm in- fant to autoregulate cerebral blood flow makes ischaemic change in the white matter in the form of PVL the com- monest manifestation of HII in this group of patients. The detection of PVL is important because it is the major neu- ropathological form of brain injury and underlies most of the neurological morbidity in survivors of prematurity with spastic motor deficits classified as cerebral palsy (CP), seen in approximately 10% of survivors [8], and later cog- nitive and behavioural deficits seen in up to 50% [17].

Ultrasound can detect PVL, though the sensitivity is as low as 50% [18]; however, ultrasound enables identifica- tion of the vast majority of lesions associated with a poor outcome [19], with only 3% of children with normal ultra- sound scans developing CP [20]. Findings include a featureless appearance of the parenchyma which may be associated with a generalised, patchy or focal increase in echogenicity. Multiple periventricular cysts (Fig. 3) may then evolve in association with cerebral atrophy, usually af- ter the second week. The presence of periventricular flares (increased echogenicity; Fig. 4) persisting for 3 weeks or more is also strongly associated with clinical PVL in 86%

of children [21]. The location affected is of critical impor- tance in determining the outcome, with 91% of children with lesions in both the parietal and occipital lobes going on to develop CP, but less than 7% of those with lesions confined to the frontal lobes being similarly affected [20].

The same authors found no correlation between location and cognitive dysfunction, although this was directly pro- portional to the size and extent of white matter lesions as detected on ultrasound.

With the increasing use of MRI during the neonatal pe- riod, it has become clear that ultrasound underestimates the extent of white matter disease associated with PVL.

Good correlation is seen between ultrasound and MRI for cystic periventricular white lesions but for other white matter lesions, MRI is more sensitive (Fig. 5) [22]. Conven- tional MRI alone is superior to ultrasound in identifying and quantifying cerebral white matter damage in very low birth weight infants [23], and may demonstrate areas of T2 shortening in the deep white matter within 2–3 days of in- jury, not visible on ultrasound. With the addition of MR spectroscopy (MRS) and diffusion-weighted imaging

Fig. 3. Coronal ultrasound image demonstrates right-sided frontal periventricular cysts

Fig. 4. Sagittal ultrasound demonstrates anterior periventricular flare

Fig. 5. Axial T2-weighted MR image demonstrates focal areas of high periventricular signal in the periventricular white matter consistent with periventricular leukomalacia (PVL)


malacia depending on the severity of the injury. On CT, areas of decreased attenuation may be seen in the water- shed zones and/or within the deep grey nuclei; however, due to the high water content within the neonatal brain, early CT findings in HIE are often quite subtle or absent even in the presence of significant disease [30]. Because of its higher sensitivity and specificity to maturational changes, including accurate assessment of the degree of myelination and structural abnormalities, MRI has enor- mous advantages over both CT and ultrasound. Conven- tional MRI of the neonatal brain performed within the first few days after HII demonstrates affected areas as foci of in- creased signal intensity on T2-weighted sequences. When special attention is given to the internal capsule, thalamus, parietal cortex, hippocampus and medulla, the repro- ducibility and accuracy of MRI is substantially improved [31]. The normal term infant will have evidence of myeli- nation within the posterior limb of the internal capsule from 37 weeks of gestation onwards. This is seen as high signal intensity on T1-weighted imaging. An absence or a decrease in this signal, in infants with HII, manifested sen- sitivities and specificities between 90 and 100% for the pre- diction of poor neurodevelopmental outcome at 1 year of age [31, 32]. This finding takes 1–2 days to evolve and be- comes maximal at 1 week. Findings on conventional MRI in patients with inherited inborn errors of metabolism can be identical to those of HIE. If there is any clinical suspi- cion of such abnormalities, serial imaging can be beneficial and show progressive white matter disease in metabolic conditions, but will show typical evolution and cystic change with areas of encephalomalacia in patients with HIE.

More recently, researchers have concentrated on detect- ing changes earlier, with a view to providing a more accu- rate prediction of outcome and possibly instigating neuro- protective therapies. In the first 24 h after injury, DWI may show abnormalities before conventional MR sequences [33]. The DWI images will demonstrate restricted water diffusion in areas of ischaemic change associated with HII (Fig. 6). These regions are of high signal intensity on DWI.

Interpretation of DWI may be complicated by pre-existing injuries where the T2 of abnormal tissue is elevated, known as T2 shine-through. The use of apparent diffusion coeffi- cient (ADC) values in evaluating affected regions improves conspicuity of such injuries, which appear as regions of low signal, in the acute and sub-acute setting [34]; however, early DWI may underestimate the extent of injury, and may not detect changes in the deep grey matter and perirolandic cortex [33, 35, 36]. The MRS is based on the phenomenon of chemical shift, and can determine the con- centration of many metabolites in the neonatal brain and play an important role in the evaluation of HIE and many metabolic disorders. In the first 24 h of life, MRS may show lactate elevation in ischaemic regions and can more accu- rately predict the severity of injury [36]. MRS can also dis- tinguish between HIE and inborn errors of metabolism.

(DWI), the sensitivity is increased further and earlier de- tection is possible [22, 23]; however, the need for MRI must be balanced against the difficulty of imaging an unstable infant outside the neonatal intensive care unit, and as a re- sult, MRI cannot replace trans-cranial ultrasound as a rou- tine diagnostic tool in most neonatal units.

7.1.5 The Term Infant

Acute perinatal asphyxia is the most common clinical in- sult causing HII and, in the term infant, has an incidence of between 0.2 and 1% of live births, accounting for 8–15% of patients with cerebral palsy [24]. Acute perinatal asphyxia refers to a condition of hypoxaemia, hypercapnia and in- sufficient cerebral perfusion of the neonate during labour and birth. Depressed fetal heart rate, meconium stained amniotic fluid, low Apgar scores, low scalp pH or clinical signs of neurological depression soon after birth signify the acute clinical condition in the neonate; however, the predictive value of such clinical indicators is quite poor with regard to the development of HII and neurodevelop- mental outcome [25]. Soon after birth, neonates with sig- nificant HII may develop subtle or profound neurological signs, ranging from poor feeding, lethargy and decreased muscular tone to episodes of apnoea, seizures or coma. The pattern of neurological injury is very different to that seen in the preterm infant, as described previously.

Two major patterns of injury are present in the term in- fant [26, 27]. The watershed predominant pattern affects the white matter in the vascular watershed zones between ma- jor vascular territories. This is associated with mild to mod- erate injury. Ischaemic changes are most obvious in the frontal and parietal areas. Moderate to severe injury is asso- ciated with the basal ganglia/thalamus predominant pat- tern of injury. Changes are seen in the lateral thalami, pos- terior putamina, hippocampi and corticospinal tracts. The cortex, other than the perirolandic gyri, is relatively spared in all but the most severe injury, where it is also usually as- sociated with the basal ganglia/thalamus pattern of injury.

These regions of the brain are the most metabolically active and most actively myelinating at the time of birth. It is un- clear whether these patterns are associated with specific an- tenatal risk factors. Not surprisingly, the basal ganglia/thal- amus predominant pattern is more strongly associated with caesarean delivery, aggressive resuscitation, more severe en- cephalopathy and seizures, and more severe motor and cog- nitive impairment at 30 months [26]. Although many risk factors are prenatal [28], more recent data suggest that the vast majority of injuries occur in the immediate perinatal period, with only a very small proportion of infants having a definite established antenatal injury [29].

Ultrasound may detect deep grey nucleus and cortical injury in term infants as areas of increased echogenicity, followed by the development of cystic areas of encephalo-


Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopaenia is a mater- nal/fetal platelet antigen incompatibility disorder which can have imaging findings somewhat similar to those of es- tablished HIE. Porencephalic cysts, primarily located in the temporal lobes, along with ventriculomegaly, commonly occur. Antenatal haemorrhage, be it extra-axial intraven- tricular or intraparenchymal, may also occur. Diagnosis can be confirmed with serological tests, but there is no cur- rent active screening program. The radiologist should be suspicious of this disorder when these abnormalities are present, and plays an important role in disease recognition in the absence of a screening program. Establishing the diagnosis has important management considerations in the affected neonate as well as in subsequent pregnancies which might be similarly affected [37].

7.1.6 Congenital Infection

The clinical manifestations of CNS infections in children vary depending on the infective agent, stage of develop- ment and maturation of the host CNS and the stage and de- velopment of the host immune defences [38]. The time point in gestation at which intrauterine infection occurs is vital because the stage of development of the fetus will de- termine whether a developmental structural abnormality occurs, as in the first two trimesters, or a destructive process, which is seen, if infection occurs in the last trimester or perinatal period.

The TORCH acronym (Toxoplasma, Other, e.g. Syphilis, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes simplex type 2/HIV), defines infections acquired in the fetal or neonatal period.

These infections are acquired as a result of transplacental transmission with the exception of Herpes simplex type 2, which is usually acquired during parturition. The clinical manifestations of congenital infection include micro- cephaly, intrauterine growth retardation, seizures, ocular and other congenital anomalies, skin rash and he- patosplenomegaly. Neonatal infection may present with sepsis and meningoencephalitis [38].

The imaging manifestations of TORCH infection vary depending on the age of gestation or stage of embryologi- cal development at the time of insult. Infection in the first two trimesters of pregnancy may result in neuronal migra- tion abnormalities such as lissencephaly and polymicro- gyria (Fig. 7). Infections acquired in the third trimester and in the perinatal and neonatal period may result in destruction of developed brain secondary to meningo- encephalitis causing aqueduct stenosis, hydrocephalus, hy- dranencephaly, porencephaly, multicystic encephalomala- cia, calcification, haemorrhage, delayed myelination and atrophy [38]. The presence of parenchymal calcification is characteristic. Lenticulostriate vasculopathy may also be present and is manifested as linear increased echogenicity in the distribution of the thalamostriate vessels on ultra- sound. Its branching pattern has the appearance of a can- delabra (Fig. 8). This, however, is not specific to TORCH in- fection and may be seen in neonatal ischaemia, trisomy 13 and 21, twin–twin transfusion, intrauterine cocaine expo- sure, neonatal lupus, neonatal hypoglycaemia, fetal alcohol syndrome and head injury [39]. Herpes simplex type-2 in- fection is most commonly acquired during parturition or in the postnatal period but may rarely be acquired in utero.

It presents in the neonatal period with sepsis and menin- goencephalitis. The imaging manifestations include diffuse Fig. 6. Axial diffusion-weighted-imaging MR image demonstrates

symmetrical areas of restricted diffusion in the posterior limbs of both external capsules, consistent with hypoxic–ischaemic en- cephalopathy

Fig. 7. Axial MR image demonstrates extensive neuronal migra- tion abnormalities with typical findings of both lissencephaly and polymicrogyria


as a complication of penetrating injury or skull fracture.

Associated subdural effusions are more common and are often bilateral. Early in the disease, mild hydrocephalus, leptomeningeal enhancement (Fig. 10) and cerebral oede- ma may be present. Infarction, either arterial or venous, may develop [38].

Chemical meningitis may be caused by dissemination of material from a ruptured craniopharyngioma or in- tracranial dermoid throughout the ventricular system and basal cisterns.Ventriculo-peritoneal shunt infection can al- so occur, and is usually caused by Staphylococcus.

brain swelling with multifocal areas of oedema seen on ul- trasound, CT and MRI. The CT findings may not be appar- ent for the first 24–48 h. Vascular thrombosis and haemor- rhage may occur [38].

7.1.7 Acquired Infection

Meningitis in the neonatal period is often bacterial in ori- gin. The three most common organisms are group-B Strep- tococcus, Gram-negative Enterobacter bacilli and Listeria monocytogenes [40]. Factors contributing to infection in the immediate postnatal period include maternal urinary tract or genital infection, premature rupture of mem- branes, immature fetal immune responses or intensive care environmental conditions [38]. Infection is usually haematogenously transmitted via the choroid plexus with accompanying ventriculitis [38, 41]. This may be seen on ultrasound as increased echogenicity and thickening of the ventricular walls. Periventricular increased echogenicity may also be seen and is similar in appearance to that caused by premature flare in the premature infant. Subdur- al effusions can occur but are unusual with infections in the first week of life compared with those seen in the sec- ond or third weeks. Basal arachnoiditis and haemorrhagic infarction secondary to arteritis and phlebitis may occur.

Hydrocephalus may be complicated by septation, adhe- sions and entrapment of the ventricular system [38].

In children aged between 3 months and 2 years, the most common cause of meningitis is Haemophilus influen- za type b. In older children, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Neisseria meningitides predominate. Infection is usually haematogenous; however, direct extension from infected paranasal sinuses and mastoid air cells may occur as well Fig. 8. Sagittal ultrasound image demonstrates the typical appear- ance of lenticulostriate vasculopathy, with a branched linear pat- tern of echogenicity in the region of the basal ganglia and thalamus

Fig. 9. Axial CT brain image demonstrates extensive septation and compartmentalisation following Citrobacter meningitis

Fig. 10. Axial post-contrast T1-weighted MR image demonstrates extensive basilar meningeal enhancement in a patient with bacte- rial meningitis. Note also the meningeal enhancement in the Syl- vian fissure


Encephalitis, particularly that caused by Herpes sim- plex type 1 is most commonly seen in young children.

When severe, the infection can be overwhelming and often rapidly fatal. In the first few days, CT or MRI shows diffuse oedema which progresses to necrosis resulting is multi- cystic encephalomalacia. Herpes simplex type-2 infection occurs more commonly in adults and predominantly af- fects the anterior temporal lobes. Focal oedema may be the only manifestation, but central areas of haemorrhagic transformation are sometimes seen.

Intracranial abscess may develop in Gram-negative in- fection such as Citrobacter, which is the causative organism in haematogenous infection in the majority of patients aged less than 1 month. Various streptococcus species are the most common isolates from abscess cultures in pa- tients older than 1 month. The overall incidence of in- tracranial abscess is increasing in all paediatric age groups.

This is, at least in part, as a result of longer survival in pa- tients with congenital heart disease, which is the most common predisposing factor. Other factors strongly asso- ciated, include immunosuppression in patients post-bone- marrow and solid-organ transplantation, where abscess of- ten occurs in association with systemic fungal infection [42]. Sinus disease with intracranial extension of infection can present with an acute neurological deterioration with- out any prior symptoms of sinus infection, although the in- cidence of intracranial abscess as a complication of sinus or otitic infection has decreased in recent years. In teenagers, particularly boys, this can present acutely with fever, headache and seizures mimicking meningitis or en- cephalitis. Examination of the sinuses on CT may give a clue to the diagnosis. One or all of the sinuses may be affected. Local osteomyelitis of the frontal bone may also occur [43].

Sinus infection secondary to fungal infection, most commonly Aspergillus, may also disseminate intracranially to involve the parenchyma and meninges. Mucormycosis is a virulent fungal organism of the Zygomycetes class of the Mucoraceae family. These fungi are found in soil, air, decay- ing vegetation, foods with a high sugar content and bread mould. Infection is typically airborne with primary infec- tion of the upper and lower airways with associated devel- opment of sinusitis, rhinocerebral mucormycosis or pul- monary infection. The majority of presentations, approxi- mately 80%, are in patients with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus; however, it is also seen in the immunocompro- mised host with only 4% of cases seen without underlying disease. The rhinocerebral form of this disease is the most common and may present with invasive sinusitis. The hall- mark of the disease is invasion of blood vessels causing in- farction and thrombosis which can involve both the in- tracranial circulation and the cavernous sinus. The mortal- ity from this condition varies from 30 to 80% [44].

Neurological dysfunction is a common manifestation of HIV infection in both adults and children and because of its increasing incidence deserves special consideration. Pa-

tients can acquire infection vertically, from mother to in- fant, which accounts for the vast majority. Infection can al- so be secondary to transfusion of infected blood or infect- ed blood products. Adolescents can acquire infection simi- lar to adults, i.e., as a result of intravenous drug use and through sexual transmission. Young children can present with developmental delay, loss of developmental mile- stones or a decline in motor and neurocognitive function.

Opportunistic infections can occur in immunosuppressed, HIV infected children. Direct HIV infection has been im- plicated as a possible cause of encephalopathy in the ab- sence of other opportunistic or microbial pathogens. The CNS malignancies can also rarely occur, although these are much more common in adults. Cerebrovascular complica- tions are also commonly seen in children with HIV infec- tion, usually in those with severe immune suppression [45]. Cerebral aneurysms and infarctions are seen in a sub- stantial number of patients, often without significant neu- rological signs or symptoms. The exact mechanism by which HIV induces arterial damage is not clear, but some authors suggest a synergistic effect from direct HIV infec- tion and infection with other viral agents, particularly Varicella–Zoster [46]. There is also a well-recognised asso- ciation between HIV infection and acquired protein-S and protein-C deficiency [47], which are independent risk fac- tors for thrombotic complications. In addition, thrombo- cytopaenia also occurs with HIV infection, again increas- ing the risk of thrombotic complications and stroke.

7.1.8 Non-accidental Injury

The intentional infliction of both emotional and physical pain and suffering on children is a common occurrence, with an estimated incidence of between 5.7 and 15.7 per 1000 children abused or neglected [48]. The majority of harm inflicted is in the form of neglect, which accounts for 63% of cases of NAI, with physical, sexual and psychologi- cal abuse accounting for 19, 10 and 8%, respectively [48]. In the U.S., the incidence of fatality associated with NAI is 1.7 per 100,000 children. Young children are particularly at risk, with those aged less than 1 year accounting for 44% of all abuse-related fatalities. The radiologist should always be alert to the possibility of NAI, as they may be the first to suggest such a diagnosis on the basis of imaging findings.

In the presence of significant intracranial injury, a history of relatively minor trauma is incompatible, and the reliabil- ity of the history should be questioned and the possibility of NAI should be queried. Where NAI is suspected, further evaluation with radiographic skeletal survey is mandatory, in order to identify and document other injuries in “at risk”


Non-accidental head injury occurs in approximately 12% of cases of NAI. Most children are under 2 years of age at the time of diagnosis, with an average age of 1.6 years


ful and has shown that interhemispheric SDH is often asso- ciated with shallow surface collections of blood which may not be readily identified on CT [59]. It can also be very helpful in differentiating chronic or subacute SDH from cerebrospinal fluid and extraaxial fluid collections, and will more clearly demonstrate SDHs of differing ages (Fig. 12).

Acute SDH is of low signal or isointense on T1 and of low signal on T2-weighted sequences. In the subacute phase, blood appears of high signal on T1 and varies from low to high signal on T2-weighted sequences, finally reverting to low signal or isointense on T1 and low signal on T2.As with CT, these are not fixed findings and signal characteristics may vary considerably in different patients. Ultrasound can occasionally be useful in differentiating SDH (Fig. 13) from diffuse enlargement of the subarachnoid space in in- compared with an average age of 5.4 years for accidental

injury [49]. Intracranial injury is the leading cause of death in these patients, with NAI-related head injury accounting for 80% of deaths from head injury in this age group. Evi- dence of significant recent injury associated with intracra- nial haemorrhage, is seen in 71% of fatalities [50]. Skull fractures are identified in approximately 50% of patients with intracranial injury [51]. The infant skull is relatively plastic and tends to be more resistant to fracture. Fractures occur in only 1–3% of children as a result of short (<6 feet) accidental falls [52]. There is no specific pattern of skull fracture specific to NAI [53], however, multiple fractures, complex fractures involving both side of the skull, diastatic fractures, fractures that cross sutures, depressed fractures especially of the occiput and fractures of differing ages occur more frequently with NAI [54].

The initial brain injury is termed the primary injury.

The mechanisms of intracranial primary injury include di- rect injury, shaking, strangulation, either separately or in combination [55]. Subdural haemorrhage (SDH; Fig. 11) may occur from an acceleration/deceleration type injury as occurs with a direct impact, or may occur from whiplash- shaking injury alone [56]. The SDH is particularly preva- lent in very young babies who can present to hospital with a wide range of symptoms. Subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) is also a common manifestation of NAI [57]. Neither SAH nor SDH are specific for NAI; however, since SDH may be present from birth. Typically, the relatively small volume of SDH or SAH associated with NAI is not, in itself, respon- sible for the neurological deterioration, but serves as a marker for the mechanism of injury. This primary injury in may be complicated by various pathophysiological re- sponses, including cerebral oedema, cerebral congestion and vasospasm with a resultant decrease in cerebral perfu- sion. Seizures, apnoeic episodes and compression of brain parenchyma by a large SDH, although not often seen, can also occur. All these factors may contribute to secondary injury in the form of hypoxic–ischaemic damage [58].

Coma at presentation, apnoea, and diffuse brain swelling with HII are all associated with a poor prognosis.

The most common location for both SDH and SAH is in an interhemispheric parafalcine distribution, and in this location is highly suspicious for NAI. It is often difficult to differentiate the two forms of haemorrhage, particularly when interhemispheric, and both may coexist. Acute SDH appears, on CT, as a crescentic or interhemispheric area of high attenuation. As blood ages over days to weeks, it then becomes isoattenuating and finally hypoattenuating rela- tive to brain. The exact timing for these changes in charac- teristics is not well established and may vary considerably in different patients. Certain features of SDH are seen in- frequently in accidental injury and therefore are suspicious for NAI, such as SDH without associated skull fracture, bi- lateral SDH, more than one SDH of different ages, SDH in association with retinal haemorrhage and, as already men- tioned parafalcine haemorrhage [54]. The MRI can be use-

Fig. 11. A 9-week-old infant presenting in status epilepticus after a shaking episode. Axial CT demonstrates acute subdural haemor- rhage

Fig. 12. Bilateral acute on chronic subdural haematomata in a 7-week-old infant following non-accidental injury (NAI)


fants, and also in following up a known visible abnormali- ty, previously fully evaluated with CT or MRI. Limitations include poor visualisation of the far convexities and poste- rior fossa.

The three most common types of parenchymal brain in- jury are shear injury, contusion and oedema (Fig. 14).

Shear injury refers to an acceleration–deceleration type in- jury, which causes shear stress and axonal injury at the grey–white matter junction of the cerebral hemispheres.

This can also be seen at the craniocervical junction and within the cervical spinal cord, where it is strongly associ- ated with apnoea and is thought to be as a result of hyper- extension/flexion injury during shaking [60]. Axonal injury is not commonly haemorrhagic in infants and there- fore is usually occult on CT examinations. High-attenua- tion petechiae are occasionally seen. There is usually exten-

sive background oedema, focal or diffuse, seen as diffuse or focal low attenuation. Magnetic resonance tends to be more revealing, and may demonstrate axonal injury as hy- perintense foci at the grey–white interface on T2-weighted sequences, when non-haemorrhagic. When haemorrhagic, axonal injury is typically hyperintense on T1-weighted sequences.

Cerebral contusion is a focal haemorrhage within the brain substance from a direct compressive force. Such in- juries are rare in infants, as are extradural haemorrhage and penetrating parenchymal injury.

Cerebral oedema is a common consequence of head in- jury associated with NAI. It may occur as a result of both the primary and the secondary injury (hypoxia due to HII).

It can also be seen as a result of other forms of abuse such as strangulation, suffocation and post-traumatic apnoea due to axonal injury at the craniocervical junction and cer- vical spinal cord in victims of shaking [61]. Oedema is seen as diffuse or focal low attenuation on CT, associated with loss of grey–white differentiation. Mass effect may occur, with sulcal effacement and possible herniation. Profound diffuse oedema has a tendency to maintain normal attenu- ation in the basal ganglia, thalami, cerebellum and brain stem and may give rise to the “reversal sign” which has a poor prognosis [62]. This can occur in association with HII as a result of other brain insults, such as near drowning, prolonged seizure, status asthmaticus, cardiac arrest and accidental trauma, but when associated with acute inter- hemispheric SDH is highly suggestive of NAI. The reason for the retained normal attenuation within these deep structures, in the face of marked ischaemia and cerebral oedema elsewhere, is not well understood. MRI shows oedema as focal or global hyperintensity on T2-weighted sequences, but can be difficult to detect on standard MR in the very immature unmyelinated brain. The DWI will demonstrate areas of restricted water diffusion, which appears bright.

Complications of HII associated with NAI include her- niation syndromes, hydrocephalus, cerebral atrophy, cere- bral infarction and encephalomalacia. Clinical manifesta- tions range from mild developmental delay and attention disorders to hemiplegia, motor and intellectual impair- ment and cerebral palsy.

7.1.9 Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis

Post-infectious encephalitis or acute disseminated en- cephalomyelitis (ADEM) is a monophasic inflammatory condition characterised by reactive demyelination of the white matter. In over 70% of patients, there is a prodromal illness and antibodies to specific infectious agents such as Streptococcus, Mycoplasma and Epstein-Barr virus may be isolated in a minority of patients. ADEM may also follow rubella, mumps or hepatitis vaccination [63]. Neurological Fig. 13. Coronal ultrasound image demonstrates expansion of the

subdural space with echogenic blood, secondary to NAI

Fig. 14. Axial CT image shows an area of edema in the left posteri- or frontal lobe subsequently demonstrated as contusion. Para falline haemorrhage is also present


On neuroimaging, CT can show focal areas of low attenu- ation but has a sensitivity of only 60% for detection of such lesions. The MRI is the preferred imaging method and shows lesions of high signal on both T2-weighted and fluid- attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR). Lesions are predom- inantly located in the subcortical white matter, with relative sparing of the periventricular white matter compared with MS. Cortical grey matter lesions, although not often seen, are thought to be specific for ADEM. Similarly, lesions in the thalamus and basal ganglia (Fig. 15) occur much more com- monly in ADEM than MS, with thalamic lesions seen in 40%

[63, 64]. The ADEM, like MS, can present as a tumour-like mass in the cerebrum or posterior fossa. Current opinion re- garding treatment supports the use of high-dose intra- venous methylprednisolone followed by oral prednisolone therapy. This can be instigated once infective encephalitis has been excluded. Rapid recovery is common with over 80%of patients making a complete recovery [65].

7.1.10 Hypertensive Encephalopathy

Hypertensive encephalopathy is induced by a significant acute elevation in blood pressure above the patient’s base- line. In children, the mean systolic arterial pressure is low- er than in adults, with an average systolic pressure of 105 mmHg at 1 year compared with 135 mmHg at 18 years.

Consequently, hypertensive encephalopathy will occur at lower levels of systemic blood pressure in children [66].

The condition is characterised by rapidly progressive signs and symptoms including headache, seizures, altered men- tal status, visual disturbance and other focal or diffuse neu- rological signs. Early diagnosis is important as reversal of hypertension is associated with complete neurological re- covery. If not recognised and treated, it can progress to pro- gressive central nervous system failure with intracranial haemorrhage, cerebral infarction, coma and death [67].

This condition is under-reported in children but can occur in relation to renal diseases such as acute glomeru- lonephritis, renal vascular hypertension or chronic renal failure. It is not uncommonly diagnosed in adults in certain clinical conditions, such as pre-eclampsia/eclampsia syn- drome and lupus nephritis. It is a subset of the more gener- alised reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syn- drome/posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES), which is seen in patients receiving chemotherapy particularly cyclosporin, post-transplantation or transfu- sion, and can also be seen with HIV infection [68]. There may be no discernable change in blood pressure in patients in the above clinical situations.

Computed tomography and standard MRI, in uncom- plicated cases, show oedema in the subcortical white mat- ter of the posterior temporal, posterior parietal and occip- ital lobes as well as within the structures within the poste- rior fossa. The DWI demonstrates vasogenic oedema as presentation varies from an acute explosive presentation to

a more indolent progression over days or weeks. A poly- symptomatic presentation is the general rule and systemic signs are often present. Diagnostic difficulties may there- fore arise, as patients often present with headache, fever, meningism and seizures, and infection will need to be con- sidered and excluded as an alternative diagnosis [63].

Acute encephalopathy with motor signs, cranial neuropa- thy, ophthalmoplegia, dysarthria and dysphagia can also occur, and occasionally patients will require ventilatory support. Cerebellar signs, myelitis and visual impairment may also occur and there is an association with bilateral optic neuritis [63]. Despite its monophasic nature, neuro- logical signs and symptoms in patients with ADEM can evolve over time, and can relapse as part of the same acute monophasic immune process, particularly if treatment is withdrawn too soon. The term multiphasic disseminated encephalomyelitis (MDEM) has been suggested for such presentations. If, however, relapses occur that are dissemi- nated in time and site, then multiple sclerosis (MS) is diag- nosed.

Multiple sclerosis, the main differential diagnosis on combined clinical and imaging findings, is less commonly associated with a prodromal illness, which occurs in just over 30%. Systemic symptoms of headache, fever and meningism are much less frequent, and seizures are ex- tremely rare. Most presentations are monosymptomatic.

Myelitis, visual and cerebellar signs often occur. The CSF oligoclonal bands may occur in both groups but are rela- tively more common in patients with MS. Both conditions have a seasonal distribution and are more prevalent in the winter months. Patients with MS are older, and childhood presentation is uncommon, whereas ADEM shows early childhood predominance.

Fig. 15. Axila MR image demonstrates bilateral focal areas of high signal in the basal ganglia in a patient with acute disseminated en- cephalomyelitis


areas of normal slightly lower signal, corresponding to areas of high signal on standard T2-weighted and FLAIR sequences. Initial investigators had postulated that hyper- tensive encephalopathy was as a result of uncontrolled autoregulatory vasoconstriction leading to hypoperfusion, focal ischaemia and infarction; however, the presence of vasogenic oedema and lack of cytotoxic oedema on DWI does not support this theory. It is now widely accepted that the physiological mechanism involved is cerebrovascular vasodilatation caused by autoregultory failure, as a result of hypertension, which causes increased vascular permeabili- ty and extravasation of protein and fluid [67, 69]. The rela- tive paucity of sympathetic innervation in the posterior fossa accounts for the propensity for this region to be affected [67]. The cortex tends to be spared due to the vaso- genic nature of the oedema seen; however, cortical involve- ment can be seen when infarction complicates, and can be recognised on DWI as areas of high signal restricted diffu- sion representing cytotoxic oedema.

7.1.11 Cerebral Sinovenous Thrombosis and Venous Infarction

Cerebral sinovenous thrombosis is a rare disorder but should be suspected where infarction occurs in a non-arte- rial distribution. Risk factors include young age, with over 50% of cases seen in children less than 1 year old. The rela- tive high incidence in neonates and young infants is associ- ated with dehydration and perinatal complications, such as HII, premature rupture of membranes, maternal infection, placental abruption and gestational diabetes [70]. Disor- ders of the head and neck, especially infections including meningitis, chronic systemic illness and prothrombotic disorders such as the presence of anticardiolipin antibody and factor-V Leiden, as well as protein-S and protein-C de- ficiency, and acquired thrombotic states as seen with DIC, liver disease or nephritic syndrome, are commonly seen in older children. Dehydration and hypernatraemia can also predispose in older patients, as can procoagulant drugs, such as Asparaginase used in an oncological setting [71], and the oral contraceptive used in adolescents. Presenta- tion is non-specific, with seizures and diffuse neurological signs in neonates and with decreased consciousness, headache and focal neurological signs such as hemiparesis and cranial nerve palsies in older children.

In younger children, particularly in the neonate, pa- tients may make a complete recovery without treatment.

Thrombolytic therapy has been used successfully in older children in the acute setting [72], and anticoagulant thera- py is often safely administered over a more protracted period. Recognised neurological deficits include motor impairment, cognitive impairment, developmental delay, speech and visual impairment. Overall mortality ap- proaches 10%, with poor predictors of outcome being

seizures at presentation in non-neonates, and the presence of venous infarcts, haemorrhagic and non-haemorrhagic, in both neonates and non-neonates [70].

Imaging findings include high attenuation in one or more of the venous sinuses on non-contrast CT (Fig. 16), with a filling defect, termed the delta sign, on post-contrast images.Venous infarction may occur and is haemorrhagic in up to 25% of patients. If the thrombosis affects the deep veins, such as the internal cerebral veins, thalamic infarction may occur. Similarly, thrombosis in the superior sagittal si- nus may cause parasagittal infarction and thrombosis of the Fig. 16. Axial non-contrast CT image demonstrates a haemorrhag- ic venous infarct in a patient with sinovenous thrombosis, produc- ing high attenuation in the sagittal sinus

Fig. 17. Expansion of the superior sagittal sinus with echogenic thrombus with no evidence of flow on colour flow assessment


vertebrobasilar circulation, or vasospasm secondary to mi- graine [24]. Thalamic infarcts typically occur in meningi- tis, congenital heart disease, migraine and trauma [24]. Un- fortunately, due to its relative rarity compared with that in adults, the diagnosis of stroke is often delayed in children, and most delay is actually in seeking medical attention [77].Very few children, even those with known risk factors, are imaged within the time frame of 3–6 h, which is regard- ed as the therapeutic window for treatment with throm- bolytic agents or other forms of neuroprotection.

7.1.13 Metabolic Disorders

Few of these disorders present as an acute encephalopathy;

however, mitochondrial disorders, such as mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke (MELAS), may present with acute encephalopathy and stroke (Fig. 18). In MELAS, the lesions are seen in the periphery of the cere- bral hemispheres and may have a wedge-shaped appear- ance (see Fig. 9). The lesions may be single or multiple. Sig- nal abnormalities are also seen in the deep grey nuclei;

however, these may not be present at first presentation. The diagnosis is made by the presence of high levels of lactic acid in the CSF. Other metabolic disorders which may cause stroke include Leigh’s disease, the organic acidurias including hyperhomocysteinaemia and lysosomal storage disorders including cystinosis [24].

Urea cycle disorders may precipitate acute episodic clinical deterioration which may be reflected in an acute worsening of existing changes on MRI. The appearance may mimic dysmyelinating or demyelinating disorders including ADEM.

vein of Labbe, transverse and sigmoid sinuses may cause temporal lobe infarction. Computed tomography, however, has a sensitivity of 84% [70], and may also have false-posi- tive results in neonates because of an increased haematocrit, and a decreased attenuation because of high water content in the unmyelinated white matter. On MRI, subacute throm- bus is seen as high signal on T1-weighted sequences. Acute thrombus is more difficult to detect as it is isodense with grey matter. The absence of the normal flow void within the sinuses on T2-weighted sequences is often helpful. Magnetic resonance venography should be interpreted in association with other imaging sequences, as the presence of transverse flow gaps may be seen in up to 30% of normal patients [73].

Ultrasound, with Doppler assessment, is a powerful tool in the detection of sinovenous thrombosis and venous infarc- tion in the neonate (Fig. 17). It can also be very useful in tem- poral follow-up and obviate the need for multiple repeated invasive procedures such as CT and MRI.

7.1.12 Arterial Infarction

Stroke is rare in childhood, and the causes are different to those in the adult population. Traditionally, up to 50% of stroke in childhood was said to be idiopathic; however, risk factors for stroke are now recognised in up to 75% of chil- dren [74]. Common risk factors include congenital heart disease and sickle cell disease. Prothrombotic disorders are present in up to 50% of children [75]. Other less common risk factors include head and neck trauma, meningitis, tu- berculosis, fungal infection, vasculopathies such as Moya- Moya disease, neurofibromatosis, fibromuscular dysplasia, Kawasaki disease, vascular malformations, arterial dissec- tion often associated with trauma, maternal cocaine abuse, migraine and metabolic disorders such as MELAS and hy- perhomocysteinaemia [24]. As previously mentioned in this section, HIV-related stroke is common, especially when associated with profound immunosuppression. Similarly, in sickle cell disease, the prevalence of stroke, which is often silent, is substantially higher than previously thought [76].

In approximately 25% of children, no cause is identified.

The initial presentation in children is most often with motor symptoms, which occur in up to 60% [77]. Altered mental state occurs in 21% and headache, unlike with adults, occurs in 32%. Aphasia, seizures, sensory symp- toms, cranial nerve and cerebellar symptoms occur less frequently. The imaging features of stroke in childhood are similar to adults, appearing as focal areas of low attenua- tion on CT and of high signal on T2-weighted and FLAIR images on MRI (Fig. 18). The DWI will show restricted dif- fusion soon after onset, indicating cytotoxic oedema, when other modalities can appear normal. A haemorrhagic com- ponent can be seen in up to 20% of cases. Posterior circula- tion stroke is relatively uncommon in childhood and should raise the suspicion of dissection and trauma to the

Fig. 18. Peripheral wedge-shaped area of increased signal on T2- weighted MR involving both grey and white matter, consistent with an infarct in a 14-year-old with mitochondrial encephalopa- thy, lactic acidosis and stroke


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