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13 Microsurgical Posterior Approaches to the Cervical Spine


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13 Microsurgical Posterior Approaches

to the Cervical Spine

P.H. Young, J.P. Young, J.C. Young



Decompressive approaches posteriorly to the cervical spine include:

1. Posterior laminectomy (unilateral or bilateral) 2. Multilevel, bilateral laminectomy and partial

facetectomy 3. Laminoplasty

4. Posterior microlaminotomy-foraminotomy (keyhole)


Surgical Principle

Classic neurosurgical and orthopedic exposures of the spinal canal designed for a wide variety of pathological processes, involved a wide decompressive laminecto- my, sometimes including an associated decompression tactic (such as a facetectomy). Modifications of the la- minectomy approaches for multilevel diseases have in-

cluded the various laminoplasty techniques. Modern refinements of these techniques, especially the applica- tion of the operating microscope, have been introduced in an attempt to reduce the postoperative morbidity and long-term complications associated with these ap- proaches.

The less invasive keyhole laminotomy-foraminoto- my has been applied extensively for the posterior de- compression of individual nerve roots affected by later- al soft disc protrusions or spondylotic spurs projecting into the foramen. The addition of the operating micro- scope to this procedure limits the perioperative mor- bidity associated with the soft tissue and bony opening and enhances the safety with which this procedure can be performed around sensitive neurostructures. The posterior microlaminotomy-foraminotomy (keyhole) fits the definition of a minimally invasive technique.

13.3 History

Approaches for posterior decompression (Table 1):

Author (year) Procedure


1. Northfield (1955) [23] Simple bilateral laminectomy extending one segment above and below pathology 2. Rogers (1961) [30] Extensive bilateral laminectomy (C1–T1)

3. Scoville (1961) [33] Limited bilateral laminectomy (to symptomatic levels) with bilateral complete facetectomy 4. Stoops and King (1962) [36] Extensive bilateral laminectomy and complete facetectomy

5. Bishara (1971) [3] Addition of medial facetectomies 6. Fox et al. (1972) [13] Addition of dural plasty

7. Schneider (1982) [32] Addition of dentate ligament sectioning 8. Epstein and Janin (1983) [7] Addition of spur removal

Less invasive

9. Williams (1983) [39] Microcervical foraminotomy 10. Henderson et al. (1983) [16] Posterolateral foraminotomy 11. Aldrich (1990) [1] Posterolateral microdiscectomy 12. Hudgins (1990) [17] Posterior microlaminotomy


13.4 Advantages

The advantages of the posterior microsurgical ap- proaches are that they:

1. Provide the most direct approach to pathological processes occurring within or posterior to the spinal cord and nerve roots and/or in the posterior aspects of the spinal canal and/or foramen

2. Provide easy access to foraminal pathology (soft disc herniations and spondylotic spurs) without the need for an extensive discectomy

3. Do not always necessitate or result in a fusion with motion segment loss as with anterior approaches 4. Permit immediate access to the facets for unlok-

king in traumatic dislocations



The disadvantages of the posterior microsurgical ap- proaches are that they:

1. Permit no (or only very dangerous) exposure to pathological processes located anterior to the spinal cord and/or nerve roots

2. Are incapable of adequately decompressing even single level severe anteriorly directed spondylotic bars, retropulsed bone or disc fragments, etc.

3. Require a longer postoperative recovery than the anterior approach (with greater muscle discomfort, delayed mobilization, etc.)

4. If directed at decompressing anteriorly located pathology, have an increased risk of catastrophic, neurological complications, including quadriple- gia, when compared to the anterior approach 5. Involve more difficult (and dangerous) operative

positioning than the anterior approach (particular- ly in patients with instability)

6. If performed at multiple levels, can result in insta- bility or increased spinal mobility leading to subse- quent disc deterioration and/or facet spondylosis 7. If performed at multiple levels, may result in the

long-term development of severe neck deformity (such as Swan neck deformity) due to disruption or compromise of ligamentum nuchae, paraspi- nous muscles, and/or apophyseal joints

13.6 Indications

Indications for a posterior microlaminotomy-forami- notomy include:

1. A significant lateral soft disc herniation and asso- ciated root compression with appropriate severe radicular symptoms and signs

2. Osteophytic root compression with appropriate ra- dicular symptoms and signs as above

3. Foraminal disc or spur compression of a root with corresponding radicular symptoms not relieved by appropriate conservative measures


Patient’s Informed Consent

Careful preoperative evaluation of patients with pul- monary disorders, cardiac abnormalities, and other processes that lead to an elevated thoracic venous pres- sure should be thoroughly evaluated to prevent intrao- perative bleeding due to engorged epidural veins. All non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication and aspi- rin-containing compounds are stopped 7 – 10 days pri- or to surgery. An arterial line, urethral catheter, and central venous line (or triple-lumen catheter) should be considered for intraoperative cardiorespiratory monitoring. Thigh-high ice wraps or anti-embolism stockings are also routinely applied.

Routine preoperative preparation should include an accurate assessment of the patient’s neck range of mo- tion, especially noting the degrees of painless flexion and extension. This information is vital in determining allowable movements during intubation.

A general anesthetic is administered utilizing a flexi- ble endotracheal tube. During intubation in patient’s with significant cord or radicular compression, a neu- tral position of the head and neck is maintained to avoid compressing an already compromised spinal ca- nal or foramen. If significant instability exists or a diffi- cult intubation is anticipated, fiber-optic-assisted intu- bation is performed. The use of long-acting muscle paralyzing agents is strictly avoided. A single dose of a broad-spectrum antibiotic is administered upon the induction of anesthesia. Intravenous steroids are ad- ministered if significant spinal cord or root manipula- tion is anticipated. Intraoperative somatosensory evoked responses may be a useful adjunct in high-risk posterior cervical procedures.


Surgical Technique


Anatomical Landmarks

The posterior elements of C1–T2 can be easily palpated in the midline of the posterior spine with the neck bent slightly in flexion. The characteristics of the individual spinous processes are as follows:


C2 is longer and bulkier than C3 or C4 C2, C3, and C4 are always bifid C5 is almost always bifid

C6 is frequently bifid but usually shorter and more slender than C7

C7 is never bifid and more prominent than T1 T1 is slightly less prominent than C7 but more prominent than T2

The general position of the facet joints can be palpated approximately two finger-breadths off the midline. The external occipital protuberance is located just above the attachment of the ligamentum nuchae as a con- toured protuberant bony ridge that extends several centimeters on each side of the midline.

13.8.2 Positioning

Positioning is represented in Fig. 13.1. Due to the sig- nificant risk of air embolism, ischemia complications, and increased instability, the sitting position has been abandoned for routine use in posterior cervical proce- dures. If the sitting position is deemed absolutely nec- essary in morbidly obese patients or patients with re- duced ventilatory capacity, then Doppler ultrasound is essential for continuous venous air embolism monitor- ing.

The prone position for posterior spine surgery de- mands firm yet adjustable cervical spine fixation, a de- gree of cervical flexion for optional visualization of the interlaminar spaces, the prevention of pressure on eyes or other sensitive facial structures, and the mainte- nance of adequate ventilation with minimal abdominal compression.

In the absence of significant instability, the patient is turned from the supine to the prone position (follow- ing the initiation of general anesthesia) taking care to maintain the neck in a neutral position. Particularly in

Fig. 13.1. Positioning in the prone position for posterior micro- laminotomy-foraminotomy procedures

spondylotic myelopathic patients, the surgeon should stabilize the head to be certain that the head, neck, and shoulders are moved synchronously to avoid stretching a stressed spinal cord against a ventral ridge.

Rolled blankets or padded cushions are applied along the lateral margins of the chest and abdomen to avoid thoracic or abdominal compression (with subse- quent elevation of vena caval pressure and secondary engorgement of the epidural venous plexus). A padded horseshoe headrest is utilized with the forehead placed on the toe and the malar eminences on the heels. Spe- cial caution is taken to prevent pressure on the orbits and any possibility that intraoperative motion might displace the original position resulting in orbital com- promise. Ideally, the neck should be slightly flexed (20°) and angled in a reverse Trendelenburg position. Ex- treme flexion (to enlarge the interlaminar space) should be absolutely avoided as it tenses the spinal cord across the disc spaces and may produce spinal cord is- chemia. The chin is positioned slightly backward in the direction of the occiput. Free access to the endotracheal tube and other monitoring devices must be main- tained.

Cervical traction, preoperatively in place for pa- tients with instability, should be maintained through- out the positioning process. Following placement in the horseshoe headrest, a slightly reduced amount of trac- tion can be reinstituted for stabilization during the op- erative procedure. Patients manifesting marked de- grees of cervical instability or patients requiring rigid postoperative external stabilization are placed in a halo ring and vest prior to positioning. The stability associ- ated with a halo vest provides a comfortable margin of safety and ease in positioning these patients from su- pine to prone. Following placement in the prone posi- tion, the posterior bars of the halo can be loosened or removed to increase access to the posterior spine re- gion. Additional traction can alo be applied to the halo ring if necessary to add displacement or change align- ment during the operative procedure. Following place- ment in the prone position, a lateral cervical spine ra- diograph is obtained to evaluate proper alignment. Ad- justments in positioning by changing the position of the horseshoe ring or adding tension to the traction de- vice may be necessary.

Skin folds on the lower cervical and upper thoracic region are stretched free by applying bands of adhesive tape extending from the paracervical region to the shoulders and upper thorax. If intraoperative fluoros- copy or radiography is planned, the patient’s arm should be positioned at the sides, with care taken to prevent peripheral nerve compression or thoracic out- let retraction.


13.8.3 Incision

Using spinous processes as anatomical landmarks, a midline skin incision is made extending across the mo- tion segment(s) of interest. For a single disc or nerve root exposure, a 3-cm incision centered on the disc space of interest may be adequate to expose the appro- priate interlaminar space. Larger incisions extending over several or multiple segments may be necessary for multilevel exposures. Cautery hemostasis rather than hemostat retraction should be used along the skin mar- gins to preserve the midline. The spinous process to C7 is used as the primary landmark, permitting the enu- meration of the segments above and below in order to precisely identify the level(s) of interest and limit the size of the incision. If doubt exists as to the level, a nee- dle should be inserted into the supraspinous ligament and radiographic confirmation obtained.


Superficial Exposure

The superficial fascia is incised in the midline to the level of the ligamentum nuchae, which marks the at- tachments of the trapezius, rhomboid, and levatus scapulae muscles along the spinal access. For a unilater- al single-level interlaminar exposure, the ligamentum nuchae is incised just off the midline ipsilaterally to the site of interest in a curvilinear fashion, beginning at the cranial margin of the cephalad and ending at the lower margin of the caudal spinous process. This produces a flap of ligamentum nuchae hinged on the spinous pro- cesses encompassing the interlaminar space(s) of inter- est. This is done in an attempt to spare injury to the bulk of the supraspinous and interspinous ligamentous complex. For bilateral single-level interlaminar expo- sures, the same technique is repeated on the contralat- eral side. For multilevel interlaminar exposures, the li- gamentum nuchae incision is extended in a similar pa- ramedian fashion to include the segments of interest (again sparing the midline supraspinous and interspi- nous ligamentous complex).

Dissection along the margin (or through the center) of this deep fascia is bloodless, as this avascular plane avoids penetration into the erector spinae muscle mass.

Excessive penetration into or disruption of the erector spinae muscles should be avoided as this can lead to segmental denervation. In the setting of a multilevel decompression, this can be a factor in the development of permanent kyphosis and other more severe deformi- ties.


Exposure of the Interlaminar Space

The paraspinous muscles attached to the spinous pro- cesses, lamina, and apophyseal joints of interest are sharply and carefully dissected in a subperiosteal plane using a soft gauze sponge and a Cobb or curved perios- teal elevator (Fig. 13.2). Due to the fragility of the pos- terior elements in the cervical spine, this maneuver should be done under direct vision without significant downward force applied to the underlying laminae.

This is obviously of even greater importance in those situations were significant posterior element instability exists. If a wider than normal interlaminar space exists, extreme caution should be exercised in its exposure to avoid penetration though an often thin ligamentum flavum with catastrophic results. Little or no bleeding is encountered if the dissection is in the subperiosteal plane along the spinous processes and laminae.

This dissection should continue laterally until the lateral portion of the facet joint capsules are identified.

Significant oozing may be encountered at the junction between the interlaminar space and apophyseal joints or in the soft tissue surrounding the apophyseal joints capsules where segmental arteries and their venous plexuses supplying adjacent facet joints, transverse processes, and posterior elements are located. Care should be taken during exposure and hemostasis not to disrupt the articular capsules of the apophyseal joints.

For multilevel exposures, the subperiosteal dissec- tion should proceed in a caudal-rostral direction as the muscle attachments to the spinous processes insert obliquely from below. Particularly with multilevel dis- sections, the integrity of the erector spinae muscles should be protected to avoid denervation and signifi- cant postoperative morbidity.

A self-retaining retractor is applied using a narrow serrated blade to reflect the paraspinous muscle mass

Fig. 13.2. A subperiosteal dissection of the muscular and liga- mentous tissues is accomplished along the laminae of interest.

This is carried lateral to the facet joint


Fig. 13.3. A self-retaining retractor is inserted to reveal the in- terlaminar space(s) of interest

from the interlaminar space(s) of interest (Fig. 13.3).

Generally, serrated blades can be fixed beneath the muscles in a more stable position than smooth ones.

For unilateral exposures, a pronged retractor (such as Williams, Caspar, or McCulloch) is inserted with the prong against the supraspinous and interspinous liga- mentous complex. Care should be taken not to lacerate or penetrate this midline ligamentous complex, partic- ularly at its deeper portions, to avoid entering the spi- nal canal. Total disruption of this important ligamen- tous complex significantly interferes with dynamic neck stability.



The interlaminar space is carefully identified and clea- red of overlying soft tissue particularly at its lateral apex. The medial facet/interlaminar space apex junc- tion is identified (Fig. 13.4). Using the high-speed drill (Midas M8), a partial laminotomy-facetectomy is per-

a b

Fig. 13.5. The location and size of the keyhole microlaminotomy-foraminotomy. a Ligamentum flavum (large arrow) and facet joint capsule (small arrow) are colored. b The laminotomy-foraminotomy is begun at the junction between the interlaminar inter- val and the facet joint

Fig. 13.4. Exposure of the interlaminar facet junction (large ar- row). The ligamentum flavum has been colored. The facet joint extends laterally (small arrows). CEPH cephalad, CAUD cau- dad

formed beginning at the junction between the most lat- eral aspects of the interlaminar space (the apex) and the most medial aspect of the facet joint. The medial one-third to one-half of the facet is progressively re- moved, as is a similar amount of the adjoining cranial and caudal laminae. A 2- to 3-cm round or oval opening is thus created (Fig. 13.5).

The posterolateral portion of the superior lamina and the medial part of the inferior articular facet are moved first. This enlarges the apex of the interlaminar space, and permits the progressive removal of the me- dial side of the superior facet and the lateral corner of the inferior lamina flush with the inner aspect of the pedicle. The nerve root is located directly above the pedicle and immediately under the superior facet. A distinct layer of loose fibrous tissue containing epidural veins lies immediately beneath the thin lateral part of the ligamentum flavum, and progressive incision of the ligament carefully in a medial direction will safely ex- pose the lateral portion of the dura. The position of the


c d

Fig. 13.5. (contin.) c The medial one-third to one-half of the facet is progressively removed with a high-speed burr. d Superior (sin- gle arrow) and inferior (double arrow) facet bone is removed until ligamentum flavum and/or perineural tissue (large arrow) is identified

spinal canal and the lateral dura margin is used as an anatomical landmark, establishing a clear plane of dis- section along the proximal nerve root and lateral epi- dural venous structures. Progressive lateral dissection can then proceed along the root as it enters the foramen (Fig. 13.6).

The medial border of the pedicle should be identi-

a b

c d

Fig. 13.6. Exposure of thecal sac and nerve root. a Initial landmarks after bone removal: superior facet (S), inferior facet (I), cepha- lad lamina (CEPH), caudal lamina (CAUD), ligamentum flavum at apex of interlaminar interval (L), perineural tissue above nerve root (P), proximal nerve root (N), radicular vessel (R). b Removal of lateral ligamentum flavum with rongeur. c Foraminotomy into inferior facet with rongeur. d Exposure of foramen and nerve root

fied early and followed anteriorly to the floor of the spinal canal to establish an epidural plane between the lateral dura and the posterolateral vertebral body be- low. Staying in this same space, rostral dissection can proceed to identify the plane between the disc space and the anterior surface of the nerve root axilla (Fig. 13.7).


a b

c d

Fig. 13.7. Proximal foraminotomy. a Removal of superior facet down to pedicle using high-speed burr. b Foraminal anatomy:

nerve root (N), pedicle (P), perineural tissue (T). c Probe along pedicle with retraction of root. d Probe superior to root to identify disc space (D)

Following this initial exposure, the posterior foraminal wall is then removed, utilizing a plan of dissection be- tween the perineural tissue and the bone of the anterior aspect of the superior facet to avoid mechanical pres- sure on the root. Further removal of the inferior facet permits direct visualization of both superior and infe- rior pedicles, and allows palpation along the first 5 mm of root laterally into the foramen (Fig. 13.8).

a b

Fig. 13.8. Distal foraminotomy. a, b Nerve hook passed into foramen to assess size.

One of the most important technical points is the es- tablishment of the plane of dissection in the foramen between the nerve root sleeve and the extradural tissue composed of fat, fibrous tissue, and epidural veins. In spondylotic root compression, dense root sleeve peri- neural adhesions are a common finding with tethering of the root to the foramen. This must be retracted away from the nerve root against the bony canal and with


c d

Fig. 13.8. (contin.) c Resculpturing of foramen by undercutting inside wall with rongeur. d Distal foramen exposed

careful use of bipolar coagulation. This provides better exposure of the nerve root and helps in the identifica- tion of the extruded disc or spur beneath it. Using cra- nial or caudal retraction of the nerve root, access to the posterior surface of the vertebral disc is achieved (Fig. 13.9).

In soft disc sequestrations, the disc fragment has most often extruded through the annulus and posterior longitudinal ligament lateral to the dural sac. When the compressed root has been exposed, it is gently retract-

a b

c d

Fig. 13.9a–d. Search for soft disc fragments. Dissection of perineural tissue and probing of space between nerve root and disc space to retrieve soft disc herniated fragments (F)

ed upward or downward and the extruded disc frag- ments removed with a small disc rongeur, suction, or a small nerve hook. Soft sequestered fragments are gen- erally multiple, and present anteriorly and inferiorly or superiorly to the nerve root or in the axilla. Fragments cephalad to the root are more common than those cau- dad. Retraction of the nerve root while exploring for se- questered fragments or exposing spurs should only be done with care and restraint. It is not advisable to enter the disc space from this approach.


Fig. 13.10. In the absence of muscle paralyzing agents, root compression or traction will trigger an “evoked response”

muscle contraction warning the surgeon of impending root in- jury

If an anonymous bifid root is present with separate ventral and dorsal dura root sleeves (35 %), sequestered fragments may be wedged between the roots generally obscuring the motor root, which lies inferior to a larger sensory root. In addition, the dura covering of the smaller motor root is quite thin. Failure to recognize the situation can result in motor root injury when disc fragments are grasped. If muscle paralyzing agents are avoided, compression, traction, or coagulation of mo- tor roots results in immediate muscle contraction and this response can be used as an intraoperative “evoked response” of impending root injury, telling the surgeon to back off (Fig. 13.10). When adequately decompres- sed, the root sleeves fill with CSF and expand with CSF pulsations.

When using a small foraminotomy opening, it may on occasion be necessary to further explore the fora- men for spurs or sequestered disc fragments. In this sit- uation, the opening should be enlarged inferiorly by re- moving more of the superior lamina of the vertebrae below. However, under no circumstances should more than 50 % of the facet be removed [28, 29]. Spurs pro- jecting into the anterior aspect of the foramen from the uncovertebral process of the vertebral bodies are often associated with dense perineural fibrous adhesions that bind the root to the lateral bony canal. Careful sep- aration of these adhesions with a small blunt hook is necessary prior to any attempt at spur removal. The re- moval of spurs in this region should be done under di- rect visualization. If spurs, particularly anterior spurs, are not really visualized, one should be content with a posterior decompression alone. It is particularly inad- visable to attempt the removal of hard spurs or ridges located anteriorly to the thecal sac along the disc space.

13.8.7 Hemostasis

Epidural bleeding is frequently encountered from the perineural plexus around the nerve root in the foramen or from the epidural plexus in the lateral spinal canal.

This may require the use of bipolar coagulation and the placement of Gelfoam. Care must be taken during coag- ulation around the dural sleeve of the nerve root or di- rectly on the dura overlying the cord as there may be postoperative numbness, paraesthesia, pain, or paresis related to underlying root or cord thermal or electrical injury. The packing of these venous plexuses with Gel- foam achieves immediate hemostasis but obscures fur- ther exploration.

13.8.8 Closure

Following absolute hemostasis a small piece of wet Gel- foam or fat is placed loosely in the laminotomy defect to take up the dead space.

The self-retaining retractor is carefully removed avoiding unnecessary abrasions of the surrounding muscle ligamentous tissue by the serrated blades or pronged hook. The paraspinous muscles are carefully inspected under the operating microscope for hemo- stasis. In the absence of dural penetration, the paraspi- nous muscles are injected with 5 – 10 cc 0.5 % Marcaine which relieves postoperative pain and muscle spasm in addition to restoring the muscle to its normal paraspi- nous anatomical location. If penetration of the dura has occurred during the operative procedure, this maneu- ver should be omitted as the intradural leak of Marcai- ne may lead to temporary but frightful spinal cord or root paralysis.

The deepest portion of the ligamentum nuchae is re- approximated using 00 PDS (or similar absorbable su- ture). Further layers of the nuchae are reapproximated using a 00 Dexon (or similar absorbable suture). The subcutaneous tissue is closed in a single layer with three or four absorbable sutures. The skin is approxi- mated with staples.


Postoperative Care

Depending on the nature of the procedure, the patient is placed in a soft cervical collar or another more rigid device immediately after surgery and permitted to am- bulate as soon as postanesthesia recovery permits. An anti-inflammatory medication, mild muscle relaxant, and analgesic are prescribed in the immediate postop- erative period. Depending on the type of procedure and the number of spaces involved, the soft collar is


progressively removed at 2 – 4 weeks after surgery and the patient is instructed to begin general neck motion.

Normal mobility is restored by 1 – 3 months postopera- tive with a mild progressive neck exercise program.


Hazards and Complications


Intraoperative Catastrophes

The following complications may occur from a mini- mally invasive posterior approach:

1. Spinal cord injury with resultant quadriplegia, tetraplegia, or paraplegia due to unwarranted attempts at the removal of disc fragments or spurs located along the anterior aspect of the spinal canal and nerve roots

2. Spinal cord injury due to spinal cord compression or contusion resulting from inadvertent penetra- tion of an instrument into the spinal canal 3. Spinal cord injury from a vigorous placement of

instruments into the spinal canal in the perfor- mance of bony removal during the laminotomy/


4. Reflex symptomatic dystrophy following partial nerve root or cord injury

5. Inadequate removal of the sequestered disc or spondylotic bars with persistent spinal cord or radicular compression

6. Increase in myelopathic findings due to inade- quate stabilization in turning a patient from the supine to the prone position for positioning at surgery

7. Spinal cord injury due to loosening of a head immobilization device intraoperatively

8. Intraoperative ischemia due to blockage or expul- sion of an endotracheal tube

9. Instability as a result of a wider than necessary decompression with total facet removal (particu- larly in the younger patient)

10. Leakage of CSF due to an advertent dural lacera- tion or faulty dural repair

11. Formation of a postoperative meningocele due to inadvertent dural laceration or inadequate dural repair

12. Laceration of the vertebral artery as it ascends through the foramen transversarium or over the lateral portions of C1

13. Postoperative compressive hematoma in the subdural or epidural space following closure with poor hemostasis

14. Deep paraspinous or epidural wound infection 15. Air embolism or cerebral ischemia from proce-

dures performed in the sitting position

16. Corneal damage due to compression of the orbits in positioning

17. Compression of the peripheral nerves while on the operating table in a prone position


Common Postoperative Complications

1. Superficial wound infection

2. Paraspinous muscle spasm; chronic with dimin- ished neck mobility and pain

13.11 Results

A review of reported results for both posterior and an- terior approaches in treating root compression due to a bony spur are comparable [18, 24, 37]. For spondylotic radiculopathy, long-term success using the anterior ap- proach can be expected in an average of 76 % of pa- tients [14, 25, 38], where the posterior approach is suc- cessful in 68 % [2, 5, 10, 20]. There is no statistical dif- ference between these results suggesting that the issue of the need for osteophyte removal versus performing a simple nerve root decompression will remain a contro- versial point of discussion depending on the surgeon’s personal perspective [4, 8, 9, 21, 26]. In addition, over- all there is a 90 – 92 % chance that the patient will re- ceive at least a satisfactory outcome and only a 2 – 5 % chance that the outcome will be less than satisfactory with either procedure [19, 27].

For soft disc herniations, anterior and posterior ap- proaches have similarly good short-term results in 74 – 100 % of cases (average 82 %) [31, 34]. Long-term good results vary from 63 – 71 % (average 68 %) with a recurrence rate of 10 – 18 % (average 14 %) for the ante- rior approach [15, 22, 35] and from 0 – 11 % (average 6 %) for the posterior approach [11, 12]. Generally bet- ter results are obtained in patients undergoing surgery at one level only [6].


Critical Evaluation

It can be simply stated that reported results suggest that satisfactory improvement can be expected utilizing the posterior microsurgical keyhole approach for radiculo- pathy secondary to spur formation or soft disc hernia- tion.



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Documenti correlati

Laminectomy was the sole procedure by which to access the spinal canal until Robinson and Smith [24], and Cloward [2] devised the anterior procedures, and was a choice of treatment

Therefore, when we think that the stochastic process of a certain application looses memory, tend to assume values independent from those at the beginning, as time goes to in…nity,

“decadent.” The Platonists see it has having no ruling principle, no cen- ter, no structure. The positivists see it as having no respect for hard fact, for that area

The antiproliferative activity of new compounds 1-5 was evaluated in HeLa, MCF7 and Jurkat cancer cell lines.. Cell viability was evaluated at 48 h treatment by

Post hoc tests showed that EA rats immediately increased their food intake (**P < 0.01) (data not shown), and after 8 days of this diet, the body weight of EA rats

However, in KU0063794-treated mice group the decrease of positive staining for GFAP and IBA is more effectively than the treatment with Rapamicyn (Figure 29 D and 29 H,

Aims of the present study were: (i) evaluate the ability of CCCP to induce persistence in cultures of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, two bacterial species