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Academic year: 2022



Testo completo



Dr. Leonardo Pagani

Anno di nascita 1963.

Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia 1989 presso l'Università degli Studi di Parma;

Dal novembre 1991 al luglio 1996 titolare di Guardia Medica presso la Casa Circondariale di Piacenza.

Nel 1994 diploma di Specializzazione in Oncologia (indirizzo: Oncologia Medica) presso l’Università degli Studi di Parma.

Nel 1999 diploma di Specializzazione in Malattie Infettive presso l'Università di Pavia e medico specializzando convenzionato presso la U.O. di Malattie Infettive del Presidio Ospedaliero di Piacenza.

Dal 1983 al 1986 studente interno l'Istituto di Istologia ed Embriologia Generale della facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell'Università di Parma;

dal 1987 al 7/1989 studente interno la Clinica Dermosifilopatica della Università di Parma.

Dal 9/1989 al 4/1990 e dal 9/1990 al 12/1990 volontario presso il Servizio di Oncologia Clinica ed il Laboratorio di Biofisica dell'Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro di Genova;

dal 5/1990 al 9/1990 contrattista ricercatore presso lo stesso Servizio, svolgendo il programma di ricerca "Sviluppo di nuovi protocolli di trattamento dei tumori urologici".

Nel 1991 ha frequentato il Centro per i Trapianti di Midollo Osseo/Cattedra di Ematologia (direttore: Prof. V. Rizzoli) ed il Servizio di Oncologia dell'Ospedale di Parma (primario Prof. G. Cocconi).

Dal 7/1992 al 12/94 medico borsista presso il Servizio di Oncologia dell'Ospedale Civile di Piacenza (primario Prof. R. Canaletti).

Dal 27/6/95 al 26/2/96 e dal 22/7/96 al 21/3/97 Assistente medico incaricato presso la Divisione di Malattie Infettive dell'Ospedale Civile di Piacenza.

Dal febbraio 2002 al dicembre 2009 “Cultore della Materia” riconfermato in Malattie Infettive presso la Clinica di Malattie Infettive del Policlinico Universitario, Università degli Studi di Udine.

Dal gennaio 2010 al dicembre 2012 Professore a contratto presso la Scuola di Specializzazione in Malattie Infettive dell'Università di Bologna.


Dal 3/4/2000 al 15/11/2000 Dir. Med. I Livello Fascia A incaricato presso la Divisione di Medicina dell’Ospedale di Silandro (BZ).

Dal 16/11/2000 al 30/10/2010 Dir. Med. I Livello di ruolo presso la Divisione di Malattie Infettive dell’Ospedale Centrale di Bolzano.

Dal 1/1/2008 al 20/10/2010 è stato Direttore dell'Antimicrobial Management Team e coordinatore della Unità per la Chemioterapia Antiinfettiva Ospedaliera (UHAC) istituita all'Ospedale di Bolzano.

Dal 7/2015 Dir. Med. I livello di ruolo presso la Divisione di Malattie Infettive dell’Ospedale Centrale di Bolzano

Dal 6/2019 Direttore di Struttura Operativa Semplice “Antimicrobial Stewardship” presso le Malattie Infettive

Dal 6/2019 referente aziendale progetto “Antimicrobial Stewardship”

Nel 1988 è stato "visiting student" dell'Istituto Cantonale di Patologia di Locarno (Svizzera), (direttore Prof. GA Losa).

Nel maggio 1989 è stato "visiting physician" dell'Istituto di Anatomia Umana ed Embriologia dell'Università di Aachen (Germania) (direttore Prof. Kaufmann).

Nel 1993 è stato "visiting physician" presso la Divisione di Oncologia Medica &

AIDS (direttore Prof. U. Tirelli), presso il Centro di Riferimento Oncologico di Aviano (PN).

Nel 2008 è stato “visiting professor” (2 mesi) presso il Servizio di Prevenzione e Controllo delle Infezioni dell’Ospedale Universitario di Ginevra.

Dal 15/11/2010 ad oggi ha prestato servizio come investigator presso il Servizio di Prevenzione e Controllo delle Infezioni dell’Ospedale Universitario di Ginevra.

E' stato membro della Segreteria Scientifica di numerosi congressi ed è relatore a congressi nazionali ed internazionali. È’ attualmente reviewer per le riviste internazionali Cancer, Vaccine, Gastroenterology, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, Medical Mycology, Expert Review in Anti- infective Therapy, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Supportive Care in Cancer e American Journal of Infection Control e investigator per l’European Fungal Infections Study Group (EFISG) e per l’European Study Group on Antibiotic Policy (ESGAP), nell’ambito dei gruppi di studio della European Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID).

Nel 2010 è stato external advisor per i Canadian Institutes of Health Research, e per gli European Centres for Diseases Control (ECDC) nella preparazione del materiale didattico per il buon uso degli antibiotici negli ospedali europei.

Nel 2011 è stato online mentor per l’ASM Minority Mentor Program dell’American Society for Microbiology (ASM).

Nel 2012 è stato proposto delegato internazionale dell’American Society for Microbiology (ASM) per il programma “People to People Citizen Ambassador Programs” da svolgere in Cina nel settembre 2012.

È attualmente referente per l'Italia del gruppo per le linee guida europee di terapia antibiotica ospedaliera nell'ambito del progetto europeo “ABS International” e membro dell’Executive Board dell’ESGAP. Nell’ambito del board ESGAP svolge attualmente l’incarico di coordinamento dell’attività didattica e di implementazione di programmi di qualità nella terapia antibiotica per gli ospedali


europei. È inoltre Associate Editor della Online Virtual Learning Platform (OVLC) dell’ESGAP.

Nel 2013 (fino al 2017) è stato eletto membro del Professional Affairs Subcommittee for Infectious Diseases dell’ESCMID.

Dal 2013 è membro dell’Executive Committee dell’ESGAP e dal 2014 dell’Executive Committee dell’ESGIE.

Dal 2013 è membro dell’International Scientific Committee della World Alliance Against Antimicrobial Resistance (WAAAR).

Nel 2014 membro dell’Editorial Board di “Current Drug Safety”.

Nel 2014 direttore del Postgraduate Educational Course “Antimicrobial therapy in the elderly: room for improvement”, organizzato dall’ESCMID ad Annecy (Francia)

Nel 2015 parte del “Guidelines Development Group” (GDG) del WHO per lo sviluppo delle linee guida di profilassi chirurgica.

Lingua madre: italiano

Inglese: competenza professionale parlato e scritto Francese: competenza professionale parlato e scritto Tedesco: patentino ex-“A” Provincia Autonoma BZ

Competenze gestionali buone con frequenza a due corsi nazionali di “Leadership in Sanità” e gestione diretta di teams di ricerca internazionali

Competenze informatiche e conoscenze di suite office più che buone

Autorizzo il trattamento dei miei dati personali ai sensi del regolamento UE 2016/679 (GDPR)

Complete list of scientific publications, as of November 1st, 2021.

Original articles and reviews:

1. Manara GC, Ferrari C, Scandroglio R, Rocchi G, Pagani L, De Panfilis G. Characterization of two morphologically distinct Leu-7+ cell subsets with respect to Leu-15 antigen. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 1986; 23: 225-231.

2. De Panfilis G, Ferrari C, Manara GC, Torresani C, Pagani L. A new procedure for dermatological research. Colloidal gold reveals cell surface antigens on fresh cutaneous sections.

Italian General Review of Dermatology 1987; 24: 91-93.

3. Manara GC, Ferrari C, Pagani L, Sansoni P, Bologna G, Molinari A, Torresani C, De Panfilis G. Morphometric evaluation of CD16-positive cells with respect to CD2 antigen coexpression. Cellular Immunology 1990; 128: 118-129.

4. Pagani L, Viale P, Ratti G, Alberici F. Extranodal HIV-related Hodgkin's disease: a case report.


Giornale Italiano di Malattie Infettive 1996; 2 (Suppl 2): S58-S59.

5. Errante D, Fasan M, Rizzardini G, Landonio G, Pagani L, Zeroli C, Tirelli U. Evidence of activity of vinorelbine in patients with previously treated AIDS-associated Kaposi's sarcoma.

AIDS 1996; 10: 1472-1473.

6. Viale P, Pagani L, Mori M, Sacchini D, Cerri L, Carella E, Rocca A, Alberici F. Diagnosis of HIV-related primary central nervous system lymphoma: is there still a role for brain biopsy? A case history. Annals of Oncology 1997; 8: 491-496.

7. Viale P, Pagani L, Sisti M, Alberici F. HIV-associated thrombotic microangiopathies (TMA):

analysis of clinical features and prognostic factors from the observation of six cases and the review of the literature. Giornale Italiano di Malattie Infettive 1997; 3: 222-228.

8. Vallisa D, Pagani L, Bertè R, Civardi G, Viale P, Paties C, Cavanna L. Extramedullary plasmacytoma in a patient with AIDS: report of a case and review of the literature. Tumori 1998, 84: 511-514.

9. Pagani L. HIV-related primary central nervous system lymphoma (HIV-PCNSL): still a diagnostic challenge. Rivista di Neuroradiologia 1999; 12: 653-658.

10. Fassone L, Bhatia K, Gutierrez M, Capello D, Gloghini A, Dolcetti R, Vivenza D, Ascoli V, Lo Coco F, Pagani L, Dotti G, Rambaldi A, Raphael M, Tirelli U, Saglio G, Magrath IT, Carbone A, Gaidano G. Molecular profile of Epstein-Barr Virus in HHV-8 positive primary effusion lymphoma. Leukemia 2000; 14: 271-277.

11. Alberici F, Pagani L, Ratti G, Viale P. Ivermectin alone or in combination with benzyl benzoate in the treatment of HIV-associated scabies. British Journal of Dermatology 2000; 142: 969-972.

12. Terramocci R, Pagani L, Brunati P, Gatti S, Bernuzzi AM, Scaglia M. Reappearance of human diphyllobothriasis in a limited area of Lake Como, Italy. Infection 2001; 29: 93-95.

13. Viale P, Pagani L, Cristini F, Stefini R, Bergomi R, Colombini P, Carosi G. Linezolid for the treatment of central nervous system infections in neurosurgical patients. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 2002; 34: 456-459.

14. Viale P, Scolari C, Colombini P, Cristini F, Cadeo B, Pagani L. Sequential regimen for early post-surgical infective endocarditis due to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), unresponsive to standard antibiotic therapy: a case report. Journal of Chemotherapy 2002; 14:


15. Viale P, Pagani L, Petrosillo N, Signorini L, Colombini P, Macrì G, Cristini F, Gattuso G, Carosi G, for the Gruppo Italiano Infezioni Ospedaliere e HIV (GHIO). Antibiotic Lock- Technique for the treatment of catheter-related bloodstream infections. Journal of Chemotherapy 2003; 15: 152-156.

16. Petrosillo N, Pagani L, Ippolito G, Viale P. Nosocomial infections in HIV-positive patients: an overview. Infection 2003; 31(Suppl.2): 28-34.


17. Pagani L, Lang A, Vedovelli C, Moling O, Rimenti G, Pristerà R, Mian P. Soft tissue infection and bacteremia caused by Shewanella putrefaciens. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2003; 41: 2240-2241.

18. Viale P, Scudeller L, Petrosillo N, Girardi E, Cadeo B, Signorini L, Pagani L, Carosi G.

Clinical stability in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients with community-acquired pneumonia. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2004; 38: 271-279.

19. Pea F, Viale P, Candoni A, Pavan F, Pagani L, Damiani D, Casini M, Furlanut M.

Teicoplanin in patients with acute leukaemia and febrile neutropenia: a special population benefiting from higher dosages. Clinical Pharmacokinetics 2004; 43: 405-415.

20. Moling O, Sechi LA, Zanetti S, Seebacher Ch, Rossi P, Rimenti G, Pagani L, Vedovelli C.

Mycobacterium marinum, a further infectious agent associated with sarcoidosis: the polyetiology hypothesis. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 2006; 38: 148-152.

21. Pagani L, Gyssens IC, Nathwani D, Huttner B, Harbarth S. Navigating the Web in search of resources on Antimicrobial Stewardship in health care institutions. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2009; 48: 626-632.

22. Moling O, Rimenti G, Pristerà R, Vedovelli C, Pagani L, Spoladore G, Mian P. Fatal lactic acidosis precipitated by nifedipine in a patient treated with disulfiram and antiretrovirals. Drug Metabolism Letters 2009; 3: 176-180.

23. Arlotti M, Grossi P, Pea F, Tomei G, Vullo V, De Rosa FG and the GISIG (Gruppo Italiano di Studio sulle Infezioni Gravi) working group on brain abscess. Consensus document on controversial issues for the treatment and of the infections of the central nervous system: bacterial brain abscess. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2010; 14 (Suppl. 4): S79-S92.

24. Morello E, Pagani L, Coser P, Cavattoni I, Cortelazzo S, Casini M, Billio A, Rossi G. The addition of aerosolized deoxycholate amphotericin-B (aero-d-AmB) to systemic prophylaxis to prevent airways invasive fungal infections in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. A single centre retrospective study. Bone Marrow Transplantation 2011; 46:132-136.

25. Aschbacher R, Pagani L, Doumith M, Pike R, Woodford N, Spoladore G, Larcher C, Livermore DM. Metallo--lactamases among Enterobacteriaceae from routine samples in a tertiary care hospital and long-term care facilities during 2008. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2011; 17: 181-189.

26. Pagani L, Afshari A, Harbarth S. Year in review 2010: Critical Care—infection. Critical Care 2011; 15: 238.

27. Tortorano AM, Dho G, Prigitano A, Breda G, Grancini A, Emmi V, Cavanna C, Marino G, Morero S, Ossi C, Delvecchio G, Passera M, Cusumano V, David A, Bonaccorso G, Corona A, Favaro M, Vismara C, Garau MG, Falchi S, Tejada MR; for the ECMM-FIMUA Study Group. Invasive fungal infections in the intensive care unit: a multicentre, prospective, observational study in Italy (2006-2008). Mycoses 2012; 55: 73-79.


28. Tortorano A, Prigitano A, Dho G, Grancini A, Passera M for the ECMM-FIMUA Study Group. Antifungal susceptibility profiles of Candida isolates from a prospective survey of invasive fungal infections in Italian intensive care units. Journal of Medical Microbiology 2012;

61: 389-393.

29. Aschbacher R, Pichon B, Spoladore G, Pagani E, Innocenti P, Moroder L, Ganner M, Hill R, Pike R, Ganthaler O, Pagani L, Larcher C, Kearns A. High diversity of Panton-Valentine leucocidin positive methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus from superficial infections in the Province of Bolzano, Northern Italy. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 2012; 39: 522- 525.

30. Afshari A, Pagani L, Harbarth S. Year in review 2011: Critical Care—infection. Critical Care 2012; 16: 242.

31. Prigitano A, Dho G, Lazzarini C, Ossi C, Cavanna C, Tortorano AM for the ECMM- FIMUA Study Group. Biofilm production by Candida isolates from a survey of invasive fungal infections in Italian intensive care units. Journal of Chemotherapy 2012; 24:61-63.

32. Sauvan V, Registe Rameau Y, Ginet C, Eggimann F, Pagani L, Pittet D. Maintenir l’observance à l’hygiène des mains des soignants dans un hôpital de gériatrie. [Ensuring that healthcare workers in a geriatric hospital continue to observe hand hygiene practices.] HygièneS 2012; 20:221-225.

33. Iten A, Siegrist CA, Kaiser L, Perrier A, Pittet D, Albrecht P, Atroune L, Bonfillon C, Ginet C, Manghard A, Reffet A, Roulin MJ, Thomas Y, Lew D, Schibler M, Forster A, Gold G, Gonzalez F, Kharat A, Notaridis G, Perrenoud JJ, Registe-Rameau Y, Reny JL, Rochat T, Samaras N, de Senarclens O, Camus V, Longet Di Pietro S, Pagani L, Sauvan V, Sax H, Stenz E. Prévention de la grippe dans les hôpitaux: un défi à relever. Bulletin de l’Office Fédéral de la Santé Publique (OFSP) Suisse 2012; 41/12: 696-698.

34. Aschbacher R, Pichon B, Spoladore G, Pagani E, Innocenti P, Moroder L, Meyer R, Ladinser B, Ganner M, Hill R, Pike R, Ganthaler O, Pagani L, Larcher C, Kearns A. High variability of Panton-Valentine leukocidine producing methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolate from skin and soft tissue infections in the province of Bolzano. Microbiologia Medica 2012; 27: 27-29.

35. Landelle C, Pagani L, Harbarth S. Is patient isolation the single most important measure to prevent the spread of multidrug-resistant pathogens? Virulence 2013; 4: 1-9.

36. Jugun K, Vaudaux P, Garbino J, Pagani L, Hoffmeyer P, Lew D, Uçkay I. The safety and efficacy of high-dose daptomycin combined with rifampicin in the treatment of osteoarticular infections. International Orthopaedics 2013; 37: 1375-1380.

37. Gariani K, Righini M, Roffi M, Gemayel G, Mugnai D, Murith N, Pagani L, Bonvini RF.

Post-operative Staphylococcus aureus infection of a superficial femoral artery stent. VASA.

European Journal of Vascular Medicine 2013; 42: 382-386.


38. Çelik H, Schibler M, Suvà D, Pagani L, Hoffmeyer P, Lew D, Uçkay I. Où en est-on dans le traitement médical des ostéomyélites chroniques? [Where are we in the treatment of chronic osteomyelitis?] Revue Médicale Suisse 2013; 9: 885-889.

39. Dyar OJ, Pulcini C, Howard P, Nathwani D; ESGAP; (the ESCMID Study Group for Antibiotic Policies). European medical students: a first multicentre study of knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of antibiotic prescribing and antibiotic resistance. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2014; 69: 842-846.

40. Bouvet C, Lübbeke A, Bandi C, Pagani L, Stern R, Hoffmeyer P, Uçkay I. Is there any benefit in pre-operative urinary analysis before elective total joint replacement? The Bone & Joint Journal 2014; 96-B: 390-394.

41. Pagani L. Rejuvenating aminoglycosides usage in geriatric patients with gram-negative infections. European Geriatric Medicine 2014; 5: 139-143.

42. Pagani L, Bonnin P, Janssen C, Desjoyaux E, Vitrat V, Bru JP. Ceftaroline for the treatment of prosthetic valve endocarditis due to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of Heart Valve Disease 2014; 23: 219-221.

43. Fraisse T, Gras Aygon C, Paccalin M, Vitrat V, De Wazieres B, Baudoux V, Lechiche C, Vicens A, Sotto A, Pagani L, Gaillat G, Forestier E, Gavazzi G. Aminoglycosides use in patients over 75 years old. Age and Ageing 2014; 43: 676-681.

44. Deabate L, Pagani L, Uçkay I. Modern antibiotic treatment of chronic long bone infections in adults - theory, evidence and practice. Mediterranean Journal of Infections Microbes and Antimicrobials 2014; 3: 9.

45. Lodolo L, Rossi C, Canale C, Barbaglia M, Prandi G, Ghiotti P, Agreiter I, Pagani L, Finale E, Cappuccia N, Guala A. Standardization and enrichment of culture medium improve detection of group B streptococci during prepartum screening. Journal of Community Medicine & Health Education 2014; 4: 5.

46. Vitrat V, Hautefeuille S, Janssen C, Bougon D, Sirodot M, Pagani L. Optimizing antimicrobial therapy in critically ill patients. Infection and Drug Resistance 2014; 7: 261-271.

47. Avni T, Shiver-Ofer S, Leibovici L, Tacconelli E, De Angelis G, Cookson B, Pagani L, Paul M. Participation of elderly patients in randomized controlled trials addressing antibiotic treatment of pneumonia. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2015; 63: 233-243.

48. Pagani L, Thomas Y, Huttner B, Sauvan V, Notaridis G, Kaiser L, Iten A, Pittet D, Harbarth S. Transmission and impact of multiple clusters of seasonal influenza in a Swiss geriatric hospital. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2015; 63: 739-44.

49. Harbarth S, von Dach E, Pagani L, Macedo-Viñas M, Olearo F, Huttner B, Emonet S, Uçkay I. Randomized non-inferiority trial to compare trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole plus rifampicin versus linezolid for the treatment of MRSA infection. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2015; 70: 264-270.


50. Huttner A, Von Dach E, Renzoni A, Huttner BD, Affaticati M, Pagani L, Daali Y, Pugin J, Karmime A, Fathi M, Lew D, Harbarth S. Augmented renal clearance, low -lactam concentrations and clinical outcomes in the critically ill: an observational prospective cohort study. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 2015; 45: 385-392.

51. Dyar OJ, Pagani L, Pulcini C. Strategies and challenges of antimicrobial stewardship in long- term care facilities. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2015; 21: 19-28.

52. Pagani L. Appropriate antimicrobial therapy in the elderly: when half-size does not fit all frail patients. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2015; 21: 1-2.

53. Klingspor L, Tortorano AM, Peman J, Willinger B, Hamal P, Sendid B, Velagraki A, Kibbler C, Meis JF, Sabino R, Ruhnke M, Arikan-Akdagli S, Salonen J, Doczi I. Invasive Candida infections in surgical patients in intensive care units: a prospective, multicentre survey initiated by the European Confederation of Medical Mycology (ECMM) (2006-2009). Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2015; 21: 87.e1-87.e10.

54. Tolsma V, Gaillat J, Pagani L. Antibiothérapie du sujet âgé : on peut toujours mieux faire.

Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement 2016; 35: 385-392.

55. Levy Hara G, Kanj SS, Pagani L, Abbo L, Endimiani A, Wertheim HF, Amábile-Cuevas C, Tattevin P, Mehtar S, Lopes Cardoso F, Unal S, Gould I. Ten key points for the appropriate use of antibiotics in hospitalised patients: a consensus from the Antimicrobial Stewardship and Resistance Working Groups of the International Society of Chemotherapy. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 2016; 48: 239-246.

56. Forestier E, Fraisse T, Roubaud-Baudron C, Selton-Suty C, Pagani L. Managing infective endocarditis in the elderly: new issues for an old disease. Clinical Interventions in Aging 2016; 11:


57. Roubaud-Baudron C, Forestier E, Fraisse T, Gaillat J, de Wazières B, Pagani L, Ingrand I, Bernard L, Gavazzi G, Paccalin M. Tolerance of subcutaneously administered antibiotics: a French national prospective study. Age and Ageing 2016; 46: 151-155.

58. Escudier E, Pagani L, Gaillat J, Sirodot M, Levrat A. Discussion autour d’un cas mortel de pneumonie nécrosante à Staphylococcus aureus sécrétant la leucocidine de Panton-Valentine.

Réanimation 2016; 25: 361-365.

59. Allegranzi B, Bischoff P, de Jonge S, Kubilay NZ, Zayed B, Gomes SM, Abbas M, Atema JJ, Gans S, van Rijen M, Boermeester MA, Egger M, Kluytmans J, Pittet D, Solomkin JS;

WHO Guidelines Development Group. New WHO recommendations on preoperative measures for surgical site infection prevention: an evidence-based global perspective. Lancet Infectious Diseases 2016; 16: e276-e287.

60. Allegranzi B, Zayed B, Bischoff P, Kubilay NZ, de Jonge S, de Vries F, Gomes SM, Gans S, Wallert ED, Wu X, Abbas M, Boermeester MA, Dellinger EP, Egger M, Gastmeier P, Guirao X, Ren J, Pittet D, Solomkin JS; WHO Guidelines Development Group. New WHO


recommendations on intraoperative and postoperative measures for surgical site infection prevention: an evidence-based global perspective. Lancet Infectious Diseases 2016; 16: e288- e303.

61. Pulcini C, Mohrs S, Beovic B, Gyssens I, Theuretzbacher U, Cars O; ESCMID Study Group for Antibiotic Policies (ESGAP), ReAct Working Group on Old Antibiotics. Forgotten

antibiotics: a follow-up inventory study in Europe, the USA, Canada and Australia. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 2017; 49: 98-101.

62. Aschbacher R, Indra A, Wiedermann CJ, March A, Giacon B, Mian P, Bombonato M, Kaneppele A, Sansone S, Burth J, Felici A, Ebner F, Passler W, Lerchner RM, Vedovelli C, Spoladore G, Binazzi R, Pagani L, Moroder L, Larcher C, Pagani E. Predominance of Clostridium difficile 027 during five-year period in Bolzano, Northern Italy. Infezioni in Medicina 2017; 25: 13-20.

63. Zahar J-R, Lesprit Ph, Ruckly S, Eden A, Hikombo H, Bernard L, Harbarth S, Timsit J-F, Brun-Buisson Ch, for the BacterCom Study Group. Predominance of healthcare-associated cases among episodes of community-onset bacteraemia due to extended-spectrum -lactamase- producing Enterobacteriaceae. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 2017; 49: 67-73.

64. Von Dach E, Morel CM, Murthy A, Pagani L, Macedo-Vinas M, Olearo F, Harbarth S.

Comparing the cost-effectiveness of linezolid to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole plus rifampicin for the treatment of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection: a health care system perspective. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2017; 23: 659-666.

65. Sartelli M, Labricciosa FM, Barbadoro P, Pagani L, Ansaloni L, Brink AJ, et al. The Global Alliance for Infections in Surgery. Defining a model for antimicrobial stewardship. Results from an international cross-sectional survey. World Journal of Emergency Surgery 2017; 12: 34.

66. Finale E, Leonardi G, Auletta G, Amadori R, Saglietti C, Pagani L, Guala A. MMR vaccine in the postpartum does not expose seronegative women to untoward effects. Annali Istituto Superiore di Sanità 2017; 53: 152-156.

67. Global Alliance for Infections in Surgery Working Group. A global declaration on appropriate use of antimicrobial agents across the surgical pathway. Surgical Infections 2017; 18: 846-853.

68. Howard P, Huttner B, Beovic B, Beraud G, Kofteridis D, Pano Pardo J, Schouten J, Pulcini C on behalf of the ESGAP Indicators Working Group. ESGAP inventory of target indicators assessing antibiotic prescriptions: a cross-sectional survey. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2017; 72: 2910-2914.

69. Dyar OJ, Nathwani D, Monnet DL, Gyssens IC, Stalsby Lundborg C, Pulcini C, on behalf of the ESGAP Student-PREPARE Working Group. Do medical students feel prepared to prescribe antibiotics responsibly? Results from a cross-sectional survey in 29 European countries.

Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2018; 73: 2236-2242.

70. Beović B, Pulcini C, Dumartin C, Béraud G, Nerat B, Maurel C, Doušak M, Čižman M;

LEASH Study Group on behalf of ESCMID Study Group for Antimicrobial StewardshiP


(ESGAP). Legal framework of antimicrobial stewardship in hospitals (LEASH): a European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) cross-sectional international survey. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 2018; 52: 616-621.

71. Regine V, Dorrucci M, Pezzotti P, Mammone A, Quinten Ch, Pharris A, Suligoi B, the regional representatives of the National HIV Surveillance System. People living with undiagnosed HIV infection and a low CD4 count: estimates from surveillance data, Italy, 2012 to 2014. Euro Surveillance 2018; 23: pii=17.00240.

72. Regine V, Pugliese L, Suligoi B, referenti regionali del Sistema di sorveglianza nazionale delle nuove diagnosi di infezione da HIV. Le sorveglianze HIV regionali in Italia: la base per il futuro sistema nazionale. Epidemiologia e Prevenzione 2018; 42: 235-242.

73. Sartelli M, Guirao X, Hardcastle TC, Kluger Y, Boermeester MA, Raşa K, Ansaloni L, Coccolini F, Montravers P, Abu-Zidan FM, Bartoletti M, Bassetti M, Ben-Ishay O, Biffl WL, Chiara O, Chiarugi M, Coimbra R, De Rosa FG, De Simone B, Di Saverio S, Giannella M, Gkiokas G, Khokha V, Labricciosa FM, Leppäniemi A, Litvin A, Moore EE, Negoi I, Pagani L, Peghin M, Picetti E, Pintar T, Pupelis G, Rubio-Perez I, Sakakushev B, Segovia-Lohse H, Sganga G, Shelat V, Sugrue M, Tarasconi A, Tranà C, Ulrych J, Viale P, Catena F. 2018 WSES/SIS-E consensus conference: recommendations for the management of skin and soft-tissue infections. World Journal of Emergency Surgery 2018; 13: 58.

74. Weiss E, Zahar JR, Adler J, Asehnoune K, Bassetti M, Bonten M, Chastre J, De Waele J, Dimopoulos G, Eggimann Ph, Engelhardt M, Ewig S, Kollef M, Lipman J, Luna C, Martin- Loeches I, Pagani L, Palmer L, Papazian L, Poulakou G, Prokocimer Ph, Rello J, Rex J, Shorr A, Talbot G, Thamlikitkul V, Torres A, Wunderink RG, Timsit JF. Elaboration of consensus clinical endpoints to evaluate antimicrobial treatment efficacy in future HABP/VABP clinical trials. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2019; 69: 1912-1918.

75. Sartelli M, Di Bella S, McFarland LV, Khanna S, Furuya-Kanamori L, Abuzeid N, Abu- Zidan FM, Ansaloni L, Augustin G, Bala M, Ben-Ishay O, Biffl WL, Brecher SM, Camacho- Ortiz A, Caínzos MA, Chan S, Cherry-Bukowiec JR, Clanton J, Coccolini F, Cocuz ME, Coimbra R, Cortese F, Cui Y, Czepiel J, Demetrashvili Z, Di Carlo I, Di Saverio S, Dumitru IM, Eckmann C, Eiland EH, Forrester JD, Fraga GP, Frossard JL, Fry DE, Galeiras R, Ghnnam W, Gomes CA, Griffiths EA, Guirao X, Ahmed MH, Herzog T, Kim JI, Iqbal T, Isik A, Itani KMF, Labricciosa FM, Lee YY, Juang P, Karamarkovic A, Kim PK, Kluger Y, Leppaniemi A, Lohsiriwat V, Machain GM, Marwah S, Mazuski JE, Metan G, Moore EE, Moore FA, Ordoñez CA, Pagani L, Petrosillo N, Portela F, Rasa K, Rems M, Sakakushev BE, Segovia-Lohse H, Sganga G, Shelat VG, Spigaglia P, Tattevin P, Tranà C, Urbánek L, Ulrych J, Viale P, Baiocchi GL, Catena F. 2019 update of the WSES guidelines for management of Clostridioides (Clostridium) difficile infection in surgical patients. World Journal of Emergency Surgery 2019; 14: 8.

76. Maraolo AE, Ong DSY, Cimen C, Howard P, Kofteridis DP, Schouten J, Mutters NT, Pulcini C; ESGAP-EUCIC-TAE Working Group on AMS/IPC mapping in Europe.

Organization and training at national level of antimicrobial stewardship and infection control activities in Europe: an ESCMID cross-sectional survey. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2019; 38: 2061-2068.


77. Beović B, Doušak M, Pulcini C, Béraud G, Paño Pardo JR, Sánchez-Fabra D, Kofteridis D, Cortez J, Pagani L, Klešnik M, Nadrah K, Hafner Fink M, Nathwani D, Uhan S. Young doctors' perspectives on antibiotic use and resistance: a multinational and inter-specialty cross- sectional European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) survey.

Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2019; 74: 3611-3618.

78. Dyar OJ, Beović B, Pulcini C, Tacconelli E, Hulscher M, Cookson B; ESCMID generic competencies working group. ESCMID generic competencies in antimicrobial prescribing and stewardship: towards a European consensus. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2019; 25: 13-19.

79. Iskandar K, Sartelli M, Tabbal M, Ansaloni L, Baiocchi GL, Catena F, Coccolini F, Haque M, Labricciosa FM, Moghabghab A, Pagani L, Abi Hanna P, Roques C, Salameh P, Molinier L. Highlighting the gaps in quantifying the economic burden of surgical site infections associated with antimicrobial-resistant bacteria. World Journal of Emergency Surgery 2019; 14:


80. Babich T, Naucler P, Valik JK, Giske CG, Benito N, Cardona R, Rivera A, Pulcini C, Abdel Fattah M, Haquin J, Macgowan A, Grier S, Gibbs J, Chazan B, Yanovskay A, Ben Ami R, Landes M, Nesher L, Zaidman-Shimshovitz A, McCarthy K, Paterson DL, Tacconelli E, Buhl M, Mauer S, Bano JR, Morales I, Oliver A, Ruiz de Gopegui E, Cano A, Machuca I, Gozalo-Marguello M, Martinez LM, Gonzalez-Barbera EM, Alfaro IG, Salavert M, Beovic B, Saje A, Mueller-Premru M, Pagani L, Vitrat V, Kofteridis D, Zacharioudaki M, Maraki S, Weissman Y, Paul M, Dickstein Y, Leibovici L, Yahav D. Ceftazidime, carbapenems, or piperacillin-tazobactam as single definitive therapy for Pseudomonas aeruginosa bloodstream infection - a multi-site retrospective study. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2020; 70: 2270-2280.

81. Babich T, Naucler P, Valik JK, Giske CG, Benito N, Cardona R, Rivera A, Pulcini C, Fattah MA, Haquin J, Macgowan A, Grier S, Chazan B, Yanovskay A, Ami RB, Landes M, Nesher L, Zaidman-Shimshovitz A, McCarthy K, Paterson DL, Tacconelli E, Buhl M, Mauer S, Rodriguez-Bano J, Morales I, Oliver A, de Gopegui ER, Cano A, Machuca I, Gozalo- Marguello M, Martinez-Martinez L, Gonzalez-Barbera EM, Alfaro IG, Salavert M, Beovic B, Saje A, Mueller-Premru M, Pagani L, Vitrat V, Kofteridis D, Zacharioudaki M, Maraki S, Weissman Y, Paul M, Dickstein Y, Leibovici L, Yahav D. Risk factors for mortality among patients with Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteremia - retrospective multicenter study. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 2020; 55:105847.

82. Sartelli M, Pagani L, Iannazzo S, Moro ML, Viale P, Pan A, Ansaloni L, Coccolini F, D'Errico MM, Agreiter I, Amadio Nespola G, Barchiesi F, Benigni V, Binazzi R, Cappanera S, Chiodera A, Cola V, Corsi D, Cortese F, Crapis M, Cristini F, D'Arpino A, De Simone B, Di Bella S, Di Marzo F, Donati A, Elisei D, Fantoni M, Ferrari A, Foghetti D, Francisci D, Gattuso G, Giacometti A, Gesuelli GC, Marmorale C, Martini E, Meledandri M, Murri R, Padrini D, Palmieri D, Pauri P, Rebagliati C, Ricchizzi E, Sambri V, Schimizzi AM, Siquini W, Scoccia L, Scoppettuolo G, Sganga G, Storti N, Tavio M, Toccafondi G, Tumietto F, Viaggi B, Vivarelli M, Tranà C, Raso M, Labricciosa FM, Dhingra S, Catena F. A proposal for a comprehensive approach to infections across the surgical pathway. World Journal of Emergency Surgery 2020; 15: 13.


83. De Simone B, Chouillard E, Di Saverio S, Pagani L, Sartelli M, Biffl WL, Coccolini F, Pieri A, Khan M, Borzellino G, Campanile FC, Ansaloni L, Catena F. Emergency surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic: what you need to know for practice. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2020; 102: 323-332.

84. Sartelli M, Weber DG, Kluger Y, Ansaloni L, Coccolini F, Abu-Zidan F, Augustin G, Ben- Ishay O, Biffl WL, Bouliaris K, Catena R, Ceresoli M, Chiara O, Chiarugi M, Coimbra R, Cortese F, Cui Y, Damaskos D, De' Angelis GL, Delibegovic S, Demetrashvili Z, De Simone B, Di Marzo F, Di Saverio S, Duane TM, Faro MP, Fraga GP, Gkiokas G, Gomes CA, Hardcastle TC, Hecker A, Karamarkovic A, Kashuk J, Khokha V, Kirkpatrick AW, Kok KYY, Inaba K, Isik A, Labricciosa FM, Latifi R, Leppäniemi A, Litvin A, Mazuski JE, Maier RV, Marwah S, McFarlane M, Moore EE, Moore FA, Negoi I, Pagani L, Rasa K, Rubio-Perez I, Sakakushev B, Sato N, Sganga G, Siquini W, Tarasconi A, Tolonen M, Ulrych J, Zachariah SK, Catena F. 2020 update of the WSES guidelines for the management of acute colonic diverticulitis in the emergency setting. World Journal of Emergency Surgery 2020 May 7; 15: 32.

85. Dorrucci M, Regine V, Pezzotti P, Mammone A, Girardi E, Suligoi B. Demographic and socio-economic determinants of poor HIV-risk perception at first HIV diagnosis: analysis of the HIV Surveillance data, Italy 2010-2016. Annali Istituto Superiore di Sanità 2020; 56:267-276.

86. Aschbacher R, Pagani L, Migliavacca R, Pagani L. Recommendations for the surveillance of multidrug-resistant bacteria in Italian long-term care facilities by the GLISTer working group of the Italian Association of Clinical Microbiologists (AMCLI). Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control 2020; 13:106.

87. Pieri A, Aschbacher R, Fasani G, Mariella J, Brusetti L, Pagani E, Sartelli M, Pagani L.

Country Income Is Only One of the Tiles: The Global Journey of Antimicrobial Resistance among Humans, Animals, and Environment. Antibiotics (Basel) 2020; 9: 8.

88. Sartelli M, C Hardcastle T, Catena F, Chichom-Mefire A, Coccolini F, Dhingra S, Haque M, Hodonou A, Iskandar K, Labricciosa FM, Marmorale C, Sall I, Pagani L. Antibiotic Use in Low and Middle-Income Countries and the Challenges of Antimicrobial Resistance in Surgery.

Antibiotics (Basel) 2020; 9: 8.

89. Reichert M, Sartelli M, Weigand MA, Doppstadt C, Hecker M, Reinisch-Liese A, Bender F, Askevold I, Padberg W, Coccolini F, Catena F, Hecker A. Impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on emergency surgery services-a multi-national survey among WSES members. World Journal of Emergency Surgery 2020;15: 64.

90. Zanforlin A, Strapazzon G, Falk M, Gallina V, Viteritti A, Valzolgher L, La Guardia M, Ferro F, Pagani L, Vezzali N. Lung Ultrasound in the Emergency Department for Early Identification of COVID-19 Pneumonia. Respiration 2021; 100:145-153.

91. Khanina A, Urbancic KF, Haeusler GM, Kong DCM, Douglas AP, Tio SY, Worth LJ, Slavin MA, Thursky KA. Establishing essential metrics for antifungal stewardship in hospitals: the results of an international Delphi survey. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2021; 76: 253- 262.


92. De Simone B, Chouillard E, Sartelli M, Biffl WL, Di Saverio S, Moore EE, Kluger Y, Abu- Zidan FM, Ansaloni L, Coccolini F, Leppänemi A, Peitzmann AB, Pagani L, Fraga GP, Paolillo C, Picetti E, Valentino M, Pikoulis E, Baiocchi GL, Catena F. The management of surgical patients in the emergency setting during COVID-19 pandemic: the WSES position paper.

World Journal of Emergency Surgery 2021;16: 14.

93. Dinh A, Ropers J, Duran C, Davido B, Deconinck L, Matt M, Senard O, Lagrange A, Makhloufi S, Mellon G, de Lastours V, Bouchand F, Mathieu E, Kahn JE, Rouveix E, Grenet J, Dumoulin J, Chinet T, Pépin M, Delcey V, Diamantis S, Benhamou D, Vitrat V, Dombret MC, Renaud B, Perronne C, Claessens YE, Labarère J, Bedos JP, Aegerter P, Crémieux AC, Pneumonia Short Treatment (PTC) Study Group. Discontinuing β-lactam treatment after 3 days for patients with community-acquired pneumonia in non-critical care wards (PTC): a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, non-inferiority trial. Lancet 2021; 397:


94. Babich T, Naucler P, Valik JK, Giske CG, Benito N, Cardona R, Rivera A, Pulcini C, Abdel Fattah M, Haquin J, MacGowan A, Grier S, Gibbs J, Chazan B, Yanovskay A, Ami RB, Landes M, Nesher L, Zaidman-Shimshovitz A, McCarthy K, Paterson DL, Tacconelli E, Buhl M, Mauer S, Rodriguez-Bano J, Morales I, Oliver A, Ruiz de Gopegui E, Cano A, Machuca I, Gozalo-Marguello M, Martinez LM, Gonzalez-Barbera EM, Alfaro IG, Salavert M, Beovic B, Saje A, Mueller-Premru M, Pagani L, Vitrat V, Kofteridis D, Zacharioudaki M, Maraki S, Weissman Y, Paul M, Dickstein Y, Leibovici L, Yahav D. Combination versus monotherapy as definitive treatment for Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteraemia: a multicentre retrospective observational cohort study. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2021; 76: 2172- 2181.

95. Coccolini F, Cicuttin E, Cremonini C, Tartaglia D, Viaggi B, Kuriyama A, Picetti E, Ball C, Abu-Zidan F, Ceresoli M, Turri B, Jain S, Palombo C, Guirao X, Rodrigues G, Gachabayov M, Machado F, Eftychios L, Kanj SS, Di Carlo I, Di Saverio S, Khokha V, Kirkpatrick A, Massalou D, Forfori F, Corradi F, Delibegovic S, Machain Vega GM, Fantoni M, Demetriades D, Kapoor G, Kluger Y, Ansari S, Maier R, Leppaniemi A, Hardcastle T, Vereczkei A, Karamagioli E, Pikoulis E, Pistello M, Sakakushev BE, Navsaria PH, Galeiras R, Yahya AI, Osipov AV, Dimitrov E, Doklestić K, Pisano M, Malacarne P, Carcoforo P, Sibilla MG, Kryvoruchko IA, Bonavina L, Kim JI, Shelat VG, Czepiel J, Maseda E, Marwah S, Chirica M, Biancofiore G, Podda M, Cobianchi L, Ansaloni L, Fugazzola P, Seretis C, Gomez CA, Tumietto F, Malbrain M, Reichert M, Augustin G, Amato B, Puzziello A, Hecker A, Gemignani A, Isik A, Cucchetti A, Nacoti M, Kopelman D, Mesina C, Ghannam W, Ben-Ishay O, Dhingra S, Coimbra R, Moore EE, Cui Y, Quiodettis MA, Bala M, Testini M, Diaz J, Girardis M, Biffl WL, Hecker M, Sall I, Boggi U, Materazzi G, Ghiadoni L, Matsumoto J, Zuidema WP, Ivatury R, Enani MA, Litvin A, Al-Hasan MN, Demetrashvili Z, Baraket O, Ordoñez CA, Negoi I, Kiguba R, Memish ZA, Elmangory MM, Tolonen M, Das K, Ribeiro J, O'Connor DB, Tan BK, Van Goor H, Baral S, De Simone B, Corbella D, Brambillasca P, Scaglione M, Basolo F, De'Angelis N, Bendinelli C, Weber D, Pagani L, Monti C, Baiocchi G, Chiarugi M, Catena F, Sartelli M. A pandemic recap: lessons we have learned. World Journal of Emergency Surgery 2021; 16: 46.

96. Cobianchi L, Dal Mas F, Massaro M, Fugazzola P, Coccolini F, Kluger Y, Leppäniemi A,


Moore EE, Sartelli M, Angelos P, Ansaloni L, and the Team Dynamics Study Group. Team dynamics in emergency surgery teams: results from a first international survey. World Journal of Emergency Surgery 2021; 16: 47.

97. Sartelli M, Coccolini F, Kluger Y, Agastra E, Abu-Zidan FM, Abbas AES, Ansaloni L, Adesunkanmi AK, Atanasov B, Augustin G, Bala M, Baraket O, Baral S, Biffl WL, Boermeester MA, Ceresoli M, Cerutti E, Chiara O, Cicuttin E, Chiarugi M, Coimbra R, Colak E, Corsi D, Cortese F, Cui Y, Damaskos D, De' Angelis N, Delibegovic S, Demetrashvili Z, De Simone B, de Jonge SW, Dhingra S, Di Bella S, Di Marzo F, Di Saverio S, Dogjani A, Duane TM, Enani MA, Fugazzola P, Galante JM, Gachabayov M, Ghnnam W, Gkiokas G, Gomes CA, Griffiths EA, Hardcastle TC, Hecker A, Herzog T, Kabir SMU, Karamarkovic A, Khokha V, Kim PK, Kim JI, Kirkpatrick AW, Kong V, Koshy RM, Kryvoruchko IA, Inaba K, Isik A, Iskandar K, Ivatury R, Labricciosa FM, Lee YY, Leppäniemi A, Litvin A, Luppi D, Machain GM, Maier RV, Marinis A, Marmorale C, Marwah S, Mesina C, Moore EE, Moore FA, Negoi I, Olaoye I, Ordoñez CA, Ouadii M, Peitzman AB, Perrone G, Pikoulis M, Pintar T, Pipitone G, Podda M, Raşa K, Ribeiro J, Rodrigues G, Rubio-Perez I, Sall I, Sato N, Sawyer RG, Segovia Lohse H, Sganga G, Shelat VG, Stephens I, Sugrue M, Tarasconi A, Tochie JN, Tolonen M, Tomadze G, Ulrych J, Vereczkei A, Viaggi B, Gurioli C, Casella C, Pagani L, Baiocchi GL, Catena F.

WSES/GAIS/SIS-E/WSIS/AAST global clinical pathways for patients with intra-abdominal infections. World Journal of Emergency Surgery 2021;16: 49.

98. Dinh A, Duran C, Ropers J, Bouchand F, Davido B, Deconinck L, Matt M, Senard O, Lagrange A, Mellon G, Calin R, Makhloufi S, de Lastours V, Mathieu E, Kahn JE, Rouveix E, Grenet J, Dumoulin J, Chinet T, Pépin M, Delcey V, Diamantis S, Benhamou D, Vitrat V, Dombret MC, Guillemot D, Renaud B, Claessens YE, Labarère J, Aegerter P, Bedos JP, Crémieux AC, Pneumonia Short Treatment (PTC) Study Group. Factors associated with treatment failure in moderately severe community-acquired pneumonia: a secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Network Open 2021; 4(10): e2129566.


1. Viale P, Pagani L. Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) during the course of HIV infection. AIDS Patient Care and STDs 1997; 11: 302-303.

2. Viale P, Pagani L, Alberici F. Clinical features and prognostic factors of HIV-associated thrombotic microangiopathies. European Journal of Haematology 1998, 60: 262-263.

3. Guala A, Pastore G, Paoletti R, Pagani L. Rubella immunization during post-partum. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 2000; 19: 586-587

4. Guala A, Garipoli V, Pastore G, Pagani L. Familial adverse events after measles-mumps- rubella (MMR) vaccination. Vaccine 2002; 20: 991.


5. Villani P, Regazzi MB, Marubbi F, Viale P, Pagani L, Cristini F, Cadeo B, Carosi G, Bergomi R. Cerebrospinal fluid Linezolid concentrations in post-neurosurgical central nervous system infections. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2002; 46: 936-937.

6. Pagani L, Petrosillo N, Viale P. MRSA meningitis: has the time come for an alternative to vancomycin? Infection 2002; 30: 181-182.

7. Viale P, Scudeller L, Signorini L, Cadeo B, Petrosillo N, Pagani L, Carosi G, for the POP- HIV Study Group. HIV-associated community-acquired pneumonia in the highly active antiretroviral therapy era. AIDS 2002; 16: 2361-2362.

8. Pagani L, Viale P. Linezolid bei MRSA-Infektionen. [Linezolid for the MRSA infections]. Der Unfallchirurg 2002; 105: 759-760.

9. Guala A, Paoletti R, Pastore G, Sinaccio C, Pagani L. Offering rubella vaccination to sexually active adolescents. Vaccine 2003; 21: 1561.

10. Moling O, Rimenti G, Vedovelli C, Pagani L, Pristerà R, Mian P. Assessing the severity of malaria. 13 May 2003 Published Rapid Response to: British Medical Journal 2003; 326: 808-809.

11. Guala A, Campra D, Marinelli I, Gaidano G, Pagani L. Are Gilbert’s Syndrome and liver involvement genetically linked in infectious mononucleosis? Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 2003; 22: 1110-1111.

12. Pagani L, Guala A, Campra D, Paoletti R, Leonardi G, Pastore G. Efforts toward rubella elimination and improved quality of health care services. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2005; 40:


13. Pagani L, Spoladore G, Mian P, Vedovelli C. Managing Candida endophthalmitis. Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology 2007; 42: 876-877.

14. Pagani L, Falciani M, Aschbacher R. Use of microbiologic findings to manage antimicrobials in the intensive care unit. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2009; 30: 309-311.

15. Pagani L, Aschbacher R. Pursuing appropriateness of antimicrobial therapy prescription: is Italy on the move at last? American Journal of Infection Control 2009; 37: 692-694.

16. Pagani L. Antimicrobial stewardship: there’s no such thing as too much. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2010; 181: 94.

17. Pagani L, Vedovelli C, Coser S, Mian P. Re: “Rifampin and linezolid in the treatment of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus preseptal cellulitis”. Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2010; 26: 389.

18. Pagani L. Vancomycin for MRSA infections in the intensive care unit: the sunset boulevard of a gold standard? International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 2011; 38: 187-188.

19. Pagani L. Microbial profile and antibiotic susceptibility of culture-proven bacterial


endophthalmitis. Eye 2011; 25: 1379.

20. Allegranzi B, Pagani L, de Jonge S, Boermeester MA, Pittet D. Duration of surgical antibiotic prophylaxis in patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria—Authors’reply. Lancet Infectious Diseases 2017; 17: 370-371.

21. Saligari E, Pagani L, Jund J, Desjoyaux E, Beaune G. Rationalising BNP prescription in the Emergency Department. American Journal of Emergency Medicine 2017; 35: 1025-1027.

22. Pulcini C; ESGAP AMOXDOSE working group. Amoxicillin dosing recommendations are very different in European countries: a cross-sectional survey. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2017; 23: 414-415.

Chapters in books or international documents:

1. Boccardo F, Pagani L, Calabria C, Rubagotti A, Guarneri D, Decensi AU. Prostate cancer:

biological and clinical parameters influencing disease progression. In: "Advances in Clinical Oncology", vol. 3; pp. 405-422. Manni A, Pannuti F and Robustelli della Cuna G, (Eds.).

EDIMES, Pavia, 1991

2. Vaccher E, for the GICAT (other authors:..., Pagani L,....). Linfomi non-Hodgkin sistemici. In:

Tumori ed Infezioni da HIV, Vol. 1; GICAT (eds.), Biomedia, Milan, 1996; pp. 37-51

3. Spina M, for the GICAT (other authors:..., Pagani L,....). Terapia dei linfomi non-Hodgkin HIV- correlati: risultati preliminari di uno studio europeo randomizzato. In: Tumori ed Infezioni da HIV, Vol. 2; GICAT (eds.), Biomedia, Milan, 1997; pp. 1-9

4. Errante D, for the GICAT (other authors:..., Pagani L,....). Le terapie antineoplastiche di seconda linea. In: Tumori ed Infezioni da HIV, Vol. 2; GICAT (eds.), Biomedia, Milan, 1997; pp.


5. Spina M, for the GICAT (other authors:..., Pagani L,....). Terapia dei linfomi non-Hodgkin HIV- correlati: aggiornamento dei risultati preliminari dello studio europeo randomizzato. In: Tumori ed Infezioni da HIV, Vol. 3; GICAT (eds.), Biomedia, Milan, 1998; pp. 1-9

6. Alberici F, Pagani L, Padrini D, Ratti G, Sacchini D, Sisti M, Viale P. Interferon- nel trattamento dell’epatite C acuta. In: Gli Allievi. Scritti in onore del Prof. E. G. Rondanelli. Ed.

EDIMES, Pavia; 1999. pp. 165-171

7. Nasti G, Vaccher E, di Gennaro G, Schioppa O, Tavio M, Spina M, Juzbasic S, Scalone S, Di Lauro V, Vultaggio G, Tirelli U per il GICAT (other authors:..., Pagani L,....). Chemioterapia del sarcoma di Kaposi epidemico. In: Tumori ed Infezioni da HIV, Vol. 4; GICAT (eds.), Biomedia, Milan, 1999; pp. 43-52

8. Viale P, Pagani L. Le infezioni batteriche emergenti in ematologia: nuove opzioni terapeutiche.

In: Seminari di Oncologia ed Ematologia (EDIMES Ed.). 2002; 2: 133-148.


9. Pagani L. La stewardship degli antimicrobici: realtà italiana e prospettive internazionali. In: La stewardship antibiotica. I manuali del farmacista. Mayaidee Ed. 2009. pp. 79-91.

10. Progetto GISIG (Gruppo Italiano di Studio sulle Infezioni Gravi). Conferenza Nazionale di Consenso. Le infezioni gravi da gram positivi resistenti e multiresistenti. Raccomandazioni finali.

In: I Volumi di Clinical Practice; 2010. Effetti Ed. pp.39-45.

11. Ministero della Salute, Istituto Superiore di Sanità e Regione Emilia Romagna.

Raccomandazioni sul controllo della diffusione nosocomiale dello Staphylococcus aureus resistente alla meticillina (MRSA) 2011. Regione Emilia-Romagna; 2011: 1-152.

12. Uçkay I, Pagani L, Gamulin A, Lew DP. Infections in skeletal prosthesis and allografts. In:

Bennett & Brachman’s Hospital Infections. 6th Edition. (Jarvis WR, Ed.). Lippincott Williams &

Wilkins. 2014; 608-617.

13. WHO Global guidelines for the prevention of surgical site infection. World Health Organization 2016; 1-186. ISBN 978 92 4 154988 2.

14. Pagani L, Viale P. An inventory of AMS initiatives worldwide: antimicrobial stewardship in Italy. In: Antimicrobial Stewardship. Academic Press Inc. Elsevier Science, 2017. Chapter 19.15, pp. 293-295.

15. WHO competency framework for health workers’ education and training on antimicrobial resistance. 2018; World Health Organization, WHO/HIS/HWF/AMR/2018.1.

16. WHO competency framework for health workers’ education and training on antimicrobial resistance. Curricula Guide 2018; World Health Organization, WHO/HIS/HWF/AMR/2018.2.

17. Pagani L, Fasani G, Aschbacher R. What healthcare workers should know about the “One Health approach” and the global impact of resistance. In: Infections in Surgery: prevention and management. Sartelli M, Coimbra R, Pagani L, Rasa K (eds.). Hot Topics in Acute Care Surgery and Trauma Series. Springer International; 2021. pp. 261-278.

18. Fasani G, Pieri A, Pagani L. Clostridium infections. In: Textbook of Emergency General Surgery. Traumatic and non-traumatic surgical emergencies. Coccolini F and Catena F (eds.).

Hot Topics in Acute Care Surgery and Trauma Series. Springer International; in press.

Abstracts and Presentations:

1. Manara GC, Ferrari C, Pagani L, De Panfilis G. Dimostrazione di sottopopolazioni di cellule mononucleate nel contesto di vari infiltrati cutanei mediante immunooro, "in situ". (abstract). p.

61. Atti LXIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Dermatologia e Venereologia; VIII Congresso di Immunopatologia Cutanea e Ricerca Sperimentale; Firenze, 1986

2. Manara GC, Pagani L, Ferrari C, Molinari A, Bologna G, De Panfilis G. Quantizzazione morfometrica del grado di villosità cellulare. (abstract). p. 205. Atti I Congresso Nazionale della


Società Italiana di Biomorfometria; Milano, 1986

3. Manara GC, Ferrari C, Sansoni P, Pagani L, Bologna G, De Panfilis G. Morphometric comparison of E-rosetting versus Non-adherent non E-rosetting Leu-11 positive cells. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 12: 302, 1987

4. Manara GC, Ferrari C, Torresani C, Pagani L, Rocchi G, Bologna G, De Panfilis G.

Distribuzione della proteina S-100 nell'ambito dei linfociti T. (abstract). p. 87. Atti XVI Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Microscopia Elettronica; Bologna, 1987

5. Manara GC, Ferrari C, Pagani L, Torresani C, Bologna G, Donelli G, De Panfilis G.

Evaluation of HLA-DR expression of Langerhans cells and Indeterminate cells with regard to ultrastructure features. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 91: 409, 1988

6. Manara GC, Ferrari C, Torresani C, Zucchi A, Bologna G, Pagani L, De Panfilis G.

L'immuno-oro con intensificazione all'argento in microscopia elettronica a trasmissione.

Possibilità di ottenere una rapida correlazione tra ultrastruttura ed immunofenotipo di membrana.

(abstract). Atti IX Congresso Immunopatologia Cutanea e Ricerca Dermatologica; Milano, 1988

7. Pagani L, Bologna G, Ferrari C, Molinari A, Torresani C, Manara GC, De Panfilis G. Un metodo morfometrico per valutare il grado di villosità cellulare. (abstract). p. 107. Atti XVII Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Microscopia Elettronica; Lecce, 1989

8. Manara GC, Pagani L, Ferrari C, Bologna G, Torresani C, De Panfilis G. Morphometric evaluation of suspended human Langerhans cells.). Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, 1990

9. Decensi AU, Pagani L, Curotto A, Nicolò G, Maisto L, Boccardo F, Giaretti W. Evaluation of DNA index in bladder cancer washing by DNA flow cytometry as an indicator of tumour progression. (abstract). Basic and Applied Histochemistry 34: 317, 1990

10. Boccardo F, Pagani L, Calabria C, Rubagotti A, Oneto F, Martorana G, Delli Ponti U, Petracco S, Cortellini P, Ziveri M, Ferraris V, Bruttini GP, Epis R, Comeri G, Gallo G and other PONCaP Investigators. Goserelin with or without flutamide in the treatment of locally advanced or metastatic prostate cancer: "ad interim" analysis of an ongoing PONCaP (Italian Prostatic Cancer Project) study. (abstract). p. 34. International Congress on Debated Problems in Clinical Oncology. Rome, 1990

11. Pagani L, Calabria C, Rubagotti A, Guarneri D, Decensi AU, Boccardo F. Evaluation of prognostic factors in 404 patients with advanced prostate cancer; (abstract). p. 41. International Congress on Debated Problem in Clinical Oncology. Rome, 1990

12. Canobbio L, Guarneri D, Decensi AU, Calabria C, Pagani L, Curotto A, Boccardo F. Phase II trial of Carboplatin (CBDCA), Methotrexate (MTX) and Vinblastine (VBL) in advanced carcinoma of the bladder. abstract P9:11. Annals of Oncology 1 (S1): 76, 1990

13. Decensi AU, Pagani L, Curotto A, Nicolò G, Maisto L, Boccardo F, Giaretti W. DNA flow cytometry in bladder cancer washing. abstract P8:8. Annals of Oncology 1 (S1): 68, 1990


14. Pagani L, Calabria C, Rubagotti A, Guarneri D, Decensi AU, Boccardo F. Prognostic factors in advanced prostate cancer: an analysis of 404 patients. abstract W11:11. Annals of Oncology 1 (S1): 120, 1990

15. Alberici F, Cavanna L, Di Matteo A, Pagani L, Paties CT, Viale P. Extramedullary gingival plasmacytoma in an AIDS patient: a case report. 4th European Conference on clinical aspects and treatment of HIV infection; (abstract no. P102). Milano, 1994; p. 70

16. Viale P, Pagani L, Padrini D, Ratti G, Alberici F. Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) in HIV-1 infected individuals: report of three cases, review of the literature and survey of pathogenesis. (abstract). Haematologica 81 (Suppl): 290; n. 283, 1996

17. Nasti G, Errante D, Fasan M, Rizzardini G, Landonio G, Pagani L, Zeroli C, Tirelli U.

Evidence of activity of vinorelbine in patients (pts) with previously treated AIDS-associated Kaposi's sarcoma. (abstract). AIDS 10 (Suppl 2): S13; no. OP5.1, 1996

18. Errante D, Nasti G, Fasan M, Rizzardini G, Landonio G, Pagani L, Zeroli C, Tirelli U.

Efficacia della Navelbina (NVB) in pazienti (paz) con sarcoma di Kaposi epidemico (SKE) pre- trattati. (abstract no. P109). X Congresso Nazionale AIDS e Sindromi Correlate; Milano, 1996: p.


19. Milano F, Pesce F, Briganti V, Amarri S, Pagani L, Viale P. Isolation and determination of antimicrobial susceptibilities of Helicobacter pylori isolates using Entero-test in a paediatric cohort. (abstract no. 4216). 20th International Congress of Chemotherapy, Sidney 1997; pp. 133- 134

20. Pagani L, Alberici F, Viale P. Role of prompt diagnosis and delivery of plasma exchange in patients with HIV-associated thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura/hemolytic uremic syndrome.

(abstract). Acta Haematologica 98 (Suppl 1): 57, 1997

21. Viale P, Pagani L, Ratti G, Alberici F. Valutazione di nuovi protocolli di trattamento della scabbia in soggetti HIV1 positivi. Giornale Italiano di Malattie Infettive 3 (Suppl 1): S200-S201, 1997

22. Errante D, Spina M, Nasti G, Tavio M, Vaccher E, Landonio G, Pagani L, Bottura P, Fasan M, Tirelli U, for the GICAT. Evidence of activity of Vinorelbine (VNR) in patients (pts) with previously treated epidemic Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS). XV Riunione Nazionale di Oncologia Sperimentale e Clinica, Pisa 1997

23. Errante D, Spina M, Tavio M, Vaccher E, Landonio G, Pagani L, Bottura P, Fasan M, Tirelli U, for the GICAT. Evidence of activity of Vinorelbine (VNR) in patients (pts) with previously treated epidemic Kaposi's sarcoma (KS). Proceedings of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 16: 42a, 1997 (abstract no. *146)

24. Agostoni C, Dorigoni N, Corona S, Bruno A, Pagani L, Gatti S, Scaglia M. HIV/Leishmania coinfection: evaluation of 22 cases. Fifth International Workshops on Opportunistic Protists, Lille 1997. (abstract P2)


25. Errante D, Spina M, Nasti G, Tavio M, Vaccher E, Landonio G, Pagani L, Bottura P, Fasan M, Tirelli U, for the Italian Cooperative Group on AIDS and Tumors (GICAT). Evidence of activity of Vinorelbine (VNR) in patients (pts) with previously treated epidemic Kaposi's sarcoma (KS). Sixth European Conference on Clinical Aspects and Treatment of HIV-infection. Hamburg 1997; p. 100. (abstract no. 556).

26. Viale P, Ratti G, Ruggieri A, Pagani L, Carella E, Alberici F. Ruolo della broncoscopia e dell’imaging nella diagnosi eziologica delle polmoniti HIV-correlate. XI Convegno Nazionale AIDS e Sindromi Correlate, Pisa; 1997; p. 120.

27. Viale P, Pagani L, Sisti M, Alberici F. Le microangiopatie trombotiche HIV-correlate (HIV- TMA). XI Convegno Nazionale AIDS e Sindromi Correlate, Pisa; 1997; p. 193.

28. Ruggieri A, Ratti G, Donisi A, Pagani L, Alberici F. Acidosi metabolica e disturbi neurologici in pazienti long-AIDS in trattamento con Inibitori delle Proteasi: esiste una correlazione? XII Convegno Nazionale AIDS e sindromi correlate, Genova; 1998, p. 205

29. Padrini D, Pagani L, Ruggieri A, Alberici F. Buffalo Hump in corso di infezione da HIV:

segnalazione di un caso. XII Convegno Nazionale AIDS e sindromi correlate, Genova; 1998, p.


30. Pagani L, Ruggieri A, Sisti M, Faggi A, Paolillo F, Viale P, Alberici F. Le microangiopatie trombotiche HIV-correlate (HIV-TMA): update dell’Osservatorio Nazionale e della letteratura. XII Convegno Nazionale AIDS e sindromi correlate, Genova; 1998, p. 68

31. Alberici F, Pagani L, Ratti G, Viale P. Ivermectin (Iv) in the treatment of HIV-associated infestation due to Sarcoptes scabiei. (abstract no. 10.I.138). Proceedings of 39th ICAAC, San Francisco; 1999; p. 459.

32. Fassone L, Gloghini A, Gutierrez M, Bhatia K, Dolcetti R, Capello D, Vivenza D, Ascoli V, Lo Coco F, Pagani L, Dotti G, Rambaldi A, Tirelli U, Saglio G, Carbone A, Gaidano G.

Molecular profile of Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) infection in HHV-8 positive primary effusion lymphoma. (abstract no. P084). Haematologica 1999; 84 (Suppl): 117.

33. Pagani L, Gaidano G, Ratti G, Alberici F. Linfoma delle cavità sierose-HIV correlato:

descrizione di un caso. XIII Convegno Nazionale AIDS e sindromi correlate, Roma, 1999; n. 141

34. Pagani L, Donisi A, Alberici F. Carcinoma polmonare in corso di infezione da HIV: una patologia neoplastica emergente. XIII Convegno Nazionale AIDS e sindromi correlate, Roma, 1999; n. 135

35. Ruggieri A, Pagani L, Di Stasi M, Tansini P, Donisi A, Ratti G, Alberici F. Trattamento endoscopico delle varici esofagee nei pazienti con coinfezione HIV-HCV ed insufficienza epatica.

XIII Convegno Nazionale AIDS e sindromi correlate, Roma, 1999; n. 125

36. Civardi G, Vallisa D, Bertè R, Sbolli G, Nifosì G, Ferrari B, Pagani L, Cavanna L. The occurrence and clinical significance of the focal liver lesions in the course of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. (abstract). Annals of Oncology 2000; 11 (Suppl. 4): 102. (abstr. No. 460P)


37. Carosi G, Viale P, Petrosillo N, Bombana E, Cadeo B, Casari S, Signorini L, Andreoni M, Artioli S, Bonfante S, Casella A, Cancellieri C, Castelnuovo F, Cristalli MP, Cristina G, Dalle Nogare R, Di Natale F, De Gennaro M, Dodi F, Donati E, Galloni D, Gattuso G, Magnani G, Marino M, Maserati R, Mondino F, Pagani L, Ratti G, Ripamonti D, Salassa B, Vivarelli A, for the POP-HIV Study Group. Prognosis and outcome markers of pneumonia in HIV-infected patients. Observational study on clinical and epidemiological characteristics of Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) in HIV infected subjects. Identification of prognostic markers and parameters of clinical stability. Third National Research Program on AIDS. Progress Report; Istituto Superiore di Sanità; Rome, February 26-March 2, 2001.

38. Cristini F, Villani P, Bergomi R, Pagani L, Regazzi MB, Colombini P, Viale P, Carosi G.

Infezioni del sistema nervoso centrale da Gram+ in neurochirurgia: ruolo di Linezolid. Atti del XXI Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Chemioterapia; Firenze, 2001; (abstract no. E13).

p. 221.

39. Cadeo B, Villani P, Viale P, Regazzi MB, Pagani L, Marchetti F, Carosi G.

Pharmacodynamics of Levoxacin in the treatment of infective endocarditis. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2002; 8 (Suppl.1): 26 (abstract no. O180).

40. Viale P, Scudeller L, Cadeo B, Petrosillo N, Pagani L, Signorini L, Girardi E, Carosi G, for the POP-HIV Study Group. Time-to-clinical stability in HIV-patients with Community- Acquired Pneumonia (CAP). Proceedings of the XIV International AIDS Conference; Barcelona;

2002. (abstract no. ThPeB7388).

41. Pagani L, Viale P, Signorini L, Colombini P, Cristini F, Petrosillo N. Catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSI) in the immunocompromised host treated by Intraluminal Lock- Technique (IL). International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2002; 6 (Suppl2): S28.

42. Viale P, Scudeller L, Pagani L, Petrosillo N, Girardi E, Cadeo B, Signorini L, for the POP- HIV Study Group. Assessment of time-to-clinical-stability as a clinical outcome predictor in HIV-patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2002; 6 (Suppl2): S18.

43. Viale P, Colombini P, Pagani L, Dodi F, Gattuso G, Di Gennaro M, Puro V, Petrosillo N.

Safety of short-term Peripheral Intravenous Catheter (PIC) left in place for longer than recommended. Journal of Hospital Infections 2002; abstract

44. Viale P, Petrosillo N, Pagani L, Cadeo B, Signorini L, Scudeller L, for the POP-HIV Study Group. Determinants of Time to Clinical Stability in community-acquired pneumonia in HIV patients. Abstracts 42nd ICAAC, San Diego, CA; 2002.

45. Viale P, Pagani L. Strategie preventive delle infezioni micotiche invasive. Atti del 6° Congresso Nazionale FIMUA 2002; abstract no. O18. pp. 45-46.

46. Pea F, Viale P, Brollo L, Franceschi L, Pavan F, Pagani L, Furlanut M. Valutazione retrospettiva dell’attività di monitoraggio delle concentrazioni plasmatiche (TDM) della teicoplanina. Giornale Italiano di Malattie Infettive 2002; 8 (Suppl 1): S152 (abstract no. P169).


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