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Kinematics, Dynamics and Mechanical Efficiency of a Cardan Joint with Manufacturing Tolerances - Part I


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International Workshop

″″″″Advanced Researches in Computational Mechanics and

Virtual Engineering


18 – 20 October 2006, Brasov, Romania




E. Pennestr`ı, L. Vita, P.P. Valentini

Dip. di Ingegneria Meccanica, Universit`a di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Roma, ITALY, pennestri@mec.uniroma2.it

Abstract: A Cardan joint with manufacturing errors is usually modeled as an RCCC linkage. This first part, after

a brief review of dual numbers, summarizes the main equation for the kinematic and static analysis of an RCCC linkage.

Keywords: Mechanical transmissions, Cardan joint, Dual numbers.


Cardan joints are common devices for transmitting the motion between misaligned intersecting axes. Although mainly applied in automotive applications, their capability of easy mounting, of resisting high loads and commercial availability makes them also an attractive solution, as a substitute of spherical pairs, in parallel robots.

At the book level, the most relevant sources of informations on the Cardan joint are the monograph authored by F. Duditza [1] and the handbook edited by E.R. Wagner [2]. The book of Duditza, originally published in 1966 and translated in many languages, contains the description of different mathematical models for kinematic, dynamic, vibrational and stress analysis of polycardan mechanisms.

Although the structure of the Cardan joint has been known for centuries, only in modern times a complete dynamic analysis has been presented in a series of papers authored by F. Freudenstein and his coworkers [3, 4, 5, 9]. Purpose of this paper is to report the main equations for kinematic, static, dynamic and mechanical efficiency analysis of a Cardan joint subjected to manufacturing tolerances.

The paper is splitted in two parts. The first part deals with kinematics and statics of the Cardan joint. The second part discuss dynamic analysis and mechanical efficiency analysis. For completeness, the first part includes also a brief explanation of dual numbers algebra.

The modeling of manufacturing errors in Cardan joints is introduced by considering a kinematically equivalent RCCC mechanism. In the first part of the paper a kinematic and static analysis of the RCCC mechanism by means of the dual numbers algebra is preliminarly carried out. Then, the effects of friction are included. For this purpose, the following hypotheses are herein adopted:

- Coulomb friction; - absence of stiction; - negligible inertia forces;

- absence of backlash in the kinematic pairs; - rigid bodies.


- ai: minimum distance between ziand zi+1axes;

- Fix,Fiy,Fizjoint forces cartesian components at the ith joint;

- Fix,Fiy,Fizjoint forces at the ith joint;

- xiyizi: moving cartesian system attached to the ithbody, as in the Denavit-Hartenberg convention;

- hJ(ik)




a x y z x i i i -si i+1 zi+1 i+1 α i θi Link i Link i-1

Figure 1: Denavit-Hartenberg parameters

- si: relative linear displacement of the links measured according to the Denavit-Hartenberg convention (see

Figure 1);

- αiangle between ziand zi+1axes;

- ε dual unity ε2= 0

- ωi: angular velocity of the ithbody, measured in the cartesian system o− xiyizi;

- θi: relative angular displacement of the links measured according to the Denavit-Hartenberg convention (see

Figure 1);

- thebdenote dual quantities;

- Dots denote differentiation w.r.t. time.


Dual numbers have been introduced by W. Clifford in 1873. A classical work dedicated to dual numbers has been authored by E. Study [6]. Modern reference works are due to R. Beyer [7], F.M Dimentberg [8] and I.S. Fischer [9]. One of the first applications of dual numbers to kinematic analysis of spatial mechanisms has been presented by F.M Dimentberg (1952) and J. Denavit [10] (1953).

A dual number bais defined by the sum


a= a + εa0 (1)

where by definition ε6= 0 and ε2= 0. The real numbers a e a

0are, respectively, the real and dual components. In

pure dual number a= 0.

The parameter p of a dual number is the ratio p= a a0 .

3.1 Algebra of dual numbers

For the dual numbers the basic algebraic operations are defined as follows:

Sum and subtraction

b a± bb = (a ± b)+ ε(a0± b0) . (2) Product b a bb= (a + εa0) (b + εb0) = ab + ε (ab0+ a0b) (3) Division b a bb= a+ εa0 b+ εb0 =a b+ ε a0b− ab0 b2 . (4)

From this expression is clear that the division by a pure dual number is not defined.

An ordinary function f(bx) of dual argument bx= x + εx0, is decomposed into a real and dual part by the formula

f(bx) = f (x0) + ε

d f(x0)


. (5)

A dual angle is defined by the expression


θ = θ + εs , (6)

where, with reference to two skew lines, θ is the minimum angle between the lines and s the minimum distance. Table 3.1 summarizes the definition of most common functions of dual numbers.


Table 1: Definition of noteworthy dual functions bd= x + εy p b d=√x+ ε y 2√x asin bd= asinx + ε y p 1− x2

edb= ex(1 + εy) acos bd= acosx − εp y 1− x2

logedb= logex+ εyx atan bd= atanx + ε1+xy2 log10db=


loge10 sinh bd= sinh x + εy coshx

b ddb2 1 = x x2 1 + ε  y1x2xx12−1+ y2xx12logex1 

cosh bd= cosh x + εy sinh x sin bd= sin x+ εy cos x asinh bd= asinhx + εp y

x2+ 1

cos bd= cos x− εysinx acosh bd= acoshx − εp y

x2− 1

tan bd= tan x + ε y

cos2x atanh bd= atanhx + ε y

1− x2

All trigonometric identities, such as cos2bθ + sin2bθ = 1, remain valid. The dual function of a dual variable is defined as follows


y(bx) = f (x, x0) + ε f0(x, x0) , (7)

where f(x, x0) e f0(x, x0) are real functions of real variables x and x0. In order bybe analytic, the functions f and f0

must satisfy the conditions ∂x∂ f

0 = 0 and ∂ f ∂x = ∂ f0 ∂x0. 3.2 Dual vectors

Over the ring


of the dual numbers a three dimensional dual vector space is defined. Two vectors ~F and ~M of a dual vector


F= ~F+ ε ~M , (8)

have both origin at the origin of the Cartesian coordinate system. Dual vector are conventionally denoted with capital letters (e.g. bF).

3.3 Software tools

There are different software choices to implement formulas using directly the dual formalism. The language Ch1, developed by H. Cheng [13] is the best tool for numerical computations involving dual numbers. C and Fortran 90 users may take advantage of the type procedures written by I.S. Fischer [9] and E.D. Fasse [12]. Maple V worksheets with procedures for the algebraic handling of dual quantitis in symbolic form are reported in the thesis of G. Alba Perez [14].

4. Kinematic analysis of the RCCC linkage 4.1 Position analysis

Let us denote with

i= θi+ εsi, αbi= αi+ εai, (9)

the dual numbers which define, respectively, the relative position between adjacent links and the geometry of the ith link.

With reference to Figure 1, the transform matrix from coordinate system oi+1− xi+1yi+1zi+1 to oi− xiyizi, in

terms of such numbers is given by2 h b A ii i+1=   cbθi −cbαisbθi sbαisbθi sbθi cbαicbθi −sbαicbθi 0 sbαi cbαi   . (10)

The closure condition for the RCCC mechanism shown in Figure 2 is expressed by the matrix product h b A i1 2 h b A i2 3 h b A i3 4 h b A i1 4= [I] , (11)

1The software is freely avalable for academic use from www.softintegration.com. 2c= cos and s = sin


where[I] is the identity matrix. The above equation can be rewritten in the formhAbi2 3 h b Ai3 4= h b ATi1 2 h b ATi1 4 .

Carrying out the matrix products and equating the elements on the same rows and columns one obtains [9]: b dsin bθ4+ becosbθ4+ bf= 0 , (12) where b d= sbα1sbα3sbθ1, be= −sbα3cbα1sbα4+ sbα1cbα4cbθ1, bf = −cbα2+ cbα3cbα1cbα4− sbα1sbα4cbθ1, (13) and sbθ2= sbθ1cbα3sbα4+ sbα3cbα4cbθ4+ sbα3cbθ1sbθ4 sbα2 , cbθ2= cbα1cbα2− cbα3cbα4+ sbα3sbα4cbθ4 sbα1sbα2 , (14) sbθ3= sαb1sbθ1cbθ4+ cbα4cbθ1sbθ4+ cbα1sbα4sbθ4 sbα2 , cbθ3= sbα1sbα4cbθ1+ cbα2cbα3− cbα1cbα4 sbα2sbα3 . (15)

Thus, the dual angles bθ2, bθ3and bθ4are computed as follows3:

bθ4= 2 tan−1 − bd± q b d2+ be2− bf2 b f− be , b

θ2= ATAN2sinbθ2, cosbθ2,3= ATAN2sin bθ3, cosbθ3. (16)

a z z x y x y x y x y a a a 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 z3 4 4 4 z4 θ 2


θ 1


θ 3






2 s3





Figure 2: The RCCC kinematically equivalent linkage

4.2 Velocity analysis of RCCC mechanism



vi= ˙θi+ ε ˙si, (17)

(i= 1, 2, 3, 4) be the dual relatve speeds in reference joints. In terms of dual vectors, such velocities are expressed as

n b VC1(1,4)o(1)= 0 0 bv1 T , nVbC2(2,1)o(2)= 0 0 vb2 T , (18a) n b VC3(3,2) o(3) = 0 0 bv3 T , n b VC4(4,3) o(4) = 0 0 vb4 T . (18b)

The absolute dual speed of body 2, referred to point C2 and with components expressed in coordinate system

o2− x2y2z2is obtained as the sum of two dual relative velocity vectors

n b VC2(2,4) o(2) =nVbC2(2,1) o(2) +nVbC2(1,4) o(2) =nVbC2(2,1) o(2) +hAb i2 1 n b VC1(1,4) o(1) . (19)


Similarly, the absolute dual speed of link 2, referred to point C3and expressed in coordinate system 3, is n b VC3(2,4) o(3) =nVbC3(2,3) o(3) +bvC3(3,4) (3)= − n b VC3(3,2) o(3) −hAb i3 4 n b VC4(4,3) o(4) . (20)

Between such velocities the following relation hold n b VC 3(2,4) o(3) =hAbi3 2 n b VC 2(2,4) o(2) (21) From (21), taking into account (18), (19), (20), follows the system

  0 0 sαb3sbθ3 sbα2 0 −sbα3cbθ3 cαb2 1 cbα3      b v2 b v3 b v4   =        −bv1sbα1sbθ2 −bv1  cbα1sbα2+ sbα1cbα2cbθ2 −bv1  cbα1cbα2− sbα1sbα2cbθ2        , (22) whose solution is b v2= −    cbα1sbα2+ sbα1cbα2cbθ2sbθ3+ sbα1sbθ2cbθ3 sbα2sbθ3 bv1, (23) b v3=    sbα2cbα3+ cbα2sbα3sbθ3sbθ2+ sbα3sbθ3cbθ3 sbα2sbα3sbθ3   sbα1bv1, (24) b v4= − sbα1sbθ2 sbα3sbθ3bv1. (25)

Static analysis of the RCCC linkage

Let us denote with the dual numbers

b Fx j= Fx j+ εMx j, (26) b Fy j= Fy j+ εMy j, (27) b Fz j= Fz j+ εMz j, (28)

for j= 1, 2, 3, 4, the joint forces.

Imposing the static equilibrium of the links one obtains4: b Fx1= cbθ1sbα2cbθ2− sbα2sbθ2cbα1sbθ1 sbα1sbα2sbθ2 Fbz1+ sbα2sbθ1sbθ2− cbθ1cbθ2cbα1sbα2− cbθ1cbα2sbα1 sbα1sbα2sbθ2 Fbz2+ cbθ1 sbα2sbθ2Fbz3 (29) b Fy1= cbθ1sbθ2cbα1sbα2+ sbθ1sbα2cbθ2 sbα1sbα2sbθ2 Fbz1− sbθ1sbα2cbθ2cbα1+ sbα1sbθ1cbα2+ sbα2sbθ2cbθ1 sbα1sbα2sbθ2 Fbz2+ sbθ1 sbα2sbθ2Fbz3 (30) b Fx2= sb α2cbθ2 sbα1sbα2sbθ2Fbz1− sbα1cbα2+ sbα2cbθ2cbα1 sbα1sbα2sbθ2 Fbz2+ b Fz3 sbα2sbθ2 (31) b Fy2= b Fk1 sbα1− cbα1 sαb1Fbz2 (32) b Fx3= sb α2 sbα1sbα2sbθ2Fbz1− sbα1cbθ2cbα2+ sbα2cbα1 sbα1sbα2sbθ2 Fbz2+ cbθ2 sbα2sbθ2Fbz3 (33) b Fy3= b Fz2 sbα2− cbα2 sbα2Fbz3 (34)

4The authors found that many of the algebraic expressions for the static force analysis of the RCCC linkage presented in [9] have some


b Fx4= cbθ3 sbα1sbθ2Fbz1− cbθ3cbθ2sbα1cbα2+ cbθ3sbα2cbα1− sbθ3sbα1sbθ2 sbα1sbα2sbθ2 Fbz2− sbθ3sbθ2cbα2− cbθ3cbθ2 sbα2sbθ2 Fbz3 (35) b Fy4= −sb α2cbα3sbθ3 sbα1sbα2sbθ2Fbz1+ cbα3sbθ3cbθ2sbα1cbα2+ cbα3sbθ3sbα2cbα1+ cbα3cbθ3sbα1sbθ2 sbα1sbα2sbθ2 Fbz2 −cbα3sbθ3cbθ2+ cbα3cbθ3sbθ2cbα2− sbα3sbα2sbθ2 sbα2sbθ2 Fbz3 (36) b Fz4=sb α3sbθ3 sbα1sbθ2Fbz1− cbθ2sbθ3sbα1cbα2sbα3+ sbθ2cbθ3sbα1sbα3+ sbθ3cbα1sbα2sbα3 sbα1sbα2sbθ2 Fbz2 +cbθ2sbθ3sbα3+ sbθ2cbθ3cbα2sbα3+ sbθ2sbα2cbα3 sbα2sbθ2 Fbz3 (37)

In the frictionless RCCC linkage the following equalities hold: Fz2= Fz3= Fz4= 0, Mz2= Mz3=0. References

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[2] Wagner, E.R., Universal Joint and Driveshaft Design Manual, SAE AE-7, 1979.

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[8] Dimentberg, F.M., The Screw Calculus and Its Applications in Mechanics, U.S. Department of Commerce, NTIS, AD-680 993, April 1968.

[9] Fischer, I.S., Dual-Number Methods in Kinematics, Statics and Dynamics, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1998. [10] Denavit, J., Displacement Analysis of Mechanisms Based on 2× 2 Matrices of Dual Numbers, VDI-Berichte,

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[12] Fasse, D.,E., Some Applications of Screw Theory to Lumped Parameter Modeling of Visco-Elastic Coupled Rigid Bodies, Proceedings of the Symposium Commemorating the Legacy Works and Life of Sir Robert Stawell

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Figure 1: Denavit-Hartenberg parameters
Table 1: Definition of noteworthy dual functions b d = x + εy p d b = √ x+ ε y
Figure 2: The RCCC kinematically equivalent linkage


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