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Agricultural Respiratory Diseases 19


Academic year: 2021

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Agricultural Respiratory Diseases


Key words: dusts, gases, pesticides, fertilizers, solvents

Agricultural areas have potentially significant sources of exposure to respiratory irritants and allergens associated with respiratory diseases. From an occupa- tional and environmental perspective on a global scale, exposures to organic and inorganic dusts, biological material such as endotoxin and mold, pesticides, and chemicals are prevalent in agriculture and associated with a wide variety of res- piratory symptoms and diseases. Agricultural activities such as fieldwork, plant- ing and harvesting, grain handling, and work in silos, animal stalls, and dairy barns can generate significant amounts of respirable dust. Many respiratory exposures, like total dust concentration in fields, can be higher in agriculture than in other industries, and exposure levels may often exceed general industry standards for nuisance dusts. Despite generally lower rates of cigarette smoking in agriculture and farm workers, they have an increased prevalence of respira- tory illnesses compared to the general population (Table 19.1) (1–10).

In developed countries, recent technological advances in agriculture have improved working conditions, yet paradoxically have increased other expo- sures such as concentrated indoor exposures to organic dust in confined ani- mal feeding operations. In addition, engineering controls are often insufficient, and respiratory protection is needed but often underutilized by agricultural workers. In developing countries, significant overall exposures remain more widespread as agricultural practices and regulations are not standardized, although the majority of the working population participates in some type of agricultural work. Information regarding disease burden and prevalence is not easily available; statistics may underestimate disease prevalence because of underreporting or unavailability of reliable data. This chapter reviews respiratory illnesses associated with specific agricultural exposures, outlines the medical evaluation for respiratory diseases, highlights evolving research areas, and discusses strategies for prevention (1–3,7,8).

Several specific respiratory illnesses and syndromes are related to occupa- tional and environmental exposures to agricultural areas. For those uniniti- ated in farm medicine, the atypical sources of toxic gas inhalation may come



as a surprise. Even grain storage and manure can produce toxic substances in the right circumstances.

Toxic Gas Inhalation

Silo Filler’s Disease

Farms with large numbers of livestock typically rely on a large storage con- tainer called a silo to store animal feed. A variety of relatively airtight struc- tures can serve for animal feed storage, including upright metal tower silos, in-ground pits, and even huge plastic bags. In the silo, recently harvested grains are tightly compressed to squeeze out most of the air. The remaining oxygen is consumed rapidly by actively metabolizing plant cells. As the silo becomes anaerobic, rising amounts of organic acids are formed, resulting in TABLE19.1. Agricultural respiratory diseases.

Exposure type Sources Environments Respiratory illnesses Organic dusts Grain, hay, Animal confinement Asthma, asthma-like

endotoxin, areas, barns, silos, syndrome, ODTS,1 silage, cotton, harvesting and HP, chronic

animal feed, processing bronchitis

microorganisms operations

Inorganic dusts Silicates Field work, harvesting Pulmonary fibrosis, /tiling of soil chronic bronchitis Gases Ammonia, hydrogen Animal confinement Asthma-like

sulfide, nitrogen facilities, manure syndrome, oxides, methane, CO pits, silos, fertilizers tracheobronchitis,

silo-filler’s disease, pulmonary edema Chemicals: Organophosphates, Applicators, field Bronchospasm,

Pesticides paraquat, fumigants work pulmonary edema,

pulmonary fibrosis Fertilizers Anhydrous ammonia Application in Mucous membrane

fields, storage irritation, containers tracheobronchitis Disinfectants Chlorine, quaternary Dairy barns, hog Respiratory irritant,

compounds confinement areas bronchospasm Solvents Diesel fuel, pesticide Farm vehicle Mucous membrane

solutions exhaust, storage irritation, chronic

containers effects

Welding fumes Ozone, metals Welding operations Bronchitis, metal fume fever, emphysema Zoonotic infections Microorganisms Animal husbandry, Q fever, psittacosis,

veterinary services, hantavirus animal droppings pulmonary

syndrome, anthrax

1HP, hypersensitivity pneumonitis;2ODTS, organic dust toxic syndrome.

Source: From Kirkhorn and Garry (7), with permission from Environmental Health Perspectives.


lowering of the pH (acidification) with suppression of microbial overgrowth and prevention of spoilage. As a result, nitrogen oxides (nitric oxide, NO, or nitrogen dioxide, NO2) are generated during fermentation of silage. Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are dangerous chemical gases released from reactions between nitric acid and organic materials. They are severe respiratory irritants of low solubility that penetrate to the lower respiratory tract. When levels of NOx rise in a closed tower silo, the levels of NO2/NOx may rise progressively in the following 1 to 4 days. During this period, the silo becomes a major hazard for any worker without respiratory protection who enters the silo or works in buildings connected to the base of the silo. Fatal exposures by inhalation of silo gas can occur in this setting. Acute high-level exposure can be a cause of acute hemorrhagic pulmonary edema and death. In addition to the potential for exposure to fatal asphyxia secondary to NO2and other oxides of nitro- gen, less severe exposure to nitrogen oxides produces transient pulmonary decompensation, cough, dyspnea, and headaches. Long-term pulmonary consequences can occur secondary to fibrotic scarring (7,8,11,12).

The generation of toxic silo gases can occur unpredictably despite adherence to usual work practices. Although the potential for silo gas formation exists with any type of ensiled feed, the risk appears to be highest with corn silage (8,13).

Animal Confinement Gases and Other Gases

Animal confinement areas and larger confinement animal facility operations (CAFOs) consist of indoor areas that confine and feed animals and do not grow or store grain. Animals are typically gathered in large numbers to maxi- mize efficiency of space and labor. This practice first became widespread in poultry farms but eventually has been used in other animal confinement areas, such as for raising swine, sheep, and young beef cattle. Animals typically receive all required care in the confinement areas, including feeding, washing, and veterinary services, and may spend their entire lives in these areas. The density of animals in these areas can vary, but generally they are very crowded.

A concentrated animal feeding operation can house over 1000 animals (1).

Toxic inhalation exposures in animal confinement facilities are possible with exposures to gases produced from the manure pit. High levels of gases are generated as a by-product of animal waste, especially in high-density con- finement facilities such as with swine. The major gases include ammonia, hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbon dioxide, and methane, which are all produced in manure pits (14,15).


Ammonia is highly water-soluble and associated with upper airway irritation producing immediate symptoms of burning of eyes, nose, and throat, accom- panied by coughing. The odor of ammonia is detectable at 3 to 5 ppm and respiratory irritation at 50 ppm. Sinusitis, mucous membrane inflammation


syndrome, with massive inhalation exposures, and noncardiogenic pulmonary edema can result from exposure. Tolerance to ammonia can occur over time, leading to less irritant symptomatology with greater exposure. Possible effects of long-term exposure (i.e., greater than 2 hours per day for up to 6 years) include sinusitis, mucous membrane inflammation syndrome, chronic bron- chitis, and asthma-like syndrome (7,16,17).

Anhydrous Ammonia

Anhydrous ammonia (NH3) is also common in agriculture and is stored as a liquid and then injected into soil to add nitrogen as fertilizer. It is a highly irritating gas that is very water-soluble. Exposures have resulted in severe burns, laryngeal edema, as well as pulmonary effects including bronchiolitis obliterans and reactive airways dysfunction syndrome (18,19).

Hydrogen Sulfide

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas is produced from sulfur-containing compounds in manure contained within an anaerobic environment. It is a respiratory irri- tant at low concentrations and a chemical asphyxiant at high concentration.

A concentration of 20 ppm produces mucous membrane irritation; levels of 100 ppm can cause lung injury and bronchiolitis. Higher concentrations may cause asphyxia via inhibition of cytochrome oxidase, similar to the effects of cyanide. Levels of 250 ppm can cause pulmonary edema, and unconscious- ness and death can occur at 500 ppm. However, at levels of 150 ppm or higher, olfactory fatigue and paralysis occur. Exposed persons are not able to detect the presence of the gas, leading to fatal exposures. Agitation of manure during emptying of manure pits can generate concentrations of H2S as high as 1000 ppm into breathing zones of humans and animals. Open-storage manure pits and lagoons are less dangerous than deep pits that are enclosed.

Accidental death due to H2S asphyxiation or cardiogenic pulmonary edema, although rare, can occur with exposures in swine or dairy confinement build- ings with under-building manure pits (7,20,21).

Treatment of acute H2S exposures is with nitrites, which facilitates removal of sulfides by inducing methemoglobinemia. However, nitrates may not be helpful after the acute injury period. Complete recovery may occur after exposure to H2S although some have suggested the possibility of residual central nervous system toxicity (14,22,23).

Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide (CO) is generated from the operation of gas-powered equip- ment such as kerosene heaters in insufficiently ventilated buildings. As the gas is invisible and odorless, toxic levels may develop in as little time as 3 to 5 minutes, resulting in poisoning. Higher-level exposures can result in coma, cardiac toxic- ity, respiratory arrest, and long-term neurologic sequelae and death (20,24).


Carbon Dioxide and Methane

Carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (NH4), also generated from animal wastes, are simple asphyxiants. Unlike H2S, they are generally not primary causes of adverse health effects. However, methane and carbon dioxide are hazardous when they displace enough oxygen to cause asphyxiation. At lev- els above 5%, methane can be a potential explosive hazard. CO2is also pro- duced by animal respiration. Co2levels serve as an indicator of ventilation with acceptable levels typically below 5000 ppm (7,17).


Fumigants are chemicals used to eliminate pests and are applied to crops, grain, or grain storage facilities. Since they are volatile, rapid dissipation occurs and little or no trace is left on the crops or grains. Methyl bromide and phosphine are two common fumigants. Methyl bromide is very toxic and may cause pulmonary edema and hemorrhage after acute exposures. Phosphine is produced from aluminum phosphide pellets that are added to grain and is very reactive, unstable, and toxic. Some have suggested that fumigant expo- sures may lead to chronic lung disease (14,25,26).

Exposure to Dusts

Inorganic Dusts

Agricultural work is generally performed outdoors. Major outdoor work activities leading to dust and chemical exposure by farm workers include preparation of soil for field crops, growing, harvesting, transport, storage of agricultural products, and fieldwork activities such as plowing, tilling, and haying. Fieldwork also has the potential to expose agricultural workers to inorganic dusts as well as various pesticides and chemicals. Exposures may be particularly significant in dry, semiarid, and desert climates and under windy conditions. The bulk of inorganic dusts are composed of silicates. These include crystalline silica (quartz) and noncrystalline amorphous silica (diatomite). Dust samples from outdoor agricultural environments may be composed of approximately 10% to 20% or greater concentrations of crys- talline silica. Workers performing fieldwork may develop clinically significant exposures to various silicates including respirable fibrous minerals and to nonfibrous silicate materials, including mica and clay silicates, known to cause pulmonary fibrosis (27–30).

Airborne mineral dust concentrations and exposure potential may vary with many environmental variables, such as regional geological and climate condi- tions, amount of rainfall, type of crops grown, and the specific agricultural practices employed. Aerosolized dusts with a median diameter of 4 to 5µm or less can penetrate deep into the respiratory system and have pathophysiological


effects after deposition in the gas-exchange areas of the terminal bronchioles and alveoli (12,17).

In general, inorganic dusts do not contribute to agricultural respiratory disease to the same degree as organic dusts. However, occupational exposures to mineral particles from inorganic dusts and crystalline silica may stimulate release of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the lung. Reactive oxygen species may play a key role in the mechanisms of disease initiation and progression subsequent to inhalational exposures to these particles. In fact, multiple path- ways may be facilitated to produce ROS, which may lead to inflammation, resulting in production of diseases such as pneumoconiosis and carcinogen- esis (31).

Organic Dusts

Several work environments have the potential for organic dust exposure including agricultural fields, grain handling and storage areas, animal con- finement areas, and dairy barns. Grain handling and storage has been asso- ciated with respiratory symptoms and illnesses (such as chronic cough, sputum production, chronic bronchitis, grain fever (organic dust toxic syn- drome), and nasal and skin irritation in exposed workers. Similar findings were found in several global areas. Grain elevator workers frequently report symptoms such as cough, sputum production, wheezing, and dyspnea, and have obstructive or restrictive impairments on pulmonary function testing.

Respiratory symptoms and worsening of ventilatory function have also been reported with workers exposed to dusts from soybeans and burned rice husk in rice farmers. Growing crops such as rice, soybeans, and flowers has been associated with lung disease (32–43).

Work in dairy barns is also related to respiratory illness. Hay and preserved grasses or corn (silage) are generally used to feed cows in dairy barns and may be a significant source of organic dust exposure to varying degrees based on the mechanism of preparation and storage. Rates of allergic alveolitis were found to be high in workers exposed to hay in small, tightly closed barns.

Increased respiratory symptoms have been observed in workers in Finland who shake out hay to feed cows in dairy barns. Another source of exposure in the barn is the bedding chopper, which uses a series of rotating blades to cut bales of hay into smaller lengths, which are then blown into animals’

stalls to serve as bedding. This practice can aerosolize hay and create signifi- cant amounts of respirable dust (44,45).

In addition, possible additive and/or synergistic toxic exposures and respi- ratory health effects may occur with dust exposure with coexistent toxic gases, especially in confined work spaces (12,19).

Major components of organic dusts include substances derived from bac- terial and fungal organisms such as endotoxin from gram-negative bacteria, peptidoglycans from gram-positive bacteria, glucans, and mold and myco- toxins from fungi. Biologically active proteins of organic dusts may be aller-


genic and proinflammatory. Endotoxin from gram-negative bacteria has been particularly found to be an important causative agent in producing respira- tory illness. Recent insights into the innate immune system from genetic research may help elucidate the biological mechanism(s) related to respira- tory health effects from endotoxin and other inhaled toxins. The Toll-like group of receptors (TLRs) are receptors for specific components of pathogens such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS), peptidoglycan, and others. It appears that genetic variation in TLRs influences the response to inhaled endotoxin. Thus, variable pulmonary responses in individuals exposed to organic dusts may be due to polymorphisms in the TLR genes. For example, it has been demonstrated that common missense mutations in the Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) are associated with a blunted response to inhaled LPS (endotoxin). Consequently, some individuals may be more susceptible than others when exposed to organic dusts. Some authors have also suggested that grain dusts and extracts of grain dusts may play a role in activating inflam- mation in the lung independent of endotoxin, and that this mechanism may also involve the TLR receptors (46–50).

Mucous Membrane Inflammation Syndrome

Nasal, eye, and throat symptoms commonly found in animal confinement workers and other workers exposed to dusts and gases have been given the name mucous membrane inflammation syndrome. Nasal symptoms occur in up to 50% and sinusitis in 25% of swine confinement workers. Nasal lavages have demonstrated increased levels of interleukin-1α, interleukin-1β, and interleukin-6 (7,17)

Organic Dust Toxic Syndrome

Organic dust toxic syndrome (ODTS) describes a self-limiting noninfectious, febrile illness accompanied by malaise, chills, myalgia, nonproductive cough, dyspnea, headache, and nausea, which occurs approximately 4 to 12 hours after heavy exposure to organic dust with a high attack rate. Prior sensitiza- tion is not required as in hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Organic dust toxic syndrome is also known as silo-filler’s disease, grain fever, precipitin-negative farmer’s lung, toxic alveolitis, and pulmonary mycotoxicosis. Organic dust toxic syndrome is highly prevalent in swine confinement operations, with a prevalence of approximately 30% to 35%. However, ODTS has also been observed after unloading silos, removing grain from storage bins (especially with grain sorghum), and on mushroom farms. Estimates indicate that up to one third of farmers will experience an episode of ODTS at some time in their work lives. Other surveys indicate an incidence of 6% to 36% in farmers and agricultural workers at any given time (47–60).



As organic dust is composed of a variety of respirable organic materials, it is not clear what specific entity is responsible for OTDS. Endotoxin has been suggested to be the primary cause of inflammation in ODTS. Inhalation of endotoxin can reproduce the symptoms of ODTS, and acute ODTS episodes occur in areas of high endotoxin levels. However, endotoxin-free grain extract also appears capable of inducing pulmonary inflammation. Others have sug- gested that other microbial sources, such as spores and glucan, are important in the pathogenesis (14,50,61–68).


Although it is unclear, ODTS does not appear to elicit a specific immune response to a specific antigen as may occur during an allergic response. Fur- thermore, sensitization does not occur in ODTS, and the condition is non- progressive and resolves within several days. However, some individuals have developed respiratory failure secondary to having ODTS.

Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis

Approximately 4 to 12 hours after heavy exposure to organic dust, ODTS presents with fever, chills, malaise, nonproductive cough, dyspnea, myalgias, and headache. Leukocytosis may be found on a laboratory exam. Chest x-ray findings may be normal. Severe cases may present with infiltrates on chest x- ray and respiratory failure. Some authors have suggested an association of a history of ODTS symptoms with chronic bronchitis (43,69,70).


Most cases of ODTS are treated with antipyretics and supportive care, although hospitalization may be required for severe cases. Preventive strate- gies such as use of respirators would help in work-practice situations where exposure to high levels of dust may occur (69).

Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis


Also known as “farmer’s lung” and “extrinsic allergic alveolitis”, hypersensi- tivity pneumonitis (HP) is caused by exposures to specific fungi found in moldy hay, straw, and feed. In addition to moldy feed, exposure to moldy compost, wood chips, sugar cane (bagasse), composting in mushroom grow- ing, and turkey farming can lead to HP. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is


much less likely to occur in settings with organic dust exposure compared to ODTS. The overall prevalence of HP is variable and varies with climate.

Studies cite an incidence range from 2 to 3 cases per 10,000 farmers in Swe- den, to 4.2 per 10,000 in Wisconsin, to 43.7 per 10,000 in France (45,71,72).


Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is a complex disease that has elements of an immunological and cell-mediated allergic response that develops in response to exposure to antigens produced by some species of thermophilic actino- mycetes, such as Micropolyspora faeni, Aspergillus, and other common fungi found as contaminants of grain or hay (73–75).

Ongoing exposure to antigen in sensitized individuals may lead to either a production of antigen-antibody complex (suggesting a type III reaction), or a late-phase cell-mediated response with granuloma formation compatible with a type IV reaction. The immunological response in HP requires prior sensitization and involves recruitment and activation of alveolar neutrophils and macrophages and T-lymphocyte cells. It appears that genetic and envi- ronmental interaction plays an important role in HP.

Risk factors for HP appear to be a –308 polymorphism of the tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) promoter gene and polymorphisms of the major histocompatibility complex (74).

Clinical Presentation

The acute presentation of HP occurs after a single large exposure to antigen.

Acute symptoms commence typically after 4 to 6 hours of exposure and con- sist of fever, chills, malaise, chest tightness, cough, and dyspnea. Physical exam findings are nonspecific but may include inspiratory crackles on aus- cultation. Hypoxia may be found. It is important to note that if the individ- ual is removed from exposure, symptoms often resolve within several days.

Chest x-ray findings may demonstrate diffuse, ill-defined nodular opacities that can be normal. After severe acute exposures, bilateral infiltrates are seen on chest x-rays. A high-resolution computed tomography (CT) scan of the chest may demonstrate ground-glass changes, typically in the lower lobes;

this is a good test to obtain for patients suspected of having HP. Other find- ings on CT are nonspecific and range from patchy airspace consolidation to rounded small opacities, centrilobular nodules, air trapping, fibrosis, and emphysema (37,75,76).

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis can also present with subacute symptoms or as a chronic process with periodic bouts of acute episodes. Subacute HP has a more gradual onset than the acute form, and weight loss appears to be a prominent feature of this form of HP. Pulmonary function tests will show restriction with decreased carbon monoxide diffusing capacity of the lungs (DLCO), chest x-ray findings may show infiltrates or be normal, and CT


scans may be helpful. Lymphocytosis can be seen with bronchoalveolar lavage (37).

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis can develop into a chronic form in a small percentage of cases. The disease may progress even though exposure to the causative agent has ended. When the exposure is prolonged and chronic, individuals may report malaise, fatigue, and cough that present gradually over days or even weeks. A chest x-ray may show reticular markings in chronic diseases. Repeated exposures to low levels of antigens in organic dusts can lead to insidious pulmonary function loss. Noncaseating granulomas with foreign-body giant cells are typically found on a lung biopsy in subacute and chronic cases. Emphysema can be an important sequela (77,78).


A clinical prediction rule has been developed for identifying acute and suba- cute HP that consists of six predictors:

1. Good clinical and occupational or environmental history of likely or known exposure to offending antigens, i.e., measurement of microorgan- isms in the relevant environment

2. Serum precipitating antibodies to thermophilic bacteria 3. Recurrent episodes of symptoms

4. Finding of rales on lung exam

5. Symptom onset 4 to 8 hours postexposure 6. Weight loss (79)

Serum precipitins are present in about 90% in acute cases but tend to wane later in the course of disease. Serum precipitins have been described to specific agents causing HP. The majority of precipitins are IgG and IgA, but IgM precipitins have also been described (80–85). The prevalence of precipitins in exposed symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals varies depending on the number of antigens and how recent and severe the expo- sure to antigens. However, presence of serum precipitins does not always indicate disease. Asymptomatic exposed individuals can have positive serum precipitins with an estimated prevalence of 5% to 20%. Further- more, absence of measurable serum precipitins does not rule out a diagno- sis of HP because the correct antigen may not be available for testing, and the titer of antibodies can decline to nondetectable levels with chronic disease (86–88).


Corticosteroids are the primary treatment for acute and subacute HP and will shorten the illness duration. However, steroids will not affect the outcome in terms of lung function. No clear guidelines appear to exist about dosing.

Early recognition of the exposure sources and symptoms by agricultural


workers and health providers remains the foundation for prevention and con- trol of HP (7,13,83).


The prevalence of bronchitis is elevated in agricultural workers despite their lower rates of cigarette smoking compared to the general population and other occupational cohorts. Nonsmoking farming populations appear to have a prevalence range of 3% to 30% for chronic bronchitis. Up to 13% to 20% of hog confinement workers may report symptoms consistent with chronic bronchitis. Exposures to grain dust, swine confinement areas, and poultry farming appear to be associated with the highest risk for bronchitis in the agricultural population. Grain workers may develop a dose-related, acute cross-shift decline in peak flow and a gradual reduction in forced expi- ratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) over the initial 2 weeks of exposure. Many workers also experience cough and dyspnea, which is initially reversible but recurs with seasonal reexposure to grain dust. With chronic exposure, approximately 20% of nonsmoking and up to 50% of smoking elevator work- ers develop cough and phlegm (84–91).


Exposure to organic dusts in agricultural work areas appears to be a major risk factor for developing acute and chronic bronchitis. Organic dusts are mix- tures of several entities including endotoxin, microbial products, and plant and soil particles, and may also include inorganic dusts. It is unclear which of these components is most correlated with respiratory illness, but endotoxin levels are more clearly associated with bronchitis than total dust levels (92).

Concentration and length of exposure to dusts may also be important fac- tors. For instance, acute, high-level exposures to organic dusts may lead to ODTS; chronic, intermittent, lower level exposures may lead to bronchitis.

Prior sensitization is not required for acute responses to organic dust expo- sure. For example, acute cough and signs of lower respiratory inflammation may develop with exposure to hog confinement areas by persons not previ- ously exposed. Compared to previously unexposed nonfarmers, persons chronically exposed to swine confinement areas appear to have a reduced air- way response, suggesting possible adaptive mechanisms. Having a history of HP or ODTS from work in animal confinement or greenhouses is a risk fac- tor for chronic bronchitis (93–95).


Chronic bronchitis is defined clinically as cough that is productive of at least 2 tablespoons of sputum on most days, for three consecutive months in 2


consecutive years, and in the absence of any other lung disease. Diagnosis of chronic bronchitis is based entirely on the history and a temporal association of symptoms with work exposures. Smoking workers are at increased risk of developing respiratory symptoms with exposure to other irritants, and a work-related contribution to their symptoms may be significant. Occupa- tionally induced chronic bronchitis should be suspected in a nonsmoking worker exposed to high concentrations of an irritant at the workplace who has evidence of airway obstruction with no history of asthma (96).


General management for patients with acute bronchitis is with symptomatic therapy such as nonnarcotic cough suppressants or decongestants. Attempt- ing to limit exposures to dusts is the best treatment approach in managing patients with chronic bronchitis. Evidence suggests that the form of chronic bronchitis with airway obstruction seen in farmers may not respond to β- agonist bronchodilator medication. No clinical studies have been specifically done to assess therapeutics of treating chronic airway disease related to organic dust. Current medication regimens are based on studies related to chronic bronchitis secondary to cigarette smoking (97,98).


Asthma is characterized by airway inflammation, increased airway respon- siveness to a variety of stimuli, and generally reversible airway obstruction either spontaneously or with treatment (99–104). In occupational asthma, there is variable airway obstruction and/or airway hyperresponsiveness due to workplace exposure(s). There are two major types of occupational asthma:

1. Sensitizer-induced asthma, characterized by a variable time during which

“sensitization” to a high or low molecular weight agent present at the work site occurs

2. Irritant-induced asthma

Reactive airways dysfunction syndrome is a type of irritant-induced asthma secondary to acute, high-level exposure to an irritant such as anhy- drous ammonia on the farm. Work-aggravated asthma is defined as preexist- ing or concurrent asthma worsened by irritants in the workplace. Exposure to organic dust can aggravate preexisting asthma, through allergic or irritant mechanisms (13,96).

Epidemiological studies of adult farmers have shown prevalence rates for asthma equal to or lower than that of the general population. Recent preva- lence rates for asthma in farmers are in the range of 3.7% to 11.8%. However, the prevalence of wheezing in farmers has been found to increase with cumu- lative years of farm work performed from a level of 1.5% among farm work-


ers with less than 1 year to 4.7% among those with more than 10 years of this work. Specific agricultural jobs, such as production related to livestock and work with farm machinery and equipment, are among occupations with sig- nificantly elevated mortality for asthma with a proportionate mortality ratio (PMR) of 1.51. In addition, agricultural production related to crops had a PMR of 1.10. Although agricultural work was associated with an elevated PMR for asthma mortality, agriculture was not among the primary three industries with the greatest number of work-related asthma cases in the areas that were surveyed (98–105).


In the agricultural setting, etiologic factors for occupational asthma include organisms that create various high molecular weight antigens, pollens, and animal danders that can cause sensitization and subsequent IgE-mediated asthma. Farmers may also become allergic to components of organic dusts, including grain dust, pollens, and antigens from swine and storage mites. Cer- tain exposures have been found to have an increased risk for asthma. Work in swine confinement areas, poultry operations, greenhouses, and in growing rice increases the risk of asthma. Some specific outbreaks have also been described, such as asthma caused by sensitivity to soybeans. The agricultural and farm environment is generally not a source of low molecular weight chemicals. However, some farmers may perform a significant amount of welding on the farm, and this may be a source of exposure (13,37,44,99,100).

In contrast, being raised on a farm is associated with a lower prevalence of asthma. Early-life exposure to organic dust may have a protective effect against developing asthma and atopy. It is not known if this protective effect is lost in adult farmers who also were raised on farms. Lower rates of asthma have been found in young adults who were raised on farms compared to young adults not raised on farms (101–105).


Clinical findings include cough, breathlessness, chest tightness with respira- tion, and wheezing. These symptoms may be mild, moderate, or severe, and be either intermittent or persistent. The chest exam may be normal, even dur- ing persistent asthma. A forced expiratory maneuver may uncover wheezing (106).

Although patients with asthma can have normal pulmonary function, per- sistent asthma usually has a reduction in FEV1. An inhaled bronchodilator may allow confirmation of the reversibility of the reduced FEV1by 12% or greater, a diagnostic characteristic of asthma. Across-shift spirometry, when available, can provide objective evidence of occupational asthma. A greater than 10% fall in FEV1 across a work shift is suggestive of an asthmatic response (106). Monitoring at home or work with a peak expiratory flow rate


(PEFR) meter can substantiate a diagnosis of asthma by demonstrating an intra-day (a.m. to p.m.) variability in PEFR of 20% or greater. Attention should also be given to any work-related pattern of change in the PEFR.


Once the diagnosis of occupational asthma is made, the primary intervention is to reduce or eliminate the worker’s exposure to the offending agent. How- ever, this option is limited in the agricultural setting as compared to other industrial workplaces (107).

Pharmacological treatment of asthma is predicated on the severity of dis- ease and whether the asthmatic symptoms are intermittent or persistent.

Intermittent asthma is treated with no daily medication except with an inhaledβ-agonist as needed for symptoms; persistent asthma is treated with a daily inhaled corticosteroid medication along with an inhaled β-agonist as needed (106).

Asthma-Like Syndrome

Asthma-like syndrome (ALS) is a nonallergic respiratory condition that is clin- ically identical to asthma but is not associated with persistent airway inflam- mation or airway hyperreactivity. This illness is common in swine confinement workers, in whom the prevalence has been reported to be as high as 25%.

Approximately 20% of pig farmers had nonproductive cough and 11% experi- enced wheezing in one study. Veterinarians are another occupational group at risk. Swine confinement workers have increased prevalence of bronchial hyper- responsiveness. There is evidence that exposure to endotoxin, dust, and ammo- nia in the hog barn environment plays a key role in causing asthma-like syndrome. Slight elevation in neutrophils, lymphocytes, and macrophages in the lower respiratory tract without an increase in eosinophils has been observed in subjects challenged with inhalation exposure to the hog barn setting. Inflam- mation has also been observed in the lower respiratory tract of hog farmers and increased numbers of lymphocytes and neutrophils (107–115).

Asthma-like syndrome can be difficult to document in the clinical setting.

The pulmonary deterioration can often be detected only by cross-shift test- ing. The cross-shift decline in FEV1is generally less than 10% but can range from 10% to 15% and is associated with more than 6 years of exposure.

Ensuring adequate air quality in swine/hog confinement areas is a practi- cal preventive measure to prevent asthma-like syndrome. Respirator use reduces lower respiratory tract inflammation. Treatment may utilize corti- costeroids, but one study showed that these medications did not block the inflammatory response, which ensued after subjects were exposed to hog barn dust in an experimental setting. It is unclear whether chronic pulmonary disease can occur after developing this syndrome (116,117).


Respiratory Infections

The agricultural environment harbors a rich microbial reservoir that can lead to several human infections and zoonoses depending on the specific expo- sures and work activities. Examples include development of swine influenza in hog confinement workers, psittacosis in poultry workers, Q fever from aerosolization of Coxiella burnetti from infected goats, sheep, and cattle, causing atypical pneumonia, and infections with Mycobacterium bovis, which is endemic in farm animals (118).

Exposure to rodent urine, saliva, and droppings after aerosolization can lead to hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS). This is caused by the sin nombre virus, a single-stranded RNA hantavirus from the Bunyaviridae fam- ily. Documented cases have been associated with agricultural activities such as handling grain and cleaning animal sheds. Cases have been reported from North, Central, and South America. The fatality rate can be as high as 30%

to 40%. Symptoms of HPS include an initial febrile prodrome similar to a general viral syndrome. However, after about 3 to 5 days, rapid progression to pulmonary edema occurs, resulting in respiratory failure and need for mechanical ventilation. Ribavirin is investigational and of no proven benefit.

Extracorporeal oxygenation has been used with some success (7,119).

Evaluation of Patients with Respiratory Disease

As with evaluation for most occupational and environmental illnesses, the evaluation of individuals presenting with respiratory symptoms entails a detailed history and physical examination, followed by appropriate imaging and diagnostic studies.


A detailed personal and occupational and environmental history, including a thorough review of job tasks, is essential to understand likely exposures in the agricultural setting. Work practices need to be adequately understood with attention to types, duration, and intensity of likely exposures, whether appropriate environmental and engineering controls are present, and if res- piratory protective gear has been used for work activities. It also helps to ask the patient if coworker(s) have similar symptoms, as this may suggest a com- mon workplace exposure or hazard (37,96,120,121).

If available, specific industrial hygiene data on the level of exposure and the agent to which the patient was exposed should be requested from the employer. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) can provide useful informa- tion about the important health, safety, and toxicological properties of the product’s ingredients. Under federal law in the United States these must be furnished by the employer to the worker and health care provider upon


request. However, this information may be difficult to obtain in many agri- cultural areas of the world.

Information about the patient’s social habits, such as cigarette smoking, hobbies, home, and living conditions, should be collected, as these factors outside of the work environment can contribute to or cause respiratory dis- eases (96).

Physical Examination

As respiratory diseases from agricultural exposures may present with nonspe- cific signs and symptoms, a complete physical exam is prudent rather than focusing only on findings suggested by the exposure history. Vital signs, pres- ence of respiratory distress, if present, and the presence of clubbing or cyanosis should be recorded. Exam of the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes of the nasopharynx may reveal signs of inflammation or irritation. Oropha- ryngeal and nasal areas may reveal presence of ulcers or polyps. Lung exam should evaluate for presence of wheezing, rhonchi, or both (suggestive of air- ways disease) and for presence of rales or crackles (suggestive of presence of parenchymal lung disease). When crackles are heard, a cardiovascular system exam is important for evaluation for left ventricular heart failure. The pres- ence of isolated right ventricular heart failure is suggestive of possible cor pul- monale, secondary to chronic severe lung disease with hypoxemia (119).


A chest radiograph is usually part of the medical workup of suspected respi- ratory disease. However, a negative chest x-ray does not exclude significant lung damage. For example, immediately after toxic inhalational injuries, the chest x-ray is frequently normal. Furthermore, abnormalities on chest x-ray do not necessarily correlate with the degree of pulmonary impairment or dis- ability, which are better evaluated by pulmonary function testing (PFT) and arterial blood gas evaluation (119).

Chest Computed Axial Tomography

A chest CT is better able to detect abnormalities of the pleura and medi- astinal structures than a plain chest x-ray, in large part because it is more sensitive to differences in density. A chest CT may also be performed after administration of intravenous contrast material to gain better visualization of the pulmonary hila. A high-resolution CT (HRCT) is a more detailed exam than a conventional chest CT and obtains sharp interfaces between adjacent structures. A high-resolution CT appears to be more sensitive for a number of diffuse lung processes, such as emphysema and interstitial lung disease (76).


Pulmonary Function Testing

Pulmonary function testing is used to detect and quantify abnormal lung function. This exam consists of spirometry, measurement of lung volumes and diffusing capacity, gas exchange analysis, and exercise testing.

Although a pulmonary function laboratory is needed to do most of this evaluation, spirometry can be done at most regional evaluation centers.

Often, the most useful of all pulmonary function measures are those obtained from spirometry: FEV1, forced vital capacity (FVC), and the FEV1/FVC ratio. The forced expiratory flow (FEF) from 25% to 75% of the vital capacity (FEF 25 to 75) and the shape of the expiratory flow-volume curve are more sensitive findings for mild airway obstruction. Results of spirometry can be compared to predicted values from reference populations (adjusted for age, height, and sex) and expressed as a percentage of pre- dicted value. The determination of obstructive, restrictive, or mixed venti- latory defects can be ascertained from the comparison of observed with predicted values. However, as the commonly used reference population con- sists entirely of Caucasians, there can be problems using predicted values when evaluating non-Caucasian patients. Generally, the predicted value is lowered by approximately 10% to 15% to adjust for the smaller lungs of non-Caucasians (97).

Several other factors may affect the accuracy of spirometric findings including patient cooperation, poor testing methods, and unreliable equipment.

Peak Expiratory Flow Rate

Measurement of peak flow is a commonly used single-breath test that reflects the degree of airway obstruction. Many portable units exist. Peak flow meas- urements are helpful in the diagnosis of occupational asthma to document delayed responses after the work shift has ended. However, a major limitation of this method is that patient self-recording is needed and results can be inac- curate or manipulated (97).

Bronchoprovocation Testing

This evaluation is helpful in making the diagnosis of occupational asthma.

Pulmonary function responses to inhaled histamine or methacholine are measured and give an indication of the presence and degree of nonspecific airway hyperresponsiveness. A dose-response curve is constructed for repeated measurements of FEV1 after progressively increasing the expo- sure doses of histamine or methacholine. The test is typically terminated after a 20% drop in FEV1. In asthmatic subjects, a relatively low cumula- tive dose of methacholine induces the 20% in FEV1compared to normal subjects (97).


Evolving Areas of Research

Pesticide Exposure and Respiratory Health

Although there are few animal and human studies in the literature on this subject, exposure to pesticides in the course of agricultural activities can pro- duce a range of respiratory illnesses including irritant-induced asthma and persistent wheeze. Case reports also exist regarding the respiratory health effects of pesticides in occupational cohorts exposed to organophosphates or paraquat. For example, depressions in acetylcholinesterase levels were found in Kenyan farmers exposed to organophosphate pesticides. A case series observed the development of persistent irritant asthma in individuals exposed to methylisothiocyanate during a metam-sodium pesticide spill in the Sacramento River in California. A study of grain farmers in Ohio found that increased cough was associated with mixing and applying pesticides more frequently. Among Iowa farmers, increased phlegm and wheeze was associated with insecticide application to animals, even after controlling for the animal exposures themselves. In aerial applicators, increased wheeze was found compared to control subjects (122–131).

The Agricultural Health Study is an ongoing study of licensed pesticide applicators consisting mainly of farmers in North Carolina and Iowa in the United States. In this cohort, 19% of farmers reported wheeze over the pre- vious year, which is higher than the 12% background rate of wheeze in the general United States population. Eleven of 40 pesticides used by farmers were associated with wheeze and specific organophosphates (Parathion, malathion, chlorpyriphos), one thiocarbamate (s-ethyl-dipropylthiocarba- mate), and herbicides (glyphosate), paraquat, and atrazine) were associated with wheeze (132,133).

Chronic low-level pesticide exposures may also result in respiratory ill- ness. For instance, chronic low-level occupational exposures to paraquat in Nicaraguan banana farmers found an association of wheeze among highly exposed groups. Another study in South African farm workers found more arterial desaturation among people working with paraquat (134,135).

Rural populations may also be at increased risk for respiratory effects from pesticide exposures. In China, an increased prevalence of wheeze was found in persons who applied organophosphate and pyrethroid/pyrethrins insecti- cides in the home. In Ethiopia, insecticide use at home was associated with increased skin sensitivity and increased wheeze; malathion was the pesticide most often involved (136,137).

Some strategies to reduce the likelihood of respiratory exposures to pesti- cides among agricultural populations include choosing pesticides with lower volatility, lower concentrations of active ingredients, and using equipment designed to minimize exposures (138).


Exposure to Mold and Mycotoxins

The medical literature is sparse in regard to mold exposures and respiratory illness in agricultural workers. Sources of mold dust exposure in agricultural areas include hay, grain, silage, and bedding. Baled hay and straw have been found to contain and liberate the largest amounts of microbes such as mesophilic bacteria, xerophilic fungi, mesophilic fungi, thermotolerant fungi, and thermophilic actinomycetes. Hay, except when dried in storage, liberates great numbers of fungal spores (139).

Seasonal variability is an important factor in characterizing the amount and type of microbes in specific farm areas. A study showed a decreased amount of microbial contaminants during summer seasons in swine confine- ment areas. Another study in a turkey confinement house in Minnesota found the highest concentration of aspergillus (a fungal respiratory disease agent), dust, and ammonia in the winter months (140,141).

Inhalation of dust from complex organic materials may result in acute res- piratory tract illness. Possible mechanisms include toxic and cellular reactions to microbial and other organic products or immunological responses after prior sensitization to an antigen. Mold exposure results in production of spe- cific IgE and IgG in the lung. However, aside from the specific IgE and IgG responses, the in-vivo reactions to mold inhalation are poorly understood.

Furthermore, it has been difficult to distinguish the health effects of mold and mycotoxins from those of endotoxins and other components of complex organic dust exposures. In immunocompromised individuals, such as post–organ transplant or HIV-infected patients, the potential for invasive sys- temic disease with fungi such as aspergillus is possible (142,143).

Respiratory Effects of Exposure to Diesel Exhaust

Many farm vehicles are powered by diesel fuel. Diesel exhaust contains many well-known air pollutants including nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and fine particulate matter smaller than 10 µm in diameter (PM10). In the Agricultural Health Study, the estimated prevalence of exposure to diesel fumes was 93% based on questionnaires administered to farmers. Diesel exhaust and diesel exhaust particles appear to play a role in respiratory and allergic diseases and have been associated with exacerbation of asthma.


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