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Potenziali evocati acustici a breve latenza


Academic year: 2021

Condividi "Potenziali evocati acustici a breve latenza"


Testo completo





Dott, Vincenzo Simonelli


Dott, Vincenzo Simonelli

morte cerebrale

• Rappresentano l’attività elettrica della via uditiva periferica

(N.Acustico) e centrale (tronco-encefalo) lungo la quale corre un

impulso afferente originato a livello di recettori cocleari.

•Ciò consente di registrare a distanza dai generatori dei

potenziali volume condotti.

•Trattandosi di segnali di bassa ampiezza è necessario l’utilizzo

dell’ averaging (numerose acquisizioni), che ne consente

l’estrapolazione dal rumore di fondo prodotto dall’ EEG.

•Esplorano quindi il nervo acustico ed il tronco-encefalo.


Onde sonore

Onde circolari nelle quali picchi di aumento della pressione

dell’aria si alternano con minimi di rarefazione dell’aria stessa


Struttura orecchio

Au esterno: identificazione fonte origine suono

Au medio:rafforzamento della pressione del suono e protezione da

stimolazioni troppo intense

Au interno : trasduzione e generazione

potenziale d’azione.


Dott, Vincenzo Simonelli

morte cerebrale


I BAEPs si ottengono somministrando “clicks”, cioè brevi suoni ottenuti mediante

un trasduttore (cuffia) cui si applica un impulso elettrico ad onda quadra monofasica

di durata di 100-200 us.

La frequenza di stimolazione è compresa tra 5-30 clicks per secondo (9-11/s)

Lo stimolo viene dato monoauralmente. Controlateralmente si somministra un

rumore bianco continuo (mascheramento) per evitare che l’altro orecchio venga

attivato per via ossea.

In base alla direzione di spostamento del diaframma contenuto della cuffia si



Clicks a polarità positiva (condensazione) per spostamenti verso l’esterno e

conseguente aumento di pressione nel condotto uditivo esterno.


Clicks a polarità negativa (rarefazione) per movimenti verso l’interno che inducono

una diminuzione di pressione nel condotto di tipo esterno.


morte cerebrale

Dott, Vincenzo Simonelli


Può essere espressa per mezzo di tre unità di misura

a) Livello sensitivo (dB SL) : lo zero è rappresentato dalla soglia

percettiva del paziente.

b) Livello uditivo (dB HL) : lo zero è rappresentato dall’intensità

soglia alla quale un soggetto medio sente il 50% degli stimoli


c) Livello di pressione sonora: indica l’effettiva forza fisica del

suono a livello del trasduttore



Dott, Vincenzo Simonelli

morte cerebrale


Passa basso 50-60 Hz

Passa alto 3000Hz


-NUMERO DI TRACCE: 2000 da ripetere due volte per verificare la

riproducibilità delle risposte.


morte cerebrale

Dott, Vincenzo Simonelli


E’ costituito da una serie di 5-8

picchi numerati con i numeri romani.

I primi 5 picchi sono quelli di

maggiore interesse.

!!!Avvertenza: la cuffia non deve essere

troppo stretta perché aumenterebbe la

pressione nel c.u.e., che attraverso la

deformazione della membrana del timpano,

innalza la soglia uditiva, con conseguente

aumento di latenza dei BAEPs. Ciò è

importante nei soggetti comatosi, perché

incapaci di compensare le variazioni di



Dott, Vincenzo Simonelli


morte cerebrale


Dott, Vincenzo Simonelli

morte cerebrale


•Persistenza I e II onda: massimo valore diagnostico.

•Assenza di qualsiasi risposta: valore diagnostico inferiore.

•Si deve escludere preesistente sordità.

•L’onda I può mancare per deficit arterioso a livello dell’arteria auditiva.

•In pazienti con estesi traumi cranici non è infrequente il riscontro di

sordità trasmissiva

•Nei pazienti comatosi l’incapacità di equilibrare la pressione

transtimpanica con la deglutizione provoca dei deficit transitori di tipo



Auditory brain stem responses in the detection of brain death.

Ozgirgin ON, Ozcelik T, Sevimli NK.

Department of Otolaryngology, Medicine Faculty of Baskent University, Bahcelievler, Ankara,

Turkey. ozgirgin@politzersociety.org

OBJECTIVES: We evaluated comatose patients by auditory brain stem responses (ABR) to

determine the role of ABR in the diagnosis of impending brain death. PATIENTS AND

METHODS: Sixty comatose patients in the intensive care unit were evaluated by brain stem

evoked response audiometry. Correlations were sought between the absence or presence of

ABRs and the presenting pathology, the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) scores, and ultimate

diagnoses. RESULTS: The brain stem responses were totally absent in 41 patients. Presence of

wave I could be obtained in only 10 patients. All the waveforms were found in nine patients;

however, in eight patients the potentials disappeared as the GCS scores decreased to 3.

Detection of wave I alone strongly suggested dysfunction of the brain stem. However, loss of

wave I particularly in trauma patients aroused doubt as to whether the absence was associated

with auditory end organ injury or brain stem dysfunction. CONCLUSION: The results suggest

that evaluation of ABR may support brain death in a comatose patient (i) when wave I is present

alone, (ii) the absence of wave I is accompanied by a documented auditory end organ injury, or

(iii) when previously recorded potentials are no longer detectable.

morte cerebrale


Auditory and somatosensory evoked potentials in brain-dead patients.

Facco E, Caputo P, Casartelli Liviero M, Munari M, Toffoletto F, Fabiani F,

Giron G.

Istituto di Anestesiologia e Rianimazione, Universita, Padova.

The short latency evoked potentials, allowing to assess the brain stem's function, can

supply useful information in the diagnosis of Brain Death (BD). 15 BD patients were

submitted to the auditory brain stem response (ABR); in 7 cases somatosensory

evoked potentials from the medial nerve (SEP) were also recorded. The ABR was

absent in 11 cases (73.3%), while in 3 cases only the I wave was present (20%); in

one case the low-voltage I-V waves were present. Regarding the SEP, in 3 cases

(42.9%) only the N9-N13 and P9-P13 waves were present, while in another 3 cases

(42.9%) a N13/P13 dissociation was observable. In the remaining case, which

presented a still reproducible I-V interval, the SEP was normal, thus excluding the

diagnosis of BD. The ABR and the SEP, which are not roughly influenced by general

anaesthetics and sedatives, are thus helpful in diagnosing BD. The SEP seems able to

supply useful information more frequently than the ABR, but their combined use can

guarantee maximum security of excluding false positives.

morte cerebrale


Short latency evoked potentials: new criteria for brain death?

Facco E, Casartelli Liviero M, Munari M, Toffoletto F, Baratto F, Giron GP.

Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, University of Padua, Italy.

The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the auditory brain stem responses

(ABR) and short latency somatosensory potentials (SEP) from median nerve

stimulation are effective tools in the confirmation of brain death. Thirty six brain

dead patients were submitted to ABR and 24 to SEP in the same session. All waves

of the ABR were absent in 28 (77.8 per cent) patients, while only wave I was present

in the others (22.2 per cent). In SEP recordings the components later than P13 were

absent in 17 (70.8 per cent) of cases; in the remaining seven patients (29.2 per cent) a

N13/P13 dissociation (namely, retention of the cervical N13 and absence of the

far-field P13) was found. The results suggest that SEP and ABR are reliable tools in the

diagnosis of brain death and should be included in the criteria: they enable the

functional status of two pathways in the brainstem to be checked, which cannot be

explored by the clinical examination.

Dott, Vincenzo Simonelli


morte cerebrale

Dott, Vincenzo Simonelli


Dott, Vincenzo Simonelli

morte cerebrale


Metodica che fornisce indicazioni sulla struttura del vaso (ECO) e sulla velocità del flusso

del sangue (Doppler)

Effetto Doppler (effetto sonoro)

L’assorbimento di ultrasuoni da parte di strutture in movimento (elementi corpuscolati del

sangue ) viene riflesso sotto forma di onda acustica udibile all’orecchio umano.

La riflessione degli ultrasuoni avviene ad una frequenza proporzionale alla velocità del

sangue ed all’angolo di incidenza del fascio di ultrasuoni sul vaso.

Il reperto acustico del sangue in movimento viene paragonato al rumore di un treno in

avvicinamento-passaggio-allontanamento dall’ascoltatore. Tali variazioni corrispondono

alle varie fasi del ciclo cardiaco (sistole-diastole).

Mediante oscilloscopio il reperto acustico può essere registrato graficamente. La curva

registrata viene indicata come complesso velocimetrico.


Dott, Vincenzo Simonelli


Dott, Vincenzo Simonelli


morte cerebrale

Dott, Vincenzo Simonelli



Tutte le strutture attraversate dal fascio acustico esplorante contribuiscono

simultaneamente alla formazione del segnale doppler, nel senso che in un vaso

abbiamo tanti globuli rossi con velocità diverse che riflettono segnali a diversa

lunghezza d’onda; Il segnale che sarà registrato sarà una media di tutte le

lunghezze d’onda riflesse.


Consente l’acquisizione di velocità locali, cioè ci da dati riguardanti un ben preciso punto

del vaso.


5-10 Hz per il doppler dei TSA

2 Hz per il doppler transcranico


Dott, Vincenzo Simonelli


morte cerebrale


Dott, Vincenzo Simonelli


[Clinical diagnostic of brain death and transcranial Doppler, looking for middle cerebral arteries and intracranial vertebral arteries. Agreement with scintigraphic techniques]

[Article in Spanish]

Nebra AC, Virgos B, Santos S, Tejero C, Larraga J, Araiz JJ, Sanchez JI, Suarez MA, Millastre A.

Servicio de Medicina Intensiva; Hospital Clinico Universitario Lozano Blesa, Zaragoza, 50009, Espana. beaagus@wanadoo.es

INTRODUCTION: The Real Ordinance 2070/1999 meant an important modification in the legislation, when including transcranial Doppler (TCD) in explorations to confirm the clinical diagnosis of brain death (BD). Habitually for their employment in the diagnosis of BD, we look for blood flow signal from the middle cerebral arteries (MCA) and the basilar artery (BA). OBJECTIVES: To check the effectiveness of the TCD like test of BD, looking for both middle cerebral arteries (MCA) and both intracranial vertebral arteries (VA), instead of the BA, and taking as Gold Standard cerebral scintigraphic techniques. PATIENTS AND METHODS:. We present 25 patients diagnosed clinically with BD; on these TCD was carried out to confirm BD. Later on we proceeded to carry out cerebral scintigraphic techniques in all these cases. As statistical tool the test of c2 is used with confidence interval of 95%. RESULTS: In 24 of the 25 cases, the TCD was effective in confirming the diagnosis of BD. In the remaining patient, a false positive result was obtained, since the TCD didn't reveal flow in the infratentorial compartment, as contrary to the cerebral scintigraphic techniques which showed the presence of residual flow at this level; this residual flow disappeared in 36 hours. This patient was hemodynamically unstable during TCD exploration. CONCLUSIONS: In our results the TCD obtains a reliability of 100% when confirming the absence of blood flow in the supratentorial compartment; nevertheless the false positive result obtained at the infratentorial level, warns us to be cautious in accepting the flow from the VA as a test of absence of flow at the infratentorial compartment, especially in those patients with hemodynamic instability.

Dott, Vincenzo Simonelli


Brain death and transcranial Doppler: experience in 130 cases of brain dead patients. Ducrocq X, Braun M, Debouverie M, Junges C, Hummer M, Vespignani H.

Service de Neurologie, Hopital Sain Julien, Nancy, France.

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Diagnosis of brain death requires confirmation of the clinical diagnosis by appropriate tests, generally electroencephalography (EEG) and angiography. The diagnostic limitations or logistical problems inherent to these tests indicate the need to develop other more appropriate methods. The results obtained with transcranial Doppler (TCD) led us to conduct this prospective study of TCD recordings in brain dead patients.

METHODS: 130 patients, aged 2-88 years were diagnosed as brain dead between July 1987 and June 1993. Clinical criteria were confirmed in all cases by EEG (n=88) and or angiography (n=64). Intracranial anterior circulation was insonated via temporal windows or, when impossible, via a transorbital approach. The posterior circulation was studied only in more recent patients. Examinations were made as soon as possible after brain death diagnosis and repeated for about 30 min. Vital parameters and treatments were taken into account. RESULTS: There was only one false negative result, in a patient with an extended skull defect, who retained TCD and angiographic intracranial circulation despite confirmed irreversible brain death. All other patients displayed typical ultrasonic patterns of cerebral circulation arrest: an oscillating signal (n= 190, 73%), a systolic spike (n=62, 24%) or a unilateral absence of signal (n=5). Despite a total correlation for positive diagnosis, TCD and angiography may differ as to the level of circulation arrest. TCD is useful for patients under sedative drugs. No false positive result was encountered but we were unable to insonate any

intracranial artery in 5 patients. CONCLUSION: Data from previous studies and the results of this study indicate that TCD is a very sensitive and safe method for diagnosing cerebral circulatory arrest. TCD may be used as a confirmatory test alongside EEG and angiography. TCD is more widely applicable than EEG and may be earlier and safer than


Dott, Vincenzo Simonelli


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