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OSI Layers


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Seeing through the Cloud

A presentation by Carlo Andreoli and Manuela Bonomi IBM Architects

May 21, 2014



Questa presentazione ha solamente uno scopo informativo e divulgativo.

Gli autori non assumono alcuna responsabilità per le informazioni in essa contenute, non forniscono alcuna garanzia o assicurazione che esse siano esenti da errori o da omissioni, né che siano aggiornate alla data.

Tutti i nomi di prodotti o società (se presenti) sono utilizzati al solo scopo di identificarli; essi possono essere marchi depositati dei loro rispettivi proprietari.

Gli autori sono dipendenti IBM. Essi, nel contesto di questa presentazione, esprimono informazioni, analisi e considerazioni da loro raccolte ed elaborate.

Non intendono comunicare l’idea di parlare e agire per conto di IBM.

Il materiale che forma questa presentazione non può essere riprodotto in alcuna

forma, né in tutto né in parte, senza il permesso scritto degli autori.


1. Cloud computing: where does it come from?

 Modelli computazionali

 Service shift

 Tecnologie abilitanti

2. What is cloud?

 Definizione di cloud


 Ciclo di vita del servizio in cloud

 Cloud Service models

 Cloud Deployment models

3. Why cloud?

 Cloud workload affinity

 Cloud benefits / challenges

1. IBM Cloud value proposition

 L’impegno IBM per il cloud

 Prodotti, servizi e soluzioni IBM per il cloud



1. Cloud computing: where does it come from?

 Modelli computazionali

 Service shift

 Tecnologie abilitanti

2. What is cloud?

 Definizione di cloud


 Ciclo di vita del servizio in cloud

 Cloud Service models

 Cloud Deployment models

3. Why cloud?

 Cloud workload affinity

 Cloud benefits / challenges

1. IBM Cloud value proposition

 L’impegno IBM per il cloud

 Prodotti, servizi e soluzioni IBM per il cloud


2. IBM related

 Reference architecture



1. Cloud computing: where does it come from?


Host Computing

Client/Server Computing

Web Computing

Mainframe Era

PC Era


Personal Computing

1960's 1970's 1980's 1990's 2000’s 2010+



Internet Era

Major Waves of ICT Industry


as a service


Host Computing

Control Unit 3174

Control Unit 3174

Control Unit 3174 Terminale


Terminale 3270

Terminale 3270

IBM Host (Mainframe)

Communications Controller 37XX

Token Ring Terminale


Terminale 3270


3270 Data stream 3270

Data stream


Personal Computing



 Nel modello Host Computing del passato, tutte le risorse erano possedute e controllate dai sistemi centrali (mainframes)

 Anche le architetture ed i protocolli di rete erano proprietari (IBM SNA, Digital DECnet, ...) e le configurazioni tipiche comprendevano terminali “stupidi”

(dummy devices) collegati a unità di controllo atte a fornire un accesso collettivo (multiplexed) ai sistemi centrali

 Con l’avvento del PC, si è cercato il modo migliore di condividere le risorse fra stazioni di lavoro “intelligenti” (ossia dotate di capacità elaborativa – CPU, RAM, I/O – autonoma)

 Fu così che i ricercatori della Xerox per aumentare la loro stessa produttività idearono Ethernet

 Nasce il concetto di “rete locale”

About computer networks





 Interfaccia grafica

 Livello di servizio

− Autonomia operativa

 Riduzione dei costi

− Downsizing



Client/Server Computing


Client/Server Computing

Consente una elaborazione distribuita tra client e server

 Client – macchina o applicazione che richiede un servizio / risorsa

 Server – macchina o applicazione che fornisce un servizio / risorsa

Una elaborazione distribuita implica l’esistenza di una rete (computer network)

Lo scambio di informazioni tra client e server deve avvenire utilizzando la stessa gerarchia di protocolli.

Cosa può essere “distribuito” ?


 Application logic

 Data access


Distributed Presentation

Remote Presentation

Distributed Function

Distributed Database

Remote Data Management


Presentation Application


Application Logic Presentation Application


Presentation Application Logic

Presentation Application

Logic Data Access

Presentation Application Logic

Presentation Data Access

Data Access

Data Access

Data Access

Data Access

Client Server

Modelli Client/Server (A. Scherr, 1984)


ISO/OSI (1978) TCP/IP (1982)







2 DATA LINK Host-Network

(not specified)


DECnet (1975) IBM SNA (1974)

About computer networks again










Web Computing


Web Computing protocols

OSI Layers


Web Computing benefit

 Il massimo vantaggio di questo modello computazionale consiste nella standardizzazione

− standardizzazione nei protocolli

− standardizzazione nell’interfaccia tra client e server (browser)

− standardizzazione nello sviluppo

− standardizzazione nel deployment


Distributed Computing

 Il Distributed Computing consente a componenti software (concettualmente scritti in linguaggi differenti su diversi computer collegati in rete), di poter

comunicare mediante lo scambio di messaggi in modo da cooperare come una singola applicazione

 Un esempio di Distributed Computing è rappresentato dalle applicazioni che implementano i principi della Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

gle uageMultiple language




Business Application


Strategy and Planning Services

Enterprise Service Bus

Access Services Partner


Process Services

Information Services Interaction


Business Services and Events

Lifecycle Services Asset and Registry Services Development


Management Services

Infrastructure Services Enables collaboration between

people, processes & information

Business-driven Enterprise Architecture and Standards

Manages diverse data and content in a unified manner

Integrated environment for

design and creation of solution


Connect with trading partners Build on a robust, scaleable, and secure services environment

Facilitate interactions with existing information and

application assets

Manage and secure services,

applications &


Optimizes throughput, availability and utilization Orchestrate and automate

business processes

Supports the specification of enterprise business solutions through business architecture

SOA Reference model


 I Web services non hanno interfaccia utente, ma interagiscono tra un programma chiamante ed un programma chiamato (memorizzati su sistemi distribuiti) attraverso parametri di input e di output

 Condividono protocolli comuni di comunicazione (XML based)

• Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)

Grammatica XML standard per invocare un metodo. Un request message è inviato Service Requestor

Web Browser




Web Services

Web Application

Service Provider


 REST è acronimo di Representational Transfer State

 E’ un paradigma per la realizzazione di un protocollo di comunicazione tra programmi memorizzati su sistemi distribuiti

 Permette la manipolazione di risorse per mezzo dei metodi GET, POST, PUT e DELETE del protocollo HTTP – senza protocolli aggiuntivi (come ad esempio SOAP) e senza

gestione della sessione

 L’output può essere in formato HTML, XML, JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

 Un Web service di tipo REST è particolarmente indicato quando si hanno le seguenti caratteristiche:

• scambio parametri frequente (necessità di un protocollo “leggero”, ad esempio in applicazioni Web 2.0 basate su JavaScript AJAX)

• flusso parametri su Internet (impossibilità di aprire porte “sensibili”, ad esempio JDBC)

 Servizi basati sui principi per architetture di rete REST sono detti comunemente RESTful Web Services




1. Cloud computing: where does it come from?


The shift to services

The transition from an agricultural to an industrial economy, which began in England and has been repeated in most of the Western world, has been characterized as a "revolution".

The shift from industrial to service employment, which has advanced furthest in the United States but is evident in all developed economies, has proceeded more quietly, but it too has implications for society, and for economic analysis, of "revolutionary" proportions.

V. R. Fuchs: “The Service Economy”, Colombia University Press, New York and London, 1968


The new value proposition

 Innovazione nel Prodotto o Servizio

oppure …

 Innovazione nel Mix Prodotto-Servizio

o addirittura …

 Conversione del Prodotto in Servizio


Shared resources

Customer premises

Fixed Variable

IT as a Service

Traditional IT



Variable cost

Variable ownership

The new value proposition for IT


Software distribuito come servizio ospitato e accessibile tramite Internet.

Source: Microsoft Corporation, Frederick Chonge - Aprile 2006

"The concept of software as a service will be the most disruptive long-term trend to affect vendors”.

Source: Joe Galvin, Gartner Analyst, SAP Business Flash, March 27, 2006

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Il concetto di SaaS nasce prima del Cloud


Portale di filiera

Software as a Service – Un esempio

DB server Appl.

server Storage

Data Center

Help Desk

Customer premises

Azienda di Azienda di produzione produzione

Sistema Gestionale


Azienda di Azienda di distribuzione distribuzione Operatore

Operatore Logistico Logistico

Sede remota


Il servizio è addebitato sulla base di un:

 Costo di attivazione del servizio (OTC)

 Canone fisso mensile (MRC) che tiene conto del numero di utenti abilitati

 Costo unitario per ogni SSCC movimentato





Software as a Service – Value proposition

L‘esempio riportato è relativo ad una soluzione proposto al mercato con una modalità d’offerta congruente col modello

“on demand” (pay as you go).

L’elemento innovativo consiste nel tradurre le metriche correlate alla soluzione

tecnologica in requisiti funzionali ed economici di diretta rilevanza per i clienti (metriche di business).

Attraverso la definizione di metriche di business (specifiche della soluzione), il modello “on demand” permette l’evoluzione da costi fissi a costi variabili.

Nel caso specifico, la soluzione fa uso di una modalità di addebito (metrica di business) facilmente misurabile e comprensibile da parte del cliente:

 numero unità di carico movimentate


1. Cloud computing: where does it come from?

Tecnologie abilitanti




Technical factors driving Cloud Computing viability


Risorse Virtuali

Risorse Virtuali

Risorse Virtuali Risorse Reali

Il concetto della virtualizzazione

Per virtualizzazione si intende

la capacità di creare immagini di risorse virtuali sulla base delle risorse fisiche

realmente disponibili (CPU, memory, I/O, storage, network)

attraverso un apposito Hardware o un apposito Software


L’importanza della virtualizzazione deriva dalla necessità economica di massimizzare l’utilizzo dei sistemi. I suoi principali vantaggi sono:

 Separazione – Attraverso la virtualizzazione si possono suddividere le risorse fisiche in ambienti logicamente separati che possono poi essere gestiti in maniera indipendente

 Ottimizzazione – Si possono utilizzare risorse virtuali in eccesso rispetto alle risorse realmente disponibili (overcommitment) grazie alla condivisione di risorse reali tra diverse immagini virtuali

(Resource Sharing)

Questa caratteristica è quella che permette di rendere i sistemi “elastici”

alle variazioni del carico (peak).

E’ un concetto fondamentale allorché, ad esempio, si diffondono applicazioni accessibili in rete da un numero di utenti potenziali non noto a priori (resiliency).

Le ragioni della virtualizzazione


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Potenza necessaria = 170 Peak – Richiesta non soddisfatta

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Potenza installata totale = 300

Peak – Richiesta non soddisfatta

Sistema 1

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300

Peak – soddisfatto dal Sistema

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300

Peak – soddisfatto dal Sistema

Sistema virtualizzato

Sistema 2

Sistema 3

Le figure sulla sinistra rappresentano l’ipotetico andamento del carico su tre sistemi che ipotizziamo ospitati su tre diverse macchine fisiche durante il corso della giornata (24h).

La figura sulla destra rappresenta con la stessa scala il carico risultante dalla somma dei tre sistemi che ipotizziamo ospitati su un unico Sistema Virtualizzato con condivisione della risorsa CPU.

 La potenza complessiva necessaria risulta

notevolmente inferiore

 La struttura si presenta più flessibile all’assorbimento di picchi da carico

Le ragioni della virtualizzazione


 Software-defined data center (SDDC) is a phrase used to refer to a data center where all infrastructure is virtualized and delivered as a service. Control of the data center is automated by software – meaning hardware configuration is maintained through intelligent software

systems. This is in contrast to traditional data centers where the infrastructure is typically defined by hardware and devices.

 There are three core components of the software-defined data center:

server virtualization

storage virtualization (Software-Defined Storage)

network virtualization (Software-Defined Networking)

 The phrase “Software-Defined Data Center” (SDDC) was coined by VMware's CTO, Dr. Steve Herrod


Software-Defined Data Center


Standardizzazione dell’IT

La Standardizzazione dell’IT è requisito per l’automazione delle operazioni


Standards IT aziendali

 Minimizzare la varietà dei componenti

− Tipologia server, Sistema Operativo, virtualizzatore, middleware, pacchetti applicativi, ...

− Versioni delle componenti software e del codice applicativo

 Da una distribuzione continua a una discreta delle configurazioni


Source: IDC

Why Automation tools are a requirement


Phase Time (days)


Specify/design 73 - 96 14% - 16%

Procure 57 - 112 19% - 21%

Implement 74 – 93 12%

Configure/test 74 – 80 10% - 11%

Cluster & HA 66 – 104 11% - 12%

Backup 44 – 108 10%

Tune 89 – 98 9% - 10%

Management 67 – 110 9 – 10%

Typical IT Project Time and Budget Top Causes of Project Delays


Troubleshooting and tuning production environment Integration, configuration and testing of the infrastructure Installation, cabling and network access for the environment


Integration, configuration and testing of applications

Integration, configuration and testing of middleware

Configuration, build and deployment of applications







Typical Results:

 34% of new IT projects (US) deploy late

Aligning IT and business goals


App OS Image

App OS Image

App OS Image

Virtualisation drives lower capital requirements

Complex orchestration.

Detailed billing and metering.

Capacity monitoring.

Optimized environment for workload.

Clients who can “serve themselves” require less support, improve productivity and get services faster Lower complexity = more

automation possible = reduced IT labour costs and faster delivery Virtualised environments

only get benefits of scale if they are highly utilised

Virtualisation of hardware

Utilisation of infrastructure

Standardisation of workloads

Automation of management

Cloud enabled datacenter

Dynamic virtualization &


Service delivery automation

Advanced Cloud service lifecycle management

Orchestration, consumption based metering

Business service catalogs, and dynamic capacity


Virtualization management

IT transformation roadmap


Continua con la

seconda parte ...


1. Cloud computing: where does it come from?

 Modelli computazionali

 Service shift

 Tecnologie abilitanti

2. What is cloud?

 Definizione di cloud


 Ciclo di vita del servizio in cloud

 Cloud Service models

 Cloud Deployment models

3. Why cloud?

 Cloud workload affinity

 Cloud benefits / challenges

1. IBM Cloud value proposition

 L’impegno IBM per il cloud

 Prodotti, servizi e soluzioni IBM per il cloud


2. IBM related

 Reference architecture



What is cloud?


Cloud Computing is a user experience and a business model

Monitor & Manage Services & Resources



Datacenter Infrastructure

Service Catalog, Component Library

Service Consumers

Component Vendors/

Software Publishers

Publish & Update Components, Service Templates

IT Cloud

Access Services

A user experience and a business model

Cloud computing is an emerging style of IT delivery in which data, applications, and IT resources are rapidly provisioned and provided as standardized

offerings to users over the web in a flexible pricing model.

An infrastructure management and services delivery methodology

Cloud computing is a way of managing large numbers of highly virtualized resources such that, from a management perspective, they resemble a single large resource.

This can then be used to deliver services with elastic scaling.


A user experience and a business model

Cloud computing is an emerging style of IT delivery in which data, applications, and IT resources are rapidly provisioned and provided as standardized offerings to users over the web in a flexible pricing model.

An infrastructure management and services delivery methodology

Cloud computing is a way of managing large numbers of highly virtualized

resources such that, from a management perspective, they resemble a single large resource. This can then be used to deliver services with elastic scaling.

Monitor & Manage Services & Resources

Datacenter Infrastructure

Service Catalog,

Service Consumers

Component Vendors/

Software Publishers

IT Cloud

Access Services

Cloud Computing is also an infrastructure management

and services delivery methodology


Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on- demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing

resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.

This cloud model is composed of five essential characteristics, three service models, and four deployment models.

A well accepted definition by US National Institute of Standard & Technology (NIST) http://www.nist.gov/itl/csd/cloud-102511.cfm

The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing


Cloud Computing: Characteristics





Service Requestor


• Orchestration by management plans

• Management plan execution

- Script

• Usage Reports

• Management plan fulfillment by

executing workflows

• For example:

create VM from images,

OS, Sw stack,

Securit credentials, etc.

Virtualized Hw Service


• Prepare service request from given input parameters

• Perform reservation of resources

• Approval and notifications on business level

•Service Catalog Service Topology Service Mgmt plan

Service Creator

Service Definition

• Account details

• Tracking of Resources Usage

• Finantial Reports

Requestor / Controller Catalog Manager

Lifecycle of a Cloud Service and main Actors


Cloud Computing Roles

Cloud Service Consumer

Cloud Service Creator

Cloud Service Provider

Cloud Product Provider

Cloud End User request & use resources

For example:

- OS virtual image - Development tools - Servers, storage, - Applications

Cloud Business User Financial, incl.


responsibility and accountability for consumed services

Service Developer - technical service template

- virtual images,

DBaaS images, multi- tenant applications, etc.

Service integrator Integration between cloud and existing IT environment

Offering manager Catalog offering

characteristics (price, cost, royalties,

technical artifacts,

Service Provider - responsible for making a service available to cloud consumers

- hosting capabilitiy

A Provider may act as a Consumer, in order to act as a Provider again

Cloud Product Provider

- selling capability to allow their customers to create and/or

provide cloud services - for final Clients

- Application Service Provider

Example: IBM WebSphere

Cloudburst Appliance

for building Private



Chief information officers


responsiveness of

the IT infrastructure and development

 Better manage compliance Corporate applications


 Speed the delivery of new products and services

 Access new services that can improve business processes

Managed service providers

 Open new revenue streams and offer differentiated higher- value services

 Reduce support costs

Chief marketing officers

 Strategically reinvent customer relationships

 Share expertise among customers, employees and partners.

Data center managers

 Serve up resources so staff can focus

on higher-value projects

 Manage data center on flat or decreasing budgets

ISV, Developer

 Shorten development lifecycle.

 Compose new applications taking advantage of existing services.

 Effectively build, test and deliver application

Private User

 Easily find and access applications like

productivity tool.

 Access his or her data, photos, … from


 Avoid loss of data



 Avoid large investm in IT infrastructure

 Manage unexpect fast growth of bus

Regardless your role,

cloud computing is opening new opportunities


What is cloud?


Cloud Service models


Virtualization OS

Middleware Runtime

Data Applications

Risorse HW Virtualization

OS Middleware

Runtime Data Applications

Risorse HW

Virtualization OS

Middleware Runtime

Data Applications

Risorse HW Infrastructure

as a Service (IasS)

Platform as a Service


Software as a Service


Modelli di Servizio



Personalizzazione Responsabilità Utente

R e s p o n s a b ili tà C lo u d P ro v id e r

From Iaas to SaaS: ownership shifts from User

(organization) to Cloud Service Provider


Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Simple IaaS Services (VMs) Simple IaaS Services (VMs) Virtualization Management Virtualization Management

Virtualized Infrastructure


Capacity Management

and Planning

Event Management

Patch Management

Endpoint Compliance &


Backup &


Cloud IaaS:

Infrastructure as a Service


 IaaS - Giochi di ruolo in Cloud


 Presenza globale




... per milioni di giocatori


Cloud PaaS:

Platform as a Service

•model multi-tiered middleware, expose them as services into a self-service catalogue, automate their deployment and meter the resources used.

•manage the SLA of the provisioned middleware ( resiliency, middleware performance, security, etc.. )

•DB or data-caching services

•integration services that allow to integrate with external appliation or public clouds

•DevOps process services that automates the build, test and delivery of applications into a cloud environment

PaaS Services (Middleware) PaaS Services (Middleware)

Platform as a Service (PaaS)


PaaS - Watson Developer Cloud

Platform to include Watson capabilities into new cognitive apps

Nnatural language processing,

hypothesis generation and evaluation, dynamic learning.

Access to technology, tools and APIs

... For Healthcare, Marketing, Research, Finance


SaaS e BPaaS:

Software e Business Proces as a Service

•Deployment and automation services for apps,

•security services, SaaS Services (Middleware) SaaS Services (Middleware)

Software as a Service (SaaS)


IBM SmartCloud Engage





Activities People

Blogs, Ideation

Email Docs


Traveler Wikis


Enterprise-class, security-rich, integrated tools:

Social Collaboration, Mail, & Web Conference services

Flexible client use – mobile, browser, tablet,

rich client Flexible subscriptions

starting at $8 per month


Princess Cruises – third-largest cruise line in the world accelerates expansion into Asia

Reduced costs

of extending collaboration and file sharing to employees across the company using a hybrid environment

“IBM SmartCloud ended up changing the way 99% less time to deploy

messaging and collaboration services to employees in emerging marketplaces, down from 3 or 4 months to 1 or 2 days

Rapid adoption

with access to online IBM training library of how-to videos available in 22 languages

Solution components

The transformation: Within weeks of deploying IBM SmartCloud for

Social Business services in Asia, the Princess Cruises IT team began getting requests for the same capabilities from employees across the company. Because IBM supports a hybrid environment, the team can extend these services quickly and cost-effectively.



60 18/05/14 Seeing through the Cloud

SmartCloud for Social Business

Collaboration Suite

SmartCloud for Social Business

Collaboration Suite

Through the IBM SmartCloud, clients tap into SaaS solutions aligned by role and collaboration between business functions

SmartCloud for Legal

Contract Management Risk Analytics

Document Management

SmartCloud for Marketing

Demand Generation Campaign Analytics Agency Collaboration

SmartCloud for Procurement

Contract Management Spend Analysis

Strategic Sourcing

SmartCloud for City Operations

Transportation Planning Water Management Utility Optimization

SmartCloud for Human Resources

Talent Management Learning and Certification Employee Onboarding

SmartCloud for Sales &


eCommerce Performance Analytics Quote Management

SmartCloud for Customer Care & Support

Engagement Advice Experience Management Client Success



What is cloud?


Deployment Models for Cloud Computing


Enterprise data center

Managed Private cloud


Multitenant Shared Private Cloud


Enterprise B

Public Cloud Services A

Users B

Enterprise Enterprise

Data Center Private


Enterprise Data Center

IBM Operated Managed Private Cloud

Hosting Center Hosting Center

Hosted Private Cloud

Enterprise A

Shared Private Cloud


Enterprise owned and operated Enterprise owned

and operated

Enterprise owned;

IBM operated Enterprise owned;

IBM operated

Customer/IBM owned and IBM operated

(single tenant) Customer/IBM owned

and IBM operated (single tenant)

IBM owned and operated (multi-tenant) IBM owned and

operated (multi-tenant)

Enterprise B Enterprise


1 2 3 4

Public Cloud


IBM owned and operated (multi-tenant) IBM owned and

operated (multi-tenant) 5

User A

User B

User C User



Hosted Private Cloud Enterprise

data center

Private cloud

Deployment Models for Cloud Computing


Hardware OS

Multi-Tenant Application

Hardware OS

Schema Application

Instance Tenant

Application Instance Tenant

S4: Multi-Tenant S3: Multi-App


Hardware Schema Applicatio n

Instance Tenant

Schema Application Instance Tenant


S2: Multi-Stack S1: Multi-VM

Hardware Schema Applicatio n

Instance Tenant

Schema Application Instance Tenant


shared hardware

shared OS

shared middleware

shared application

Hardware OS Schema Multi-Tenant


S5: Shared Multi-Tenant

shared application

Schema Applicatio n

Instance Tenant



S0: Singleton

No sharing

Middleware/Services Middleware/Services

MW / Services

MW / Services MW /


MW /

Services Middleware/Services

MW / Services





Schema Schema Schema

Bespoke Customization Mass Customization

Lower Development Cost Lower Operating Cost

Greater Resource/Security Isolation More Sharing

Faster Launch / Time to Market Faster Iteration / Time to Value

Tenant Tenant Tenant Tenant

Tenancy Spectrum


Modelli di Deployment


An open cloud architecture is emerging

Software Defined Environment


Software Defined Environments provide the next

generation of infrastructure automation for real-time response

Application Aware Application Aware


Compute StorageStorage NetworkNetwork Analytics Patterns


Resource Smart Resource Smart

Software Defined Environment

• Fully virtualized, integrated & programmable infrastructure

• Infrastructure that captures workload requirements and deployment best practices

• Policy-based automation across infrastructure

• Analytics to optimize the environment in real-time

Application Aware that understands the unique workload requirements

Resource Smart that dynamically allocates infrastructure based on policies


So what is the IBM Cloud operating environment?

An open standards-based developer platform and marketplace

Traditional workloads Services and composition patterns API and integration


Mobile Data

DevOps Operational Application

services Security


A composition environment for new systems of engagement cloud apps | Flexibility to engage with hybrid cloud environments, IBM services, 3


party, and open source | Automated provisioning of platform to speed go-to-market time | Standardized




Towards a composable API economy


Rapid application development and delivery

API-accessible applications Multi-channel integration


Composition of services

Marketplace of internal and external services

External Ecosystem

Marketplace App




Analytics API

Commerce API

Collaboration API

Location API



API economy Software

as a Service


IBM’s cloud platform is leveraging open technologies



Software as a Service API




BlueMix: A Development Environment for the Cloud

Delivering a Composable Services development environment

Run Your Apps

The developer can chose any language runtime or bring their own. Just upload your code and go.


Development, testing, monitoring, deployment and logging tools allow the developer to run the entire application

APIs and Services

A catalog of open source, IBM and third party APIs services allow a developer to stitch together an application in minutes.

Cloud Integration

Build hybrid environments. Connect to on- premises systems of record plus other public and private clouds. Expose your own APIs to your developers.


IBM Marketplace

Essential component to enable the API economy

IBM branded website for line- of-business users, developers, and IT teams to build,

consume and manage the applications that run today’s enterprises

Single point of entry for IBM’s extensive SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings

Comprehensive of IBM and Industry services delivered through IBM

It’s the enablement - via APIs - of services independent of service type or source

Centralized resource for IBM worldwide sales organization

Public demand driven by


IBM Marketplace


Continua con la

terza parte ...


1. Cloud computing: where does it come from?

 Modelli computazionali

 Service shift

 Tecnologie abilitanti

2. What is cloud?

 Definizione di cloud


 Ciclo di vita del servizio in cloud

 Cloud Service models

 Cloud Deployment models

3. Why cloud?

 Cloud workload affinity

 Cloud benefits / challenges

1. IBM Cloud value proposition

 L’impegno IBM per il cloud

 Prodotti, servizi e soluzioni IBM per il cloud



2. What is cloud?

Cloud workload affinity


The cloud affinity of existing applications depends on multiple factors:

- compliance and cross-border issues,

- site-dependency (for performance or data size),

- app-specific benefits of migration, and the ease and cost of migration.

Workloads enabled for Cloud



 Public facing web pages and wiki’s, blog…

 Data intensive workloads

 Storage as a Service, Backup &


 Software development environments, Test and Pre-production systems

 Mature packaged offerings, like e-

Workloads not ready for Cloud

 Workloads with cross-border issues

 Workloads which depend on sensitive data normally restricted to the Enterprise

 Workloads composed of multiple, co- dependent services

 Workloads requiring a high level of auditability, accountability

 Workloads based on 3rd party software which does not have a virtualization or

Workload affinity in Cloud


File & Print Data Warehousing

Data Mining

Systems Mgmt.


Lower Gain From External Cloud Higher Gain From External Cloud

Lower Pain To Cloud Delivery Higher Pain To

Cloud Delivery

Large Enterprise ERP/SCM/CRM

& Transaction Processing

Web Serving Numerical

[Low Data/Compute]

Numerical [High Data Transfer]


Application Dev’t.

& Test

“Database Centric” Architecture

“Content Centric” Architecture

“Loosely Coupled” Architecture

“Storage - Analytics” Architecture

“Virtualized Traditional” Architecture Virtual Desktop

Start Here

by www.osservatori.net CLOUD & ICT as a Service - 2012

Workloads can be classified according to cloud affinity


“Born in the Enterprise”

Systems of Record

“Born on the Cloud”

Systems of Engagement Scalable




Standardized infrastructure Heterogeneous infrastructure

Primarily existing virtualized workloads, back office, middleware-based

Primarily emerging platform workloads, new development, web-facing, scale-out

on cloud, SaaS

Automated lifecycle Integrated lifecycle

Two Application Models will Co-exist in the Enterprise


by www.osservatori.net CLOUD & ICT as a Service - 2012

Benefits in adopting Cloud Business model


Challenges in adopting Cloud Business model









Challenges in adopting Cloud Business model


Continua con la

quarta parte ...


1. Cloud computing: where does it come from?

 Modelli computazionali

 Service shift

 Tecnologie abilitanti

2. What is cloud?

 Definizione di cloud


 Ciclo di vita del servizio in cloud

 Cloud Service models

 Cloud Deployment models

3. Why cloud?

 Cloud workload affinity

 Cloud benefits / challenges

1. IBM Cloud value proposition

 L’impegno IBM per il cloud

 Prodotti, servizi e soluzioni IBM per il cloud


2. IBM related

 Reference architecture



5. IBM Cloud value proposition


Cloud Service Providers

Hosting and internet services vendors leveraging their infrastructure to provide cloud services

(to offer private cloud solutions, to enter the public cloud space.

Technology Providers

They experience leading position in specific technologies

They want to leverage the cloud to strengthen the position and extend the reach.

Cloud global players analysis framework (sample)

Application Providers

Software and services vendors who provide cloud-enabled application solutions.

Services vendors may provide cloud business and technical consulting as well as implementation services.

They both do not sell technology.


Mercato del Cloud: trends

 Inizialmente, il mercato dell’

infrastructure as a service

market raggiungerà i $5.9 billion di fatturato globale nel 2014, poi la commoditizzazione, la

pressione sul prezzo e l’erosione dei margini ne determineranno il declino. In altre parole, i leader degli esordi come Amazon Web Services e Rackspace saranno I primi ad imboccare la parabola discendente.

 Software as a service sarà adottato dalle aziende di

qualunque dimensione. Nel 2011

il suo mercato è stato di $21.2

billion e salirà a $92.8 billion nel

2016. A quel punto si avvicinerà

alla fase di maturità.


1997 Today

CIOs 128 1

Host data centers 155 7

Web hosting centers 80 5

Network 31 1

Applications 15,000 4,700

 From 2002, IBM's own IT investments delivered a cumulative benefit yield of approximately $4 billion.



Cloud-enabled  Self-service for thousands of IBM researchers across dozens of countries.

 The virtualized environment will use 80% less energy and 85% less floor space.

Project Big Green



 Substantial savings being achieved in multiple dimensions:

energy, software and system management and support costs.

Data Center Efficiencies Achieved

IBM’s approach is based on its transformation



Tokyo Zurich

Watson Austin


Delhi Haifa

IBM Research Computing Cloud (RC2)

Provides self service ‘on demand’ delivery solution for research computing resources


IBM Cloud Computing Centers for clients

On-site cloud computing infrastructure Deep architectural skills and resources Workshops on next generation workloads

Rapid deployment of first of a kind proofs of concept and pilots

Silicon Valley CA

Dublin Ireland

Johannesburg South Africa

Hanoi Vietnam Bangalore


São Paulo Brazil

Seoul South Korea Beijing

China Tokyo

Japan Raleigh


Doha Qatar New York



Wuxi China


IBM Cloud Points of Delivery (POD)



Enhingen Montpellier



Singapore Madrid

Sao Paolo

Sidney Secaucus




Softlayer POD

 13 Data Centers

 19 Network PoPs

 Global Network








Cloud Infrastructure Providers

Leveraging the IBM Cloud to provide IaaS/PaaS capabilities

Cloud Services Solution Providers

Create customized client solutions running on IBM SmartCloud

Cloud Technology Providers

Extending the function and value of IBM SmartCloud

Cloud Application Providers

Delivering standardized SaaS solutions on IBM SmartCloud

IBM Cloud partners ecosystem


The IBM Cloud Computing Reference Architecture (CCRA)

 Represents the aggregate experience from hundreds of cloud client engagements and IBM-hosted cloud implementations

• Based on knowledge of IBM’s services, software & system experiences, including IBM Research

 Provides guidance on how to build IaaS, PaaS, SaaS and service provider clouds using IBM technologies

IaaS: Cut IT expense and complexity through a cloud enabled data center

PaaS: Accelerate time

to market with cloud platform services

Innovate business models by becoming a cloud service provider

SaaS: Gain immediate access with business solutions on cloud


IBM’s Cloud Strategy

Business Process as a Service

Enabling business transformation Business Process

Solutions Application Application Application Application Application

Software as a Service

Marketplace of high value consumable business applications

Platform as a Service

Composable and integrated application development platform

Infrastructure as a Service

Enterprise class, optimized infrastructure External

Ecosystem Industry Collaboration Human Resources

Big Data &

Analytics Commerce Marketing

Development Big Data &

Analytics Security Integration Mobile Social Traditional Workloads Built using open standards

Compute Storage Networking

Built using open standards

Smarter Commerce Smarter Analytics

Smarter Cities Smarter Workforce Watson solutions Software solutions

Middleware solutions


IBM SmartCloud Enterprise +

Public. Private. Dynamic Hybrid.

Think it. Build it. Tap into it.




5. IBM Cloud value proposition

Prodotti, servizi e soluzioni IBM per il cloud


Strategize how to use cloud to drive savings and revenue growth.

Build and run your private or hybrid cloud.

Utilize cloud services delivered from IBM


Business Process as a Service

Software as a Service

Platform as a Service Expert

Integrated Systems

Cloud Platform Technologies


Infrastructure Technologies Cloud Strategy

and Design



Cloud Migration



Infrastructure as a Service

Strategize how to use cloud to drive savings and revenue growth.

Build and run your private or hybrid cloud.

Utilize cloud services delivered from IBM


Business Process as a Service

Software as a Service

Platform as a Service

Hybrid Cloud Technologies Expert

Integrated Systems

Cloud Platform Technologies


Infrastructure Technologies


Management Services

Cloud Strategy and Design



Cloud Migration Services

IBM Consulting Services to help customers to strategize, implement and use cloud.

These services are for driving implementation, migration and management of cloud

environment and they are

specifically targeting large

enterprise needs.


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