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The Italian software for GPS Radio Occultation: validation using COSMIC and CHAMP data


Academic year: 2021

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The Italian software for GPS Radio Occultation:

validation using COSMIC and CHAMP data

European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009

Vienna, Austria, 19 – 24 April 2009

Hall X/Y- Poster XY215

G. Perona(2), R. Notarpietro(1), M. Molinaro(2), M. Cucca(1), S. Casotto(3), P. Zoccarato(3), A. Nardo(3), M. Petitta(4), I. Bordi(4), A. Sutera(4), N. Tartaglione(5), A. Speranza(5), B. Nava(6), S. Radicella(6), F. Vespe(7)


ROSA-ROSSA Base Version Software



Dataset for scientific validation



Dataset for scientific validation




Validation Philosophies



Validation Philosophies




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