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BIBLIOGRAFIA Opere di Rebecca Harding Davis: Romanzi:


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Opere di Rebecca Harding Davis: Romanzi:

Margaret Howth, 1862, Upper Saddle River, N. J., Gregg, 1970. Waiting for the Verdict, 1867, Upper Saddle River, N. J., Gregg, 1968. Dallas Galbraith, Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1868.

Kitty’s Choice, or Berrytown and Other Stories, Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1873. A Law unto Herself, Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1873.

John Andross, New York, Orange, 1874. Natasqua, New York, Cassell-Rainbow, 1886. Kent Hampden, New York, Scribners, 1892.

Silhouettes of American Life, New York, Scribners, 1892. Doctor Warrick’s Daughter, New York, Harper, 1896. Frances Waldeaux, New York, Harper, 1897.

Bits of Gossip, Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1904.

Life in the Iron-Mills and Other Stories, 1972, Old Westbury, N. Y., Feminist,



“John Lamar”, Atlantic 9, 1862, pp. 411-23.

“David Gaunt”, Atlantic 10, 1862, pp. 259-271, 403-21. “Blind Tom”, Atlantic 10, 1862, pp. 580-85.

“Paul Blecker”, Atlantic 11, 1863, pp. 52-69. “Ellen”, Peterson’s 44, 1863, pp. 38-48.

“The Promise of Dawn: A Christmas Story”, Atlantic 11, 1863, pp. 10-25.

“The Second Life”, Peterson’s 43, 1863, pp. 33-39, 121-30, 204-11, 293-300, 348-53, 420-30.

“The Second Slight”, Peterson’s 44, 1863, pp. 447-53. “The Solmes’ Ghost”, Peterson’s 46, 1864, pp. 417-25. “The Lost Estate”, Peterson’s 45, 1864

“The Wife's Story”, Atlantic 14, 1864, pp. 1-19.

“The Clergyman’s Wife”, Peterson’s 47, 1865, pp. 139-47. “Out of the Sea”, Atlantic 15, 1865, pp. 533-49.

“The Harmonists”, Atlantic 17, 1866, pp. 529-38.

“The Story of Christine”, Peterson’s 50, 1866, pp. 166-74. “The Story of Christmas Eve”, Peterson’s 52, 1867, pp. 418-23. “In the Market”, Peterson’s 53, 1868, pp. 49-57.

“A Pearl of Great Price”, Lippincott’s 2, 1868, pp. 606-17, 3, 1869, pp. 74-88. “Captain Jean”, Peterson’s 56, 1869, pp. 351-59.



“Put Out of the Way”, Independent 57, 1869, pp. 355-67, 413-43, 58, 1870, pp. 30-41, 109-18.

“Two Women”, Galaxy, 1870, pp. 799-815.

“The Conductor’s Story”, Hearth and Home 3, 1871, pp. 946-47. “Balacchi Brothers”, Lippincott’s, 1872.

“Earthen Pitchers”, Scribner’s Monthly 7, 1873-74, pp. 73-81, 199-207, 274-81, 490-94, 595-600, 714-21.

“The Story of Ann”, Youth’s Companion 48, 1875, pp. 104-5. “The Yares of Black Mountain”, Lippincott’s 16, 1875, pp. 35-47. “Marcia”, Harper’s 53, 1876, pp. 925-28.

“Married People”, Harper's, 1877, pp. 730-35.

“A Day with Doctor Sarah”, Harper’s 57, 1878, pp. 611-17. “A Story of the Plague”, Harper’s 58, 1879, 443-49.

“Walhalla”, Scribner’s 20, 1880, pp. 139-45.

“Across the Gulf”, Lippincott’s 28, 1881, pp. 59-71.

“Vacation Sketches among the Alleghenies”, Youth’s Companion 55, 1882, p. 243.

“John Sorby”, Independent 35, 1883, pp. 762-63. “A Street Flower”, Independent 36, 1884, p. 58. “My Uncle’s Story”, Peterson’s 88, 1885, pp. 318-22. “Mademoiselle Joan”, Atlantic, 1886, pp. 328-36. “Tirar Y Soult”, Scribner’s, 1887, pp. 563-72.

“The Kennairds”, Peterson’s 93, 1888, pp. 74-82, 177-83, 272-79. “Anne” Harper's 78, 1889, pp. 744-750.

“An Old Legend”, Independent 42, 1890, p. 470.

“The Leroy Gold Mine”, Independent 43, 1891, pp. 1895-97. “Jane Murray's Thanksgiving Story”, Independent, 1905. “The Coming Of The Night”, Scribner’s, 1909, pp. 58-68.


“Men’s Rights”, Putnam’s 3, 1869, pp. 212-24. “A Faded Leaf of History”, Atlantic, 1873, pp. 44-52. “The Middle-Aged Woman”, Scribner’s, 1875, pp. 345-47. “A Glimpse of Philadelphia”, Lippincott’s, 1876, pp. 27-38. “Old Landmarks in Philadelphia”, Scribner’s, 1876, pp. 145-66. “Old Philadelphia”, Harper’s, 1876, 705-721, 868-82.

“The House on the Beach”, Lippincott’s, 1876, pp. 72-80. “Story of a Newspaper”, Our Continent 2, 1882, 430-31. “Some Testimony in the Case”, Atlantic 56, 1885, pp. 602-8.

“Here and There in the South”, Harper’s 75, 1887, pp. 235-46, 431-43, 593-606, 747-60, 914-25.

“Low Wages for Women”, Independent 40, 1888, p. 1425.



“Women in Literature”, Independent 43, 1891, p. 6612. “The Newly Discovered Woman”, Independent, 1893, p. 1601. “In the Gray Cabins of New England”, Century 49, 1895, pp. 620-23. “Two Points of View”, Independent, 1897, pp. 1161-62.

“Two Methods with the Negro”, Independent, 1898, pp. 401-2. “The Work Before Us”, Independent, 1899, pp. 177-9.

“The Mean Face of War”, Independent, 1899, pp. 1931-33.

“The Curse in Education”, North American Review, 1899, pp. 609-614. “The Temple of Fame”, Independent, 1900, pp. 2555-56.

“Lord Kitchener’s Methods”, Independent, 1901, pp. 326-28.

“The Disease of Money-Getting”, Independent 54, 1902, pp. 1457-60. “The ‘Black North’”, Independent, 1902, pp. 338-40.

“Ability Misapplied”, Saturday Evening Post 176, 1903, p. 14. “A Middle-Aged Woman”, Independent 57, 1904.

“Has the Free Negro Failed?”, Saturday Evening Post 177, 1904, p. 13. “The Recovery of Family Life”, Independent 59, 1905, pp. 673-75. “Undistinguished Americans”, Independent, 1906, 962-64.

“One Woman’s Question”, Independent 63, 1907, pp. 132-3. “An Old-Time Love Story”, Century 77, 1908, pp. 219-221.

Bibliografia su Rebecca Harding Davis:

Doriani, Beth M., “New England Calvinism and the Problem of the Poor in Rebecca Harding Davis’s ‘Life in the Iron Mills.’”, in Schuldiner, M. (ed.),

Literary Calvinism and Nineteenth-Century American Women Authors. Studies in Puritan American Spirituality (SPAS) 6. Lewiston, Mellen, 1997.

Harris, Sharon M., “Rebecca Harding Davis: From Romanticism to Realism,” in

American Literary Realism 1870–1910, Vol. 21, No. 2, Winter, 1989.

--- Rebecca Harding Davis and American Realism, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1991.

Henwood, Dawn, “Slaveries ‘In the Borders’: Rebecca Harding Davis’s Life in the Iron Mills in Its Southern Context.”, Mississippi Quarterly, 52, 1999, pp. 567-92.

Knadler, Stephen, “‘Miscegenated Whiteness’: Rebecca Harding Davis, the ‘Civil-Izing’ War, and Female Racism.”, Nineteenth-Century Literature 57, 1, 2002, pp. 64-99.

Langford, Gerald, “Book I: Rebecca”, in The Richard Harding Davis Years: a



Olsen, Tillie, “A Biographical Interpretation”, in Davis, Rebecca H., Life in the

Iron-Mills and Other Stories, Old Westbury, New York, Feminist, 1985, pp.


Pfaelzer, Jean, “Rebecca Harding Davis: Domesticity, Social Order and the Industrial Novel,” International Journal of Women's Studies, 4, May-June 1981, pp. 234-44.

--- (ed.), A Rebecca Harding Davis Reader: “Life in the Iron-Mills,” Selected

Fiction & Essays, Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1995.

--- Parlor Radical. Rebecca Harding Davis and the Origins of American Social

Realism, Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1996

Rose, Jane A., “The Artist Manqué in the Fiction of Rebecca Harding Davis”, in Jones, S. W. (ed.) Writing the Woman Artist, Essays on Poetics, Politics and

Portraiture, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1991, pp. 155-174.

--- Rebecca Harding Davis, New York, Twayne Publishers, 1993.

--- “A Bibliography of Fiction and Non-Fiction of Rebecca Harding Davis”, in

American Literary Realism 22, no. 3, 1990, pp. 67-86.

Tichi, Cecelia, (ed.) “Life in the Iron-Mills: Cultural Contexts”, in Davis, Rebecca H., Life in the Iron-Mills, Bedford Books, 1997, pp. 75-435.

Bibliografia di riferimento:

Baker, Jean H. (ed.), Votes for Women, the Struggle for Suffrage Revisited, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002.

Baker, Mona, In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation, London, Routledge, 1992.

Berruto, Gaetano, La Semantica, Bologna, Zanichelli, 1976.

Eagleton, Mary (ed.), Feminist Literary Theory, a Reader, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1986.

Welter, Barbara, “The Cult of True Womanhood. 1820-1860”, American


LXXV Sitografia:

Voce “Stati Uniti d’America”, Enciclopedia online Treccani.it

http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/stati-uniti-d-america/#dallindipendenzaallaguerracivile-1, ultimo accesso: 17/12/12

Voce “Stati Uniti d’America.” Microsoft Student 2009 [DVD]. Microsoft Corporation, 2008.

Woman Suffrage Timeline (1840-1920) in National Women’s History Museum, http://www.nwhm.org/education-resources/history/woman-suffrage-timeline, ultimo accesso: 17/12/2012.


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