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This drawing is the property of the architect, and may not be reproduced in part or in the whole without permission


Academic year: 2021

Condividi "This drawing is the property of the architect, and may not be reproduced in part or in the whole without permission"


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general view *Copyright: all rights reserved. This drawing is the property of the architect, and may not be reproduced in part or in the whole without permission. Any reproduction must carry his name. All design and other information shown on the drawings are for use on the specified project only and shall not be used otherwise without the written permission of this office.

The spaces devoted to the workshops, places of scientific application, are characterized by volumes in transparent crystal where all the equip- ments can be seen and one or more screens project outside the activities performed inside. The spaces are made in accordance with the capability to contain

20-25 people: they are self-supporting volumes and are not linked to the rest of the structures for guarantiing their flexibillity.

The volumes of the workshops higher than the exhibition structures (250-300 cm) will be visible and identifiable on the way as focal points of the exhibition route.


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