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Recent results on Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays from the Telescope Array experiment


Academic year: 2021

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Recent results on Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays from the Telescope Array


AMS Days at CERN, Apr. 15-17, 2015

M. Fukushima, ICRR, U-Tokyo





Calorimetric Measurement of Air Shower

Charged Particles

Fluorescence Air

Surface SD


Fluorescence Detector


~10 20 eV primary cosmic ray:

Energy, Direction and Particle Species



Telescope Array (TA)

~700 km 2 by 507 SDs 3 FD stations

Operation: 2008 - Utah, USA

39 o N, 113 o W 1400 m a.s.l.



• -HV operation and DC coupled

• 12-bit 40 MHz FADC -> 14-bit 10MHz

• Online night-sky BG subtraction

• 5-6 σ signal recognition @ each PMT

• 5 or more adjacent PMTs for trigger

• 30 ms readout dead time per trigger

• ~2 Hz trigger (~7Hz by freq. airplanes)

Fluorescence Detector





Stereo Camera Images

Stereo Longitudinal Profiles Hybrid Timings


FD Event Reconstruction (monocular, hybrid, stereo)



• 12-bit 50 MHz H/L FADC, 16-bit equiv.

• GPS time stamp (~10ns)

• 0.3 MIP 2-fld (top x bottom) wf buff.

-> 700 Hz histo. for gain calibration

• Trigger by 3 MIP, 3 SDs in 8 μs coincidence -> All wf readout by 2.4 GHz radio LAN

• Pipelined (no dead time)

• Average 7 Watt by solar panel + battery

Surface Detector



SD Event Reconstruction

• S(800m) -> Energy by MC (QGSJET2-03)

• Zenith attenuation by MC (not by CIC)



SD Energy Rescaling

E SD = E MC-S(800) SD / 1.27

Lo g 10 (E FD /e V)

Log 10 (E SD /eV)

We rescale MC-S(800m) based SD energy by FD energy:

551 Hybrid Events: E SD vs E FD

21% energy scale error

• Telescope Parameters

• Fluorescence Yield

• Atmospheric Attenuation

• Missing Energy

T. Abu-Zayyad et al.

ApP 61(2014)93 9


SD Energy and Angular Resolution




Energy Spectrum

• 6-year SD spectrum:

E > 10 18.2 eV, θ < 45 o , array border cut

Energy and angular uncert. cut

• Spectrum fit




-3.28 -2.67


G. Thomson, ECRS Sep. 2014, Kiel

6.6 σ off from Cont. Spectrum



-4.5 10 18.7

10 19.7

SD 6-year Spectrum (E 3 x Diff. Flux)



SD 5-year Spectrum fitted with extra-Galactic Proton

Cosmic Ray Generation CR Propagation and E-Loss

4-parameter fit Photon Targets:

CMB + IR Interactions:

Photoprod. + Pair Creation

1. X: Energy and 2. Y: Flux 3. Power index: p

4. Cosmological evolution: m Best fit with

p = 2.22, m = 6.3 Δ log E = - 0.05

χ 2 / NDF = 21.3 / 17

V. Berezinsky, A. Gazizov and S. Grigorieva, PRD 74, 043005(2006) TransportCR by O. E. Kalashev and E. Kido, JETP 147 (2015) 917 and

CRPropa by K.-H. Kampert et al., ApP 42 (2013) 41 13



p = 2.21 +0.10 -0.15 m = 6.7 +1.7 -1.4 Δ log E = - 0.03 ± 0.03 χ 2 /NDF = 12.4 / 17

Allowed Region of (p, m)

~3% sys. err. added in flux.

For CRs originated within z ~ 0.7

P m



Δlog E=0.2

J.N. Matthews,

Qui Nhon 2014 15



• E > 10 19 eV, Auger-TA joint analysis

• Correlation of events above cutoff E > 57 EeV (=10 19.76 eV) , θ < 55 o

• Medium scale anisotropy (hotspot)



A.Aab et al (PAO+TA), ApJ 794:172 (2014)

Anisotropy for E > 10 19 eV (Auger + TA)

Dipole amplitude : 7 – 13%

Quadrupole : 7 – 10%

Equatorial coordinate

99% C.L. upper limit



P. Tinyakov, 33rdICRC 2013, Rio de Janeiro H. Sagawa, 33rdICRC 2013, Rio de Janeiro

Correlations at E > 57 EeV

Skyplot in Super-Galactic coordinates Auto-correlation

SG Latitude SG Longitude

Probability for isotropic 52 events to create event pairs within

δ –degrees (cumulative)



 Make over-sampling with 20 o radius circle

Sky Plot of SD 5-year Data

• 72 events without array border cut (ΔE/E ~20%, ang. res. ~1.7 o )



• Chance probability from Isotropic sky is 3.7 x 10 -4 (3.4 σ)

We generated 100k sets of isotropic 72 events, analyzed the same way as the data, and counted how often we have 5.1σ or more enhancement, anywhere in TA’s FoV with any angular size of r=15, 20,… 35


We had 37 such sets out of 100k sets in total.

R.U. Abbasi et al., ApJ:790:L21(2014)

Significance Map of Hotspot (r=20 o )

• 19 events found with isotropic BG of 4.5 events (5.1σ by Li-Ma statistics) at R.A.=146.7 o , Dec. = 43.2 o



+ 1 Year until May 2014

D. Bergman, COSPAR-2014, Moscow G. Thomson, ECRS-2014, Kiel

Red points in the 6





A.Aab et al, arXiv:1411.6111v1 K.Kawata, 2014/12/17

TA 6 Years + Auger 10 Years



K.Kawata, ICRR seminar, 2014/08/27 C.D. Dermer et al., arXiv:0811.1160v3

Nearby Prominent AGNs

TA hotspot: 19 o off from SGP. No obvious source candidate.

Auger warm-spot: Cen A as a source candidate.

Other enhancements may show up with more exposure.




• 5-year hybrid: FD @MD x SD good weather

E > 10 18.2 eV θ < 56 o

Xmax in FoV (bracketed)

pattern recognition cuts



FD/SD Hybrid Reconstruction (Data vs MC)



Xmax Distribution (Data vs p/Fe MC : QGSJET2-03 )

Log E > 18.2 Log E: 18.2 - 18.4 Log E: 18.4 - 18.6

Log E: 18.6 - 18.8 Log E: 18.8 - 19.0

Log E > 19.0



R.U.Abbasi et al (TA, ApP 64(2015) 49-62

<Xmax> Ellongation and MC Predictions



Next Step


• 500 more SDs, 2 more FD stations

• SD: 700 -> 3000 km 2

• Hybrid: x3 acceptance

• Optimized for UHECR above cutoff




H. Sagawa,

UHECR2014, Oct.2014, Springdale 29



1. For E > 10 18.2 eV, energy spectrum demonstrates clear cutoff and dip.

2. These spectral features are well reproduced by extra-galactic protons (generated with p~2.2, m~6.7)

interacting with the CMB during propagation.

3. Above cutoff (E > 57 EeV ), a strong medium-size anisotropy shows up. The chance prob. is 4.0 σ.

4. From <Xmax>, the composition is proton and/or light nuclei. Not enough statistics for E > 10 19.1 eV.

5. Air shower simulation does not well reproduce, off-core, ground level excess of charged particles:

electrons or muons.

6. The next decade: the study will continue with TAx4 and TALE, in line with Auger-upgrade and K-EUSO.



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