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Luigi Terracciano

Melloni Pediatria, Milano

IV Corso di approfondimento professionale per il Pediatra

di famiglia

Alimentazione e prevenzione Le allergie

Siracusa, 13 giugno 2007


La prevenzione delle allergie

1.Vale la pena?

2. Si può?


Rinite Allergica e Asma presentano quadri di prevalenza simili Rinite Allergica e Asma presentano quadri di prevalenza simili

International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) Steering Committee Lancet 1998;351:1225–1232.

Rinite Allergica

UK Australia Canada Brazil USA South Africa Germany France Argentina Algeria China Russia

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

% prevalenza

UK Australia Canada Brazil USA South Africa Germany France Argentina Algeria China Russia

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

% prevalenza



Prevalence and rate of diagnosis of allergic rhinitis in


Bauchau V, Durham SR.

Eur Respir J 2004; 24: 758-764

Prevalence and rate of diagnosis of allergic rhinitis in


Bauchau V, Durham SR.

Eur Respir J 2004; 24: 758-764








Aumento della prevalenza di asma in bambini/adolescenti

Aumento della prevalenza di asma in bambini/adolescenti



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

1992 1982 1989 1975 1992 1982 1994 1989 1992 1982 1992 1982 1991 1979 1989 Finlandia

(Haahtela et al)


(Aberg et al)


(Nakagomi et al)


(Rona et al)


(Omran et al)



Nuova Zelanda

(Shaw et al)


(Peat et al)

Prevalenza (%)









0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Sibili nella vita Asma nella vita Sibili nella vita Asma nella vita Maschi Femmine

Prevalenza di sibili e asma in bambini ed adolescenti italiani

Studio SIDRIA (1994-95)

Prevalenza di sibili e asma in bambini ed adolescenti italiani

Studio SIDRIA (1994-95)

6 - 7 anni 13 - 14 anni

SIDRIA Collaborative Group - Eur Respir J 1997; Eur Respir J 1999



• L’attuale prevalenza di asma in Italia, benché inferiore a quella di molte altre nazioni, rappresenta una notevole fonte di costi sia sociali sia umani

• Considerevole spesa sanitaria

• Costi diretti pari all’1-2% della spesa sanitaria totale

• Costi indiretti rappresentano oltre il 50%

della spesa totale

• Costi simili a quelli degli altri Paesi industrializzati

• L’asma è una delle cause principali di assenza dal lavoro o da scuola

L’attuale prevalenza di asma in Italia, benché inferiore a quella di molte altre nazioni, rappresenta una notevole fonte di costi sia sociali sia umani

Considerevole spesa sanitaria

• Costi diretti pari all’1-2% della spesa sanitaria totale

• Costi indiretti rappresentano oltre il 50%

della spesa totale

• Costi simili a quelli degli altri Paesi industrializzati

• L’asma è una delle cause principali di assenza dal lavoro o da scuola

Epidemiologia e impatto socio-economico dell’asma

Epidemiologia e impatto

socio-economico dell’asma


The Melbourne Asthma Study: 1964-1999

Phelan PD. The Melbourne Asthma Study: 1964-1999.

J Allergy Clin Immunol 2002;109:189-94


• Il Papà di Riccardo faceva

sempre il turno di notte ………..

” Dottore….quello a casa

nostra non si dorme da 4 anni !”


Early onset sensitisation to food allergens

(in infancy)

Sensitisation to inhalant allergens

(in childhood) No sensitisation

0 time

Current understanding of atopy:

the atopic march

Potential manifestation

as atopic dermatitis Potential manifestation as asthma

t1 t2

Progression Progression


Fattori di rischio significativi per lo sviluppo di asma

ƒ 100 bambini a rischio seguiti per 22 anni

ƒ Nel 25% dei pazienti fu diagnosticata asma

ƒ Il 28% dei bambini manifestò wheezing nei primi 2 anni di vita, senza correlazione con lo sviluppo di asma (OR 0,3)

ƒLa positività dei test cutanei per latte vaccino , uovo o entrambi nel primo anno di vita era predittivo di asma

(OR 10.7; 95% CI, 2.1-55.1; P = .001; sensitivity, 57%;

specificity, 89% )

Rhodes HL Early life risk factors for adult asthma: a birth cohort study of subjects at risk. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2001; 108:720-5


Sensibilizzazione precoce e predizione di asma: fattori predittivi di asma in pz. ricoverati per wheezing nei primi 2 anni di vita

Kotaniemi-Syrjänen A. Pediatrics 2003; 111:255-61


Allergia Alimentare ed asma: prevalenza in categorie a rischio

17 %- 27 % Pazienti con AEDS

2 % - 24 % Broncospasmo durante reazioni

acute da alimenti

29 % Bambini con CMA

5,7 % Popolazione generale di bambini

con asma

Prevalenza stimata Popolazione clinica

James JM. Pediatrics 2003;111:1625-1630


Dietary treatment of childhood AEDS:

lessons from the literature

minor AD Æ no food allergy moderate AD Æ 33%

severe AD Æ 96%.

The younger the higher the frequency of food sensitization.

Guillet G, Guillet M. Natural history of sensitizations in atopic dermatitis.

Arch Dermatol 1992;128:187-92


Allergia alimentare ed asma grave

Roberts G. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2003;112(1):168-74

• 19 pazienti (1-16 anni) sottoposti a procedure rianimatorie per asma grave, 38 controlli asmatici

•Fattori di rischio per la necessità di rianimazione:

•Allergia alimentare (OR, 8.58; 95% CI, 1.85-39.71)

•Ricoveri frequenti ( OR, 14.2; 1.77-113.59).


Spergel J. JACI 2003;112:S118-27.




Prevenire la sensibilizzazione ad alimenti è vantaggioso:

• per il paziente ( minore severità dei quadri allergici associati)

• per il pediatra (minor carico di patologie associate alla sensibilizzazione)

• per il sistema sanitario ( minore spesa per ricoveri e



La prevenzione delle allergie

1. Vale la pena?

1.Si può?


2. Proactive approach

1. Prohibitionistic approach


The role of breast-feeding in the development of allergies and asthma

Noah J. Friedman, MD, and Robert S. Zeiger, MD, PhD J Allergy Clin Immunol 2005;115:1238-48


The role of breast-feeding in the development of allergies and asthma

Noah J. Friedman, MD, and Robert S. Zeiger, MD, PhD J Allergy Clin Immunol 2005;115:1238-48


The role of breast-feeding in the development of allergies and asthma

Noah J. Friedman, MD, and Robert S. Zeiger, MD, PhD J Allergy Clin Immunol 2005;115:1238-48


The role of breast-feeding in the development of allergies and asthma

Noah J. Friedman, MD, and Robert S. Zeiger, MD, PhD J Allergy Clin Immunol 2005;115:1238-48


The role of breast-feeding in the development of allergies and asthma

Noah J. Friedman, MD, and Robert S. Zeiger, MD, PhD J Allergy Clin Immunol 2005;115:1238-48


1. Don’t vaccinate!

2. Don’t give antibiotics!

3. Give antibiotics!

4. Let him get sick in infancy!

5. Don’t let him get sick in infancy!

6. Don’t learn either English or German!

7. Teach him Turkish!

8. Go and live in the countryside!

9. Go and marry a farmer!

10. Adopt a pet cow!

11. Don’t marry a postman!

12. Don’t keep a housecat!

13. Keep a whole cattery!


But go on breast-feeding


“Humble Proposals”

From Recent Epidemiological Literature


Kramer MS, Kakuma R. Maternal dietary antigen avoidance during pregnancy and/or lactation for preventing or treating atopic disease

in the child.

Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2003; CD000133.

• 4 controlled trials

• No protective effect of maternal dietary

• allergen avoidance during pregnancy on the incidence of atopic dermatitis during the first 12–18 months of life in high-risk infants.

American and European guidelines recommended a normal diet

during pregnancy and



Maternal dietary antigen avoidance during pregnancy or lactation, or both, for preventing or treating atopic disease in

the child.

Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2006 Jul 19;3:CD000133

• Prescription of an antigen avoidance diet to a high- risk woman during pregnancy is unlikely to reduce substantially her child's risk of atopic diseases, and such a diet may adversely affect maternal or fetal nutrition, or both.

• Prescription of an antigen avoidance diet to a high-

risk woman during lactation may reduce her child's

risk of developing atopic eczema, but better trials are



The role of breast-feeding in the development of allergies and asthma

Noah J. Friedman, MD, and Robert S. Zeiger, MD, PhD J Allergy Clin Immunol 2005;115:1238-48

As such, consistent with the tenets of not interfering

with Mother Nature and at the same time attempting to do no harm with interventions,

exclusive breast-feeding for 4 to 6 months should remain the keystone for promoting allergy health, as recommended by the AAP




• Plasma fatty acids were measured at 18 months, 3 years, and 5 years.

• Compliance with the fatty acid supplements was estimated every 6 months.

• Dietary intake was assessed at 18 months by means of weighed food record and at 3 years by means of food-frequency questionnaire.

• At age 5 years, 516 children were examined for

wheeze and eczema (questionnaire)and atopy (skin prick tests, n 488)

Plasma levels of omega-3 or omega-6 fatty acids were not associated with wheeze, eczema, or atopy at age 5 years

Overall, fatty acid exposure, measured as plasma

levels, dietary intake, and compliance with supplements, was not associated with any respiratory or allergic outcomes

J Allergy Clin Immunol 2007;119:1438-44


2. Proactive approach

1. Prohibitionistic approach



Nan HA



0% (p=0.033) Profylac







CMA (confirmed)

CMA (referred by parents)

Halken S, Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2000;11:149-161

pHF vs. eHF


2252 newborns enrolled (1995-98) 945 formula-fed vs. 865 breastfed

Randomised to four formulae:

CMF: 16% incidence of atopic manifestations OR = 1 eHF – W: 14% incidence of atopic manifestations OR = 0.86 pHF – W: 11% incidence of atopic manifestations OR = 0.65 eHF – C: 9% incidence of atopic manifestations OR = 0.51

GINI (German Infant Nutritional Intervention Study Group)

Von Berg A, J Allergy Clin Immunol 2003; 111:533-40


Cow's milk protein avoidance and development of childhood wheeze in children with a family history of atopy.

Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2002;(3):CD003795.

• Breast-milk should remain the feed of choice for all babies.

• In infants with at least one first degree relative with atopy, hydrolysed formula for a minimum of 4 months combined with dietary restrictions and environment

measures may reduce the risk of developing asthma or wheeze in the first year of life.

• There is insufficient evidence to suggest that soya-based

milk formula has any benefit.


Soy formula for prevention of allergy and food intolerance in infants.

Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2006 Oct 18;(4):CD003741

• Feeding with a soy formula cannot be recommended for prevention of allergy or food intolerance in infants at high risk of allergy or food intolerance.

• Further research may be warranted to determine the

role of soy formulas for prevention of allergy or food

intolerance in infants unable to be breast fed with a

strong family history of allergy or cow's milk protein



Formulas containing hydrolysed protein for prevention of allergy and food intolerance in infants.

Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2003;(4):CD003664

Update Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2006 Oct 18;(4):CD003664


• There is no evidence to support feeding with a hydrolysed formula for the prevention of allergy in preference to exclusive breast


• In high risk infants who are unable to be completely breast fed, there is limited evidence that prolonged feeding with a hydrolysed

compared to a cow's milk formula reduces infant and childhood allergy and infant CMA.

• further large, well designed trials comparing formulas containing

partially hydrolysed whey, or extensively hydrolysed casein to cow's milk formulas are needed.


J Allergy Clin Immunol 2007;119:307-13


• Infants, at higher risk … recruited prenatally and randomized to prophylactic (n 58) and control (n 62) groups.

• Prophylactic group infants were either breast-fed with mother on a low allergen diet or given an extensively hydrolyzed


Exposure to HDM was reduced by the use of an acaricide and mattress covers.

The control group followed standard advice.

• Development of allergic diseases and

sensitization to common allergens (atopy) was assessed blindly at ages 1, 2, 4, and 8 years in all 120 children.


Teniamo a mente : vi è un modello generale che esce

rinforzato da questi dati.

Evitare o ridurre l’esposizione agli allergeni riduce l’incidenza di sensibilizzazione e di malattie

allergiche , almeno per alcuni



Definition of weaning

To accustom an infant or other young mammal to food other than milk

Thompson D, Fowler HW, Fowler FG, editors.

The concise Oxford dictionary. 9th ed. London: BCA/Oxford University Press, 1996.

The process of accustoming an infant to a full adult diet (while maintaining breastfeeding)

Savage King F, Burgess A. Nutrition for developing countries.

2nd ed. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 1996:123.


WHO recommandations on weaning (2001) WHO Expert Consultation:

¾ exclusive breastfeeding for six months

¾ then introduction of complementary foods and continued breastfeeding thereafter

¾ breastfeeding continue until 12 months of age (thereafter as long as mutually desired).

¾ breastfeeding can continue beyond 12 months

WHO. Complementary feeding.

Report of the global consultation. Geneva, 10-13 December 2001 www.who.int/inf-pr-2001/en/note2001-07.html accessed February 6th, 2005


WHO recommandations on timing

Early introduction of solid foods

¾ Less time on the breast, Æ maternal milk production may decline

¾ The infant will reject the spoon (a hard object)

¾ Food allergies can develop

¾ Pathogens Æ diarrhoeal diseases

WHO. Complementary feeding.

Report of the global consultation. Geneva, 10-13 December 2001 www.who.int/inf-pr-2001/en/note2001-07.html accessed February 6th, 2005


1. non importa dare gli alimenti presto o tardi 2. possiamo introdurre gli alimenti anche tutti


3. non è rischioso esporre il bambino a

molteplicità di allergeni in epoca precoce

4. non è necessario alcun timing di introduzione degli alimenti se non quello dettato dalla


Schema alternativo

Tempi e modi del

divezzamento dettati dal farmacista? Dal



Dobbiamo svezzare i bambini a rischio allergico diversamente dai normali?

Realtà in pediatria


Dobbiamo svezzare i bambini normali come i

bambini a rischio allergico?


Asthmatic children born to families without allergy risk are more numerous than asthmatic children born to families with mono- or bi-parental allergy risk

Wahn U. What drives the allergic march? 2000; 55: 591-9


Il bambino normale è un bambino a rischio



September 2002 – a fully breastfed 4-months old boy No familiarity of allergic diseases

Vegetarian mother Weaning at three months

(apple, pear, banana, prune, peach, apricot, strawberry, kiwifruit, ananas)

Dysphonia, breathing difficulties, generalised urticaria, angioedema of the lips and face

30 minutes after breastfeeding Admission to PICU

Epinephrine, chlorpheniramine, hydrocortisone sodium succinate

Fiocchi A. Kiwifruit anaphylaxis in an infant after breastfeeding.

Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2005; 94:24

Kiwifruit anaphylaxis in an infant after breastfeeding


Pear Apple Banana


Avocado 0

7 Kiwifruit

0 0


Ø (mm) Ø (mm)

0 0 0

0 Mango

0 0 Strawberry


Assessment – ffSPT (raw foods)

Fiocchi A. Kiwifruit anaphylaxis in an infant after breastfeeding.

Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2005; 94:24

Early introduction of kiwifruit associated with kiwifruit anaphylaxis in a non-atopic



Perceived Food Allergies. A Report on a representative telephone survey in 10

European countries

Foods reported to induce a FA (children)

IFAV – EU 5° FW. RedAll project - Preliminary data.


8,4 3,0

11,4 7,0








0 10 20 30 40

Fish Seafood

Whea t

Meat Eggs


Frui t

Legum es

Vegetables Nuts


Valid cases: N=438 in % IFAV/REDALL





Early introduction of fish associated with reported fish

allergy in children


Nel bambino normale non è opportuno

anticipare l’ introduzione di alimenti allergizzanti!


Può l’introduzione di alimenti solidi modulare lo sviluppo di allergie?

Realtà in pediatria


A step-by-step introduction of solid foods:

theorical framework

• can an early introduction of solid foods anticipate the development of food allergy?

• can their avoidance prevent the development of food allergy?

• are some foods more allergenic than other foods?

• are some food allergies more persistent than others?


L’introduzione precoce di alimenti solidi può influenzare lo sviluppo di allergia alimentare?

Saarinen UM, Kajosaari M Prophylaxis of atopic disease: role of infant feeding. Lancet i: 166-167, 1980 Kajosaari M, Saarinen UM Prophylaxis of atopic disease by six months' total solid foods elimination.

Acta Paed Scand 72:411, 1983

135 bambini con familiarità allergica, alimentati al seno fino a 6 mesi

gruppo a (70) - a 6 mesi: verdure cotte, mela, pera, cereali a 8 mesi: carne, pesce

a 10 mesi: uovo

gruppo b (65) - a 3 mesi: patata, carota cotta, cereali, carne a 4 mesi: uovo, pesce

a 5 mesi: frutti diversi, "commercial foods"

a 6 mesi: dieta libera ed estesa

Æ sia eczema che allergia alimentare vennero riscontrati in misura maggiore nel gruppo b rispetto al gruppo a


• 279 lattanti ad alto rischio atopico vs. 80 lattanti con lo stesso rischio (non-intervention group)

• Incidenza di sintomi allergici : 1 anno (11.5 vs.

54.4%,) a 2 anni (14.9 vs. 65.6%) a 3 anni (20.6 vs.


• Fattori più importanti nella patogenesi dei sintomi: (i) formula somministrata nella prima settimana di vita;

(ii) divezzamento precoce (< 4 mesi); (iii) assunzione di manzo (< 6 mesi); (iv) introduzione precoce di latte vaccino (< 6 mesi); (v) fumo passivo e

socializzazione precoce (< 2 anni di vita).

Marini A, Acta Paediatr Suppl 1996;; 14:1-21

L’introduzione precoce di alimenti solidi può influenzare lo

sviluppo di allergia alimentare?


Eczema and early solid feeding

Morgan J. Eczema and early solid feeding in preterm infants.

Arch Dis Child. 2004;89:309-14

8,05 Upper


1,51 3,49

Less than four foods by 17 weeks post-term

n=54 Four or more

foods by 17 weeks post-term


95% CI Lower

limit Adjusted odds

ratio Groups contrasted in adjusted odds ratio


Zutavern A. The introduction of solids in relation to asthma and eczema.

Arch Dis Child 2004: 89:303-8

642 term infants Follow-up 5½ years Outcome measures:

1. eczema

2. skin prick test inhalants

3. preschool wheezing - transient wheezing, at age 5 years

4. Introduction of solids assessed retrospectively at age 1 year

Eczema and early solid feeding


Zutavern A. The introduction of solids in relation to asthma and eczema.

Arch Dis Child 2004: 89:303-8

a. Late egg Ö× risk for eczema

b. Late egg Ö× risk for preschool wheezing c. Late milk Ö× risk for preschool wheezing Reverse causality?

“…results do not support the guidelines for the prevention of asthma and allergy in general populations stating that the introduction of solids should be delayed for at least 4–6 months. “

Eczema and early solid feeding


Timing of Solid Food Introduction in Relation to Atopic Dermatitis and Atopic Sensitization: Results

From a Prospective Birth Cohort Study

Anne Zutavern, MD, MSca,j, Inken Brockow, MD, MPHa,b, Beate Schaaf, MDc,

RESULTS. Solid food introduction past the first 4

months of life decreased the odds of symptomatic AD but not for doctor-diagnosed AD, combined

doctor-diagnosed and symptomatic AD, or atopic sensitization.

Postponing the introduction beyond the sixth month of life was not protective in relation to either definition of AD or atopic sensitization.

There was clear evidence for reverse causality between early skin or allergic symptoms and the introduction of solids.

PEDIATRICS Volume 117, Number 2, February 2006


A step-by-step introduction of solid foods:

theorical framework

• can an early introduction of solid foods anticipate the development of food allergy?

• can their avoidance prevent the development of food allergy?

• are some foods more allergenic than other foods?

• are some food allergies more persistent than others?



2252 newborns enrolled (1995-98) 945 formula-fed vs. 865 breastfed

Randomised to four formulae:

CMF: 16% incidence of atopic manifestations OR = 1 eHF – W: 14% incidence of atopic manifestations OR = 0.86 pHF – W: 11% incidence of atopic manifestations OR = 0.65 eHF – C: 9% incidence of atopic manifestations OR = 0.51

GINI (German Infant Nutritional Intervention Study Group)

Von Berg A, J Allergy Clin Immunol 2003; 111:533-40


A step-by-step introduction of solid foods:

theorical framework

• can an early introduction of solid foods anticipate the development of food allergy?

• can their avoidance prevent the development of food allergy?

• are some foods more allergenic than other foods?

• are some food allergies more persistent than others?


1. Cereals containing gluten 2. Crustaceans

3. Eggs 4. Fish

5. Peanuts 6. Soybeans

7. Milk and products thereof (including lactose)

8. Nuts i. e. Almond, Hazelnut, Walnut, Cashew, Pecan nut, Brazil nut, Pistachio nut, Macadamia nut and Queensland nut 9. Celery

10. Mustard

11. Sesame seeds

Directive 2000/13/EC

(amended by Directive 2003/89/EC)


20 children (challenge-confirmed) SPT+ with kiwi

Fresh - Steam-cooked - Homogenised [scalding at 90°C for 5 minutes - purée extraction at 115°C for 15 seconds - stabilisation at 110°C for 15 seconds - pasteurisation for 21 minutes at 65°C]

Double-blinded placebo-controlled food challenge Steam-cooked Æ Neg 19/20

Homogenized Æ Neg 20/20

Clinical tolerance

of homogenised kiwifruit

Fiocchi A. Tolerance of heat-treated kiwi by children with kiwifruit allergy.

Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2004;15:454-8.


A step-by-step introduction of solid foods:

theorical framework

• can an early introduction of solid foods anticipate the development of food allergy?

• can their avoidance prevent the development of food allergy?

• are some foods more allergenic than other foods?

• are some food allergies more persistent than others?


Clinical course of cow's milk protein

allergy/intolerance and atopic diseases in childhood

87-100 38 (97 %)


79-98 36 (92 %)


79-98 36 (92 %)


73-96 34 (87 %)


61-89 30 (77 %)


40-72 22 (56 %)


95% CI Tolerance

Age (years)

Høst A. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 2003; 13 (s15), 23-8

1-year birth cohort 1,749 newborns 39 CMA (2.22%)


Prediction of tolerance on the basis of quantification of egg white-specific IgE antibodies in children with egg allergy.

Boyano-Martinez T, Garcia-Ara C, Diaz-Pena JM, Martin-Esteban M. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2002;110:304-9.

66 % 7

52 % 5

28 % 4

Recovery Age (years)

58 children allergic to egg, follow-up period of 7 - 86 months, (all the children were <2 years of age). The cumulative tolerance probability was 50% at 35

months of follow-up.


Tolleranza all’arachide

21,5 85

Skolnick 2001

18 120

Hourihane 1998

33 6

Tariq 1996

% acquisizione di tolleranza N.pazienti


Skolnick HS, Conover-Walker MK, Koerner CB, Sampson HA, Burks W, Wood RA. The natural history of peanut allergy. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2001;107:367-374.


Natural history of fish allergy

Resolution of fish allergy is exceptional

Bock SA. The natural history of food allergy.

J Allergy Clin Immunol 1989;83:900-4 Solensky R. Resolution of fish allergy: a case report.

Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2003;91:411-2

Possible resensitisation

De Frutos C. re-sensitisation to fish in allergic children after a temporary tolerace period: two case reports.

J Allergy Clin Immunol 2002; 109:306-7


A step-by-step introduction of solid foods:

theorical framework

• can an early introduction of solid foods anticipate the development of food allergy?

• can their avoidance prevent the development of food allergy?

• are some foods more allergenic than other foods?

• are some food allergies more persistent than others?






• Currently, evidence as to an optimal time for the

introduction of any individual solid food in the infant’s diet is lacking, and it may be better to think in terms of individual schedules ……

• ….this area is in need of practice guidelines based on

special epidemiologic and clinical studies.


1. L’epidemiologia indica che l’esposizione precoce si associa ad allergia specifica

2. L’epidemiologia indica che ci sono nuove allergie anche in Italia

3. Non ci sono evidenze che un carico allergenico sia tollerogeno in epoca postnatale

4. Evitare gli alimenti ritarda o riduce la sensibilizzazione e l’allergia

5. Gli alimenti processati possono essere meno allergizzanti 6. In assenza di evidenze, vale il principio di precauzione.

Alcune considerazioni


1. la precocità di introduzione determina allergie 2. il ritardo riduce il tasso di allergie

3. è meglio non introdurre troppi alimenti troppo presto

4. è bene introdurre gli alimenti uno alla volta

Schema classico

Il pediatra detta i tempi


Documenti correlati

Hunt (Ed.), International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature (pp.. London and New

The collection of gas samples at low flow rate (30 mL/min) increases the oxime signals (20-30%) for the longer time spent from carbonyls in the sampling tube, which makes

parte della Corte di giustizia anche all’ambito della cooperazione e, non certo ultimo per importanza, il superamento degli intoppi che in fase decisionale poteva

Per quanto riguarda i fattori di rischio specifici del disturbo da gioco d’azzardo, i risultati hanno evidenziato che i problemi di apprendimento sono un predittore

In addition, I have finalized the paper and projects of the previous two years concerning the modeling of a system with a carbon nanotube gate, and lateral heterostructure FETs

Siguiendo los estudios de la profesora Carmen Espejo, y co- mo muestra de lo contenido en el CCPB, es posible localizar los trabajos de los primeros impresores en Sevilla,

Pour Thomas, l’ accusation d’ Eustrate, selon laquelle Aristote tombe dans une contradiction quand il nie le bien-en-soi, est sans fondement, étant donné qu’au début de l’EN,

Overall, our results showed that the diversity and composition of the micro- bial communities associated with biodynamic and organic farming systems were similar, indicating that