R. K. Albert
Patients hospitalized in intensive care units (ICUs) are generally positioned supine.
This approach disregards the adverse effects of the supine position on the lung which have been recognized for over 2500 years. Hippocrates noted in 500 BC that:
“It is well when the patient is …reclining upon either his right or left side…and the whole body lying in a relaxed state, for thus the most of persons of health recline. But to lie on one’s back, with the hands, neck and the legs extended is far less favorable” [1].
The first study providing a scientific base for this observation appeared in 1922 when Christie and Beams [2] noted that lying supine reduced the vital capacity from that measured in the upright posture. In 1933, Hurtado and Frey [3]) noted that functional residual capacity (FRC) was similarly diminished by lying supine.
Moreno and Lyons [4] observed that the FRC was higher prone versus supine in 1961. This observation was cited by Mellins in 1974 when he suggested that body position could be an important determinant of airspace closure [5]. Finally, Bryan [6] seems to have been the first to propose that ventilating patients in the prone position might be the only way to expand areas of dorsal lung that are collapsed as a result of the adverse mechanical effects attributable to lying supine.
This chapter will review the literature investigating the effects of position on regional ventilation and perfusion in the setting of acute lung injury (ALI) and summarize the results of clinical studies in ALI and/or the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
Effects of Posture on Determinants of Regional Ventilation and Perfusion
The zonal theory proposed to explain regional perfusion heterogeneity in the lung ascribes differences in perfusion to the effects of gravity on pulmonary vascular pressures (which increase in a linear fashion going from non-dependent to depend-
ent lung regions) while the pressure surrounding pulmonary capillaries (i.e., alveo- lar pressure) is constant throughout the lung. If this were true, dependent lung regions would receive a greater fraction of the total pulmonary blood flow regard- less of body position. Recent studies show, however, that gravity is only a minor determinant of perfusion heterogeneity (Fig. 1), explaining no more than 7% of the variation observed [7–9]. The remainder seems to result from anatomic differences in vessel number, diameter and/or branching pattern. Accordingly, although re- gional perfusion will vary somewhat with changes in posture, dorsal caudal lung regions will always receive a majority of the pulmonary blood flow, regardless of whether they are in the dependent or the non-dependent position (Fig. 1).
Regional ventilation, on the other hand, is markedly altered by the effects of gravity.
Milic-Emili and colleagues [10] first demonstrated a vertical gradient in alveolar size in 1966, and a vertical gradient in ventilation was demonstrated by Engel and colleagues in 1974 [11]. In the upright, supine, and right and left lateral decubitus positions there is a gravitational gradient in end-expiratory lung volume with dependent lung regions being less well-expanded than non-dependent regions [12]. These heterogeneities occur in conjunction with regional differences in pleu- ral pressure (Ppl, and accordingly, with regional differences in transpulmonary pressure), and from differences in lung compliance that result from differences in alveolar volume.
The situation is considerably different in the prone position because the lung fits better inside the thorax such that there is less lung deformation in this posture.
Fig. 1. Effect of prone position on regional perfusion. Radiolabeled microspheres injected into the pulmonary circulation of a lung with the animal positioned supine and prone. Lungs were excised, fixed at total lung capacity and divided into thirds in the ventral-dorsal orientation. Data are presented for dependent (D), mid (Mid) and non-dependent (ND) lung regions. From [7] with permission.
This difference results in a much more uniformly distributed Ppl, such that the end-expiratory lung volume is much more uniformly distributed from non-de- pendent to dependent regions (Fig. 2). This, in turn, allows most of the lung to be at approximately the same place on the pressure-volume (PV) curve [13, 14].
Accordingly, regional ventilation during tidal breathing is much more uniform. In addition, in the supine position, the dependent portions of the lung are exposed to a positive Ppl in the setting of lung injury (Fig. 2). On turning prone, this positive pressure is markedly reduced, i.e., the compressive forces on the dependent region are diminished [13].
History and Clinical Utility of the Prone Position
Piehl and Brown [15] and Douglas and colleagues [16] first noted the marked improvement in oxygenation that occurs when ventilating patients with ARDS in the prone position. Their observation has subsequently been reproduced by nu- merous other groups including the largest single series to date published by Gattinoni and colleagues [17]. These reports indicate that from 50 to 75% of patients have an improvement in their oxygenation on turning prone that is sufficient to allow a reduction in the level of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and/or the inspired oxygen fraction (FiO2). Contrary to predictions and assertions made by some, none of the studies indicate that the improvement is transient and, in fact, many reports indicate quite the opposite. Chatte and col- leagues [18] and others have noted that some patients maintain most or all of the improvement on returning to the supine position.
Fig. 2. Pleural pressure gradient (∆Ppl) in normal and edematous lung. Pleural pressure gradients are presented from non-dependent (ND) to dependent (D) lung regions, and expressed for the example of a subject with a ventral-dorsal chest diameter of 25 cm.
Mechanism by which the Prone Position Improves Oxygenation
The mechanism by which the prone position improves oxygenation relates directly to the effect of body position on how the lung fits into the thoracic. This, in turn, is a function of both lung and chest wall anatomy and physiology, and is manifested by regional Ppl and the Ppl gradient. Regional Ppl is generally considered to be an independent variable determining regional lung distension, but, in fact, it is a dependent variable, changing as a result of lung deformations that develop as a result of the lung having to fit into the thorax. The ability of the lung to fit into the thorax depends on lung distensibility and on chest wall distensibility (Table 1). It is important to recognize that the diaphragm and, accordingly, abdominal pressure is an important contributor to chest wall anatomy and physiology, as was first suggested in 1939 [19].
Factors affecting the lung are straightforward - lungs are more distensible at lower, compared with higher, volumes, and when lungs are air- as opposed to fluid-filled.
Factors affecting the chest wall (which includes the abdomen as these affect the diaphragm) are more complex. The ventral region of the rib cage is more distensible than the dorsal region. Accordingly, when patients are positioned prone a given tidal volume (VT) produces a greater plateau pressure [20]. This could have important effects with regard to airspace opening, recruitment, and shunt reduc- tion in patients with ARDS. The mass of the abdomen is unchanged by position, but distensibility is greater in the supine compared with the prone position. More importantly, one vector resulting from abdominal pressure (1 cmH2O/cm distance
Table 1. Factors determining the pleural pressure gradient.
Lung Distensibility Chest Wall Distensibility
Lung volume* Chest wall mass
Air- or liquid-filling* Chest wall compliance*
Abdominal mass Abdominal compliance*
Heart size and mass
Amount of lung affected by heart mass*
Mediastinum mass
Amount of lung affected by mediastinum mass*
Diaphragm curvature*
Diaphragm anatomy
* Factors affected by gravity and, therefore, by body position.
in the dependent-to-non-dependent direction) compresses a sizeable portion of the dorsal lung in supine patients. Because of differences in the anatomy and curvature of the diaphragm relative to the ventral vs the dorsal thoracic wall, a similar compression does not result in the ventral regions when patients are prone.
In supine patients, the mass of the heart is, in part, supported by the dorsal lung regions (left > right). When patients are prone the heart sits on the sternum and the lung is displaces laterally and subjected to less compressive force [21].
A relatively steep Ppl gradient exists in the supine position (Fig. 2). We [13], and several others, have found that the gravitational gradient of Ppl is more uniform in the prone compared with the supine position. As above, this translates into there being a more uniform distribution of end-expiratory lung volume, and therefore more uniform distribution of alveolar ventilation. Several investigators have dem- onstrated a flatter slope of phase III in the single-breath oxygen test given to normal human subjects when they are prone as opposed to when they are supine. In addition, we and others have demonstrated a redistribution of ventilation to dorsal lung regions in prone versus supine animals with ALI [22].
Because regional perfusion is relatively unaffected by a change from supine to prone (particularly in the setting of lung injury, Fig. 1), the effect of a prone position-induced improvement in dorsal ventilation will reduce shunt and im- prove ventilation-perfusion homogeneity.
Approach to Turning Patients Prone
Some argue that turning patients prone is difficult and risky. This is not supported by any published series, and most centers experienced in turning patients feel quite the opposite. Detailed algorithms describing a step-by-step approach to the me- chanics of turning patients from supine to prone have been published [23].
Factors determining which patients will respond have not yet been elucidated.
The data from Chatte and colleagues [18] suggest that improvement does not relate to the duration of ARDS but may be limited in those with the most severe degrees of shunt. Their observation that over 50% of responding patients maintain their improvement when returned supine is particularly interesting and suggests either that some patients have marked differences between their airspace opening and closing pressures, and/or that drainage of airspace secretions may be playing a role in this improvement. Others suggest that patients in the late stage of ARDS are less likely to improve.
Recruitment Maneuvers
Cakar and colleagues [24] found that a recruiting maneuver (a 30 sec period of static inflation to 60 cmH2O) employed in an animal model of ALI resulted in a more sustained improvement in oxygenation when the animals were prone compared to when they were supine. The effect of a positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) level of 15 cmH2O on oxygenation in the supine position could be reproduced in
the prone position by only 8 cmH2O. Lim and colleagues [25] used a different type of recruiting maneuver (a stepwise increase in PEEP to 30 cmH2O with a concomi- tant decrease in tidal volume from 8 to 2 ml/kg when the peak pressure exceeded 40 cmH2O) and found a greater response in patients who were supine. Of note was the fact that the oxygenation pre-recruitment was considerably higher in those who were prone. Pelosi and colleagues [26] produced the highest PaO2, and the greatest improvement in recruited volume, using a recruitment maneuver consisting of three consecutive sighs to a plateau pressure of 45 cmH2O in patients who were prone compared with those supine.
Clinical Implications
It is now clear that gas exchange can and does improve in a large fraction of patients with ARDS when they are turned prone, that the improvement is frequently of sufficient magnitude that PEEP and/or the FiO2can be reduced, and that managing patients in the prone position does not seem to be associated with any undue risks or complications. In addition, recent limited studies suggest the response to a recruitment maneuver may be better when patients are prone.
Although a number of questions remain, of greatest importance is whether prone ventilation reduces the morbidity and mortality of patients with ARDS.
There are two mechanisms by which this might occur and they are not mutually exclusive. First, the improvement in oxygenation seen with prone ventilation frequently allows a reduction in the FiO2. If oxygen toxicity occurs in the setting of ALI, if it contributes to the morbidity or mortality of ARDS, and if it can be reduced by using slightly lower FiO2s, then prone ventilation might save lives.
Second, lung overdistension and/or cyclic airspace opening and closing are thought to cause ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) and the results of the recently published ARDS Network study on low-stretch ventilation indicates that VILI contributes to the mortality of ARDS [27]. Since prone positioning should reduce lung overdistension in non-dependent regions, and should reduce cyclical airspace opening and closing in dependent regions, it may also reduce VILI [28].
The first attempt to study the effects of prone ventilation on mortality was published by Gattinoni and colleagues [17]. While they found that the patients randomized to the prone position had better oxygenation, no survival benefit was observed. Unfortunately, the study had numerous methodological problems:
1. Patients randomized to prone ventilation only received it an average of seven hours/day. This is of concern because of the data from a number of experimental studies reporting that an injurious ventilatory strategy could produce VILI in a matter of minutes or hours.
2. The study was too small for mortality to be a valid end-point.
3. Prone ventilation was not instituted early in the course of ALI/ARDS.
4. Standard ventilation and weaning protocols were not used 5. The study only lasted 10 days.
6. There were numerous breaks in protocol.
A recently completed study from Spain found that mortality was reduced 25% in patients with ARDS who were randomized to receive prone ventilation [29]. Un- fortunately, only 138 patients were enrolled and this difference in mortality was not statistically significant (p = 0.12). Accordingly, the effect of prone ventilation on outcome in patients with ARDS must await additional studies.
The physiologic rationale supporting the idea that prone ventilation improves oxygenation in patients with ARDS is strong, but there is, at present, no convincing data that this intervention reduces morbidity or mortality. On the other hand, there is no evidence in the literature that prone ventilation is associated with any major side-effects or adverse outcomes. Many turn to prone ventilation, with frequent success, when oxygenation cannot be improved by other means. On the basis of a number of laboratory investigations, however, it is possible that prone ventilation should be used as early as possible when treating patients with ARDS as there is also a strong rationale supporting the hypothesis that it may reduce the incidence of VILI.
Such a major change in the routine care of patients with ALI/ARDS is met with the criticism that the inconvenience of caring for patients in the prone position, together with the increase in nursing time that likely results from the need to turn patients prone and position them appropriately cannot be justified with a prospec- tive randomized trial showing that this approach improves outcomes. Although it is difficult to argue with this position, Hippocrates might have thought otherwise and he was the first to recognize that the supine position is, in itself, not without risk to the patient.
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