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Pathogenesis of the VulnerableAtherosclerotic Plaque 34


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Pathogenesis of the Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Plaque










Vascular inflammation plays a major role in the develop- ment of chronic coronary atherosclerosis and the onset of acute coronary syndromes, including myocardial infarction, a lead- ing cause of death in the United States (1). Macrophage accu- mulation and the consequent expression of proteolytic and thrombogenic molecules critically contribute to the formation of “vulnerable” plaque prone to disruption and thrombus for- mation, leading to fatal obstruction of the coronary arteries. A number of clinical investigations suggest hypercholesterolemia as one of the major coronary risk factors. Preclinical studies demonstrate that hypercholesterolemia promotes accumulation of oxidatively modified low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) in the arterial wall, inducing endothelial cell (EC) activation and, in turn, invasion of inflammatory cells such as macrophages (Fig. 1) (1–3). Recent advances in vascular medicine provide evidence that lipid-lowering therapy prevents acute coronary complications in patients, most likely by functionally improv- ing inflammation of atheroma (1,4). This chapter will discuss the biology of vascular inflammation and acute coronary com- plications, as well as evidence of mechanisms by which lipid lowering stabilizes the vulnerable plaque.


Our classical view suggested that myocardial infarction usually occurs in a critically stenosed coronary artery, detect- able by angiography. However, pathologic and angiographic studies in the 1980s determined that fissure or rupture of the thin fibrous cap in coronary atheroma containing preserved lumen often triggers acute fatal thrombosis (5–7). Several fac- tors contribute to the physical instability and thrombogenicity of the atherosclerotic plaque (Fig. 1). Atheroma with a higher risk for disruption and thrombosis often contain a prominent accumulation of macrophages, key players in any inflamma- tory diseases (8–10). Lesional macrophages in such vulnerable plaques express high levels of various proteinases, including

members of the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) family (11,12). Among them, interstitial collagenases (MMP-1/colla- genase-1, MMP-8/collagenase-2, and MMP-13/collagenase-3) found in human atheroma can cleave interstitial collagen mac- romolecules (Fig. 3) (13–15).

Macrophage-derived collagenases of the MMP family may cause formation of a collagen-poor, thin fibrous cap overlying macrophage- and lipid-rich plaques, another feature typical of the vulnerable plaque. Collagen, which tolerates much greater tensile stress than elastin, usually determines the stability and durability of a wide variety of tissues (16). Using computer modeling, Loree et al. demonstrated the inverse relationship between cap thickness and peak circumferential stress in the plaque (17,18). Burk et al. from Virmani’s group reported that thin fibrous caps measure approx 60–70 µm thick, and mea- surement near the site of rupture can be as little as 25 µm (19).

Therefore, the collagen-poor, thin fibrous cap caused by col- lagenolytic activity is likely responsible for instability and consequent physical disruption of atherosclerotic plaques.

Macrophages in atheroma also overexpress tissue factor, a strong initiator of the blood coagulation cascade, and plasmi- nogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1), which inhibits fibrinolysis (20,21). The fibrous cap usually separates thrombogenic mac- rophages from various coagulation factors in circulating blood.

However, physical disruption of the cap causes direct contact between blood containing coagulation factors and macroph- age-derived tissue factor, possibly accelerating thrombus for- mation. Simultaneously, anti-fibrinolytic PAI-1 stabilizes the clot, which may favor massive, obstructive thrombosis in the coronary arteries.



Clinical and epidemiologic studies suggest that elevated plasma levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) increase the risk of acute coronary syndromes, including acute myocardial infarction, unstable angina, and cardiac sudden death (22–24).

Beginning early in the 20th century, a number of preclinical investigations using animal models demonstrated that hyperc- holesterolemia induces experimental atheroma formation (25–28). In vitro studies, however, long suggested that native


From: Contemporary Cardiology: CT of the Heart:

Principles and Applications

Edited by: U. Joseph Schoepf © Humana Press, Inc., Totowa, NJ


Fig. 1. Monocyte recruitment and macrophage accumulation in atheroma. Oxidative stress induces endothelial cell activation and enhances expression of adhesion molecules such as vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, which binds monocytes in the circulating blood (1). Monocytes then migrate into the intima in response to chemokines including monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) (2). Oxidative stress induces MCP-1 expression. Monocytes differentiate into macrophages in the intima (3). Several molecules such as macrophage-colony stimulating factor induce macrophage differentiation and activation. Activated macrophages express a number of molecules related to atherogenesis, plaque instability and thrombogenicity. Macrophage proliferation likely plays an important role in formation of the atherosclerotic plaques rich in this cell type (4). Oxidative stress also induces macrophage activation and proliferation. Adapted from ref. 3, with permission.

Fig. 2. Diagram demonstrating pathological and biological features typical of the “vulnerable” atherosclerotic plaque. The so-called vulnerable plaque usually contains prominent macrophage accumulation and lipid pool in its atheromatous core, underlying a thin, collagen-poor fibrous cap. Macrophages produce matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) including collagenases, which may weaken the fibrous cap and promote physical disruption. Tissue factor and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) produced by macrophages may accelerate formation of massive thrombus and inhibit fibrinolysis at the sites of rupture, and likely contribute to fetal obstruction of the coronary artery. Smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in the fibrous cap tend to undergo apoptosis and are likely responsible for collagen loss. Intimal SMCs also express MMPs and tissue factor. Activated endothelial cells promote monocyte recruitment and macrophage accumulation in atheroma.


LDL itself does not induce features associated with atheroma (e.g., transformation of monocyte/macrophages into lipid- laden foam cells). In the late 1980s, the “oxidation hypothesis”

finally linked LDL with atherogenesis by introducing evidence that oxLDL is proinflammatory (29). Since then, vascular biol- ogy has provided much evidence that hypercholesterolemia induces oxidative stress, leading to vascular inflammation and atherosclerosis (30).

The excess LDL that accumulates in the artery wall as a result of hypercholesterolemia can be oxidatively modified (31,32). Human and experimental atheroma both contain oxLDL (33–35). Atherosclerotic lesions intrinsically produce excess reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as superoxide anion (O2), promoting further oxidative modification of LDL (32).

OxLDL instigates an inflammatory response on arterial ECs. In vitro studies suggest that oxLDL and its derivatives increase Fig. 3. Macrophage expression of collagenases of the MMP family in human atheroma. Immunohistochemistry detected MMP-1/collagenase- 1, MMP-8/collagenase-2, and MMP-13/collagenase-3 in atheroma of the human carotid artery. Both collagenases colocalize with macrophages detected by CD68 antibody. Adapted from refs. 13–15, with permission.


Fig. 4. Macrophage growth in human atheroma. In situ hybridization detected histone mRNA expression, a sensitive marker for DNA replication, in the intima of a human carotid artery. mRNA signals colocalized with macrophages detected by immunohistochemistry for CD68 on a serial section. Scale bar: 50 µm. Original magnification: ×400. Adapted from ref. 45, with permission.

expression of cell-adhesion molecules, including vascular cell- adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) and chemokines such as mono- cyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1), both of which critically contribute to leukocyte recruitment into the intima (Fig. 1) (36–38). Preclinical studies employing genetically altered mice demonstrate in vivo evidence supporting the role of VCAM-1 and MCP-1 in the formation of macrophage-rich atheroma (39–41). In rabbits, high-cholesterol diet induces EC expression of VCAM-1 (35,42).

Macrophage proliferation may play an important role in the development of vascular inflammation (Fig. 4) (43–45). OxLDL induces macrophage proliferation in vitro (46) and also activates nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB), a key transcription factor that regu- lates a wide variety of atherosclerosis-associated genes (47).

Furthermore, the discovery of macrophage scavenger receptors that selectively take up oxLDL and induce foam-cell formation improved our understanding of the role hypercholesterolemia plays in vascular inflammation and atherogenesis (48).

Nitric oxide (NO) exerts antiatherogenic actions by inhibit- ing monocyte adhesion to ECs or suppressing expression of VCAM-1 and MCP-1 by EC (49–52). Apparently normal ECs constitutively express endothelial NO synthase (eNOS), which produces NO from L-arginine. However, eNOS expression decreases in human atherosclerotic arteries (53). Oxidative stress decreases eNOS expression by cultured ECs as well as bioavailability of NO (54).

Superficial erosion of the plaque due to EC detachment may also contribute to the onset of acute coronary syndromes (55).

Rajavashisth et al. reported that oxLDL induces EC expression of membrane type 1–matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP), an activator of MMP-2 (56). MMP-2 cleaves type IV collagen, a major component of the basement membrane underlying the endothelium, thus suggesting that EC activation by oxidative stress may cause plaque erosion.

Additionally, activated ECs may affect the fibrinolytic bal- ance in atheroma. Relatively normal ECs express the tissue- type plasminogen activator (t-PA), a fibrinolytic molecule. On the other hand, activated ECs increase the production of endog-

enous inhibitors of plasminogen activators (i.e., PAI-1) (57).

Such fibrinolytic imbalance may stabilize clots and favor fatal, occlusive thrombus formation.



Since the 1990s, clinical studies have established that lipid- lowering therapy by HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) prevents the onset of acute coronary events despite no or mod- est reduction in angiographic stenoses (3,58,59). This discrep- ancy raised the concept that lipid lowering may modify the vulnerable plaque in a functional manner (“stabilization”) rather than simply shrinking the lesion (“regression”) (60,61).

A number of animal studies previously focused on regression of atheroma by lipid lowering (62,63); however, more recent preclinical studies, including our own, improved mechanistic understanding of the clinical benefits of lipid lowering and furnished the “plaque stabilization” hypothesis (1,4). Clinical and preclinical studies also suggest that statins have various direct or pleiotopic effects independent of lipid lowering (1,64).

Our studies on plaque stabilization have employed mainly rabbit models of atherosclerosis (28). Beginning early in the 20th century, accumulating knowledge has suggested that ath- erosclerotic lesions of hypercholesterolemic rabbits mimic chronic coronary atherosclerosis in humans (25,26,28). We found that rabbit aortic atherosclerosis created by both mechanical injury and high-cholesterol diet contained a num- ber of features associated with vulnerable plaques in humans:

prominent macrophage accumulation, a thin and collagen-poor fibrous cap, and expression of MMP and tissue factor (65,66).

Potent inflammatory mediators CD154 (or CD40 ligand) and CD40, which induce MMP and tissue factor expression, also occur in rabbit atheroma (66). To address the effects of lipid lowering itself without direct vascular effects of statins, we examined the way these features change in hypercholester- olemic rabbits during lipid lowering by diet alone (Table 1)


Table 1

Effects of Lipid Lowering on Atheroma of Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits

Diet Statins

Macrophage accumulation Decreased Decreased

Macrophage proliferation ND Decreased

Macrophage apoptosis ND No change

MMP expression/activity Decreased Decreased

Collagen content Increased Increaseda

Tissue factor expression/activity Decreased Decreased

PAI-1 expression ND Decreased

CD154 (CD40L) expression Decreased Decreased

PDGF-β expression Decreased ND

SMC maturity Increased ND

SM1 and SM2, a marker for mature SMCs Increased ND

SMemb, a nonmuscle or embryonic myosin Decreased ND

ROS production (O2) Decreased ND

LDL accumulation Decreased Decreased

oxLDL accumulation Decreased Decreased

Plasma autoantibody for oxLDL Decreased ND

VCAM-1 Decreased ND

MCP-1 Decreased ND

eNOS Increased ND

Microvessels Decreased ND

ND, not determined; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor 1;

PDGF-β, platelet-derived growth factor beta; SMC, smooth muscle cells; ROS, reactive oxygen species; oxLDL, oxidatively modified low-density lipoprotein; VCAM-1, vascular cell-adhesion molecule 1; MCP-1, monocyte chemoattractant protein 1; eNOS, endothelial NO synthase.

aNo change with fluvastatin.

(1,4,35,65–67). Dietary cholesterol lowering in rabbit atheroma reduced macrophage accumulation expressing MMPs includ- ing MMP-1/collagenase-1 and, in parallel, increased intersti- tial collagen content, a key determinant of plaque stability (Fig.

5) (65). A rabbit study by Kockx et al. and a clinical study by Crisby et al. reported a similar finding of increased collagen content in atherosclerotic plaques by lipid lowering (68,69).

These studies suggest that lipid lowering prevents acute coro- nary syndromes in part by increasing the mechanical strength of atheroma.

Lipid lowering also reduced expression and activity of tissue factor, suggesting decreased thrombogenic potential, another major contributor to acute coronary events (66). Additionally, inflammatory mediators CD154 and CD40 decreased substan- tially during cholesterol lowering (66). More recently, we reported that lipid lowering by statin treatment also reduces expression of MMPs, tissue factor, and their inducer CD154 in hypercholesterolemic rabbits (Fig. 6) (45,70).

Smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in the fibrous cap of rabbit atheroma exhibited immature phenotype compared to those in apparently normal media found in human atheroma (67,71).

However, dietary lipid lowering promoted accumulation of SMCs of more mature phenotype in the fibrous cap, expressing fewer MMPs and less tissue factor than those found in baseline lesions (66,67).

We furthermore tested the hypothesis that cholesterol low- ering reduces oxidative stress and EC activation in atheroma (Table 1) (35). Atherosclerotic aortas of cholesterol-fed rabbits produced high levels of ROS, including superoxide anion (O2). Baseline lesions in hypercholesterolemic rabbits con-

tained a prominent accumulation of oxLDL underlying acti- vated ECs that expressed VCAM-1 (Fig. 7A, top panels). In contrast, few if any ECs in atheroma expressed eNOS, in agree- ment with a previous study on human atheroma (53). However, lipid lowering by diet alone reduced ROS production to levels similar to those found in normal aortas. Dietary lipid lowering reduced oxLDL accumulation and VCAM-1 expression con- comitantly (Fig. 7A bottom panels, and 7B) (35). In contrast, lipid lowering by diet increased eNOS expression substantially.

ECs, SMCs, and macrophages in human atheroma express MCP-1, a potent chemokine that induces monocyte recruit- ment into the arterial wall (72). In aortic atheroma of choles- terol-fed rabbits, ECs as well as SMCs and macrophages contained immunoreactive MCP-1 (35). However, this chemokine was almost undetectable after cholesterol lowering.

After lipid lowering, aortic ECs also exhibited a more normal ultrastructure compared with those of the atherosclerotic in- tima, which had features typical of activated ECs (Fig. 8). Taken together, these pre-clinical and clinical results suggest that cholesterol lowering reduces oxidative stress and ameliorates EC dysfunction, favoring stabilization of the vulnerable plaque.



Accumulating preclinical evidence using animal models or in vitro systems demonstrates that statins possess effects other than reduction of cholesterol synthesis, including anti-inflam- matory effects on vascular cells (1,64). We reported that ceri- vastatin inhibited M-CSF-induced macrophage growth in vitro with clinically achievable concentrations (45). This treatment


Fig. 5. Lipid lowering by diet alone reduces MMP-1/collagenase-1 expression and increases interstitial collagen content in rabbit atheroma.

Top panels: The rabbit aortic lesion after 4 mo on a high-cholesterol diet (baseline lesion) contained high level of MMP-1/collagenase-1 expression, a potent collagenolytic enzyme. Picrosirius red staining with polarization barely detected accumulation of interstitial collagen on a serial section of this collagenase-rich plaque. Bottom panels: 16 mo of dietary lipid lowering decreased MMP-1/collagenase-1 expression and, in parallel, increased collagen content, a key determinant of plaque stability. Original magnification: ×10. From ref. 65, with permission.

also reduced macrophage activation as examined by decreased MMP-9 activity and tissue factor expression (45). Previous studies employing fluvastatin and simvastatin demonstrated similar findings regarding macrophage proliferation and acti- vation in vitro (73–75). These cholesterol-independent, antimacrophage effects should favor stabilization of the vul- nerable plaque. Thus far, however, no unambiguous clinical evidence suggests that such pleiotropic effects substantially increase the benefits of statin treatment in patients.

Like other classes of drugs, statins have variable lipophilic properties. Unlike hydrophilic compounds, lipophilic com- pounds are generally cell permeant, and their effects on periph- eral tissues or cultured cells are usually more direct. For instance,

lipophilic statins suppress proliferation or induce apoptosis of cultured SMCs more effectively than do hydrophilic statins (70,76,77). Clinical trials for all statins, however, have shown benefits somewhat similar to the prevention of acute coronary syndromes. Insufficient cell permeability of hydrohilic pravastatin is not reflected by significant risk reduction in clini- cal trials. Moreover, both lipophilic and hydrophilic statins possess anti-inflammatory effects independent of LDL reduc- tion in patients, as determined by plasma levels of hsCRP (78,79). Thus, the mechanisms by which all statins with differ- ent lipophilic properties produce cholesterol-independent, anti- inflammatory effects remain obscure. Concentrations of statins used in in vitro investigations often exceed those achievable in


Fig. 6. Lipid lowering by statin treatment reduces expression of CD154 and tissue factor in atheroma of hypercholesterolemic rabbits. The aortic intima of 34-mo-old Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic rabbits, a model of endogenous hypercholesterolemia, exhibited expression of tissue factor, a strong activator of blood coagulation, and its inducer CD154 (or CD40 ligand). With cerivastatin treatment for 32 mo, expression of both CD40L and TF decreased substantially. The arrow indicates the tunica media. Scale bar: 200 µm. From ref. 45, with permission.

patients, further stirring controversy about the clinical impor- tance of their pleiotropic effects. On the other hand, animal studies including our own clearly suggest that lipid lowering by diet alone improves a number of features associated with vas- cular inflammation and activation. Clinical statin trials also demonstrate that aggressive cholesterol lowering produces a greater reduction of inflammatory burden than does more moderate therapy. These preclinical and clinical data suggest the importance of lowering lipids by diet therapy, lifestyle changes, and, if necessary, statins.


In the last two decades, advances in clinical and basic car- diovascular medicine forged several missing links between coronary risks and the onset of acute thrombotic complications.

In particular, discoveries regarding the role of oxidative stress in vascular inflammation substantially improved our mecha- nistic understanding of the pathogenesis of coronary thrombo-

sis. Based on clinical and our own preclinical evidence, this chapter has also underscored the importance of lipid manage- ment in the prevention of acute coronary syndromes. New targets for antiinflammatory therapies beyond lipid lowering may include inhibition of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) (4,80–83). Interestingly, inhibitors for these pathways, like statins, have seemingly pleiotropic effects on vascular inflammation as well. In addition to screening con- ventional coronary risk factors (e.g., LDL levels), sensitive but inexpensive biomarkers for new risk factors (e.g., hsCRP) may identify currently unattended high-risk patients. Moreover, novel imaging modalities will probably detect not only luminal stenoses but also more “qualitative” features, including the biological processes typical of the vulnerable plaque (84).

These new approaches should provide more effective and indi- vidualized strategies for the prevention of acute thrombotic complications of atherosclerosis.



The author acknowledges a number of colleagues and col- laborators for their tremendous contributions to the study con- cepts and experiments that this chapter mentioned. This work was supported in part by grants from the National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (PO1 HL48743 and Merit Award to Dr. Peter Libby, SCOR P50HL56985 to Drs. Libby and Aikawa, and R01HL66086 to Dr. Aikawa), and Japan Heart Foundation (to Dr. Aikawa). We also acknowledge Karen E. Williams for her excellent editorial assistance.


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