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Let X be a manifold, π X : T ∗ X → X its cotangent bundle. Set ˙ T ∗ X = T ∗ X \ T X∗ X and denote by ˙π X the projection ˙ T ∗ X → X.


Academic year: 2021

Condividi "Let X be a manifold, π X : T ∗ X → X its cotangent bundle. Set ˙ T ∗ X = T ∗ X \ T X∗ X and denote by ˙π X the projection ˙ T ∗ X → X."


Testo completo


Andrea D’Agnolo Pierre Schapira

Abstract. In this paper we show how the techniques of sheaf theory allow us to treat the Cauchy problem (in the language of D-modules) in various sheaves of ramified holomorphic functions.

1. Review on sheaves. In this section all manifolds and morphisms of manifolds will be real analytic. For what follows refer to [12].

Let X be a manifold, π X : T X → X its cotangent bundle. Set ˙ T X = T X \ T X X and denote by ˙π X the projection ˙ T X → X.

If A, B are subsets of X, one denotes by C(A, B) the normal cone of A along B, a closed conic subset of T X.

If γ is a conic subset of T X one notes γ a = −γ. One says that γ is proper if its fibers contain no lines. One denotes by γ the polar cone to γ, a convex conic subset of T X.

Let f : Y → X be a morphism of manifolds. One denotes by t f 0 and f π the natural mappings associated to f :





←− Y × X T X −→ T f



One sets: T Y X = t f 0−1 (T Y Y ).

Let A be a closed conic subset of T X. One says that f is non-characteristic for A iff t f 0−1 (T Y Y ) ∩ f π −1 (A) ⊂ Y × X T X X. Let V be a subset of T Y . We refer to [11] for the definition of f being non-characteristic for A on V .

One denotes by D b (X) the derived category of the category of bounded complexes of sheaves of k-vector spaces on X, where k is a commutative field. (In sections 2 and 3 we shall take k = C.)

If A ⊂ X is a locally closed subset, one denotes by k A the constant sheaf on A with fiber k.

To an object F of D b (X) one associates the micro-support SS(F ) of F , a closed conic involutive subset of T X (cf [11]).

Let f : Y → X be a morphism of manifolds and let V be a subset of T Y . One says that f is non-characteristic for F on V if f is non-characteristic for SS(F ) on V .

On a complex manifold X, we shall denote by O X the sheaf of holomorphic functions and by D X the sheaf of rings of finite order differential operators, and

Appeared in: D-modules and microlocal geometry (Lisbon, 1990), de Gruyter, Berlin, 1993, pp. 37–44.

1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 58 G, 32 B, 18 F 20.



one shall use the usual terminology of D-modules theory (cf. [18] for an introduction to this theory). In particular one denotes by char(M) the characteristic variety of a coherent D X -module M, and if f : Y → X is non-characteristic for M, one denotes by M Y the inverse image (as a D-module) of M.

2. Ramified holomorphic functions. Here we shall deal with various sheaves of ramified holomorphic functions that we shall now describe. In this section we take k = C.

Let X be a complex manifold and let Z be a smooth hypersurface defined by an equation g = 0, where g : X → C. Recall some classical constructions (cf [5] and [4]).

Let p : f C → C be the universal covering of C = C \ {0}. Recall that one can choose a coordinate t ∈ C ∼ = f C so that p(t) = exp(2πit). Set f X = f C × C X and consider the Cartesian diagram:


X f −→ C f




X −→ g C .

Notice that the functor p X! is exact and that p ! X = p −1 X . We set

L ram Z/X = g −1 p ! k C f


Notice that, by adjunction, there is a natural morphism (that we shall use later):

(2.2) τ : L ram Z/X −→ k X .

If G is a sheaf on X, or more generally, an object of D b (X), the complex of ramified sections of G along Z is naturally described by Rp X∗ p −1 X G. By the Poincar´e-Verdier duality one gets:

Rp X∗ p −1 X G = RHom(p X! k X f

, G)

= RHom(L ram Z/X , G).

In particular we set:

O Z/X ram = RHom(L ram Z/X , O X ).

One easily sees that O Z/X ram is concentrated in degree zero.

We shall also deal with ramified sections of “logarithmic type”.

Let z be a coordinate on C and set D = ∂/∂z. Consider the left coherent D C -module N = D C /D C DzD and set:

L 1 {0}/C := RHom D


(N , O C ).

Remark that the complex O 1 {0}/C := RHom(L 1 {0}/C , O C ) is concentrated in de- gree zero and represents a sheaf of holomorphic functions on C with logarithmic ramification at 0.

We set:

L 1 Z/X := g −1 L 1 {0}/C ,


and notice that there is a natural morphism:

(2.3) τ : L 1 Z/X −→ k X .

We shall consider the complex RHom(L 1 Z/X , G). In particular we set O Z/X 1 = RHom(L 1 Z/X , O X ).

Again this complex is concentrated in degree zero.

We shall also have to consider sheaves whose sections are sums of ramified sec- tions of the preceding type. More precisely consider the following geometrical frame:

X is a complex analytic manifold and Z i (i = 1, . . . , r) are smooth hypersurfaces of X pairwise transversal and such that for a smooth submanifold Z of X, Z i ∩ Z j = Z for every i 6= j. Assume to be given complex analytic functions g i : X → C with dg i 6= 0, such that Z i = g i −1 (0).

Let K i , i = 1, . . . , r, be objects of D b (X) endowed with morphisms:

τ i : K i → k X .

We define the complex K as being the third term of a distinguished triangle:

(2.4) K −→ ⊕ r i=1 K i h

−→ ⊕ r−1 i=1 k X

−→, +1

where h is the composite of the map ⊕ r i=1 τ j and the map ⊕ r i=1 k X → ⊕ r−1 i=1 k X , given by (a 1 , . . . , a r ) 7→ (a 2 − a 1 , . . . , a r − a r−1 ).

We apply this construction and set

Σ i O Z ram


/X = RHom(K, O X ), where K is defined by (2.4) with K i = L ram Z


/X .

Similarly we set:

Σ i O Z 1


/X = RHom(K, O X ), where K is defined by (2.4) with K i = L 1 Z


/X .

Remark that both complexes Σ i O Z ram


/X and Σ i O Z 1


/X are concentrated in degree zero.

3. The Cauchy problem for ramified holomorphic functions. We shall consider the following geometrical situation:

X is a complex analytic manifold, Y is a smooth hypersurface of X, Z is a smooth hypersurface of Y , Z i (i = 1, . . . , r) are smooth hypersurfaces of X pairwise transversal, transversal to Y and such that Z i ∩Y = Z for every i. Let f : Y → X be the embedding. Assume to be given complex analytic functions g : Y → C, g i : X → C with dg 6= 0, dg i 6= 0, such that g i ◦ f = g and Z = g −1 (0), Z i = g i −1 (0).

Let M be a left coherent D X -module such that, for a neighborhood V of ˙ T Z Y : (3.1)

( (i) f π is non characteristic for C(char(M), ˙ T Z


X) on t f 0−1 (V ), (ii) char(M) ∩ t f 0−1 (T Z Y ) ⊂ ∪ i T Z


X ∪ T X X.

Note that (3.1)-(ii) implies that f is non-characteristic for M. One denotes by M Y the restriction (as a coherent D-module) of M to Y .

The Cauchy-Kowalevski theorem for ramified (resp. ramified of logarithmic type)

holomorphic functions in the framework of D-modules may be expressed by the two

following propositions:


Theorem 3.1. The natural morphism:

(3.2) RHom D


(M, Σ i O Z ram


/X ) Z −→ RHom D


(M Y , O Z/Y ram ) Z is an isomorphism.

Theorem 3.2. The natural morphism:

(3.3) RHom D


(M, Σ i O Z 1


/X )

Z −→ RHom D


(M Y , O Z/Y 1 )


is an isomorphism.

Remark 3.3. This last theorem was proved in [9] but the proof we shall present in this section is totally different.

Let us now explain how Theorem 3.1 gives an extension to D-modules of [7]’s results.

Let X be an open subset of C n with 0 ∈ X, let z = (z 1 , z 0 ) = (z 1 , . . . , z n ) be the coordinates on X and let (z; ζ) be the associated coordinates in T X. Set D = ∂/∂z. Consider the Cauchy problem:


 P (z, D) u(z) = 0, D 0 h u(z)

Y = w h (z 0 ), 0 ≤ h < m.

Here P = P (z, D) is a linear partial differential operator of order m on X with holomorphic coefficients, the hyperplane Y = {z ∈ X; z 1 = 0} is non-characteristic for P and the w h (z 0 )’s are holomorphic functions on Y ramified along the hypersur- face Z = {z ∈ X; z 1 = z 2 = 0} of Y . Let f : Y → X be the embedding. Suppose that P has characteristics with constant multiplicities transversal to Y × X T X at

t f 0−1 (T Z Y ) ∩ char(M).

Let Z 1 , . . . , Z r be the smooth hypersurfaces of X whose conormal bundles are the union of the bicharacteristics of P issued from t f 0−1 ( ˙ T Z Y ).

In [7], Hamada, Leray and Wagschal proved that the holomorphic solution of (3.4), defined in a neighborhood of Y \ Z, extends holomorphically as a sum of ramified functions along the Z j ’s.

We apply Theorem 3.1 for the choice M = D X /D X P . Then (3.1) is satisfied and the complex RHom D


(M, Σ i O Z ram


/X ) Z is concentrated in degree zero. Its sections may be expressed as sums P

ϕ i where the ϕ i ’s are holomorphic functions ramified along the Z i ’s satisfying P ϕ i = 0. Hence we get existence and uniqueness for the solution of the Cauchy problem (3.4) when the data on X are sections of Σ i O Z ram


/X and the data on Y are sections of O Z/Y ram .

In other words, Theorem 3.1 contains the theorem of [7], and extends it to arbitrary coherent D-modules.

4. An inverse image theorem for sheaves. In this section we will give a

general theorem of inverse image for sheaves on real manifolds and show how to

deduce Theorems 3.1 and 3.2. We emphasize the fact that this theorem is stated

in a purely real geometrical frame and does not make use of any complex structure

nor of any results of partial differential equations.


Let f : Y → X be a morphism of manifolds. Let Z be a subset of Y (e.g.

Z = {y} for y ∈ Y ). Let F be an object of D b (X) such that (i) f is non-characteristic for F .

Assume that for every p Y ∈ ˙π Y −1 (Z) there exist p 1 , . . . , p r in t f 0−1 (p Y ) with:

(ii) t f 0−1 (p Y ) ∩ f π −1 (SS(F )) ⊂ {p 1 , . . . , p r }.

Let K i (i = 1, . . . , r) be objects of D b (X) such that:

(iii) K i is weakly R-constructible, (iv) f is non-characteristic for K i ,

(v) a morphism τ i : K i → k X is given.

Assume that for every p Y ∈ ˙π −1 Y (Z) and for p 1 , . . . , p r as in (ii):

(vi) t f 0−1 (p Y ) ∩ f π −1 (SS(K i )) ⊂ {p i }.

Let L be an object of D b (Y ) such that:

(vii) an isomorphism ψ i : L → f −1 (K i ) is given,

(viii) f −1i ) ◦ ψ i induces an isomorphism RΓ Z L → RΓ Z k Y .

Assume moreover that for an open neighborhood V of ˙π Y −1 (Z):

(ix) f π is non-characteristic for C(SS(F ), SS(K i )) on t f 0−1 (V ).

Adapting an idea of [9] and using [12, Theorem 6.7.1], one can then prove the following statement:

Theorem 4.1. Let be given f , F , K i , ψ i and L satisfying the hypotheses (i)–(ix) and let K be constructed as in (2.4). Then the natural morphism induced by the ψ i ’s:

f −1 RHom(K, F )

Z −→ RHom(L, f −1 F )


is an isomorphism.

Proof of Theorems 3.1 and 3.2. In the situation of Theorems 3.1 and 3.2 set:

F = RHom D


(M, O X ).

By [12, Theorem 11.3.3], one knows that SS(F ) ⊂char(M) (in fact there is equality but we need only this inclusion which is easily deduced from the Cauchy-Kowalevski theorem in the precised version due to [15]). All the hypotheses of Theorem 4.1 are then obviously checked except for (vii), (viii).

In the case of Theorem 3.1 they follow from the isomorphism:

{0} p ! k C f

→ RΓ ∼ {0} k C ,

while in the case of Theorem 3.2 they follow from the isomorphism:

{0} L 1 {0}/C → RΓ {0} k C . We have:

RHom D


(M, Σ i O Z


/X ) = RHom D


(M, RHom(K, O X ))

= RHom(K, F )

for ∗ =ram or 1.


On the other hand by the Cauchy-Kowalevski-Kashiwara theorem of [8] one has:

f −1 RHom D


(M, O X ) ∼ = RHom D


(M Y , O Y ) and hence

RHom D


(M Y , O Z/Y ) = RHom D


(M Y , RHom(L, O Y ))

= RHom(L, f −1 F ) for ∗ =ram or 1, which completes the proof. 

Conclusions. Let us put the emphasis on the fact that all our proofs rely only on the following tools: the Cauchy-Kowalevski theorem in the precised version by Leray [15] from which the inclusion



(M, O X )) ⊂ char(M) is deduced, the isomorphism

f −1 RHom D


(M, O X ) −→ RHom D


(M Y , O Y ),

which is deduced by Kashiwara [8] from the classical Cauchy-Kowalevski theorem by purely algebraic tools, and the techniques of [11], [12]. We never use, neither pseudo-differential operators and quantized contact transformations, nor any esti- mate.

Similar methods should be applied to regain the results of [19] and further developments of Theorem 4.1 allow to recover a result of [10] on the hyperbolic Cauchy problem in the frame of hyperfunctions (cf. [1]).

Of course our purely sheaf theoretical methods do not allow us to treat holomor- phic functions with meromorphic singularities for systems satisfying Levi conditions (for these questions we refer to [6], [13], [16]).

Let us also mention the work [14] of Leichtnam who treats general ramified solutions, and the works [17], [20] for other developments.

The results of this paper were announced in [2] and will be developed in [3].


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3. A. D’Agnolo, P. Schapira, An inverse image theorem for sheaves with application to the Cauchy problem, Duke Math. J. 64 (1991).

4. P. Deligne, Le formalisme des cycles ´ evanescentes, SGA 7, expos´ e XIII.

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Dept. de Math´ ematiques, Universit´ e Paris-Nord, F-93430 Villetaneuse, France;


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