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On the time evolution of QM∞


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On the time evolution of QM


an algebraic approach

Fabio Bagarello

Wascom, 2003



The old algebraic formulation of the dynamical description of quantum systems is due to Haag and Kastler: its main ingredi- ent is a C*-algebra of the quasi-local observables, A:

volume V −→ AV,

Von Neumann algebra of the observables localized in V ; Ao = [


AV ⇒ A = Aok k, where k k is the C*-norm induced by AV.

However several models do not fit into this algebraic set-up:

already for long-ranged spin systems Robinson’s constraint on the potential is not satisfied and, as a consequence, the dynam- ics cannot be defined as a norm limit of the infrared cutoffed dynamics, since the time evolution of a strictly local variable may involve sequences of completely delocalized operators. Even worse is the situation for continuous systems. To deal with these more realistic models, two possible ways have been developed.

On one hand, one can select a certain family ofrelevant states where the dynamics can be defined (Dubin and Sewell, Thirring, Strocchi and Morchio, B., etc...).


On the other hand, one can enlarge the algebraic set-up:

O*-algebras (C.Trapani, G. Epifanio,..); quasi *-algebras (G.

Lassner,...) ;partial *-algebras(J.P. Antoine, W. Karwowski,...);

CQ*-algebras (C.Trapani, F.B.,...).

The problem of performing rigorously the thermodynamical limit of some local observables was the physical reason motivat- ing the introduction of quasi *-algebras (Lassner’s treatment of the BCS model of superconductivity):

STEP 1 (shared with Thirring and Wehrl)

The physical system S is considered inside a box of finite volume V . Under this condition (fixed cutoff), we write the hamiltonian of the finite system SV, HV, and its associated reg- ularized Heisenberg evolution,

αtV(X) = eiHVtXe−iHVt,

where X is a local observable of the system. Here HV = 2g

|V | X


σiσj++ X


σi3 = 2g|V |SVSV++ X


σi3, where σiαis the α-component of the 2×2 Pauli matrices localized


in the lattice site i ∈ V , g and  are constants, and SVα =


|V |


i∈V σiα.


For finite V , αtV(X) = f (t, X, SVα) belongs to the standard C*-algebra of the spin observables. To compute lim|V |→∞αtV(X), Lassner first introduces the physical topology, τ , different from the usual topologies on C*-algebras. This was necessary since lim|V |,∞αtV(X) does not exist, for generic X in the uniform, strong or weak topologies.


Lassner proved, using explicit estimates, that even if HV does not converge (in any topology!), τ − lim|V |→∞αVt (X) exists, for any local observable X, and it belongs to the τ -completion of the C*-spin algebra. This is because τ − lim|V |→∞SVα exists!

This is the first physical application of a topological quasi


Remark both Lassner and Thirring and Wehrl introduced an effective hamiltonian Hef f which essentially shares with HV


the property to reproduce the same equation of motion when

|V | → ∞:


dt = [HV, αtV(A)] |V |→∞−→ idβt(A)

dt = [Hef f, βt(A)], which has the following solution: βt(A) = eiHef ftAe−iHef ft.

Our goal is to extend Lassner’s procedure to get the rigorous definition of the algebraic dynamics, i.e. the time evolution of observables and/or states, for a general physical system. We always will assume to know a regularized hamiltonian HL, (L is a system-depending cutoff), which is bounded and self-adjoint in the Hilbert space H of the physical system. Then...

1) HL converges to an operator H

This is apparently the simplest situation. The convergence of the regularized dynamics αLt(A) = eiHLtAe−iHLt to the solution αt(A) of the (formal) Heisenberg equation


dt = [H, αt(A)].

has been analyzed in F. Bagarello, C. Trapani, Algebraic dynam- ics in O*-algebras: a perturbative approach, J. Math. Phys., 43, 3280-3292 (2002).


2) HL does not converge (in any reasonable topology)

This is the most common situation, e.g. mean field models.

We have two possibilities:

2a) consider the limit of αtL(A) = eiHLtAe−iHLt for some clev- erly chosen topology, see BCS model; it may exist even if HV does not converge!

2b) consider the derivations

δL(A) = i[HL, A]

that give, at infinitesimal level, the dynamics of the system, [Sakai].

First question:do these derivations converge (in some sense)?

Which properties this limit δ enjoys? Is δ a derivation? and, in this case, is δ spatial (i.e., ∃H : δ(a) = i[H, A])?

Second question: whenever δ turns out to be a derivation, can we integrate it? In other words, since δL can be integrated, αtL(A) = eiHLtAe−iHLt, what can be said about the limit of αtL?


Part 1: Mathematical preliminaries

Let A be a vector space and Ao a *-algebra contained in A.

We say that A is a quasi *-algebra over Ao if

(i) the right and left multiplications of an element of A by an element of Ao are always defined and linear;

(ii) an involution * (which extends the involution of Ao) is de- fined in A with the property (AB) = BA whenever the mul- tiplication is defined.

A quasi *-algebra (A, Ao) is said to have a unit I if there exists an element I ∈ Ao such that AI = IA = A, ∀ A ∈ A. Finally, the quasi *-algebra (A, Ao) is said to be topological if A carries a locally convex topology ξ such that (a) the involution is con- tinuous and the multiplications are separately continuous; and (b) Ao is dense in A[ξ], (Lassner, Trapani,...)


Let H be an Hilbert space and N an unbounded, self adjoint operator defined on a dense domain D(N ) ⊂ H.

We call D(Nk) the domain of the operator Nk, k ∈ N, and D := D(N ) = ∩k≥0D(Nk), which is dense in H.

topology t : φ ∈ D → kφkn := kNnφk, n ∈ N0,


where k k is the norm of H. L+(D) is the *-algebra of all the closable operators defined on D which, together with their ad- joints, map D into itself. Moreover, calling D0 the conjugate dual space of D, endowed with the strong dual topology t0, we define the set L(D, D0) of all the continuous linear maps from D[t] into D0[t0].

The topologies on L+(D) and L(D, D0) are introduced by means of the set C of all positive, bounded and continuous functions f (x) on R+ satisfying the condition supx≥0f (x)xk <

∞, ∀k ∈ N. The seminorms of the topology τ on L+(D) are X ∈ L+(D) → kXkf,k := maxkf (N )XNkk, kNkXf (N )k , where k ≥ 0 and f belongs to C. Lassner proved that L+(D)[τ ] is a complete locally convex topological *-algebra, with involution X := X|D.

The seminorms of the uniform topology τL on L(D, D0) are defined by

X ∈ L(D, D0) → kXkf := kf (N )Xf (N )k. (1) where, again, f belongs to C. L(D, D0), with the topology τL, is a topological quasi *-algebra over L+(D).




D, L


(D), L(D, D


) and t, τ, τ



The existence of an effective hamiltonian can be formalized in the framework of quasi *-algebras introducing first the notion of a weak *-representation π of a quasi *-algebra in the following way:

given a quasi *-algebra (A, Ao), a linear map π : A → L(D, D0) is a weak *-representation of (A, Ao) if

(i) π(A) = π(A), ∀A ∈ A;

(ii) π restricted to Ao is a *-representation of Ao; (iii) π(AB) = π(A)π(B), whenever A ∈ Ao or B ∈ Ao.

Definition 1 We say that the model admits an effective hamil- tonian in the weak *-representation π if there exists a self-adjoint operator Hπef f in Hπ(⊃ D) with the property

π(δ(A)) = iHπef f, π(A) , ∀A ∈ A0.

This equation is understood in the following weak sense:

< π(δ(A))φ, ψ > = i< π(A)φ, Hπef fψ > − < Hπef fφ, π(A)ψ > ,

∀φ, ψ ∈ D(Hπef f), ∀A ∈ A0. Remark:– This definition says, in practice, that the deriva- tion on π(A0)

δπ(π(A)) = π(δ(A))


is spatial and the implementing operator is self-adjoint. As is known, both these conditions require quite strong assumptions to be fulfilled.

We have consider some consequences of this definition in F.Bagarello, C.Trapani, The Heisenberg Dynamics of Spin Sis- tems: a Quasi*-Algebras Approach, J. Math. Phys., 37, 4219- 4234, (1996)

For instance:

1. existence of the dynamics αt on a set of analytic elements;

2. the role of the representation π;

3. αt as a group of automorphisms of a certain algebra.

....But: when does the model admits an effective hamil-



Analysis of the dynamics at the infinitesimal level

For details we refer to:

F. B., A. Inoue, C Trapani, Derivations of quasi ∗-algebras, submitted to Journal de Math´ematiques Pures et Appliqu´ees.

Let (A, A0) be a quasi *-algebra.

Definition 2 A *-derivation of A0 is a map δ : A0 → A with the following properties:

(i) δ(x) = δ(x), ∀x ∈ A0;

(ii) δ(αx + βy) = αδ(x) + βδ(y), ∀x, y ∈ A0, ∀α, β ∈ C;

(iii) δ(xy) = xδ(y) + δ(x)y, ∀x, y ∈ A0.

We need a slightly different kind of representation of a quasi

*-algebra, now:

Definition 3 Let (A, A0) be a quasi *-algebra, Dπ a dense do- main in a certain Hilbert space Hπ, and π a linear map from A into L(Dπ, Hπ) such that:

(i) π(a) = π(a), ∀a ∈ A;

(ii) if a ∈ A, x ∈ A0, then π(a)π(x) is well defined and π(ax) = π(a)π(x).


We say that such a map π is a *-representation of A. More- over, if

(iii) π(A0) ⊂ L(Dπ),

then π is a *-representation of the quasi *-algebra (A, A0).

Let π be a *-representation of A. The strong topology τs on π(A) is the locally convex topology defined by the following fam- ily of seminorms: {pξ(.); ξ ∈ Dπ}, where pξ(π(a)) ≡ kπ(a)ξk, where a ∈ A, ξ ∈ Dπ.

Let (A, A0) be a quasi *-algebra and δ be a *-derivation of A0. Let π be a *-representation of (A, A0).

We will always assume that whenever for x ∈ A0 π(x) = 0, then π(δ(x)) = 0.

Under this assumption, the linear map

δπ(π(x)) = π(δ(x)), x ∈ A0, (2) is well-defined on π(A0) with values in π(A) and it is a *- derivation of π(A0). We call δπ the *-derivation induced by π.

Given such a representation π and its dense domain Dπ, we consider the usual graph topology tgenerated by the seminorms

ξ ∈ Dπ → kAξk, A ∈ L(D). (3)


Calling D0π the conjugate dual of Dπ we get the usual rigged Hilbert space Dπ[t] ⊂ Hπ ⊂ Dπ0[t0], where t0 denotes the strong dual topology of D0π. As usual we introduce with L(Dπ, Dπ0) and L(Dπ). In this case, L(Dπ) ⊂ L(Dπ, Dπ0). We know that each operator A ∈ L(Dπ) can be extended to all of D0π in the following way:

< ˆAξ0, η >=< ξ0, Aη >, ∀ξ0 ∈ Dπ0, η ∈ Dπ.

Therefore the multiplication of X ∈ L(Dπ, D0π) and A ∈ L(Dπ) can always be defined:

(X ◦ A)ξ = X(Aξ), and (A ◦ X)ξ = ˆA(Xξ), ∀ξ ∈ Dπ. With these definitions it is known that (L(Dπ, Dπ0), L(Dπ)) is a quasi *-algebra.

We can now prove the following

Theorem 4 Let (A, A0) be a topological quasi *-algebra with identity I and δ be a *-derivation of A0.

Then the following statements are equivalent:

(i) There exists a (τ −τs)-continuous, ultra-cyclic *-representation π of A, with ultra-cyclic vector ξ0, such that the *-derivation δπ induced by π is spatial, i.e.


there exists H = H ∈ L(Dπ, Dπ0) such that Hξ0 ∈ Hπ and

δπ(π(x)) = i{H ◦ π(x) − π(x) ◦ H}, ∀x ∈ A0. (4) (ii) There exists a positive linear functional f on A0 such that:

f (xx) ≤ p(x)2, ∀x ∈ A0, (5) for some continuous seminorm p of τ and, calling ˜f the contin- uous extension of f to A, the following inequality holds:

| ˜f (δ(x))| ≤ C(p

f (xx) +p

f (xx)), ∀x ∈ A0, (6) for some positive constant C.

(iii) There exists a positive sesquilinear form ϕ on A×A such that:

ϕ is invariant, i.e.

ϕ(ax, y) = ϕ(x, ay), for all a ∈ A and x, y ∈ A0; (7) ϕ is τ -continuous, i.e.


|ϕ(a, b)| ≤ p(a)p(b), for all a, b ∈ A, (8) for some continuous seminorm p of τ ; and ϕ satisfies the fol- lowing inequality:

|ϕ(δ(x), I)| ≤ C(p

ϕ(x, x) +p

ϕ(x, x)), ∀x ∈ A0, (9) for some positive constant C.

Remarks:–(1) This result extends the analogous result for C*-algebras, [Bratteli and Robinson]; (2) if we add to a spatial

*-derivation δ0 a perturbation δp such that δ = δ0 + δp is again a

*-derivation, it is reasonable to analyze under which conditions δ is still spatial. The answer is easily found under the following very general (and natural) assumptions: | ˜f (δp(x))| ≤ | ˜f (δ0(x))|, for all x ∈ A0, which is exactly what we expect since δp is small compared to δ0. If we call H, H0 and Hp the operators which implement δ, δ0 and δp, we can also prove that i[H, A]ψ = i[H0+ Hp, A]ψ, for all A ∈ L(Dπ) and ψ ∈ Dπ.

In order to apply our results to QM we extend the above


Theorem, assuming that there exists a (τ − τs)-continuous *- representation π in the Hilbert space Hπ, which is ultra-cyclic with ultra-cyclic vector ξ0, and a family of *-derivations (in the sense of Definition 2) {δn : n ∈ N} of a locally convex quasi

*-algebra (A, A0) with identity. We define a related family of *- derivations δπ(n) induced by π defined on π(A0) and with values in π(A):

δπ(n)(π(x)) = π(δn(x)), x ∈ A0. (10) Proposition 5 Suppose that:

(i) {δn(x)} is τ -Cauchy for all x ∈ A0;

(ii) For each n ∈ N, δπ(n) is spatial, that is, there exits an oper- ator Hn such that

Hn = Hn ∈ L(Dπ, Dπ0),

Hnξ0 ∈ Hπ and δπ(n)(π(x)) = i{Hn◦ π(x) − π(x) ◦ Hn}, ∀x ∈ A0;




kHnξ0k =: L < ∞.


Then we have:

(a) ∃ δ(x) = τ − lim δn(x), for all x ∈ A0, which is a *- derivation of A0;

(b) δπ, the *-derivation induced by π, is well-defined and spa- tial;

(c) if H is the self-adjoint operator which implements δπ, if

< (Hn − H)ξ0, ξ >→ 0 for all ξ ∈ Dπ then Hn converges weakly to H.

Example 1: A radiation model

In this example the representation π is just the identity map.

Let us consider a model of n free bosons, [B. 1998], whose dy- namics is given by the hamiltonian, H = Pn

i=1aiai. Here ai and ai are respectively the annihilation and creation operators for the i-th mode. They satisfy the following CCR

[ai, aj] = Iδi,j. (11) Let QL be the projection operator on the subspace of H with at most L bosons. This operator can be written considering the


spectral decomposition of H(i) = aiai = P

l=0lEl(i). We have QL = Pn



l=0El(i). Let us now define a bounded operator HL in H by HL = QLHQL. It is easy to check that, for any vector ΦM with M bosons (i.e., an eigenstate of the number operator N = H = Pn

i=1aiai with eigenvalue M ), the condi- tion supLkHLΦMk < ∞ is satisfied. In particular, for instance, supLkHLΦ0k = 0. It may be worth remarking that all the vec- tors ΦM are cyclic. Calling δL the derivation implemented by HL and δ the one implemented by H, it is clear that all the assumptions of the previous Proposition are satisfied, so that, in particular, the weak convergence of HL to H follows. This is in agreement with [B. 1998].

Example 2: A mean-field spin model

The situation described here is quite different from the one in the previous example. First of all, [B. 1998], there exists no hamiltonian for the whole physical system but only for a finite volume subsystem: HV = |V |1 P

i,j∈V σ3iσ3j, where i and j are the indices of the lattice site, σ3i is the third component of the Pauli matrices, V is the volume cut-off and |V | is the number of the lattice sites in V . It is convenient to introduce the mean


magnetization operator σ3V = |V |1 P

i∈V σ3i. Let us indicate with

i and ↓i the eigenstates of σ3i with eigenvalues +1 and −1. We define Φ = ⊗i∈Vi. It is clear that σ3VΦ = Φ, which implies that HVΦ = |V |Φ, which in turns implies that supV kHVΦk =

∞. This means that the cyclic vector Φ does not satisfy the main assumption of Proposition 5, and for this reason nothing can be said about the convergence of HV. However, it is possible to consider a different cyclic vector

Φ0 = ....⊗ ↑j−1 ⊗ ↓j ⊗ ↑j+1 ⊗ ↓j+2 ⊗...,

which is again an eigenstate of σV3 . Its eigenvalue depends on the volume V . However, it is clear that kσ3VΦ0k = |V |10kV, where

V can take only values 0, 1. Analogously we have kHVΦ0k =


|V |0k2V → 0, so that this vector satisfies the assumptions of Proposition 5, and the derivation δV(.) = i[HV, .] converges to a derivation δ which is spatial and implemented by an operator H, which is the weak limit of HV.

It is self-evident the special role played here by the vector Φ0. It is also worth remarking that the same conclusions could also be found replacing Φ0 with any vector which can be obtained as a locally perturbing Φ0 itself.


Building up the spin-algebra

The model is defined on a lattice. To the lattice site p we attach the Hilbert space C2 and the algebra of the 2×2 matrices generated by the identity matrix and the Pauli matrices σiα. The Hilbert space of the infinite lattice is Hspin = ⊗p∈ZC2p, and the algebra is the standard quasi local C*-spin algebra As.

Let now n = (n1, n2, n3) be a unit vector in R3, and put (σ · n) = n1σ1 + n2σ2+ n3σ3. The spectrum of σ · n, is {1, −1}.

We call |ni its unit eigenvector in C2 associated with 1.

Let (n, n1, n2) be an orthonormal basis of R3. We put n± =


2(n1 ± in2) and, for m = 0, 1, |m, ni = (σ · n)m|ni. We have (σ · n)|m, ni = (−1)m|m, ni. Repeating this procedure for each lattice site we get, starting with a sequence of vectors in R3, {n} := {np}{p∈Z}, a unit vector in Hspin defined as |{n}i =

p|npi. Furthermore, acting with the operators (σp· np)mp, p ∈ Z, on each |npi, we get a new vector of Hspin, |{m}, {n}i :=

p|mp, npi. The set {|{m}, {n}i, mp = 0, 1, X


mp < ∞}

forms an orthonormal basis in an Hilbert space {n}-depending, which we call H{n}. On this space we define the unbounded self- adjoint (number) operator M{n} by its action on the vectors of


the basis

M{n}|{m}, {n}i = I + X




|{m}, {n}i.

Of course M{n} depends on {n}, that is on the Hilbert space where the operator acts.

The sequence {n} cannot be chosen arbitrarily. We need to consider sequences such that n1p = n2p = 0 for almost all p ∈ Z and lim|V |→∞ |V |1γ


p∈V n3p exists in R.

The algebraic setting is fixed by the operator M{n}: first we put D{n} = T

kD(M{n}k ). Then we introduce the algebra L(D{n}), endowed with the quasi-uniform topology τ{n}. Fi- nally we introduce a *-representation of the C*-spin algebra As on L(D{n}) and a topology τ0 on As as follows:

π{n}pα) | {m}, {n}i = σαp | mp, npi⊗( Q


⊗ | mp0, np0i) (α = 1, 2, 3), and

kAkf,k{n} := maxn

kM{n}k π{n}(A)f (M{n})k, kf (M{n}{n}(A)M{n}k ko , where f belongs to C and k ≥ 0.

With these definitions, calling A the τ0-completion of As, it is possible to prove that:


• (A[τ0], As) is a topological quasi *-algebra;

• all the powers of the almost magnetization S3V are τ0-converging in A;

• the finite volume dynamics αtV τ0-converges to a one-parameter group of automorphisms αt of A (kαVt (A) − αtW(A)kf,k{n} → 0 for V, W → ∞)

• αt solves the τ0-limit of the finite volume Heisenberg equa- tion of motion.


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