This paper uses the language of hypo geometry to construct 6-manifolds with holonomy contained in SU(3).
Testo completo
(2) α ψ2
α = V (ω 1 , ψ 2 ) −1 α ψ2
(3) V (ω 1 , ψ 2 ) = hα, X ω1
(4) V (ω 1 , ψ 2 ) = hα ψ2
α 2 = V −1 (ω 1 , ψ 2 )α ψ2
Proof. By construction X ω1
Lemma 5. The skew gradient of the functional H defined in (6) is (7) (X H ) (ω1
dH (ω1
s 0 t s −1 t = −Q Pt
By (7), the time derivative of α ψ3
α 0 ψ3
α 0 ψ3
α 3 (t) = V (ψ 3 , υ) −1 α ψ3
V 2 (ψ 3 , υ) V (ψ 3 , υ) 0 α ψ3
α ψ 02
X(t) = V −1 (ω 1 , ψ 2 )X ω1
X ω 01
V (ω 1 , ψ 2 ) 2 V (ψ 3 , υ) 0 X ω1
Proof of Theorem 6. We work at a point x ∈ M . Let u ∈ P x . The map Q P0
[u, Q P0
−(f + g)α − J 1 β = [us t (u), Q Pt
α 0 (t) x = [u, s t (u) 0 e 5 )] = [u, −Q Pt
g t 0 (X, Y ) = g t (Q Pt
where W is the Weingarten tensor of the hypersurface N × {t}, with orientations chosen so that ∂t ∂ is the positively oriented normal. Thus, Q Pt
The functoriality guarantees that X (g,u) = X (g,ft
(g · Y ) x = µ(g)Y µ(g−1
Let v(0) = (u(0) −1 ) T . Theorem 6 gives a one-parameter family of adapted frames v(t) = v(0)s t , s 0 t s −1 t = −Q Pt
Q Pt
where d 1 is connected by an arrow to d 2 if the closure of the GL(5, R)-orbit of d 1 contains d 2 , and the arrow has a double head if H d1
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