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Developing urban heritage through the experience of Piazza garibaldi in Naples


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Proceedings o

f th

è 2


International Conferenc



Heritage an

d Sustainabl

e Developmen


Evora, Portugal 22-26 June Edited by Rogério Amocda Sergio Lira Cristina Pinheir o





Heritage 2010

Heritage and Sustainable Development

Edited by

Rogério Amoèda, Sergio Lira & Cristina Pinheiro'

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Ana Maria Longras Pinheiro ©2010 The Editore

Ali rights reserved. No pari ofthis book may be reproduced, stored in a retricval System, or transmitted, in any forni or by any means, without prior written permission from thè Publisher.

ISBN 978-989-95671-3-9 Published by

Cìreen Lines Instituto para o Desenvolvimento Sustentàvel Oreen Lines Institute for Sustainable Development Av. Alcaides de Paria, 377 S.I2

Barcelos, Portugal mail@greenlincs-institute.org http://www.greenlines-institutc.org ls'edition, June2010 500 copies Legai Dep. 312715/10 Legai Notice




Heritage 2010 , 2n d Internationa l Conferenc e o n Heritag c an d Sustainabl e Dcvclopmen t estab -lished a stat e o f th è ar t even t regardin g th è rclationship s betwee n form s an d kind s o f hcritag e and thè framewor k o f sustainabl e dcvelopmen t concepts . Environment , economics , societ y an d culture, th è tou r dimension s o f sustainabl e development, are brough t her e t o defin e a singular approach on how to dcal an d g o beyon d th è traditiona l aspect s o f heritag c preservatio n an d sa -fcguarding. On our today' s world , heritag e i s n o longe r jus t a memory or a cultura! reference , o r eve n a piace o r a n object . Hcritag e i s movin g toward s broadc r an d widc r scenarios , wher e i t become s often thè drive n forcc s fo r commerce , business , leisur e an d politics . Nowadays , sustainabl e dc -velopment wa s brough t muc h forwar d tha n th è concep ì exprcsse d i n th è boo k "Ou r Commo n Future", commonl y know n a s "Th e Brundtlan d Report" . Th e rol e o f cultur e an d socia l aspect s cnlarged thè initia l statemen t wher e environmen t an d economic s too k th è mai n role , guidin g th è carliest rcsearc h o n sustainabl c development . In suc h a global context , hcritag e become s on c o f th è ke y aspect s fo r th è enlargcmen t o f sus -tainable developmen t concepts . Heritag c i s ofte n see n throug h it s cultura l definition . However , sustainable developmen t bring s heritag e concept s t o anothe r dimcnsion , a s i t establishc s pro -found relationships wit h economics , environment , an d socia l aspects . Actually , heritag e preser -vation and safeguardin g is facing new and complex problems. Degradatio n of Heritage site s is not an y mor e jus t a result o f matcrial s agein g o r environmenta l actions . Factor s suc h a s globa l and locai pollution , climat e changc , poverty , religion , tourism , commerce , ideologies , war , ar e now in thè cuttin g edg c fo r th è emergin g o f ne w approaches , concern s an d vision s abou t herit -age. Thus , "Hcritag e 201 0 Hcritage an d Sustainabl e Development " wa s propose d t o b e a global vie w o n ho w heritag e i s bein g contextualize d i n relatio n wit h th è fou r dimension s o f sus -tainable development . Wha t ha s bee n don c i n term s o f research , futur e dircctions , mcthodolo -gics, workin g tool s an d othe r significan t aspect s o f bot h theorctica l an d ficl d approache s wer e thè aim s o f thi s Internationa l Conference . Furthermore , heritag e governanc e an d education wcrc brought int o discussio n a s th è ke y factor s fo r enlightenmen t o f futur e globa l stratcgic s fo r herit -age preservatio n an d safeguarding . We woul d lik e t o expres s ou r gratefulnes s t o al i member s o f th è Scientifi c Committe e wh o contributcd to thè scientifi c qualit y o f thi s event . We woul d als o lik e t o than k al i sponsor s wh o joine d thi s even t an d helpe d i n man y diffcrcn t ways. Finally, w e wan t t o especiall y than k th è patronag e o f th è Càmar a Municipa l d e Évora . The Editor s Rogério Amoèda Sergio Lira Cristina Pinheir o


Scientiflc Commina; IX

Scientific Committe


Jun Akaminc Nagoya Cit y University , Japa n Rogério Amoéda Grccn Lines Institute , Portuga l Gregory Asworth University of Oroningen , Th e Netherland s Angela Barrios Padur a University of Scville , Spai n Alexander Baue r City University of Ne w York , U.S . A . Christina Birdsall-Jonc s Curtin University, Australi a John Carman University ofBirmingham, Unite d Kingdo m Gabriclla Caterin a University of Naples , Ital y Sidney C. H . Cheun g Chinese Universìt y o f Hon g Kong , Chin a Isotta Cortes i University of Catania , Ital y Giorgio Croci University of Rom e "L a Sapienza" , Ital y Peter Davi s Newcastle University ; Unite d Kingdo m Richard Field Saint Mary' s University , Canad a Annette B . From m Florida Internationa l Univcrsity , U.S.A . E. Wand a Georg e Mount Sain t Vincen t University , Canad a Amparo Graciani Garcì a University of Scville , Spai n Andrew Hall ICOMOS, Sout h Afric a Myriarn Jansen-Verbeke Leuven University, Belgiu m Roy Jones Curtin University of Technology , Australi a June Komisa r Rycrson University, Canad a Anna Leas k Edinburgh Napier University , Unite d Kingdo m Sergio Lira University Fcrnando Pcssoa, Portuga l William Logan Deakin University, Australi a Paulo Lourenco University of Minho , Portuga l Alison McCleery Edinburgh Napicr Universìty , Unite d Kingdo m Nabil Mohare b United Arab Emirates Univcrsity , Unit e Ara b Emirate s K.eith Nurse Univcrsity of Wes t Indies , Barbado s Brian Osborne Qucen's University , Canad a


Fferitoge 2010 - Herilcige und Snstainable Development

R. Amoédci, S. Lira & C Pinheiro (eds.)

Susan Pcarce

University of Leicestcr, United Kingdom Thcodorc Prudon

Columbia Univcrsity, United States of America Claùdia Ramos

University of Kernando Pessoa, Portugal Greg Ringer

Royal Roads University, Canada Paulo Castro Seixas

University Fernando Pessoa, Portugal

Pamela Sezgin

Oainesville State College, U.S.A. Yvette Staelcns

Boumcmouth Unìversity, United Kingdom Patricia Stcrry

University of Salford, United Kingdom David Throsby

Macquaric University, Australia

John Tunbridge


Partncrs andSponsors xi


Càmara Municipa l d e Évor a




e an f Heritag l o International Journa

d Sustainabl c Dcvclopmen t i

^ Sponsor





Turismo de Portuga l




FCo • sinc e 1B4 D


Viagens Abre u


Contenta xii i


Volume 1 Foreword Organizing Committee Scientific Committe e Partncrs an d Sponsor s Contents Chapter 1 - Heritag e an d Governanc e fo r Developmen t Insights int o voluntce r management : th è cas e o f th è U K heritag e touris m secto r Achiriloaic, A . & Harwell, J . Values-based management a t cultura l heritag e site s Altenburg, K . F . Locai heritag e a s a development asset ? Th e cas e o f th è islan d Hva r i n Croati a Bclyaev, D . Politics i n command : publi c partieipatio n an d sustainabl e developmen t o f buil t heritag e i n Maca o Chou, B . K . P . Protccting farming landscapes an d thei r antiquitie s Cremin, A . C . & Johnson, A . W . Management o f loca i developmen t base d o n cultura l heritag c appraisa l itincraries o f cultura l tourism 43 Djukanovic, D . Assam's Xatra s a s repositorie s o f cultura l heritag e Dutta, N . 5 3


XÌV Heritage 20 i O - Heritage and Siislainable Development R. Amoèda, S. Lira & C. Pinheiro (ecis.)

Sustainable heritage conservation of Islamic Cairo distriet El Sorady, I). A.

A new criticai framework for A/orean-Amcrican stories Eldred, J. C. M.

A world heritage trilogy: a comparative analysis of tourism issues, expectations, realities and challenges at three world heritage sitcs in rural Nova Scotia, Canada 79 George, E. W.

Urban renaissance in Gazi, thè old industriai centre of Athens

93 Gerasimou, S.; Veneti, H. & Zournatzidou, A.

Revitalizing historic Cairo: examining policies and implementation Gharib, R. Y.

Rammed-earth walls in Seville in thè modern age. Technical, material and sustainable features

107 Graciam, A.

Heritage conservation in Bosnia and Herzegovina Giil, M. & Hudovié, A.

Historic and environmental significance of ecological communities in NSW, Australia Hazelton, P. A. & Clements, A.

Culture heritage conservation programs in Malawi and public responses Juwayeyi, Y. M.

Tradition of conservation: redefming authenticity in Javanese architectural conservation

141 Kwanda, T.

The challenge of governance in historic urban environments Landorf, C.

Final scientific balance and maintenance of architectural Heritage

163 Leone, r.

Climate change and heritage: responding to thè crisis Long, C. & Smith, A.

Modernization and self-glorification: thè governance of archaeological heritage in Guangzhou,

South China 1 g i Lu,T. L.-D.

Catalog of built heritage: study and protection of regionalist architecture of Seville

Mascort Giràldez, E.; Jaramillo Morilla, A.; Mascort Albea, E.; Ruiz Jaramillo J. & Mascort Albca, M. A. Cultural heritage in urban regeneration: complexity and uncertainty in thè evaluation process for valorisation of sites 199 Maturo, A. & Kerri, B.

Challenges and conflicts of heritage protection in post-communist countries: thè case of thè Jewish Quarter in Budapest 207 l'ap, A.

Governance: politics as grounds for 'common heritage of humanity' Ramos, C. T.


Contenls X V Which heritage? Th e constructio n o f piac e i n Ghana' s touris m Rced, A . M . Wine a s intangibl e heritagc : preliminar y thought s o n meanin g an d landscap e i n Niagar a Region , Canada 23 7 Ripmccster, M . & Johnston, R . Rcvcaling thè Worl d Heritag e citie s an d thei r varie d naturc s Roders, A . P . The cultura ! significanc e o f Worl d Heritag e cities : Portuga l a s cas e stud y Silva, A . T . & Roders, A . P . Law as (in ) compatibl e interlocuto r i n sustainabl e heritag e governance : appraisin g jurisprudentia l univcrsality as heritag e managemen t too l 26 5 Sodcrland , H . A . Enhancing thè outstandin g universa ! valu e assessmcn t practice s o f Willemsta d Spcckcns, A . H. ; Pereir a Roders , A . R . & Gonzalcz-Manuel, C . A stud y o f thè reuse o f ol d buildin g matcrial s i n th è sustainabl e conservatio n o f village s a t Mats u Island chain 283 Tseng, A . C.-C . & Ku, B . C.-C . Chapter 2 - Heritag e an d Educatio n Policie s The thir d pig : bric k constructio n i n Australi a 293 . Groves, D Globalization, multi-ethni c societ y an d sustainabl e developmen t Maturo, A . & Contini, R . M . Issues i n educatio n i n maritim e archacolog y Staniforth, M . Chapter 3 - Heritag e an d Economic s Sustainable communities : th è role s o f heritag e an d touris m Tunbridge, J . Ephesos i n a capitalist worl d Aktiire, Z . The valu e o f cultura ! institutions : A review and conceptual developmen t o f valu e categoric s Armbrccht, J . Historical heritag c an d sustainabl e developmen t o f th è loca i communities : th è cas e stud y o f thè Saxon villages i n Transylvani a 35 3 Balan, D. ; Popescu , I. ; Vcghej , C . & Fernolcnd, C . Towards a politicai econom y o f heritag e Carman, J . The rol e o f expericntia l marketin g i n th è managemen t o f Italia n loca i cultura ! heritag e 365 . Ccrquetti. M


XVÌ Heritage 2010 - Heritage and Sustainabìe Developmenl R. Àmoèda, S. Lira & C. Pinheiro (eds.)

Appropriation of world heritage in Mozambique Island Dantas e Sa, V. U.

Implementation of intangible cultura! heritage Io achieve sustainable development strategy: in autonomous cultural district 385 El Fadl, B. R. A.

The impaci of sustainability rating tools & legislation on thè conservation of 20th century urban fabric in NSW, Australia 395 Faddy, J. A.

Research on cultural tourism development in sacrai and spiritual sites from thè UNESCO World Heritage List 405 Goral, A.

Spa heritage and rural development

415 Sànche/. Fcrré, J.

Integrated cluster of centralized heritage-based nano-economies in thè High Mountains of Sinai Peninsula 421 Shams, A.

The dilemma in turkish highlands: preservation of naturai and cultural heritage and tourism development - A case study of thè eastern Black Sea region 431 Sumuncu , M.

Regional identity and heritage: balde way to raise cotnpetitiveness

441 Stokmanc, I.

Chapter 4 - Heritage and Environment

Sustainable tourism in Western Newfoundland, Canada: island destination and peripheral communities 451 Addo, E.

Conservation of historical buildings and building deconstruction: maximizing preservation and minimizing materials flow 46 ] Amocda, R. & Pinheiro, C.

Who's driving thè green agenda? Identifying thè key factors influencing thè adoption of resource efficient design strategies within thè museum and heritage sector 471 Chipps, R. S. G. & Withctbrd, S.

Parque do Flamengo: heritage in movement

481 Costa, L. M. S. A.; D. B. P. Machado & R. L. Cavallazzi

Reconstruction possibilities of thè roman villas - unshattering methods in thè safeguarding and in

thè conservation 487 Fimigl, A.

Geologica! risk around thè Tito Bustillo and El Castillo prehistoric caves. North of Spain Foyo, A.; Tomillo, C.; Sànchez, M. A. & Foyo , C.

Charles Deering - entreprenuer, environmental pioneer art patron Fromm, A. B.


Contents XVÌ Ì Preserving thè unsustainable sustainably - histori c tow n plannin g an d curren t plannin g issue s i n thè Worl d Heritage area of th è Semmerin g railwa y exemplifie d b y Reichena u a n de r Ra x 50 7 Fuchs, B . The resilienc e an d care of ancien t ston e monument s i n changin g environment s Giesen, M . J. ; Mazel , A . D. ; Graham , D . W & Wark c P . A . Renovation of a n ancien t Bosphoru s village : Ortakò y Gonen, E . G . & Tokmeci, E . O . Reinterpreting thè value of buil t heritag e fo r sustainabl e developmen t Judson, P . & lyer-Raniga, U . Adaptation of th è histori c buil t environmen t t o climat e chang e 547 . , K Liao, H.&Jones The effec t o f th è variation s o f temperatur e an d pluviometr y o n heritag e propert y o f th è archdiocesis o f Sevill e (Spain ) 55 7 Macìas Bernal , J . M . Comparative analysis o f constructiv e solution s fo r therma l insulatio n b y usin g compute r applications i n buildin g rehabilitatio n in Mediterranean climate. Th e Spanis h cas e 55 3 Mateo Garcìa , M. ; Picdccaus a Garcia , B . & Pére/ Carraminana , C . Sustainable woo d construction : it s natura i protectio n Morales Mènde/ , E . & Ruiz Jaramillo , J . Eating, jiggin g o r watching ? Ocea n heritag e an d sustainabl e developmen t

581 . Mendonca, E . & . M , A ; Arroz , R. ; Gabricl Neilson, A.L. Energy cfficiency and preservation in our cultura l heritag e i n Halland , Swede n

589 . Eden, M . & Norrstrom, H Renewal and enhancement of naturai and built heritag e in rural areas : a greenways networ k for a sustainable managemen t stratcg y 60 1 Oppido, S . Sustainable touristi c developmen t i n margina i landscapes : Th e Mill s Valle y i n Osil o (Sardinia )

611 . Spancdda, F . & Pittaluga, P The healt h an d environmenta l bcnefit s o f usin g traditiona l histori c finishe s 621 . . S Ritson, J The manifol d shel l Spanedda, F . & Serra, A . Cultural infrastructure s i n Veneto . Eart h an d wate r pathway s i n th è landscape s o f th è archaeolog y 641 . Vanore, M Developing urban heritage through thè experienc e o f Piazza Garibaldi i n Naple s

651 . , P e Joanna . D . & , T ; Napolitano , D. ; Diano Viola, S. Energy efficiency and environmental impact s o f buildin g wit h heritag e value s i n Australi a Wong, J . P . C. ; Iver-Raniga , U . & Sivaraman, D . 661


XVÌÌÌ Herilage 2010 - Heritage and Sustainable Deveìopmenl R. Amoèda, S. Lira & C. Pinheiro (eds.)

What do thè ancient Chinese tcach us? - A case study of Chinese courtyard house on sustainable architcctural design 571 Yang, J. & Zhu, Y.

Heritage tourism development prefercnce among rcsidents in Danish-Osu, Ghana Yankholmcs, A. K. B.

Index ofAuthors 693

Volume 2

Foreword v Organi/ing Committee vii Scientific Committee ix Partncrs and Sponsors xi Contcnts xiii Chapter 5 - Heritage and Culture

New challengcs and strategies for thè study and safeguard of cultura! heritage - thè Instituto dos Museus e da Conservataci experience 699 Amador, .1. M. & Candcias, A. E.

Genres of authenticity byzantinc monastery tourism/pilgrimage Andriotis, K.

Analysis of thè built environment structures in Ferrara Arbi//ani, E.

National politics and cultura! sustainability: thè case of thè Mevlevi Sema ceremony of Turkey Aykan , B.

Cemetery and heritage - thè background of a case study Bassa, L. & Kiss, F.

The heritage of stereotomy, and its new perspcctives for building in a sustainable way Bergamo, F. & Liva, G.

Crcating heritage to preserve it: thè lemoto System in Japan as model Cang, V. G.

The knowledge for urban recovery. The district of Saint Maria Maggiore in Agira (EN) Cantone, F. & Giuffrida, A.

Coping with two World Heritagcs. The two UNESCO declarations and locai idcntity in Elche Carmona-Zubiri, D. & Nogués-Pcdregal, A. M.

The cultura! heritage issues in dcveloping countries, case study: Lapethos Caxaeova, L.; Ca/acova, N.; Erdelhun, A. & Ulbar, U.


Chapter 4 : Heritage and Environmenl 65 1



heritage throug

h th

è experienc

e o

f Piazza

Garibaldi i

n Naple


S. Viola , D . Diano , T . Napolitano , P . D e Joann a Dipartimento di Configurazione e Attuazione deli'Architettura, Università dì Napoli Federico II, Itaìy ABSTRACT: Conccivin g heritag e a s th è share d framewor k amon g individuat a an d groups , th è paper deal s wit h protcctio n an d promotio n strategie s aime d t o creat e ne w forme s o f dialogu c be -tween communitics. Th e pape r take s int o accoun t th è urba n are a o f Cors o Garibald i i n Naple s where i n 183 9 wa s realize d th è firs t railwa y statio n i n Europ e connectin g th è ancien t Port a Nolana t o th è roya l palac e a t Portici . Severa l transformatio n processe s occourre d t o th è travel -lers' building , hav e bee n wipin g out , du e t o deca y phenomen a an d abandon , th è inne r qualitie s of th è sit e tha t ha s stil i save d it s mobilit y vocatio n o f crucia i crossroad s i n th è transpor t System , with thè nearb y Garibald i Squar e an d th è Circumvesuvian a Station.Th e stud y carrie s ou t how , starting from thè ol d layou t o f th è site , i t i s no w possibl e t o transpos e th è pas t Syste m o f value s into a ne w on e wher e contemporar y socia l requirement s ar e accomplishcd . With thè hel p o f charters , agreement s an d statemcnts , th è internationa l scientifi c communit y ha s been recognizing to heritage, throughou t th è las i thirt y years , th è rol e o f witnes s t o memor y an d identity, linkin g i t wit h communities ' qualit y o f lite . Buil t an d unbuil t environmen t ha s bee n gradually taken into account fo r it s attitude s i n carryin g importan t mcaning s fro m on e gencra -tion to thè next , an d it s contribute s i n servin g a s rcpositor y o f cultura ! mcanings . According to a transdisciplinar y approach , th è pape r introduce s th è conscrvatio n o f th è buil t clcmcnts o f th è ancien t ticket-offic e stil i remainin g ( a windo w hide d behin d greenery) , a s th è rcproposition of a built mark , testifyin g heritag e uniqucncs s throughou t a complex nel o f mate -rial an d immateria l relations . Such an effort i s t o retur n th è buildin g an d it s contex t t o th è rol e o f attractin g an d propellin g dcvelopment b y aggregatin g communities , societie s an d institutio n acros s th è lim e an d acros s settlcmcnt changes . Introducing design solutions, th è researc h matche s th è mobilit y vocatio n o f th è are a wit h th è aim of savin g pas t value s an d cultura ! meanings , transformin g th è ancien t railwa y statio n int o a n harmonisation driver o f socia l cohesion , catalyst s fo r sustainabl c development . Starting from thè acknowledgemen t o f deficiencie s an d constraints , th è mai n objcctive s ar e defined for th è desig n i n orde r t o th è rehabilitatio n o f th è fron t widening , th è improvemen t o f acccssibility and thè rationalizatio n in planning functions an d services .


652 Heritage 2010 - Ileritttgc and Sustainable Development R. AmoC'da, S. Lini & C. Pinheiro (eds.)


\. \ relation between thè railwav station and thè territorv in thè mohility project

The railway network has strongly contributed to shapc thè territory, by idcntifying and contrib-uting to thè development of urban activities. From early works dating from thè early decades of thè nineteenth ccntury, thè presence of thè railroad led to substantial impaets on settlement sys-tems in terms of physical, social, economie changc.

Relations between thè railway network, station and city have been scientifically explored since thè nineties of lasi ccntury. Studies and research have led to thè dctcrmination of criteria for analyzing processes of "territorialization" (Nikamp and Blas, 1994) on iron transport net-works on thè dynamics of transformation and growth of cities. In particular, thè international scientifìc community recognized a conditici! of reciprocity between evolution of thè rail trans-port system and thè urban system.

The development of railway in thè early nineteenth ccntury, creates connections between mining places, manufacturing and tradc places; a radicai renewal affects thè economie and pro-ductive system, it helps thè opening of new commerciai markets and thè creation of connective systems between agrieultural economics, industriai economies and international markets; thè eonditions for thè beginning of a modern capitalist economy have been founded..

The ncw means of transport gives an extraordinary impctus to thè development of thè modern city; it sets a new land; it encourages thè phenomenon of urbanization with thè creation of new towns in thè vicinity of stations.

The station is thè contaci point between railway and urban system, it rc-establishes a link be-tween sites upstream and downstream of thè rail yard. The complexity and uniqueness of places down thè web of relations between thè railway station and thè city; they depend on thè charac-teristics of thè settlement context and on thè line characcharac-teristics.

From a holding arca only protected by a roof on an open square of first implementations, thè requirements for thè security, control and wclfare of passengers, transformed thè station by identifying a succession of spaces. It bccomes a carrier of urban development and it generates new lines of connection.

At thè end of nineteenth century a graduai evolution of "architcetures for transit" is firstly marked by expanding operations and then by demolition and rcconstruction. The passengers building of thè major Italian and European cities is defmed by a new organization of spaces and functions.

The search of grandeur and monumcntality turns thè railway station into thè city gale; it re-flects a structural ambiguity resulting from thè need to balance thè transport nceds of engineer-ing with thè needs of symbolic and formai nature of a public buildengineer-ing.

In thè first decades of thè twentieth century, thè Modern Movement spoke about thè design of thè station, by defining architectural construction jointly with new displaccmcnt for thè charac-terization of interior spaces.

Sectorial approaches are aimed at managing conflicts between episodes of urban growth and thè physical limit set by thè rail network, thè city physically grows and transform itself, it also invests areas beyond thè railway and thè station; barrier effects born in thè urban area together with closing effects in socio-economie area for thè creation of residuai and marginai areas.

Sinee thè second post-war thè structure and organization of forms of settlement change, thè growth and thè population distribution vary, thè demand for mobility changes due to a different distribution of aetivities asscts on thè territory.

Phenomena of a new and different use of rail infrastructure occur which highlight thè rigidity of thè rail system and thè flexibility and speed ofroad transportation in respect of new or differ-ent needs. Financial crisis invest rail services companies and it produces degradation of infra-structure.

The adoption of restructuring policies concern thè closure and removal of some lines, includ-ing installations for frcight, thè demolition or reuse of thè passenger buildinclud-ing, thè economie val-orisation of new clearcd areas by new busincsscs, thè inerease of farcs and reduction of surplus staff.

A biunique relationship characteri/cs thè dynamics of dccay of thè rail network and of thè built environment. The station and thè area of urban influencc are part of thè sanie complex


re-Chapter 4 : Heritage and Environment 65 3 ality; th è creatio n o f degradatici ! an d obsolescenc e o f th è rai l networ k produce s a more comple x condition of degradatio n whic h compromise s th è necessar y condition s o f safety . Th e obsoles -cence o f th è rai l Syste m help s t o specd/trigge r processe s o f deterioratio n an d obsolescenc e o f th è built fabri c surroundin g an d neighbourin g wit h phenomen a o f physical , socia l an d economi e marginalization. The railwa y statio n i s transformc d int o a trading point i n th è we b o f th è traces ; i t i s a syslcm of crossin g paths ; i t i s a stcp in a se t patii , i t i s a piace t o stay away from, no t sure , withou t inter -est, use d b y hurrie d an d dislracte d consumers , a piace o f socia l exclusion . Over th è pas t twent y year s i n Ital y an d i n Europ e ther e i s th è disconnec t betwee n th è actua l settlement processe s an d rai l capacit y t o influenc c th è dircctio n o f developmcnt , th è progressiv e impoverishment o f networ k cquipmen t an d services , obsolescenc e o f equipmcnt . A reversa i characterize s urba n growt h an d expansion , i t doe s no i follo w th è line s o f th è loca -tion of th è rai l networ k an d station s an d i t prefer s t o suppor t th è roa d networ k developmen t an d thè accessibilit y t o th è are a b y car . The ne w spalla i organizatio n o f urba n areas , th è expansio n o f space s an d th è constructio n o f new residential area s tur n timc s an d modc s o f mobility , increasin g th è lengt h o f routes , th è cost s (or transpor t an d affcctin g th è dioic e o f movemen t b y car . Enlargemcnt desig n affec t majo r trai n stations , the y becom e container s o f space s fc r manag -ing thè multitud e o f pcopl e wh o arrivc s an d depart s i n a frantic way , the y ar e piac e fo r th è rapi d passage, fo r th è provisiona i an d ephemeral . The effect s o f th è domai n o f a ca r societ y inves t th è environmen t fo r th è emissio n o f exhaus l gases, particlc s an d fo r th è lan d us e policic s an d th è econom y fo r socia l costs . Th e crisi s o f thi s development model leads man y countrie s t o undertak e politica i an d strategi e policie s fo r sus -tainable mobilit y b y limitin g th è us e o f vehicle s o n roa d an d b y encouragin g rai l transpor t sys -tems. A characte r o f spatia l discontinuit y characterize s th è rai l Syste m s o tha t i t i s necessar y t o inte -grate th è networ k infrastructur e wit h othe r transpor t system s i n orde r t o reac h efficienc y an d capillarity; th è prescnce of th è station , meetin g poin t i n th c city , ensure s th è effectivenes s o f in -termodality and interchange wit h othe r mode s o f transport . The linkage s an d indissolubl e relationship s betwee n transpor t Syste m an d localizatio n o f functions an d urba n activitie s show s ho w th è exigencie s o f displacemen t depen d o n th è organi -zation and distribution of activitie s o n th è are a an d ho w th è choice s concernin g th è localizatio n of function s ar e influencc d b y accessibilit y conditions . The effec t o f developmen t o f railway s encourag e th c establishmen t o f businesses , servic e an d accommodation in station areas. Recently thè processe s o f growt h o f metropolita n area s ar e charactcrize d b y increasin g de -mand for mobilit y wit h request s fo r ne w rai l infrastructures , fo r upgradin g th è existin g one s t o ensure hig h environmenta l qualit y i n term s o f sustainabl e mobility . The cit y doe s no t anymor c gro w physicall y bu t i t i s transfonne d b y rcusin g th c existin g sit e and it take s th è forn i o f flows , th è relationshi p betwee n th è mobilit y Syste m an d form s o f urba n organization. Thc searc h fo r thei r ne w balancc , necessar y t o giv e ne w lif c t o th è buil t environment , i s base d on a cleve r interpla y o f attraction s an d connection s betwee n th è factor s report . The desig n an d constructio n o f high-spee d rai l line s ar e th è tangibl e expressio n o f th è politi -cai infrastructur e o f man y Europea n governments . Thi s operatici ! ha s a t th c sani e lim e enable d to use existin g equipmen t an d infrastructur e t o cnhanc e regiona l an d metropolita n transpor t sys -tem; i t ha s facilitatc d th è opportunit y t o direc t settlemen t processe s o f tissu e growt h an d t o trig -ger th è recover y an d redevclopmen t proces s o f urba n area s crosse d b y th è railway , mos t suffer -ing from degradation. Today thè statio n i s a node transpor t networ k an d a piace o f relation s an d o f urba n wcb ; i t challengcs th è intcrcultura l dialogu e an d socia l interaction ; i t i s a piace o f privilegc d acces s t o city services; i t i s a lively pole o f service s an d culture ; i t i s a piace o f commerc e space s o f qual -ity; i t i s th c catalys t pol e fo r cconomic s an d expcctation s o f a territory; i t i s a piac e fo r imple -menting thè principl e of social justic e becaus e it guarantees to ali socia l classe s fai r acces s to tangible goods , service s an d cquipment .


654 Heritage 2010 - Heritage unii Sustainable Development R, Ainoéila, S. Lira & C. Pìnheìro (eds.)

\ Policies far thè development of mobility in thè Campania Region

The adopting a polycentric model founded on thè realization of a urban centres network, thè re-newal of thè System of connections and interactions betwecn thè activities spaee of man to en-courage thè emergcncc of new cultura! and economie proccsses is thè cultural prerequisite in urban policies of Campania Region.

The transposition of EU Directives on sustainable urban mobility, has allowed thè municipal authorities of Naples to promote politicai and strategie actions to enhance life and environ-mental quality of those living in thè metropolitan city.

The 53.8% of thè regional population lies in Metropolitan area of Naples (2007-demographic balance Source ISTAT). The distribution of economie activities in thè region presents a signifi-cant imbalance: thè province of Naples absorbs 58% of employees and about 80% of these is lo-cated in thè city of Naples. The 58% of generation/ attraction capacity of traffìc is in thè prov-ince of Naples, thè 43% only in Naples.

The metropolitan area of Naples comes out as an incomplete polycentric System for thè weak interconnection between infrastructure and of functions and an imbalance between centrality and attractiveness.

Processes of historical sedimentation of thè Campania region led to accumulate a large infra-structural and urban

heritage and gave rise to a series of historical centrality with reduced aceessibility and ineffi-cient connections.

The uneven distribution of population, thè concentration of economie activities, thè discon-nect between supply System operators and location of residenccs and businesses has influenced thè choices towards transport by car ; il has produced an increasing tension between supply and demand for public transport infrastructure, a major impaci on air quality, noise and encrgy con-sumption and ultimately thè loss of thè role of spatial organization of thè railway.

This framework is thè basic scenario for thè definition of thè Draft Regional Metro System adopted by thè Transportation and Traffìc of thè region of Campania in 2000.

It aims to develop infrastructure System, transport services and rail existing networks, and to pian new activities and action to complete thè unified and strategie networks design; it privi-leges thè railway intcgratcd with other means of transport, in order to increase thè supply of mobility for residents in thè region, ineluding thè recovery of rail routes traffic-free for national long distance. The project takes thè value of integrated planning System for land-transport ca-pacity of thè rail network to influence thè direction of territorial development with thè objective of promoting growth, and at thè sarne lime urban regencration through thè recovery and revitali-zation of parts city suffering from degradation.

The consistency with transport policy and strategies in Europe (COM (2001) 370) and na-tional (PGTL 2001), thè need to meet mobility needs, thè transfer of powers to thè regions (Leg-islative Decree 422/1997 LR 3 / 2002) in planning and management of rail, make thè Draft Re-gional Metro System an effective tool for creating a model of sustainable mobility.

This is thè largest public works project in progress in Italy after high-speed rail.

Through thè Regional Metro System in 2015 will undertake 170 km of new railway lines that will add up to an existing capacity of about 1,400 km of railways, 92 new railway stations, nodes of a network of urban centres for thè presence of services and functions to thè city, 28 new parking spaces and 21 new interchanges with other transport systems. It also will be worked on existing networks in order to correct thè discontinuities of thè System and to improve their aceessibility; other intervention will be to rehabilitate existing stations in response to new needs expresscd by a new concepì of thè station.

It is estimated thal Ihe population servcd by thè Metro Region will grow by 36% due to greater aceessibility to thè area and that passengers who enjoy thè extra-urban public transport will increase by 38% due to a higher level of satisfaction of services provided on thè applicalion mobilily.

Redevelopmcnl of Ihe railway junclion of Garibaldi Square in Naples fall inlo a complex sys-tem of urban transformations thal involve thè structure of thè network of transportation Syssys-tem. The project of thè archilecl Dominique Perraull involves thè construclion of a lunnel linking Ihe cily and Ihe underground interchange node wilh Ihe subway, wilh Ihe Circumvesuviana nelwork and wilh Ihe High Specd terminal.


Chapt&r 4 : Herituge and Environrnent 65 5 The are a o f th è histori c Naples-Portic i statio n i s par t o f th è importan e crossroad s o f th è met -ropolitan mobility but i t i s no t affccte d b y th è undcrwa y projeet . Th e rchabilitatio n an d th è cn -hancement o f th è sit e ar e aimc d a t tracin g th è plaee s o f memor y o f a n abandone d heritag e o f a railway line stili i n use , thes e action s ar e oriente d t o evaluat e th è eligibilit y requirement s fo r new uses o f th è are a i n relatio n wit h ne w an d / or differen t use r needs . 2 CAS E STUDY : THF . NAPOLI-PORTIC I STATIO N P . DEJOANNA 2.1 Connotation o f urban and architectural values The proces s o f urba n redevelopmen t o f histori c Naples-Portic i statio n move s fro m th è recogni -tion of value s tha t th è settlemen t Syste m possesses , thes e value s constitut e a composite inultis -calc and highly stratitìed in lime. It mus t firs t mak e a distinction between intrinsic values , tha t ar e inheren t t o th è good s them -selves an d tha t ar e no t necessaril y reeognized , an d extrinsi c value s whic h reflec t externa l faetor s of social , economi e an d cultura ! nature . The identificatio n o f value s i n th è are a unde r stud y i s th è firs t ste p i s th è decisio n ite r tha t leads t o action s o f protectio n an d recover y o f loca i idenlitie s i n developmen t proeesses . The eonstructio n o f th è railwa y lin e Naples-Portic i i s no t onl y th è firs t i n Europ e bu t als o th è testimony of a n advance d leve l o f industria i developmen t fo r th è lime , the n i t wa s fo r a long lime one o f th è flagship s o f th è developmen t o f souther n Italia n econom y an d thi s i s it s greates t meaning and that motivate s th è desir e t o preserv e wha t ar e no w onl y ruins , however , o f littl e ar -chitectural meri t bu t o f grea t historica l an d iconographi c signifìcanc c fo r th è cit y an d it s urba n area. Th e piac e o f settlemen t o f th è statio n o f th è ne w railroa d wa s locate d nea r th è Marke t Square outsid e th è ol d Aragones e Wall , easter n outskirt s o f th è cit y i n th è firs t hal f o f th è 800 , in order t o suppon i th è tradin g Syste m wit h "hinterlan d tha t wa s alread y establishe d b y diligenc e services (i n A . Giambon i an d P . Ner i "Napoli-Portici , l a prim a ferrovi a d'Itali a 1839", Faust o Fiorentino Editore, Napol i 1987) . The ancien t pat h outsid e th è walls , name d ditc h roa d (no w Cors o Garibaldi ) o n th è edg c o f thè swamp y arca'o f th è Lavinai o neighbourhoo d (whic h wa s onl y reclaime d i n 188 4 afte r a cholera epidemie) , receive s a result o f th è eonstructio n o f th è railwa y lin e Napoli-Portic i a n im -print tha t trigg s phenomen a o f exehange , trad e an d link s wit h th è Vesuviu s area ; s o tha t i t i s marked a chang e i n th è rol e o f urba n cas t suburb s o f th è capita i o f th è Kingdo m an d i n it s rela -tion with thè adjacen t territory . The rccognitio n o f these values lead s u s t o se t u p th è ide a o f conservatio n a s a strategy of in -tcrvention aimed not onl y t o preserv e th è existin g heritage , bu t als o t o projee t i t wit h continuit y over lim e b y adaptin g t o changin g pattern s o f us e fo r ensurin g renewa l an d resourc e availability . The urba n are a o f Corso Garibaldi ha s preserve d ovc r th è ccnturie s th è valu e o f interchang e and connection in this urba n area ; th è subsequen t creatio n o f th è Centra l Statio n wer e her e cen -tralized (1866 and designed by Enrico Alvino) toghethc r wit h th è firs t Circumvesuvian a lin e Naples-Sarno Via Ottavian o (1891 ) an d wit h th è actua l Circumvesuvian a rai l (197 2 designe d b y Giulio de Luca) . No w toda y i t stil i remain s th è cente r o f th è city' s rai l link s wit h th è area; thè configuration of Naple s ha s retaine d th è vocatio n o f th è East , perhap s becaus e o f orographi c an d urban geography, unlik e othc r citie s whcr c urba n developmen t ovc r lim e ha s le d t o dislodg e th è center o f rai l conncctions . These consideration s hav e guidc d th è desig n approac h t o th è issu e o f rehabilitatio n o f th è study area t o develo p a n intcrvcnlio n stratcg y tha t promotc s th è proeesse s o f chang e i n tcrm s o f exploitation of th è capita i toward s th è productivit y o f services . Th e objectiv e i s l o preserv e th è cultura! heritag e an d a t th è sam e tim e t o exploi t th è potcnlia l productivit y o f benefìt s withou t causing depletion, henc e th è nee d t o idenlif y compalibl c usc s wil h Ih c natur e o f placcs . Th e in -tervention strategy was thcrefor e oriente d t o promot e compatibl e activitie s wit h th è piac e voca -tion in ordcr t o sustai n themselves , th è concep ì o f conservatio n i n thi s busines s mode l i s a n evo -lulion from slatic dimensio n o f th è protectio n o f memor y t o a dynamic development o f potcntia l good.


656 Heritage 2010 - Heritage andSusta'mtihle Development R. Amoèda, S. Lira & C. Pinheiro (eds.)

2.2 Weaknesses and potentini expressed by thè settlement System

The defmition of thè objcctivcs for thè project starts from thè knowlcdgc of thè values of thè ur-ban and historical memory o f t h e building passengers dating back to ninetecnth-century travel-ers, but it also takes into account thè criticai elements that conflict with thè potential and bave led to recognize in thè project distinct arcas of criticality:

- inhomogeneity belt basement ofthe activities - degraded and abandoned ruins ofthe historic station

- lack of resi areas, overcrowding o f t h e space in front ofthe Circumvesuviana - traffic congestion and intcrfercncc with thè side entries and lack of space for parking - hawker activities that impede thè walkway

- inaccessibility to recreational arcas - lack of footpaths

The first look at thè actual consistence ofthe Corso Garibaldi area and at thè ruins ofthe old station sceks to discern thè changes, thè increases, thè mutilation through which thè originai model has evolved over its life cycle and that are nevertheless a mirror of previous experience. This process is directed towards identifying and processing settlement and changes; it aims to understand thè motivations that have produced historic moments.

The currcnt state ofthe building presents a mixed picture of architectural events that we want to trace thè evolutionary process with a view to recognition of those characters that make unique this settlement System.

Maintaining thè identity of thè urban System and thè existing building must be meant as thè will to ensure thè genetic code of this area but at thè samc time as identification of potential de-velopment, in protecting thè good.

The project starts from thè awareness that thè survival ofthe railway hub on thè site, together with thè exploitation ol thesc historical ruins, constitute a potential rcsource for meeting thè changing needs and at thè same time for rising a reflection on thè research needs of a balance between conservation and transformation in terms of compatibility of tangiblc and intangible characteristics of heritage with thè ncw requirements coming from new functions.


The current approach to regulating thè recovery of cultura! attributes a fundamental role in thè rclationship established between thè building and thè urban context, thè design interventions for thè scale of each artifact should bc aligned to thè strategies and policies requircd both at urban and territorial scale.

The recovery of an area of thè urban System involves thè need to strengthen thè planning ac-tion through thè promoac-tion of social capitai (Fusco, 2006); this principle comes from knowing that inost effective design choices to guide thè sustainable development in disturbed environ-ments are those which in addition to recognizing thè divcrsity generate or enhance civic rela-tions and thè onc which increase a sense of belonging and community responsibility for thè site. Planning for thè redevelopment for extcnded operating urban range therefore outcomes as a complex process that requires a multidisciplinary and transcalar approach.

The tcchnological culture of rehabilitation supports by methods, techniques and tools for de-fining appropriate project procedures aimcd to thè preservation of urban heritage and to thè en-hanccment or generation of locai sustainability.

The complexity of thè city induces to identify thè project choices in a process of replication comparability between thè preliminary informations and thè decisional activity (Ciribini, 1984). In this ileration thè synergistic contro! of tangible and intangible actions for thè conservation and / or transformation of existing urban heritage has a major role. This operating duality is cor-rectly coniugate by safeguard of documentary value of build, and by coming to revitalizing so-lutions that are able to satisfy new requirements of users and by changing socio-economie needs.


Chapter 4 : Heritage andEnvironment 65 7 The projec t thercfor e reject s a single approac h an d a unique resulti th è diversity , th è dyna -mism and thè unpredictabilit y o f presen t variable s requir e a collection of knowledge , decision s and operational activitie s whic h ar e no t amenabl e t o exemplar y models . The desig n outpu t ha s no t exclusiv e character , bu t propose s confìguration s o f possibl e projec t scenarios satisfyin g th è dcmand s o f conservatio n an d development . On thè basi s o f th è describe d logi c process , th è preparatio n o f a comprehensive cognitiv e framc o f heritag e ha s a n essentia l rol e fo r th è definitio n o f projec t strategies . In th è cit y a n unstoppabl c regeneratio n o f relation s between thè whol e an d th è part s resides . and it's difficul t t o demarcat e an d analyz e accuratel y th è applicatio n field , becaus e physica l an d functional, tangibl e an d intangibl e interferenc e betwee n th è urba n contes t an d buil d ar e varie d and they always ar e no t explicit . The y ar e commonl y foun d i n th è relationshi p betwee n buil t space an d cmpt y space , betwee n publi c an d privat e context , i n th è admixtur e o f need s fro m dif -ferent user s an d i n th è presenc e o f multipl e actor s wh o perforit i decision-makin g an d manage -ment dutie s i n th è site . The systemi c conceptio n i s th è cultura ! an d scientifi c referenc c tha t support s fo r reconstruc -tion and rcstitution of analyze d field : territorie s an d urba n context s ar e assimilate d to settlement svstemx (UN I 10914-1 , 2001) , whcr e relation s betwee n th è physical , economi e an d socia l sub -systems ar e located . Currentl y th è systemi c approac h show s a n expande d an d matur e formula -tion that support s fo r organizatio n o f pluralit y o f dat a flowin g int o th è process . The rccognitio n o f th è constraint s t o transformativ e action s an d th è reliefo f presen t potcntial -ity and criticality, ar e decisio n support , fo r transcala r application , whic h guid e t o th è foreshad -owing of congruen t solution s durin g meta-projec t level . In tcmpora l dimensio n th è urba n orde r continuousl y gain s wit h ne w mcaning s an d expecta -tions; i t reflect s historica l an d socia l change s an d give s bac k stratifie d value s an d qualit y i n gen -eration transfers. In particular , th è interaction s betwee n th è element s o f th è urba n heritag e generat e entitie s having different characteristic s an d propertie s fro m th è origina i ones . B y thi s meanin g th è per -manence o f thes e relation s correspond s t o th è urba n identit y regardles s o f possibl e confìgura -tions tha t th è cit y ca n take . Safeguard of pcrmanencie s o f th è site s and , therefore , th è perpetuatio n o f it s links , strengthe n locai capacit y t o cnsur e continuit y o f overal l Syste m and , contemporancously , mee t th è cultura ! and social demand s t o preserv c collectiv e memor y o f th è piac e fo r th è community . It' s th è mai n objective o f projec t an d i t i s obtaine d b y th è definitio n o f Syste m constraint s tha l ar e th è rule s through which thè pre-existcnc e confron t itsel f wit h transformations , an d tha t dircct s toward s compatible modification s (Caterina , 2007) . For th è cas e study , desig n arise s fro m th è feasibilit y stud y commissione d fro m Ent e Autonomo Volturno - holdin g o f transpor t i n Campani a Region - t o Dipartiment o d i Configura -zione e Attuazione dell'Architettur a dell'Universit à degl i Stud i d i Napol i Federic o II ; th è design , dcveloped in 2005, concern s th è nort h arc a o f th è sit e throug h th è requalificatio n o f th è terminu s and thè coverag e o f th è rai l yar d o f Circumvesuvian a railwa y line ; i t provide s a n opportunit y t o revitalize th è overal l urba n district . The sit e o f ancien t statio n ha s a cultura! centrality , a s wel l a s spatial , fo r desig n objective s and choices: th è conservatio n an d preservatio n o f th è preexisten t building , a s documen t o f th è ancestral collectiv e memory , take s o n a propulsive meanin g t o star t a centrifugai proces s o f rc -developmcnt o f adjacen t area s intende d t o accomplis h a catalytic functio n o f socia l an d collec -tive characte r fo r th è suburb . The sit e i s analyze d o n th è basi s o f thre e area s wit h functiona l an d morphologica l specificity : in thè wes t th è trun k roa d o f Corso Garibaldi, i n th è sout h th è secondar / roa d o f Enric o Cosen z Street an d i n th è north-eas t th è are a o f ancien t statio n tha t ha s a single acces s fro m Corso Gari-baldi. The constrain t Syste m tha t th è urba n heritag e presents , fro m buildin g t o urban scale, i s detect -able i n th è followin g aspects , specialize d fo r singl e areas : th è material , constructive , morphol -ogy and dimensionai respec t o f th è historica l building ; th è preservatio n o f buil t we b an d unbuil t areas, i n thei r typologica l an d morphologica l character s derive d fro m urba n loca i evolution ; th è conservation of tracks , confined , an d historica l trace s present , suc h a s th è ancien t rout e o f th è Aragonese wal l o n th è wes t sid e o f th è area ; th è devclo p o f th è curren t us e vocation s o f ope n


658 Heritage 2010 - Heritage andSustainable Development R. Amoéda, S. Lira & C. Pinheiro (eds.)

spaces ensuring thè permanence of collective scrvices, such as thè Street and unauthorized mar-ket which daily takes piace on thè Corso Garibaldi.

In consideration of safeguard of locai identity, of resourccs and criticai issues already ex-posed, it's possible defme, l'or thè diffcrent areas, thè following synthesized design scenarios: - Corso Garibaldi: requalification of faQades by thè removal of foreign elements from thè

basement area; rcdefinition of pedestrian road conditions by thè design of an area located on thè axis of thè ancient walls; redevelopment of parking and pedestrian areas; design of cross-ings between pedestrian areas and thè building station.

- Enrico Cosenz Street: requalification of thè square in front of thè south làcades of thè ancient station, where currently a municipal district resides; design of cquipped grcen areas; incrcase of levels of accessibility and transitability.

- Site of thè ancient station: requalification and partial reuse to museum function of building; requalification and functional integration of open spaces; creation of a secondary access to thè site.

The application of theoretical and methodological principles of rehabilitation to Neapolitan case study, requires to carry out cultura! choices; thè current state of social and physical degra-dation, thè location in a essential junction of urban mobility, thè presence of ancient structures with documentary valucs, aim thè project to production and regeneration of new and latent val-ues working towards thè collective rcgaining of distinctive locai character.

In this perspective, thè rehabilitation design gives strategie importancc to thè social and ethi-cal dimension. The social and civil balance in thè urban network promotes a form of intangible force which is able to overpower hostile situations.


Collective spaces are thè underlying armatures of societies, a physical, economie, social frame-work that supports thè creation and growth of locai shared identities. Since ancient times, public spaces have been conceived with thè purpose of favouring community's connection, contribut-ing through distributions, diinensions, morphologies, to embody thè locai material culture, out-lining societies' values, attitudes, beliefs. Until thè nineteenth ccntury, towns' growth has al-ways been going togcther with locai identity development. Collective spaces were designed to host societies, with thè aim of representing locai communities, satisfying functionality, health, safety, comfort requircmcnts. Squares, places, roads, strects, alleys, steps, walkways, tbrmed a dense network of common spaces, able to affect thè feeling of acceptance and mutuai approach of population. Over thè past dccades, due to demographic changes, insecurity and pollution, common spaces have often lost thcir originai specificities. Poor design attention to social needs and careless maintenance have been contributing to create social separation, undermining com-munity cohesion, encouraging crime, causing poor health, deterring investments, spoiling thè environment, gcnerating unexpected costs. Pressed by thè urgencies of globalization, spaces de-signed to accommodate functions associated with mobility have been characterized for homolo-gation and anonymity, with a quality undetermined and inadequate management and mainte-nance. Mobility look over on housing: while increasing thè flow of people, things and infonnation, relations between individuai werc impoverishcd and urban areas lost thè connota-tion of drivers of sociability.

Rehabilitation, socializing and integration have been assumed as thè key imperatives marking thè contemporary design culture for urbanized areas, in thè Bruntdland report perspective (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987). Taking into account locai speci-ficitics, contour mobility areas in thè Napoli - Portici station, will be asked to pass from aban-doned and conflicts sitcs, to successful collective spaces. The idea behind thè proposai is to re-newal thè urban area, focusing on thè optimization of public transport, with thè aim of achieving new levels of functional and perceptual quality for thè public spaces, introducing new colective functions which take into account thè social dimension of thè site. The focus of thè site is due to thè nature of historical significance that has always been: a piace which emphasizes thè transi-tion from thè historic city within thè wall, to a space opcn to communicatransi-tion, exchange in multi-ethnic world. The renewal moves from thè issue of disconnection that exists between piace and


Chapter4: Heritage and Environment 659 identity, denyin g th è natura i progres s o f mankin d buil t o n th è meeting , th è interaction , th è sedi -mentation, o f cultures , an d call s int o questio n spaces ' pas t an d presen t appearance , securily , us -ability . I n a lime charactcrize d b y th è dynamic s o f spatia l segregatio n an d exclusion , whe n connective space s ten d t o loos e thei r attitude s i n identit y stigmati/ e an d socialit y generating , ar -chitecture i s aske d t o contribut e i n receivin g communities , fìghlin g spaces ' lexica l an d mor -phologic impoverishment , developin g a common civic cultur e base d o n interaction . Architectur e is thcrefor c invite d t o brin g ne w solution s t o th è proble m o f socia l integration , rethinkin g publi c spaces i n term s o f abilit y t o foste r cohesion , an d no t exasperat e conflicts . Architectur e - lik e sci -enee an d ar t is aske d t o giv e ris e t o ne w form s o f dialogu c betwce n individuat e an d communi -ties, collaboratin g wit h th è structurin g o f a n ope n an d welcomin g environment . Conceiving heritage a s th è sharc d framewor k o f th è ancien t Napol i Portici statio n area , three principle s ca n guid e thinkin g o n th è futur e o f th è abandone d spaces , i n orde r t o com e t o thè outlinin g o f protectio n an d promotio n strategie s aime d t o creat e ne w form s o f dialogu e be -tween communities. - Sharin g a historical memor y i s a prerequisitc fo r buildin g a n inclusiv e society . At th è beginnin g o f th è ne w millennium , preservin g heritage , qualifyin g th è livin g environ -ment, promotin g citizens ' sens e o f belonging , influenc e actio n line s i n term s o f renewal , signin g thè genera i approac h toward s welcomin g space s realisatio n an d management . Th e histori c cit y offers les s technica l answers , bu t provide s a sense o f securit y an d belongin g wit h it s cxpericnce . The spac e ca n b e reinterpretc d a s a filler tha t passe s th è world-view . Th e qualit y o f spac e ca n b e ascribed to thè possibilit y offcre d b y th è contcmporar y livin g throug h sedimentation . - Histor y i s th è mos t powerfu l faeto n i n shapin g identities . Assuming that th è qualit y o f space s ha s a strong influence o n th è wa y peopl e live , placcs' re-newal an d managemen t ha s no t alway s bee n abl e t o enhanc c th è sens e o f security , stretchin g boundaries, promotin g mobility , an d improvin g health . Anyway , collectiv e space s desig n ca n open thè doo r t o a new idea o f integratio n betwec n socia l group s base d o n a n identitie s sharing , aimcd at removin g rea l an d imagine d barrier e an d fosterin g understandin g an d gcnerosit y o f spirit. O n th è desig n poin t o f view , th è ongoin g challeng e i s toda y t o fm d way s i n whic h buil t environment re-thinkin g an d managemen t ca n reduc e diversitie s an d doe s no t exacerbat e socia l and economie inequalities . Considerin g inclusivenes s a s on e o f th è greatcs t challengc s tha t spaces ar e aske d t o face , equa l acces s t o culture s an d thei r diffusio n ar e th è strengthenin g o f spaces development . Th e integratio n an d concentratio n o f diversitie s i s th è wa y fo r reachin g th è largest audienc e possible . - Tim e i s a t wor k graduall y transformin g space s an d societies . Collective space s hav e neve r bee n Constant , a s th è need s o f th è societie s tha t inhabite d the m have bee n changin g ove r lime . Technology , age , structure , habit s an d tradition s an d economi e activities hav e bee n th è mai n aspect s influencin g changes . I n recen t ycars , debate s o n communi -ties' evolution s hav e bee n influence d b y th è awarenes s tha t publi c space s t o b e intercultura l an d welcoming should never b e divorcc d fro m thei r environmenta l an d historica l antecedent s s o a s from their inne r attitude s t o transformation . Th e intercultura l sens e o f a piace ha s bee n widel y assumcd as th è socia l an d cultura l textur e tha t support s civilizatio n throug h lif e (ime , mediatin g different impact s an d grantin g space s inclusio n an d welcoming . In a shor t futur e th è concep ì o f space s o f mobilit y wil l b e slowl y enriching , gettin g ne w meanings an d applicatio n spheres , t o th è poin t o f acquirin g th è rol e o f integratio n channe l be -tween past, presen t an d future . Inbuil t urba n space s wit h thei r natura i an d artificia l qualities , ar e gradually asked to takc int o aceoun t fo r thei r attitude s i n carryin g importan t meaning s fro m on e generation to thè next , an d thei r contribute s i n servin g a s archive s o f cultura l meanings . Thus , abandoned urban areas wil l b e conceive d no t onl y a s economi e resources , bu t a s a possible shared framework among individuai, group s an d communities . Accordin g t o th è principi o tha t sustainable an d sociall y cohesiv e communitie s ar e buil t o n bond s tha t unit e rathe r tha n th è dif -ferences tha t separate , Municipalitie s wil l inves t i n collectiv e spaces , i n orde r t o enhanc e peo -ple's sens e o f belonging , increas e feeling s o f security , stretc h boundaries , promot e mobility , an d improve health . I n a diachronic vision , collectiv e spaces ' shape , dimensions , finishe s wil l b e progressively recognised as t o b e abl c t o directl y influenc e th è qualit y o f people' s lives . I n th è sustainable developmen t pcrspective , collectiv e space s wil l b e conceive d a s importan t meaning s to support socia l dynamics , grantin g dignified , accessible , affordable , sal e performances . Medi -ating between past feature s an d presen t requirements , th è rchabilitativ c action s contribut e to


-660 Heritage 2011) - Heritage and Suxtainable Development R. Amoèda, S. Lira & C. Pinheiro (eds.)

wards thc harmonisation of city centres, balancing between its perception as a draw for people delight and as a barrier, due to poor quality and degraded habilats. Forcing thè conversion of workspaces into meeting, attraction and amusement areas, thè station areas should be ap-proached as dynamic spaces, opcned to thc community needs, and able to change over lime. With differcnt spallai options, designers are askcd to respond to thè contemporary challenge of finding ways in which bulli environment re-lhinking and management alleviates divcrsities and goes over environmental, social and economie incqualities.


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