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Nel documento Diritti Doveri Solidarietà (pagine 103-111)

Art. 17

I cittadini hanno diritto di riunirsi pacificamente e senz’armi.

Per le riunioni, anche in luogo aperto al pubblico, non è richiesto preavviso.

Delle riunioni in luogo pubblico deve essere dato preavviso alle autorità, che possono vietarle soltanto per comprovati motivi di sicurezza o di incolumità pubblica.

Art. 18

I cittadini hanno diritto di associarsi liberamente, senza autorizzazione, per fini che non sono vietati ai singoli dalla legge penale.

Sono proibite le associazioni segrete e quelle che perseguono, anche indirettamente, scopi politici mediante organizzazioni di carattere militare.

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Art. 21

Tutti hanno diritto di manifestare liberamente il proprio pensiero con la parola, lo scritto e ogni altro mezzo di diffusione.

La stampa non può essere soggetta ad autorizzazioni o censure.

Si può procedere a sequestro soltanto per atto motivato dell’autorità giudiziaria nel caso di delitti, per i quali la legge sulla stampa espressamente lo autorizzi, o nel caso di violazione delle norme che la legge stessa prescriva per l’indicazione dei responsabili.

In tali casi, quando vi sia assoluta urgenza e non sia possibile il tempestivo intervento dell’autorità giudiziaria, il sequestro della stampa periodica può essere eseguito da ufficiali di polizia giudiziaria, che devono immediatamente, e non mai oltre ventiquattro ore, fare denunzia all’autorità giudiziaria. Se questa non lo convalida nelle ventiquattro ore successive, il sequestro s’intende revocato e privo di ogni effetto.

La legge può stabilire, con norme di carattere generale, che siano resi noti i mezzi di finanziamento della stampa periodica.

Sono vietate le pubblicazioni a stampa, gli spettacoli e tutte le altre manifestazioni contrarie al buon costume. La legge stabilisce provvedimenti adeguati a prevenire e a reprimere le violazioni.

diri tti d ov eri s oli da ri età

Costituzione Marocco

Les libertés d’opinion, de pensée, d’expression, d’information et de publication sont garanties.

Ces libertés ne sauraient être soumises à un contrôle préalable.

The freedom of the press is guaranteed and may not be limited by any form of prior censure.

All have the right to express and to disseminate freely and within the sole limits expressly provided by the law, information, ideas and opinion.

The public powers encourage the organization of the sector of the press in an independent manner and on democratic bases, as well as the determination of the juridical and ethical rules concerning it.

Art. 25

Art. 28

The freedom of the press is guaranteed and may not be limited by any form of prior censure.

All have the right to express and to disseminate freely and within the sole limits expressly provided by the law, information, ideas and opinion.

The public powers encourage the organization of the sector of the press in an independent manner and on democratic bases, as well as the determination of the juridical and ethical rules concerning it.

Costituzione Tunisia

Les libertés d’opinion, de pensée, d’expression, d’information et de publication sont garanties.

Ces libertés ne sauraient être soumises à un contrôle préalable.

L’Etat garantit le droit à l’information et le droit d’accès à l’information.

L’Etat oeuvre à garantir le droit d’accès aux réseaux de communication.

Art. 29

Art. 31

Art. 32

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diri tti d ov eri s oli da ri età

La liberté de constituer des partis politiques, des syndicats et des associations est garantie.

Les partis politiques, les syndicats et les associations s’engagent dans leurs statuts et leurs activités au respect des dispositions de la Constitution, de la loi, de la transparence financière et au rejet de la violence.

La liberté de rassemblement et de manifestation pacifique est garantie.

Costituzione Egitto

Freedom of thought and opinion is guaranteed.

Every person shall have the right to express his/her opinion verbally, in writing, through imagery, or by any other means of expression and publication.

Art. 65 Art. 35

Art. 37

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Freedom of the press, printing and paper, visual, audio and electronic publication is guaranteed.

Every Egyptian - whether being natural or legal, public or private person – shall have the right to own and issue newspapers and establish visual, audio and digital media outlets.

Newspapers may be issued once notification is given as regulated by Law. The Law shall regulate the procedures of establishing and owning visual and radio broadcast stations and online newspapers.

Art. 70

It is prohibited to censor, confiscate, suspend or shut down Egyptian newspapers and media outlets in any way. By way of exception, they may be subject to limited censorship in times of war or general mobilization.

No freedom restricting penalty shall be imposed for publication or publicity crimes. As for crimes related to the incitement of violence, discrimination between citizens, or impingement of individual honor, the Law shall stipulate the penalties therefore.

Art. 71

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All citizens shall have the right to form political parties by notification as regulated by Law.

No political activity may be practiced and no political parties may be formed on the basis of religion or discrimination based on sex, or origin, or on sectarian basis or geographic location.

No activity that is hostile to democratic principles, secretive, or of military or quasi-military nature may be practiced.

Political parties may not be dissolved except by virtue of a court judgment.

Citizens shall have the right to organize public meetings, marches, demonstrations and all forms of peaceful protests, without carrying arms of any kind, by serving a notification as regulated by Law.

The right to peaceful and private assembly is guaranteed without need for prior notification.

Security forces may not attend, monitor or eavesdrop on such meetings.

Art. 73

Art. 74

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All citizens shall have the right to form non-governmental associations and foundations on democratic basis, which shall acquire legal personality upon notification.

Such associations and foundations shall have the right to practice their activities freely, and administrative agencies may not interfere in their affairs or dissolve them, or dissolve their boards of directors or boards of trustees save by a court judgment.

The establishment or continuation of non-governmental associations and foundations, whose statutes or activities are secretive or conducted in secret or which are of military or quasi-military nature is prohibited as regulated by Law.

Art. 75

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Nel documento Diritti Doveri Solidarietà (pagine 103-111)