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Studies on activity of azoles and essential oils alone and in combination against Cryptococcus neoformans clinical isolates


Academic year: 2021

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Scientific Secretariat

27th ECCMID 2017 c/o ESCMID Executive Office P.O. Box 214 4010 Basel, Switzerland [email protected] www.escmid.org 05 May 2017

To whom it may concern:


We hereby confirm that the following abstract has been submitted, accepted and presented at the 27th ECCMID, the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, which took place in Vienna, Austria, 22 – 25 April, 2017.

Title: Studies on activity of azoles and essential oils alone and in combination against Cryptococcus neoformans clinical isolates

Abstract Authors: V. Tullio, D. Scalas, J. Roana, R. Tardugno, V. Ghisetti, S. Benvenuti, N. Mandras

Presenter: Vivian Tullio

Session Title: Antifungal drugs and treatment I Presentation Type: Paper poster session Presentation Number: 3707

Yours sincerely,

Winfried V. Kern

ECCMID 2017 Programme Director

ESCMID European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

ESCMID Executive Committee M. Poljak, President, Ljubljana, SI; M. Akova, Past-President and Communication Officer, Ankara, TR; J. Rodriguez-Baño, President-elect and Secretary General, Seville, ES; A. Friedrich, Treasurer, Groningen, NL; M. Sanguinetti, Professional Affairs Officer Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Rome, IT; E. Tacconelli, Education Officer, Tübingen, DE; A. Zinkernagel, Scientific Affairs Officer, Zurich, CH

Ad hoc members Ch. Giske, EUCAST Chairperson, Stockholm, SE; Michel Drancourt, NMNI Editor-in-Chief, Marseille, FR; W. Hope, ESCMID Guidelines Director, Liverpool,


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