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Schmid Metaphyseal Chondrodysplasia


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Schmid Metaphyseal Chondrodysplasia

Schmid metaphyseal chondrodysplasia (SMCD) is a mild hereditary chondrodysplasia resulting from growth plate carti- lage abnormalities.


1. Inheritance

a. Autosomal dominant b. Variable expression 2. Molecular pathogenesis

a. SMCD: caused by heterozygous mutations in the gene (COL10A1 mapped to chromosome 6q21-q22) for Type X collagen, a short-chain collagen whose expression is largely restricted to the hypertrophic chondrocytes of growth plate cartilage

i. Most mutations reside in the carboxylterminal globular domain (CN1)

ii. Two mutations observed in a putative signal pep- tide cleavage site

b. Growth plate abnormalities of SMCD: resulting from collagen X haploinsufficiency, a reduction by 50% in collagen X


1. Mild to moderate short-limbed dwarfism 2. Bowed legs

3. Waddling gait, often a presenting sign at second year 4. Coxa vara

5. Genu varum

6. Exaggerated lumbar lordosis 7. Flared anterior rib cage 8. Leg pain during childhood 9. Prognosis

a. Radiological changes appearing early with a tendency to heal and change slowly with time, giving rise to mildly dwarfed patients

b. Normal intelligence


1. Radiography a. Hip

i. Abnormal acetabular roofs

ii. Enlarged capital femoral epiphyses iii. Coxa vara

iv. Femoral bowing

v. Abnormal proximal femoral metaphyses b. Knee

i. Abnormal distal femoral metaphyses ii. Abnormal proximal tibial metaphyses iii. Abnormal proximal fibular metaphyses c. Ankle

i. Abnormal distal tibial metaphyses

ii. Abnormal distal fibular metaphyses d. Wrist

i. Abnormal distal radial metaphyses ii. Abnormal distal ulnar metaphyses e. Ribs: anterior cupping, splaying and sclerosis

f. Wide metaphyses with cupping and fraying g. Short and stubby long bones

h. Normal metacarpals and phalanges i. Normal spine

2. Histology: variable bone changes

a. Mild sharp serrations of the metaphyses with increased density of the provisional zone of calcification b. Irregularity with flaring and fragmentation and

widening of the growth plate

3. Molecular genetic analysis of COL10A1 mutation a. Mutation analysis

b. Mutation scanning


1. Recurrence risk

a. Patient’s sib: low recurrence risk unless a parent is affected

b. Patient’s offspring: 50%

2. Prenatal diagnosis by amniocentesis or CVS: can be offered to families at-risk for DMCD with a previously characterized disease-causing COL10A1 mutation 3. Management

a. Supportive

b. Orthopedic management of bowed legs: generally does not require orthopedic surgery


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Fig. 1. Three young children with Schmid metaphyseal chondrodys- plasia showing short stature, lumbar lordosis, and bowing of the legs.

Radiographs showed genu varum and metaphyseal widening with fraying and cupping. Epiphyses are normal.



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