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Academic year: 2021



Testo completo


LICEO SCIENTIFICO E LINGUISTICO “INNOCENZO XII” – ANZIO Programma: Lingua e Cultura Inglese A. S. 2020/2021

Classe IV D Scientifico

Docente: Trimboli Anastasia, Domenica

Libri di testo

Spazi-Tavella-Layton, Performer B2, Zanichelli

Spazi-Tavella-Layton, Performer Heritage 1, Zanichelli Bonci-Howell, Grammar in Progress updated, Zanichelli


(Programma svolto attraverso la didattica mista) HISTORY AND CULTURE:

2. The Renaissance and Puritan Age

2.1 The early Tudors

2.2 Elizabeth I, Portraying Power 2.3 Renaissance and New Learning 2.4 The early Stuarts

2.5 The Civil War and the Commonwealth, the Puritans 2.6 The sonnet

2.8 The development of drama

2.9 Christopher Marlowe, T10 Doctor Faustus, Faustus’s last monologue

2.10 William Shakespeare, Sonnets: T11 Shall I compare thee, T12 Like as the wave, T13 My mistress’ eyes

2.11 Shakespeare the dramatist

ROMEO AND JULIET: T14 The Prologue, T15 The masque, T16 The balcony scene HAMLET: T20 Hamlet meets the ghost, T21 To be or not to be

Metaphysical poetry

2.12 John Donne T31 Batter my heart

2.13 John Milton, Paradise lost: T33 Satan’s speech

3 The Restoration and the Augustan Age

3.1 The Restoration of the monarchy

3.2 From The Glorious Revolution to Queen Anne 3.3 The early Hanoverians

3.4 The Age of Reason, new approaches to science and philosophy: Isaac Newton and John Locke


3.5 Restoration Poetry and Prose 3.6 Restoration dramatist

3.7 A survey of Augustan Literature 3.8 The rise of the novel

3.10 Daniel Defoe, ROBINSON CRUSOE: T35 A dreadful deliverance, T36 I was very seldom idle

Lingua inglese

( Programma svolto attraverso la didattica mista)

Unit 5 Global issues

Vocabulary: nationality, identity, diversity, richness of culture Grammar: Zero, First and Second and mixed Conditionals

Unit 6 Meet the Arts

Vocabulary: Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Interactive Arts, Literature Grammar: Past Simple and Present Perfect

Unit 7 A techno world

Vocabulary: Technical devices, application, mechanical and electric invention Grammar: Passives

Unit 8 A sporting life

Vocabulary: sport activities

Grammar: Infinitive, Future tense.


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