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The first formation programme for Catholic Lay Missionaries (CLM) was held between 19th November and 3rd December 2017.

CLM Discernment / Formation and Annual Meeting Report

Discernment and Formation Programme

This is a two week programme which really is the culmination of our Recruitment and Selection Process. For this part, aspirants come to a Retreat Centre where they spend time learning different things in preparation for service in the field.

The programme this year began on 19th November, 2017 and ended on 3rd December, 2017.

We were booked in at Savelberg Retreat Center on Half Board, and we used a Hall within the compound of Our Lady of Guadalupe as our main meeting venue. The participants were 25 CLM members, 7 were new comers.

The programme included the following facilitated sessions:

The Vision and Mission of CLM – Tina Fox – 20th November 2017

Participants were taken through the core values of CLM and were made aware that to choose one path over another brings with it responsibilities and that undoubtedly a commitment to those values will bring a cost. It is important to understand the Vision and Mission before making a commitment.

Models of Mission – Moses Omwange, CLM – 21st November 2017

The session reflected on the different approaches that were used by early missionaries in introducing the Gospel to new areas. It covered the achievements and failures of the various approaches and provided insights on how to enter into communities.

Discernment – Tina Fox – 22nd November 2017

Participants were helped to understand the process of decision-making. This is important for those preparing to make a big commitment and to go out to communities in a spirit of service.

183 Power in the Spirit – Felix Ngao, CLM – 23rd November 2017

This is an exploration of the role of the Holy Spirit in the lives of missionaries. It details approaches and styles that missionaries may adopt, and lays out some of the ways this power can be used in a positive and prophetic way: Inspiring Power, Empowering Power, Fulcrum Power, Flowing Power and Yielding Power.

Different Methods of Prayer – Sr Patricia Lanigan, MMM – 24th November 2017

Participants were introduced to different ways they can elect to pray. This is particularly important for them in mission areas where it can get lonely at times.

Discipleship – Felix Okumu, CLM – 25th November 2017

Participants were taken through what it means to be a disciple. They discussed qualities of a disciple, what is requires and expected of disciples and some challenges of accepting the call to discipleship.

A Biblical Understanding of Humanity – Br. Christian Gisamonyo, FMS

Br. Christian explored the Old and the New Testament vision of humanity and elaborated on a Christian anthropology from selected readings.

The Enneagram – Fr. Joseph Pulikkal, SBD – 27th, 28th, 29th 30th Nov 2017

This part of the programme took four days as Fr Joseph worked with the group on the Nine Personalities of the Enneagram. The Enneagram serves as an introduction for most participants on self-discovery/self-awareness.

Proclaiming Christ and his values. Learning to understand oneself better – Sr. Catriona Kelly, IBVM – 1st December 2017

Candidates were helped to get to know themselves better by getting in touch with their feelings, which often determine how someone may react and behave in situations. This awareness will help someone know whether their actions or behavior correspond to Christ’s values.

Witnessing to our Christian Call – Sr. Mary Gitau, IBVM – 2nd December 2017

Sr. Mary elaborated on the qualities needed to be a good disciple and the challenges that Christians may encounter.


Challenges of Being a CLM – Margaret Yego, CLM– 2nd December 2017

In the afternoon, Maggie led a session that takes the form of an interactive discussion, looking at some of the realities of life in the field as a lay missionary.

Continuing Formation – CLM Annual Meeting

We had three groups in attendance: there was the group of seven who had just concluded their Discernment and Formation Programme, there were the lay missionaries from the field and then there were former lay missionaries who help us greatly in mission animation in the different parts of the country where they are currently based for work.

Continuing Formation Programme 2017 was as follows:

Monday 4th December:

Annual Meeting

Sharing experiences from the field with Felix Ngao & Maggie Jepkemboi

We usually spend this day sharing our experiences since the last meeting. Members break out into Regional Groups where they come up with a report. We come back to the larger group and we spend time encouraging each other, trying to also offer possible solutions to what our members could be going through.

Tuesday 5th December:

Facilitator: Sr Marren Awitti (PhD), IBVM

Topic: A renewed commitment to our identity as CLM

We discussed what the role and position of the laity is in the Church. We looked the Canon Law and what it says about the laity. We had a session on how to renew our commitment to the promise we make as lay missionaries.

Wednesday 6th December:

Facilitator: Sr Joan Burke (PhD), SND

Topic: Contemplative dialogue & expanding self-knowledge. Social analysis & Catholic Social Teachings

This was a more interactive session where members were more often in groups with topics to discuss and to further our insights on issues. Many of us really enjoyed the part on the Church’s Social Teachings which we agreed is not often talked about, yet it is such a lovely part of our Faith.

185 Thursday 7th December

Facilitator: Sr Catherine Okari (BEd, MA), IBVM Topic: Christian values

On this day, we as lay missionaries were able to revisit Christian values and how we practice them in mission. In our discussion, members brought about the fact that living according to the evangelical values often does pose a challenge and, at the same time, it is the beauty of missionary life.

Friday 8th December

Facilitator: Tina Fox (B Ed, MA)

Topic: What do we mean by culture & how does it impact our lives?

Our group consists of members coming from diverse tribes, from diverse cultural experiences and then we are sent to work among different tribes and cultures. This topic generated a lot of feedback from members as it was very challenging.

CLM Commissioning Mass

In the evening, at 5 pm, we had a Commissioning Mass for the 7 new lay missionaries who will be sent to the field at the beginning of January 2018. The Mass was celebrated by Fr. Bosco Kamau, SPS.

Nairobi, December 20, 2017

Fr. Bosco Kamau SPS



20 – 24 NOVEMBRE 2017 PUM